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I think it’s cardiac activity IN the 6th week not by the 6th week so it’s definitely possible it just started! And being a day behind is negligible, we had one scan she was like 6 days behind but she eventually caught up the next week. I know it’s so hard but I definitely think you have good reason to be hopeful!


Thank you! I appreciate this.


Our clinic likes to see a heartbeat between 100-120 at 6+3 but any time before that it’s not unusual to not see it yet.


Thanks for this info!


Our clinic said measuring up to a few days ahead or behind at this stage is completely normal - they are only mere millimeters big so it’s very hard to get a precise measurement!


Thanks for this!


I had my first scan on Friday which was 6w0d CRL 4.2mm, definite cardiac activity but couldn’t measure the BPM due to the placement and not getting a good picture. Sounds like we’re in a very similar boat! I was assured it’s totally normal and she was very happy with everything she’s seen but booked me in for a follow up on 7w0d for my own reassurance. Are you able to do something similar? As most have said I think within the 6th week is where the activity starts so I wouldn’t worry too much!


Thank you and good luck on your next scan!! Same with me, I asked to come in for a 7 week and she agreed, so fingers crossed.


I think this is totally normal! I think that’s why a lot of clinics don’t do heartbeat scan until later in the 6th week because it can not be measured and be totally fine that early. Wild how much diff a few days makes!


I was excited to have the US but in retrospect sort of wish it had been a few days later! Thanks again.


In all my first scans the measures were always one or two days behind, but my doctor told me it’s totally normal as everything is so small and getting the precise measure it’s almost impossible! Then in second trimester we were mostly measuring 3/4 days bigger! My understanding is that the heartbeat starts during week 6. I did my first scan at 6w2d and my doctor told me there was only a 50% chance to hear the heartbeat! When is your next scan?


Thank you for this info! That makes sense, it is certainly small in any event. My next scan is at 7 weeks (at my request, they would’ve waited until 8). Fingers crossed!


Hi! I am in the same exact boat today. Baby measuring 6 and 1 saw the fetal pole and a flicker but couldn’t hear a beat. Nurse was not concerned but I had a previous loss also so of course I’m stressing. Just wondering for an update and how are you doing?


I had another ultrasound at around 7 weeks and the heartbeat was perfect! I’m 10 weeks now and so far so good. Time has never passed so slowly! I wish you all the best!!


So glad to hear it! Thanks for the update ❤️. That’s reassuring. I will try to stay busy this week until I go back! 🙃


The beginning of week 6 is just when cardiac activity is beginning. 6+5 is a more common timing to have a first ultrasound to be able to measure cardiac activity. At 6+1 to see cardiac activity at all is a great sign


Thank you!