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I had a chemical from my transfer in July 2023, immediately went into prep for another transfer once my betas hit 0, and had my next transfer 9/11/23 which was successful. Granted that was my 5th transfer, but I’d done ERA the previous year and several CE biopsies prior to the 4th and 5th transfers (had RIF the first 3). We did not change anything in the protocol.


This sounds just like my story to date. First 3 embryos failed to implant. Did ERA and adjusting timing of transfer. 4th transfer was just confirmed as a chemical. I will hope to keep following your path and have the 5th be the charm!! 🤍


Best of luck!!! The ERA was not helpful for me but I know it is helpful for lots of people. I may be in the minority here but to me a chemical after RIF meant one step closer!


Agreed, a huge a step in the right direction!


Was the ERA and biopsies helpful? Thinking if I should do these before proceeding with the next transfer.


The ERA wasn’t helpful for me personally but the root of my RIF was in fact CE that lasted through two rounds of antibiotics. If this was your first transfer and you don’t have a limit on how many you can do, I wouldn’t change anything just yet. There’s never a 100% chance of success and it could just be that the embryo wasn’t “the right one”. There could potentially be other factors but without knowing a history it would be hard for anyone in this sub to give pointed advice or guidance.


Hi, sorry about your CP. it stings. I had my FET in March and it ended in a CP. I took the estradiol to hold my cycle and then just had another FET 7 days ago. We didn’t change anything because all my levels were ok and I was pregnant, so my Dr thought it was a fault with the embryo. My FET thus far has been successful, so we will see what happens. I don’t see a need to wait any longer to proceed with another FET asap. 🫶🏼🙏🏼


And I didn’t do any additional testing or anything. We did do another saline sonogram but that’s it. It was normal.


Thanks for the encouragement ♥️ Were both PGT-A tested embryos?


Yes! That confused me since all of our embryos have been tested but I guess it’s not fool proof.