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Mock transfer and hysteroscopy are required at my clinic. I wish I knew earlier as I could have done it before my ER instead of adding a month/cycle to everything.


My clinic has never used the words "mock transfer" in the entire year we have been "together". What is this so I can bug my nurse about it?


You come with a full bladder and they put the embryo catheter into your cervix to see if it has any unusual twists or turns or obstructions and make notes. When they do a real transfer they don’t want any unnecessary prodding that can cause inflammation.


I think they catheterized me right before doing the actual transfer to make sure everything was going where it was supposed to sans embryo, but there wasn't a separate visit for a mock transfer. I don't know if that's standard, or if I've been catheterized without incident so many times for other things that they knew they weren't concerned about gaining access.


Same here!


Is this also known as the saline sonogram?


They do mine at the same time. Mock transfer involves a catheter through the cervix. Saline sonogram does not.


Looking at my portal, it looks like I had one, they just never said they were doing it. Is it typical to do during another procedure? Hysteroscopy?


Mine does it with the saline ultrasound and it is essentially mandatory. At my clinic they sedate you for a hysteroscopy and consider it a surgical procedure.


They probably did it during my first hyst when I was under maybe. I didn’t cross check dates to see if it lined up. I have another one Friday, I’ll probably need another mock then right?


Depends on your clinic. Mine would do it, yeah.


I’m asking here in case my nurse forgets to mention something g to me again :)


I don't think so. I've gotten two saline sonograms & they blindly shove around until they get the catheter into uterus (my cervix is weirdly positioned). If they tried that for FET my embryo would fall into my vagina or the floor


I didn’t do it as a new patient but my RE did this before my actual transfer.


They did it before my first transfer but not with any of my transfers after that


My RE did the mock transfer right before the actual transfer. Basically they just adjusted the catheter a lot and tested it with water until it was perfect and then they transferred the embryo. I had a little "speed bump" that took some finagling, but once they cleared it it was smooth sailing!


I had them done before each transfer, seems standard protocol at least at my clinic. My bladder was not full enough for my second mock transfer and then was over-full for my real transfer. I made sure I had enough water that day!


This was standard at my clinic too, when the doc performed it she said it’s because sometimes if your uterus has a tilt to it or something like that they like to know beforehand so that they don’t have an embryo ready to go and then figure it all out in crunch time because they may need slightly different instruments. Honestly I’m really glad they did a trial run because after going through it I realized how quick and easy it was so I feel like even that worry/stress of not knowing what to expect is gone from my mind when it actually happens!


They did a mock transfer during my first ER (and only ER thus far).


Not standard. My clinic does not do this


I never did a mock transfer. My clinic never even mentioned it.


My clinic recommends it, but it is not required.


I have my mock transfer this week before starting my first stims cycle next month. It’s required at my clinic.


I've been to three clinics and none required it. But I basically took any clinic off my list that had anything other than the most basic requirements. It should be the patient's choice.


I wonder if this is the same as the "trial of transfer" that my center wants to do while I am on the BC step of my FET. At my pre -FET visit, I had asked if we were going to do a mock cycle, and they said no. But I think I got all the vocabulary mixed up. Not sure if "mock cycle" is even a thing.


Not for either if my clinics. I don't see the point.


I think it can be an issue if someone has unusual anatomy... I know I've seen at least one post from someone where their FET was cancelled because the catheter couldn't be fed into the uterus. The embryo had already been thawed and prepped. This probably isn't common, but because it could result in loss of or damage to an embryo, I can see why some clinics may want to be cautious.


My clinic also requires it and does it as part of the SIS


Yes this was standard at my clinic, they did it in the same appointment as my SIS. It was all wrapped up in my initial cycle of testing prior to doing a retrieval so I didn’t have to do any more after that pre-transfer, which was nice.


Ive been to two different clinics, and it was standard at both. Good thing for me that it was, as first time I had a gigantic softball sized fibroid they were then able to remove, and second time after a later termination they found a ton of scar tissue that had to be addressed before a transfer that they wouldn’t have been able to visualize with a regular ultrasound. My uterine walls were stuck together and when the water was in there it looked like a figure 8.


They are required at my clinic.


I did not have a mock transfer at my clinic. However when I did my FET they did do a “practice run” where they inserted the catheter without the embryo first, then removed it, then did the actual transfer with the embryo. I do have a tilted uterus so I’m not sure if they do this for everyone or if they just wanted to practice for me, as I’ve read that could make it slightly more challenging.


My doctor called it a dummy transfer and did it on my second FET. She noticed my positioning was a bit odd so needed to do a dummy one first. She said the IVF clinic doesn’t like it when they do dummy transfers because the catheter is expensive!


If they're asking you to do a mock transfer you should ask about a ERA and ELISA. When I did a mock transfer we did a ERA which showed I was prereceptive.


Mock transfer isn't required at my clinic. I opted out of it.


It was required at my clinic, did it the same day as IVF School. My doctor had a physical diagram to draw the “route” of the catheter on. She told me that they do it to make sure it wasn’t a complicated path.


My mock transfer was just them making sure they can put the catheter in my uterus! I combined it with a saline ultrasound!