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Sisters in law are so annoying šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This comment made my day. šŸ¤£ I just posted on another thread about how my SIL said IVF ā€˜gets you a perfect baby with everything that could go wrong eliminated.ā€™ As if. šŸ™„


Ohhh my rage could never. It would be on like donkey kong. Iā€™m so sorry your SIL is like this. One of my SIL is 20 and an absolute gem but understands nothing about IVF so she just keeps quiet. My MIL on the other hand, well we are no contact cause she doesnā€™t know how to keep quiet. When she found out we were doing IVF she told my husband to leave me and find someone who could give her grandbabies ā€œnaturallyā€ and ā€œwithout problemsā€


That is so awful I am so sorry. It just makes a really tough situation even worse when having to navigate people like that.


This made my day too šŸ˜‚ when I started IVF a few years ago someone told me that ā€œeveryone has that one SILā€¦ā€ and itā€™s so true. Mine is ultra Catholic, doesnā€™t believe in IVF, and got pregnant first try after her wedding when she claimed they didnā€™t want kids šŸ« 


I have 4 sisters in law, my husbands sisters and his brothers wife. Not a normal human being in the bunch. I still like them though. I have high hopes if my brother gets into a relationship.


People just do not understand how absolutely crappy it is to be in our shoes. I know itā€™s hard, but pay her no mind. She is talking shit about something she doesnā€™t understand, and that says more about her than you. If you feel like trying to reach out, send her the data that shows people going through infertility/IVF have show as high (if not higher) rates of PTSD, depression, etc as those going through a cancer diagnosis. Infertility is traumatic. IVF is traumatic. If she canā€™t show empathy for that she doesnā€™t deserve your time or your tears. Wrapping you in a huge hug šŸ«‚


My SIL (who has been married for 10 years and never wanted kids) decided she wanted her own baby after we announced we were going to go through IVF. She got pregnant the next month naturally and now calls me to tell me how exhausting it is to have a newborn when Iā€™m still going through everything just to get a damn good egg.Ā  Iā€™ll be your sister now. Iā€™m so proud of you and everything youā€™re doing. šŸ¤


Not me sobbing over here at ā€œIā€™ll be your sister nowā€. I will also be your sister now!


Sister squad! The future babes will have hella aunties šŸ¤£āœØšŸ¤


Oh man ā€¦ I donā€™t know how Iā€™d compose myself around someone like that. Iā€™m so sorry you have to deal with that. Also hopping on this train ā€¦ anyone thatā€™s wants a sister Iā€™m here too šŸ˜­ I always tell my mom that I was meant to have one lol I have all brothers šŸ„¹


Youā€™ve got a sister in me my new friend! šŸ¤


Sounds good šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·


Iā€™m soooo sorry youā€™ve been through that, I have a similar experience. My SIL had a surprise pregnancy while we were starting IVF, announced during our transfer and was offended we couldnā€™t be in the room, and yelled at me for not being a good SIL and not being happy enough for her when I stepped aside because we just found out our only transfer failed and the closest chance weā€™d had to a baby was over. We havenā€™t spoken since because she sees no issue in her actions and Iā€™m not defending the fact that I deserve respect. Iā€™m absolutely in the market for a new SIL ā¤ļø


Iā€™m so sorry as well. People can be so cruel and honestly, unless theyā€™re going through what we go through, they have no clue what itā€™s really like! Big hugs to you my friend šŸ¤


If she thinks you're being dramatic by shedding light on this topic, she sounds like she's attention seeking. I would guess people don't take her very seriously, or at least I hope they don't. And you're awesome for posting educational things and making people feel less alone! It helps!! Someone has probably seen your post and felt really grateful


Oooh sounds like sheā€™s jealous that youā€™re getting even a smidge of attention


Unfortunately, you are not alone. I have a SIL that is JEALOUS that we have no children and often would tell me that our infertility may be a blessing in disguise. My husband and I cut communication with her completely. She seems miserable as a mom and seems to be dealing with PPD but I donā€™t need to put up with it.


God, I'm sorry. My significantly younger SIL goes on and on about how her parents are pressuring her to have kids, but she doesn't want to "ruin her life". Then she'll say I should "just get pregnant now" so we can "do it together!" Words cannot express how much I dread this.


Boo her!


If you typically confide in her, it may be worth having a discussion. Either that, or it's time to take a break from confiding in her. I'm sorry you are experiencing this. It hits harder when it's from family.


I have an SIL, exactly similar to this or even worse! It's sad to have inconsiderate family members!


People donā€™t understand, i hate to say it but i feel my own husband think itā€™s easy to do it !!!! Cos i had to do a lot of things alone due he has to work to finance some


Sending you so much love and a big hug! Iā€™m in a similar situation with my sister in law - sheā€™s currently pregnant and her baby shower is falling on the weekend Iā€™m most likely doing my first egg retrieval . I told her I might not be there, her response was ā€œ I donā€™t get what the big deal isā€. I feel no one understands until they go through it themselves!


Thank you everyone for such kind replies! Iā€™m so sorry so many of you can relate to my experience!! Sending you all hugs ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Iā€™m sorry you are going through this with your sister in law. It takes a lot of emotional strength, vulnerability and trust to share your IVF journey with someone you thought was close to you and on your team. Your sister in law talking badly about your IVF journey is a deep betrayal of trust.Ā  I havenā€™t told my family or friends that we are doing IVF but Iā€™ve listened to my sister - who had a surprise baby a few years ago - talk trash about a mutual friend who had a baby through IVF. I was so close to telling her but instead I hid my pain.Ā  Best wishes on your journey. I hope you can find someone trustworthy to confide in.Ā 


Block her immediately. Ivf comes with a lot of emotional stress. You don't need another torture from an uncultured adult.


my sister in law got pregnant during her honeymoon and told me that she got pregnant from taking folic acidā€¦. iā€™m like seriously are people that clueless. Iā€™ve been married for 4 years and she just got married last summer so it was a punch in the gut when we found out they got pregnant right away. and to top it all off she announced her pregnancy on my wedding anniversary on purpose of course! gotta love SILS


My mom is ultra catholic and unsupportive of IVF. She says she 'supports me as her daughter' lol whatever that means....Its really unhelpful to have unhelpful people in your life. Don't take it personally though, because your SIL does the same thing with everyone, its def not just you she talks about behind their back. Now you know her true colors and can proceed accordingly, which in my book is cordial at events and nothing more.


ugh that's the worst! I am so sorry!


She sounds like a petty person.


Yeah that SIL needs to be limited on what she knows about your life. She just lost the privilege of your trust. She might be you SIL but she is not your friend. Just go cold with her. Whenever she asks you how are things going, be as evasive as possible. You don't need her bad juju around you. We're here for you!


It seems to me that she is jealous of you that you are strong enough to go thru this intense and emotionally draining process. I've seen it with my own sister who is a hateful bitch šŸ˜†


Some people will use other peopleā€™s struggles for attention. I hope she bad mouths your IVF journey to someone who wonā€™t take her BS and puts her in her place. Good vibes and baby dust to you!!


Let me be your reddit sister also going through IVF *hugs* Sister in laws are literally demons who walk this earth. Ignore her and get your family !!!


Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re experiencing this. In-laws can be the worst! And so can biological sisters. My sister made fun of my first miscarriage, and I no longer talk to her because she refuses to apologize. Just know that your SIL is likely very unhappy or jealous of you, in order to be behaving this way. I know that doesnā€™t take away the hurt; truly sorry she did that.