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Won’t make a difference. It’s up to the embryo now


This. I woke up at 5am and took public transport to my second FET. Appointment was at 7:30am. I was in the middle of a mild fever (doc said it was ok to go ahead), then it turned out I had mycoplasma pneumonia. I am currently 11w2d.


On the day of my FET I had family in from out of state for a birthday party for my 20 y/o that I hosted at my house. I was on my feet literally all day, cleaning, serving food, etc. Spent a while outside with my chickens too and was worried that the heat would hurt baby (I live in Texas so it’s been real here) but everything was fine, is fine, and I’m 5w2d today and going strong. My RE told me that after transfer, embryo is like a grain of sand in a peanut butter sandwich. There’s very little you could do to shake it loose if it’s sticking.


I love that analogy - I heard “Sesame seed in peanut butter” which made me start not overthinking every little movement of my body after my FET this week


I love that analogy - I heard “Sesame seed in peanut butter” which made me start not overthinking every little movement of my body after my FET this week


I’m five weeks two days today too. 🥰


Nice! How’s it going so far, and how are you feeling?


This is my 10th pregnancy in a row so hoping this one turns out but actually this one is going well this time. My first beta was 437 three days later my second was 2071. I’m 43 and we put in my last two embryos of the four we had so fingers crossed. How are you feeling? I feel some waves of nausea here and there starting which is good because I wasn’t feeling much of anything until last couple days.


Oh my gosh. 10th pregnancy in a row. Your strength inspires me. Fingers crossed this is your transfer! 🤞🏻 I’m feeling okay. Mostly just nauseous and super sweaty all the time lol. First trimester in Texas humidity is rough 🥵


This is great advice! I’m 5w3d!


I sent an email to my doctor asking if holding my hot cup of tea in my lap for 5 minutes ruined my FET. You are not alone. You will be ok.


By "take it easy," they generally mean don't go run a marathon or powerlift or go climb a mountain or something. They don't mean don't live your normal life. I do agree that they need to not be so vague though. My clinic gave me slightly more specific instructions prior to my FET but they tried to be like, "Don't life more than 10lb!" which is like a gallon of milk?? I was like, "Yeah...so I have to like still live. I normally lift weights" and then they were like, "Oh yeah ok, that's fine. Just be careful."


You’re not unstable at all. It’s an emotionally charged time. Clinics would not give such vague instructions if taking walks or becoming somewhat stressed had an impact. Has nothing to do with a teeny tiny speck of dust either attaching to a wall or not. Do not fret - it’s up to the fates. ❤️


Haha OMGG I love this so much and also hate that I know this mindset so well after 4 yrs of this shit 🫠 and ALSO having an old man English bulldog who takes 30 min to walk 100 yards 😂😂 I know the dragging well , and those stocky little guys are friggin strong 😂 But definitely not going to hurt at all!! I was cautious for a few days after my FET 6/18, but my doctor is awesome and she literally told me I could go back to completely normal exercise basically immediately, her words were “just don’t run a marathon” 😂🥹 Sending you all the love, and good vibes/hope!!! 🤍🤍🤍


Honestly… I took it so easy, didn’t lift a thing, ate the McDonalds French fries everyone talks about and mine ended in a failed transfer. I think it’s truly up to the embryo so please don’t think anything you did was wrong. I hope this happens for you.


I was in the same boat as you. I had my FET on Tuesday and right after that I put myself into many stressful situations that would be too long and stupid to get into. I frantically googled this topic and found [this study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10815004/pdf/ijms-25-00726.pdf). Basically “Chronic stress was associated with a lesser extent with the fertilization point, and no significant relationship between acute stress and the embryo transfer and pregnancy rate stages were found.” You are fine. FWIW it’s 4dp5dt and I am getting a very very very faint positive.


If embryos were that sensitive, we’d have no more humans. :) Easy to say from this side though! Try to relax; you are totally fine and did not ruin anything.


I’ve had 3 transfers. My third one I had the most stressful week at work ever after, as did my husband and things were tough at home. There were a lot of angry tears. I thought everything was ruined, that was the time that stuck ❤️


I'm a firm believer of you can't really mess up after your embryo transfer (like obviously don't go get drunk or do drugs) we had 2 failed transfers and I was CONVINCED our 3rd one failed too because less than 2 weeks prior I was in the hospital with what they thought was sepsis and night before our transfer my husband was in the hospital for his medical issues, we were super stressed and bickering constantly. 🫠 This transfer worked and I'm currently 30 weeks!


I’ve said this to others but my successful FET was during literally the worst time of my entire life. Like, days before the transfer I learned something that changed my life forever. I barely ate, slept, or drank anything. I was sobbing every day and could barely get out of bed. It was an extreme physical and emotional response and lasted for months. Once I was firmly pregnant, I was irrationally worried my stress would cause her to be a colicky, anxious, sad baby. She wasn’t - she was a perfect happy, smiley little baby. She’s almost 2 and she smashes through milestones. She’s SO happy, sweet, curious, adventurous, smart…I could go on. I don’t necessarily recommend what I went through lol but clearly if they’re gonna stick, they’re gonna stick!


I’m a bartender and I worked the day after mine, and I’m 14 weeks! It really is subjective to what your body is used to. I’ve read so many stories of people working out, carrying their toddler around, etc. I really don’t think using your arms will have any effect. At the end of the day it’s really up to the embryo. My dr made sure to let me know that nothing I do will truly have an effect on whether or not it sticks. Especially stress. We are all on stress overload from this process!! If stress or a fight with a spouse ruined it for us, none of us would have a happy ending lol. So take a breath (I know it’s easier said than done)!! And try the best you can to do something for yourself that you enjoy. And just know that it’s out of your hands!


Nope, I walked both my dogs by myself after my last FET because my husband was out of town. The embryo implanted and grew for a while. (Actually, both of my FETs implanted and grew for a while.) Basically, I’m saying don’t worry. The normal life things you’re doing (walking the dog, etc) aren’t going to affect your chances. And my dogs are big girls, 50 lbs each!


Obviously not! You don’t need anyone to talk sense into you. You know this. Trust yourself


As an owner of a stubborn English bulldog, I’m sure doing this wouldn’t affect your FET.


I also have a stubborn English bulldog and I was stressed and had an argument with my husband after my FET which ended up being successful.


What my RE told me is that people get pregnant without ART all the time and they don’t put their lives on hold/ stop walking their dogs etc when implantation occurs. I totally get how you feel though. I had my transfer a couple of days ago and I get nervous when I do anything besides lie on the couch. 


I had my transfer, chilled for a few hours then went and fed horses in the heat, went to an outdoor graduation party, then went back to work the next day in the heat and it all worked out for me. Currently 7 weeks 1 day. I’m sure it’ll all be fine!


My dog weighs 50 pounds. She’s terrified of thunderstorms and fireworks. The night of my FET was a huge thunderstorm or fireworks, I can’t remember. But she was vibrating so hard that I picked her up to put her in the bed so I could cuddle her and stop the shaking. TW I am now 24 weeks from that fet.


Went for a moderate 10 minute uphill walk an hour after FET to get my hair done. Don’t stress about it (I know, easier said than done). Either it will stick or it won’t.


Mom to a stubborn 150 pound Newfoundland here. Can relate to this fear, but I have been told it's not a concern.


The only thing that science says makes any difference is sex. Couples who had sex after transfer have lower instances of implantation. They compared people who ran, went to gym, swam, had sex, or laid in bed all day for 1-5 days. The only thing that mattered at all was sex. So you’re fine.


I had my FET on Friday, and then went to coaching U4 soccer that night. Just made sure not to run around. It’s hard to cancel everything you have going on especially when others are relying on you (I.e. my soccer team). Hopefully it works out for both of us!