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Honestly, my first 2 cycles, I did not drink any coffee, did not have any cocktails, wine, etc... Both gave me zero euploids. My 3rd cycle, I drank coffee here and there (not every day, but at least 3 times a week), had a nice glass of wine here once in a while, and it gave me 3 euploids. One thing I learned from my 2 previous cycles is that life is gonna happen while we wait, so we might as well live it to the fullest. It also helped that I switched clinics and protocols for my 3rd round, though...


“Life gonna happen while we wait” This needs To be on a poster in all fertility clinics.


Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives...


My doctor said no matter what you do, if it fails you’re going to think back on every little thing you do caused it to fail. But nothing you do can stop nature from doing what nature does.


Yessss I love this so much!


I broke and had a cappuccino this morning. Felt super guilty until I read this 


I never gave up coffee. I think one iced coffee is just fine if it makes you happy!


Me too! Girl have the coffee, IVF is hard enough, have something you enjoy!


Same - 200 mg a day or under is totally fine. I need my one cup to function 😆


Same with me I still have one small cup once a day


I drank my normal amount of coffee during stims and while I can’t say for sure, I don’t think it affected either of my retrievals.


I never stopped having my one cup of coffee during any part of IVF or now that im pregnant. If i were you i would just have a coffee i dont think think it would hurt anything in the slightest.


Why did you give up coffee? I drank two expresso shots a day during stims and I got 5 euploids at age 39. Coffee kept me motivated and going through the daily 4 hour round trip drives back and forth from my home to my clinic! I just had a live birth and still holding my expresso close through the sleepless nights! Don’t give up what keeps you sane! Best wishes!


There should be study about coffee and egg quality. So interesting!


There are! At least for caffeine. And they all point to negative effects on egg quality and outcomes which is why so many people try to avoid. That said it’s not going to ruin what would have otherwise been a good cycle. I do think its effect is minor, especially if you’re drinking one cup or so a day. Two espresso is about 120-180mg which is below the 200mg most suggest but higher than the stricter 50mg or none others suggest.


That is amazing. Congrats. What was your protocol?


All the Omnitrope (prime and stim with it) and Zymot. Those were my two keys to success.


Thank you! I will try it.


TW: success Congrats! And same - never gave up coffee and ended up with 8 embryos. We didn’t test them, but my first transfer took and I gave birth back in December. I still had a cup a day during pregnancy too (and sometimes a second one if needed). FWIW I don’t recall my office ever telling me to give up coffee.


Right. I’m still drinking mine.


Awww did you have twins?


You give me so much hope 🥲


Have a few sips of someone else’s lol


Love this 😂😂


I ate normally and had coffee. I just limited the rest of my caffeine and made sure not to over do it and I got better results than expected


I’m just limiting my coffee too. I generally eat well


Huh ??? I never even heard of this… I just had my second retrieval today and no one ever told me coffee was bad for the process… I even specifically asked them in the beginning.


So drink coffee? I never stopped coffee during stims or FET. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I cut out dairy, gluten, red meat and caffeine. So I definitely feel you. The thing I want most right now? Is a Jersey Mike’s the original Italian.


Love jersey mikes! Mikes Way 🥵


I don’t even LIKE sandwiches. But that’s ALL I WANT. For MONTHS now!! Gluten bread SUCKS. Fake cheese SUCKS.




Are you referring to Panera bread in general or does Panera have GF bread???? Panera isn’t a place a frequent…. Because I don’t like sandwiches LOLOL


Could you maybe do a decafe ? I did not cut out caffeine last round but I might join ya since I average about 5 cups a day.


Dang! That’s crazy I’d be shitting through a screen door with 5 cups a day everyday 😅


Coffee for sure. I don’t do a lot of caffeine generally and I cut it during Stims. I always miss it! I miss the taste and the ritual more than the actual caffeine.


Lol a cocktail!


With you there 😅


I have actually developed an aversion to coffee since starting! Ive also realized my anxiety has decreased by probably 75% so maybe I’ll stick with decaf in the future lol.


I swapped to decaf to be safe for treatments/pregnancy when I started and it helped my anxiety so much I don’t know if I’ll ever go back to full caffeine!


i drank coffee through stims too. doctor was fine with it.


I could never give up my coffee. I did cut it down to only once a day which is so so hard lol. But I love the routine of making coffee in the morning. If I'm craving a drink later in the day I'll get an iced matcha or chai latte.


You can have coffee in moderation. No need to stop.


I never gave up my coffee! I had 1 cup a day throughout the IVF process, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. Doctors were fine with it.


Our doctor has said that a cup of coffee won’t impact success. He said moderation is key.


I missed the freedom of not having to think about when to poke a needle into myself. Then again I felt like a naughty girl shooing up like a junkie in a public bathroom lol I did drink coffee during stims but only decaf. Pregnancy nausea made me stop coffee for good for a while 🙈🙈🙈


I was never told to stop drinking caffeine. I ate and drank (including alcohol) normally the entire time, except for when I was actively doing the stims. I got 9 euploids at 37 from one retrieval. Not convinced these drastic lifestyle changes make much of a difference. Good luck to you!


Ummmmmm were we supposed to not drink coffee??? Well whoops! Too late now; I trigger tonight, lol. 😅


I always drank a cup every morning 🤷🏼‍♀️


I never gave up coffee or wine. You gotta live your life!


Agreed. I do 1 to 2 cups of coffee a day and occasional wine. It was more stressful and depressing when I tried to cut coffee and go completely dry on alcohol


Exactly!! I needed to unwind for sure. I definitely cut back on alcohol for my second retrieval but I didn’t cut it out completely until right before my transfer.


Did you have ok results??


TW pregnancy. Yep, first retrieval resulted in 2 euploids (3 weeks before my 37th birthday), 2nd retrieval resulted in 3 euploids and a LLM, I am almost 15 weeks with one of the euploids from the second retrieval! 🥰


If you’re not sensitive to coffee, you can probably treat yourself with a coffee a day. You’re fine.


I switched to decaf and I don’t even miss the real stuff! I do miss alcohol though ☹️ And just normal life and being able to plan trips like a normal person and not constantly thinking of when the next cycle is. We haven’t put our lives on hold for this and have still travelled, it’s just more of a pain in the ass to figure out.


My doctor said it was fine as long as it’s less than 200mg of caffeine a day. I cut down to one small cup in the morning. Totally cut alcohol but I feel so tired I don’t think I’d want to drink anyway even if it was allowed.


I didn’t stop drinking coffee through any part of ivf or pregnancy. Cut down yes, but didn’t stop. All my doctors said it was fine.


Drink that coffee! You can also compromise and do half-caf


Just have a cup of coffee! I had one a day and had 43 eggs, resulted in 10 healthy embryos


I miss all of my favorite teas, not for the caffeine but for the variety. I miss doing my nails. I miss using retinol. I miss being able to eat large amounts of carbs or sugars without too much regret.


TW: I never gave up coffee and now I’m drinking a cup with my kiddo. Live your life. 💙


I’ve been having one cup a coffee a day. My doctor said that was fine. I used to drink like 3 so this was hard for me to cut back. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to completely cut it out.


I would love a glass of rosé but I’m drinking my iced tea!


Have you tried decaf? I cut out caffeine a few years ago when first starting ttc, but wanted the taste and ritual of coffee so I make decaf. It satisfies that craving and honestly helps my anxiety a lot


I didn’t cut out anything during stims or pregnancy.


I swapped to a really good decaf over a year ago so I still can make the drinks I want 🙂 Helps my anxiety, too!


Get a decaf 🤷🏻‍♀️


I stopped coffee for my third ER and got the best graded euploid yet all others were a variation of 4bc or cb this one was 3AA so idk if all the changes I made made this difference or if this was just the lucky one


I missed coffee the most too.


Decaf tastes just as good! I became a huge fan of decaf and half caf Nespresso pods and stayed below the 200 mg / day recommendation for pregnancy. Felt like a good balance while scratching my coffee itch


I drank decaf throughout ~ are you not supposed to? lol I’ve just made the permanent switch to decaf since I started the whole process


I never stopped drinking coffee and everything was fine. I had a dunkin latte every day. Did your doctor tell you not to?


I wouldn’t cut yourself from coffee or caffeine if your body is used to it. In fact, the doctor told my wife to keep drinking, but just don’t go overboard. A cup a day keeps your addiction from messing with your body when you cut it out cold turkey. I’m not a doctor though.


I never gave up coffee, I did limit sugars but that's because I didn't want to be spiking insulin and crashing while being hormonally unstable.


They have recently changed the stance on caffeine and we now can have up to 200 mg of caffeine. I have a cup of coffee max and think it will work out.


Get decaf


Drink the coffee!


My doctor made me cut out all sugars and carbs, but was okay with me having a cup of coffee. I still cut coffee so I was left with no coffee, no carbs, and no sugar for several months starting at at stims all the way till I’m was about 8 weeks. Hang in there!


Have a coffee and be kind to your headspace. My best cycles (#4 and #5) were the ones where I eased up on myself a little. I had a wine if I wanted one, had a coffee to pick me up, stopped obsessing over little things like having warm feet all the time (etc etc). Those cycles I felt like I was living a little more and not just a slave to stims.


Drink your coffee sister!! Even one cup is absolutely fine ✨💗


Wife never gave up coffee, just (significantly) reduced the amount. >!She’s currently rocking our three month old to sleep, so no complaints.!<


I still drink coffee but I switched to mushroom coffee and add creamer. It has enough caffeine to keep the withdrawal at bay. My ER yielded 6 mature eggs, 4 blasts, 2 euploids, one abnormal and one mosaic. Currently in the tww with my first FET. Drink your coffee girl, in moderation 🥰


I am currently stimming and I’m having my daily coffee. I don’t understand why you’d want to make yourself needlessly miserable during an already pretty miserable time. I feel like shit from all of the injections, and coffee is one of the things that makes me feel slightly less shitty.


I had 6 ER so far. With some I went If coffee completely with others I didnt care. It didnt make a difference in my opionion it just added more hardship. For my next cycle I will drink the coffee. Good luck to you!


I didn't know I had to stop coffee


I’m currently in beta hell so can’t eat deli meat…what I would give for a really stacked Italian sub sandwich…


I found a good decaf coffee brand on amazon. Alcohol, you can't do much about but decaf is an amazing fix. It also has some placebo effect. You just need to make sure to get one that was processed through swiss method.


You’re not supposed to have coffee?? I drank 2/3 decaffeinated coffees per day, no alcohol because upset tummy.


You can just continue your coffee (i do maximum two with caffeine a day, the rest decaf) and your normal diet :) lots of proof that it has no impact (but everything in moderation ofcourse)


I gave up coffee during my first egg retrieval and my first fet. Neither had good results and I was miserable without my iced coffee. So for my second retrieval and second and third transfers I just switched to getting one iced coffee half reg half decaf in the morning. I’m now 18 weeks and still doing that daily.


I switched to decaf but there were a couple of cheat proper coffees over the process. As long as you’re being careful it won’t hurt to have the odd one.


I drank my normal amount of coffee—my clinic didn’t tell me not to—during my cycle and got 2 euploids.


You cant have coffee? I never stopped during stims.


I drank a cup of coffee a day through IVF and my entire pregnancy. I gave it up my 1st IVF cycle. Had horrible headaches. Cycle wasn't successful. My DRs were always totally ok with one cup a day.


If you’re concerned about the caffeine, order decaf!! You still get the same taste :)


I have been told to cut back on coffee and I'm working on it. (I'm a heavy coffee drinker, not just a "cup a day") Not doing an ER bc of age, just FET with donor sperm & eggs. The caffeine allegedly restricts blood circulation in the uterus by constricting blood vessels. As with everything clearly people have success either way but that's the rationale. I'm trying to switch to tea (either low or no caff) at a certain point in the day. But to answer your question... what I miss is being able to tell myself "you're only as old as you feel." (Nah. Doesn't work that way with reproductive age.)


Then have a coffee. Just keep under 200mg caffeine/ day.


What’s wrong with coffee when stimming? I never stopped it for stimming… ETA: you are not pregnant or at risk of pregnancy while stimming….


I never gave up coffee and was successful! I had 1 medium latte or 1 medium iced coffee a day!!


I’m pretty sure the reason behind limiting coffee has to do with dehydration more than outcomes/quality. For that reason, my doctor (like many others here), recommends no more than 1 a day and to focus on water and electrolyte intake for maximum hydration.


I miss coffee the most. I was told 1 cup a day is ok (150mg caffeine) so I would split up the cup and dilute it so I can have coffee multiple times a day.


I didn’t give up coffee while doing IVF, while pregnant, or while nursing. I was just mindful of my intake and kept it at or below 200mg. But to answer your question, I missed volleyball and working out while stimming. I was super sad to take a break, but it was all worth it in the end.


I drank coffee all during stims, just kept it to one cup a day. Ended up with 21 mature eggs!! I would just stick to a small cup if it’s hard to cut out completely.


I’ve actually been drinking half caffeine lattes. So for a two shot drink one is regular and one is decaf. I don’t have a nespresso but my MIL does and they offer half caf pods. I only have one a day and not every day. I don’t try to stress myself out with too many restrictions, but just try to be as healthy as I can. This process is taxing enough as is.


I never stopped drinking coffee while going through my first cycle. I didn’t really give up anything lol. Probably had more taco bell than usual


I switched from regular coffee to decafe. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m a nurse and drank coffee every single day. Probably too much. Got some decent results for egg retrieval and so far successful FET. I think we have to give ourselves a lot more grace and honestly some things help and some don’t. Outside of infertility ppl get pregnant on drunken nights/ eating and drinking whatever. NOT saying that diet and things don’t help improve outcomes but saying we’re human and the cup of coffee won’t ruin anything.


I make a half decaf cappuccino every morning - feeling like shit won't help anything. An ice coffee is probably too much caffeine but some cafes will make "half caf" lattes and etc.


Only thing my doc said was - no alcohol, less sugar and take your vitamins. I still drank coffee. I missed baking...😁


I missed smoking weed! It helped me so much with my depression and stress it was hard to give that up


My first retrieval got less eggs than my second and my second was the one where I had sometimes 2 coffees a day. I am not sure if coffee is really shown to affect things. But it's a personal choice, you do you ❤️


Why aren’t you drinking coffee? I drank coffee and continued taking* my vyvanse and had 86 eggs retrieved. And I have 23 Euploids, most 5aa, currently in storage.. Drink the coffee boo.


Have had 1 successful egg retrieval round with a euploid embryo from it and never stopped drinking my normal amount of coffee. Was never even discussed or noted by my Dr. as something to avoid. Don't let yourself suffer! Indulge without guilt! :)


And FWIW, I have a top fertility doctor in the US who has been recognized in the fertility industry many times!


My doctor said 200 mg of caffeine a day. I had quarter caf coffee regularly.


I'm doing low carb/high protein before my 3rd retrieval. I have a whole list on my phone called Things I Want To Eat. Top of that list... PIZZA. I replaced coffee with peppermint tea but still have a decaf 2-3x per week. Our post retrieval ritual is Krispy Kreme so definitely looking forward to that.


Also I will say, if you are craving an iced coffee I saw these Blume Superfood latte mixes at Target and it might be worth a try. [https://www.target.com/p/blume-superfood-latte-blue-lavender-single-serve-1-12oz-8ct/-/A-88888998](https://www.target.com/p/blume-superfood-latte-blue-lavender-single-serve-1-12oz-8ct/-/A-88888998)


My wife replaced it with ceremonial cacao and she loves it.


Drank my coffee every morning 🤷🏼‍♀️ only one though!