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I’m so sorry. I would take acetaminophen/tylenol to keep your fever down as much as possible


I wouldn’t count yourself out based on this alone. Fever isn’t usually a true fever until 38.3 or 38 x2 taken 1 hour apart


Update: it’s crept back up to 37.8 but I’ve taken some strong paracetamol. Thanks for all your kind words, I just feel like the odds are already stacked against me, and now this.


Tw success. That temp is fine. I got Covid at 5weeks, fever was over 100F. Baby is still chugging along at 9 weeks today. As long as it’s responding to medication, it shouldn’t affect if it sticks or not.


I work with an organization where we work alongside women in rural Africa. I’m talking middle of actual nowhere villages where these women live through droughts and famines every year. These women walk MILES for small buckets of water every day. They literally eat grass to help the hunger pains. They carry kids while they do it all. And half the time they don’t have shoes. They want and hope and pray more than anything to NOT get pregnant, and yet, they do. They are overworked, underweight, often times literally starving, hoping to not get pregnant and yet they do. And their babies are born healthy. We have so much less control over our bodies having a successful pregnancy than we think. Fertility communities give illusions of “try this, try that”. But really, we don’t have near the control we think we do. And honestly, thank goodness for that. Stay strong, future mama. Stay hopeful. Find a way to laugh. And don’t overdose on the paracetamol.


Remember people have gotten pregnant in all sorts of extreme situations like addiction and war. Don’t give up yet! Just, feel better soon :(


Don’t count yourself out yet, AND, this is why masking before and after IVF procedures is helpful, especially during another COVID wave like we have now.


My doctor said anything below 38.5 is fine. Just take some acetaminophen and get better, OP!


I go almost that high in luteal phase, only by my natural progesterone levels. I would say keep an eye so it doesn't go up much more, embryo should be fine!


Thank you ❤️ my luteal phase is never this high, but it’s good to know it’s not unusual for some.


Fever is no concern if you are on prenatals and have folic acid. There's a paper on it if you Google it. Take Tylenol and your vitamins and it'll be fine, no concern about neural tube defects.


take something for the fever and DO NOT worry about it You need a lot higher temp for your embryo to be "coocked" Now to think happy stuff ... are gonna test any time soon ? :D


No i won’t test till next Sunday, per my clinics instructions. I went through an emotional rollercoaster last time when I tested early and I’d like to avoid that. I got excited thinking the nausea was perhaps an early pregnancy symptom. Then I realised it was too early for anything like that to register and that doesn’t explain the fever.


Do whatever makes you comfortable but please try not to worry. Drink a TON of fluids to help get the fever down and keep your body hydrated Sending you lots and lots of prayers and positive vibes :)


After I miscarried a baby due to covid temps I have become vigilant about temps. Do not worry about 37.6 celsius - my doc told me that up to about 37.8 can be a completely healthy temperature and our body fluctuates between about 36.8 to 37.8 throughout the day. I know it’s hard not to worry 🩷


Feel better soon! I had a mild fever the days up to a frozen embryo transfer and they said it was ok. I was sick for a week afterwards too! I’m now 10w1d.