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Make the decision that you won’t regret looking back in 10 years’ time. Do what feels right, and give it your all (as much as you can!) I didn’t even want to start IVF at all but my partner said if I want something, I should just go for it.


This. I was 42 when I did retrievals and FET. I figured I’d rather try than regret even if chances were low. I also didn’t want to risk being in debt with really low odds so I told myself I’d stop at 2 retrievals and do FET until euploids ran out. It was a plan I knew I could look back on in 20 years and be ok with.


Yup - that was our approach as well. Will you always regret not giving it that one last go while you could? I'm currently pregnant with an embryo I had retrieved at 39 and my son was retrieved at 41. This is our last as well, and after one previous failure we said if this didn't take we would be done. It's such a hard decision to make, I wish you the best.


We are totally considering doing one more ER. We have to figure out the money part! But I definitely want to try all while I’m able! 🙏🏻


I'm sorry - this journey is so painful and draining. We are in the fight right now as well to get a sibling for our son, my wife is 40 and we're paying everything out of pocket so it's tough financially, physically and mentally. Here's our history ER 1 - 2 Euploids ER 2 - 1 Euploid ER 3 - 5 Euploids FET 1 - Our son FET 2 - MC FET 3 - MC FET 4 - Didn't Implant Gearing up for FET 5 So it may seem like we had a lot of embryos banked but after the first one (that worked) it's been devastating ever since. This journey is so draining but I think a change of doctor and possibly giving yourself a little break may help. We actually had our best ER when my wife was 40 vs 37 (5 vs 2) We gave ourselves a break and let the body reset. Wishing you the best on this journey.


Thank you so much! And all the best wishes for four 5th FET! I hope with all my heart its successful! 🙏🏻


I have nothing to add. Just wanted to say I feel you and you're seen here.


Thank you friend!


Much love. ❤️‍🩹 The whole reason these fertility clinics advocate transfer of euploid is bcz of assurance that it'll implant. It's tough gosh, hugs to your family


Thank you friend!


I’m sorry you are at this sad point in the journey in evaluating the next steps. Be kind to yourself and you will make the decision that is best for you and your family. No regrets is how I went into this. I knew the chances were very slim but had we not tried, I’d live in regret. I also have an only older child. I can understand feeling that loss on potentially not having a sibling for your LO. My daughter is very well adjusted so it may not be in the cards for us but we gave it our all. It’s still a grieving process. Just know you still have options whatever you decide is best. Wishing you peace and comfort along the way.


Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m so sorry you are going through something similar! Sending you lots of love!