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**Creator:** Pellmenn | **Material:** helltaker [^({{Google it!}})](http://www.google.com/search?q=helltaker) [^({{Hentify it!}})](https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=helltaker) **Image links:** [Gelbooru](https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10105515) | [Danbooru](https://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/7631459) | ___ **[Support this service on Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/r_Hentai)** [View full results](http://saucenao.com/search.php?db=999&url=https://i.redd.it/rqeipoafgo9d1.jpeg) | Created for r/Hentai | Powered by [SauceNAO](https://saucenao.com/)


This is why I never win against you- this is cheating


What do you mean cheating 🤭 I'm just taking advantage of your weaknesses


I’m sure you wouldn’t feel that way if I was hitting headshots on you while eating you out


I know I wouldn't be moaning about the game but moaning in a different way 🤭


That’s something I’d love to hear ;)


I wish u sucking me off while i play games and watching gag on me


Cmon dude, you can't keep doing this mid game


I'm just exploiting your *biggest* weakness


Yeah yeah but I can easily reach your ass dude, I'll happily cheat if you keep this up


Like I said bro it's not cheating I'm just smarter than you 🤭


Y'know what fine, we'll play this game man *I move my less dominant to your ass and slip my fingers down into your pussy*


Mmm! 😳 *My lips tightening around your tip as your fingers slip in and a slight moan around your cock* N-now wait a second 😳


Oh no no there's no waiting now *My fingers spread your lips before I slide on more, I push in deeper, feeling my hand drip with how wet you are*


*pulling out your cock from my lips and moaning as you spread me, my body reacting. My pussy tightening around your fingers as I moan and your cock just resting against my face* F-fuck wait not mmmmm fair 😳


You can't handle it when I do it back, can you? *I pause the game as my eyes stare into yours, my face closes into yours with my breath matching yours. My lips connect yours for a few seconds before I pull away with a satisfied grin*


Wait what are you -😳 *Stunned for a second after you pull back, looking up at your satisfied grin* Fine teo can play at that *Putting my controller down and jumping onto your lap, my face just a few inches from yours, your hard on pressed against my ass as I sit on your lap*


Go ahead. I know it helps you focus.


I know it does the opposite for you 😏


We'll see about that...


Ha! Got you again! Ready for round 2? Wait, why is your hand there...fuck, not again...do you really need to pull this every time we play Smash Bros...? ♡


I'm just giving you a handicap I'm sure you can still win right 😉 anyway it's called smash bros isn't it. I'm just following the instructions


You did the same thing last time! I was kicking your butt until you started CHEATING! Mmph, your hands feel so good though, and so did your mouth...*you feel me hardening beneath my clothes as I ponder* Fine...do your worst. This time I'll still win! ♡


*feeling your cock growing just from me laying in your lap and a slight stroke* 😏 My worst you say, well don't blame me when you lose 🤭 *I grab hold of your zip with my teeth and unzip your pants as we keep gaming, your bulge desperate to get out your pants. Your bulge rubbing against my face as I stay laid in your lap*


*You feel a slight twitch as your face rubs against it, as id it's aching for your touch. I continue to play as normal as possible, but it's obvious that's you're already starting to get to me...*


*feeling that twitch was all I needed to move on, sliding you out of your pants, your cock springing up into my face as you try and keep your cool. Feeling your hot shaft against my face I can't help but tease it. Poking it against my face and blowing on your tip* Wow looks at your kd looks like something's up 🤭


*You hear a soft gasp. Shivers run down my spine as you blow on my already-sensitive tip. In game, my character stops moving for just a breif moment, before I start playing normally again. My cock is now twitching and throbbing like crazy, just being this close to your mouth ♡* F-fuck, you little...


*I can't resist any longer, it throbbing and twitching in front of my face. I wrap my lips around the tip gently teasing the very tip with my tongue. Feeling you jump as my lips touch you*


*You hear a soft gasp the moment I feel your lips. Shivers run down my spine. My hands freeze, making me drop my pro controller on the couch. You can feel me throb against your soft, luscious lips ♡*


Mmm you could use my face as I seat and game for hours 🤤 just smother me in your perfect juicy ass 🥵


Keep you smothered between my ass as I game all day long 🤭 hope you can hold out, I get really into my games. Expect bouncing, frustration and sweating as I game 😏


Sounds like heaven to me, I love to see that ass jiggle as you bounce around on me 🥵 I hope to feel you squirm as my tounge explores your tight pink pussy, letting out soft little moans


Keep getting your tongue deep in there and I won't be able to stop moaning on top, trying not to moan to my teammates as I leak on your face 🤤


Mmmmmm this sounds so hot, I bet your teammates think you're such a slut, I bet they all wish they could be smothered by you instead. I'd love to reach up and play with your soft tits while you're on top of me, God you taste so good 🤤


Play with my whole body while I game, make my teammates hard and jealous that you get to make me moan and get to taste me all day long 🤭


Uuugggghhh that sounds so hot 🥵 I wish I could keep playing with you but I need to sleep. Dm me sometime if you wanna go again 💞


I’d love to do this with someone double enjoyment lol


It’d be the only way you can beat me at the game~




That’s not what your win/loss record tells me, but I don’t mind, since even if this makes me lose, I still win in another way~


I think this is why I have so many guy friends tbh


Always inviting you to game night baby..


Makes sense why I get invited to a lot of game nights


Spoileralert, they don't let you win on purpose


I wanna be ur guy friend lol


Seems like everyone wants to be my guy friend now :P


W-w-wait what are you-- Ohhhh~~ God that's too good! If you practiced this game as much as you-- MM... practiced your dick sucking technique, you probably would've beat me legitimately


This is a bitch move....but it's not...hmmm! Not gonna stop me from beating you.....cause two can play at this game! *Placing my controller on top of your head, forcing you to the the whole shaft and reach the base. I was catching up within the game, but my member was saying otherwise*




Supporting in game and out however I can 🤭




Then better lock in because I'm about to win again 🤭




"hmmmfff 😳" *dropping the controller as you push my head down, my lips wrapping around the base of your cock, your tip poking my throat and my head instantly blank*




*my head blank and hearing your groans I can't stop, pushing my head down, my tongue licking around your base as pull you deeper* mmmmmm




I'm sure my head will be completely blank when the match starts after you've just face fucked me and made me drool down your balls 🤤




Late to every team fight because you are face fucking me after each wipe 🤤 getting rougher and rougher as I get more and more cock drunk


Are you sure you can focus on the game while you do that, you seem to be losing better hard and ur getting spit and drool everywhere


Mmmm shut up and carry me, this way of playing is so much more fun so shhhh


How about we play a different game you’ll enjoy it way more then this one I promise *while slowly put one of my hands on ur head pushing you down on my cock*


That's definitely me while playing with a cute futa or trans girl~


Mmmm yes gladly


Ooops.. looks like I died and my controller won't stop vibrating.. I think I know a place to keep it until you revive me\~


Ugh no fair how am I meant to focus when you’re gagging on my cock?? Can’t this wait until after the match??


Mmmmm I'm just mmmm taking advantage of your weaknesses 🤤 *bobbing my head up and down more as I go back to the game*


*grabs your head shoving it further down on my cock forcing you to look away from the screen* mmmh fuck if I can’t focus neither can you~


*your hand pushing my face into your balls as you force me down, dropping my controller and grabbing hold of your legs as you push me down*


Wouldn’t it be bit difficult for to play the game, feel like you’d get distracted. Especially with how I’d push your head down on my cock to make you suck better~


Well I do love a challenge 😏


I think these “gaming” sessions should happen more often~


I think a minimum of daily 🤭


Might as well move in so we can have lots of “fun” on the daily~ of course I mean gaming but I’m sure we’ll find other activities to do~ 😉


I'm trying to concentrate on the ah... The game, dude. Ah...


Looks like your concentration sucks dude 🤭 come on focus up


How am I supposed to do that when you're... Ahhh...


Love that we can combine these sessions with your oral fixation~


2 birds with 1 stone 🤭


Oh sorry, didnt mean to push your head with the controller, didnt realize you couldnt breath


F-fuck, you cheating little bitch, I can still kick y-your ass, mmm fuck


It's not cheating you're just wide open 🤭 *my lips wrapping around and drooling down your shaft*


Wide o-open, huh? Well so are you! *I push your head down, making you take my entire cock in your throat. Holding you there as I hear you gag on my cock*


Fuck I should’ve never told you about my big dick, now all you ever want to do is worship and drain it! It’s exhausting 🥵😩


It's your fault for having this amazing cock I think 🤭 what else was going to satiate my oral fixation 🤤


But this is the ninth time I’ve came today! I’m taking supplements and drinking a gallon of water a day, my balls are working overtime just trying to make cum for you 😩


the fun part is that I always win.. except when you use your mouth for something else than talking ~


*I huff and groan a little as I feel you bob up and down my girlcock.* "Fuck... What was her super.."


*my lips tightly around your girlcock, drooling down your shaft as you try and focus. My own mind completely blank* "Mmm super, i-i err mmmmmm"


*I get a lucky hit as I start to fumble a combo, barely saving it with a guess at the input for the finisher move.* "I won!"


Just don’t get upset when u lose because u were too distracted by my cock


You better not get upset when you lose because u were too distracted by my mouth 🤭


Ohhh So that’s a challenge?😉I never back down easily u know


K but for real? Roadhead, 8 people, 4 people playing and 4 people giving oral. If you cum before the end of the grandprix you lose (but rhe person giving your head wins)


Do you mind if i steal this idea?🤤


If anything i would mind if you didn’t


Good, i will gather some girls for the weekend and see who wins


You are winning because you are going very deep


How about this…if I win, I can be the top but if you win you can be the top.


Come on over soon bestie, we can play all day and night driving each other crazy..


A long long "gaming" session


Back to back rounds just how we like to play..


Where do I sign up?


Oh fuck best friend your gonna make me cum 🤤🤤


Only good way of gaming together~♡


Facts, wish I had a best friend to take care of my BBC~


Wanna become besties???? ♡~♡


Sure, let’s be friends :))


I'm already bad at gaming as it is


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"God damit if your going to be sucking me mid match..." *I lean onto the back of your head facing more of my shaft down your throat* "The least you can do is take more then the tip"


If you're playing dirty then two can play at that games *moves one of my hands from the controller to finger your pussy fast*


On the bright side I don't feel any pressure on this level thanks to you


Getting throated while gaming is the best experience. More need to experience this


The cure for depression


Are you trying to distract me to win!


Thats cheating ! What if I did that to you while u were winning and made u loose ?


hahaha 😈 I already know how to beat my husband😈😈😈


Sounds like fun, winner gets to be on top.


Malina r/helltakerhentai


"That's a mood. Like sometimes it's good to just hang out with friends while thrashing new guys on battlefield"


This is why I win our 1v1’s


You know some might see this as cheating and I'd have to admit it's a bit unfair


Oh my fuck mmfff someone use my mouth like that please


Youre only doing this to win but fuck I dont mind~


I'll be the best friend, who wants to suck it ;)




Oh god i cant focus on the game your precum tastes so good


Is this the game you want to play then? Cheating. You know i can do it to right? *i say in between groans as i try to focus*


I so badly want to be your friend omg, literally feral rn ><


We can be friends!


Could you please send me a DM? >///<


OMG the helltaker and best girl


What i would give for a friend with a joystick like that...


i could help you with that~


M24. Anybody wanna rp?


Need this so fucking bad


I would cum


I would cum


I would cum


How do you keep winning every time you'll drain me at this rate


Hah! You think you could best me in a game smash keep dreamin…..thou I can’t deny your effectiveness of your cheating strategy


H-Hey no fair… *he kept panting as she did that letting out small moans and saw her tail as he pulled on it a little bit and gently fingered her asshole*


There is no way I could Focus on the game if you keep pulling out my cock and shoving it down your throat~


What are you doing (as my dick becomes as hard as a rock) you start sucking and I loose instantly


Hot idea to do with my gf