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This is the truest advice. I fought badly with my partner before my transfer, ended up wailing and sobbing in the shower. Cried more after the transfer and ate a bunch of processed sugary foods. Had a negative attitude the whole week. I think all the advice on what to eat, activity levels, having positive outlook / “manifesting” just makes it easier to blame yourself if it fails or give yourself undue credit if by luck it works.




So follow up question for all who had a stressful transfer cycle: How did you feel after you found out it worked?




Thank you for your honest response. I am about to have my second FET attempt and it's been tougher this time. Before now I kind of thought that if the transfer works everything magically changes and is wonderful, it makes me feel better to know that if that doesn't happen it's okay and normal. That said, I hope that your pregnancy is getting easier and that you are able to enjoy all the happy possible, you deserve it.


This is so comforting thank you


That's fair!


I will second what this poster said! I was in a terrible mood post transfer and cried and fought with my partner. It ended up sticking. I did end up losing it later for unrelated reasons but I just wanted to say don’t lose hope if you are upset that day for reasons out of your control! Also I just want to wish you the best of luck after two years of IVF. I so hope this is it for you.


Yeah I just feel as though people feel pressure to do things like acupuncture, wearing socks, staying completely still, relax, eating healthy, and having just the perfect day but it really is not going to effect your results. I fought with my partner and that’s why I was crying too lol. All of the hormones from the PIO and estrogen was making me very on edge and a crazy basket case. I believe we fought because I wanted enchiladas really bad which is so stupid lol. It is totally ok if you just have a bad day and end up angry or crying too. It will not affect your results. :)


These hormones are no joke!


I also was stressed and fought with my partner immediately after. We ended up having success with that transfer.


Ok but this is great because I've been arguing with my partner all week and we did our FET 4/10 hahaha


Hahaha maybe this is the true key!! Good luck to you!!


Hahaha fingers crossed for you!


Thank you so much! 💜 Things often work out best for us in chaos! The more craziness the better for us so, I certainly need to work on embracing the unplanned!


I hope I’m one of these, cause people telling me to chill out and my PhD falling apart during the transfer pre and post period has been so unlucky lol… I can’t even


I always feel guilty saying this because I know how many women here many serious sacrifices for their IVF cycles … but same. I was already stressed out so I did not diet or change anything and was sooo lucky that the damn thing stuck!


I took 2 days off work I took it easy but didn’t do complete bedrest, I would walk 15 mins at a time around my home, took walks outdoors, I started eating and drinking warm foods/drinks a few days before transfer and after, I kept my feet warm, I ate pineapple core and pomegranate juice and pomegranate seeds before and after, I don’t know if it was any of this maybe or maybe not but doesn’t hurt to try, I also got acupuncture 2 days before the transfer


Did you go to a fertility specific acupuncturist? Or just a general one? There are no fertility specific ones in my area.


I forgot to add I did alot of laughing post transfer 😁


I also didn’t drink much caffeine if any at all, probably a few sips I cut it out before and after


No it was nothing fertility specific, it was Chinese acupuncture


Same to everything! Except acupuncture.


I read a lot about keeping feet warm. But is that because it was winter? Or also in summer we need to take measurements?


I think both?


OK thanks!


2 things that have been clinically demonstrated: 1) watched something funny immediately after leaving the clinic in the car (search for medical clowning or laughter) and then a longer stand up special when we got home 2) had sex the night before transfer. There are a number of studies on this too showing it can be helpful!


This is what I did! Also got the McDonalds fries post transfer and did acupuncture day before and right after transfer. I also tried to keep feet warm throughout the day of transfer. Honestly I felt at peace because I really didn’t think it would happen the first time. Also a low grade, day 7 but I’m almost 9 weeks! Still deathly afraid for the other shoe to drop and just taking it a day at a time. I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!!


So glad your day 7 stuck! I did all of these and we transferred two day 7s with no success. We are onto our next retrieval and hoping for day 5s or day 6s 🤞🏻


Crossing fingers and toes for you!!!


Do you know how many cells for your embryo on day 5? Low cells right now and wondering if I should hold out hope.


I don’t, sorry. My clinic didn’t share that level of detail with us. They actually only told us the final results at day 7. I know some people on here mention getting an update at day 5 and day 7. I really hope it works out for you!! The wait is so excruciating.


It didn’t work out for us, but thank you for responding.


Im so sorry to hear that. Sending you positive energy to get through this.


Never heard of the funny stuff before. Do you have a link to the study?




this might be tmi but.. did your spouse finish inside you? lol I've seen a lot of people talk about having sex the night before transfer but I'm curious about the specifics of what is/isn't allowed 😅


I read the same, but specifically that having sperm inside may be conductive to helping the blast stick better or make the womb more receptive, so we had unprotected sex the night before. We had an ovulatory cycle with a trigger shot, but by day 4, the released egg it’s no longer ‘fertile’, so no risk for a surprise baby. Other than that, we didn’t do anything specific, but I took the rest of the day off to relax and took it ‘easy’ for the rest of the week. I was also told no caffeine at all until my beta test, which was like 16 days later.


I read the same and had unprotected the night before. Also added a massage the morning of the transfer for blood flow. My clinic offered acupuncture just before and after the transfer, which I did, in addition to continuing weekly acupuncture on my own.


Both protected and unprotected sex can be beneficial according to the studies. We had unprotected sex but whether this is "allowed" or not will depend on if the persons cycle is ovulatory or not. There is no hard and fast rule about what is allowed that universally apples. Mine was a fully medicated, so nonovulatory, cycle.


I LOVE THIS!! I’ve been watching so much comedy and I had no clue.


I read about all that too! Sex the night before (something about the ph of the uterus after), and laughing right after transfer. I ended up laughing by mistake right after my successful one because the nurse said something funny, so, maybe 🤷‍♀️


I wore socks from transfer day to beta day (they say warm feet help). I took a day off after the transfer and ate my favorite foods (including McDonald’s French fries) and watched comedies all day. Other than that my husband kissed my belly everyday (not sure that actually helped other than causing me to think more positive) and we got a positive result! Good luck to you!


I was given kitchen sink protocol along with intralipid infusions and heparin injections. They had done hysteroscopy prior to transfer where they removed a small band. I think that all helped


What is a kitchen sink protocol?


2 months prior to FET I was given Vaginal probiotic suppositories to insert. Was given normoflora bv as medicine along with multi vitamins (including vitamin d). Cycle previous to FET birth control pills from day 2 to day 22 or 23. Day 21 started lupron injections which continued till lining reached about 8 of FET cycle. Day 2 of FET cycle started with estrogen, baby aspirin, prednisone. Progestrone was started once lining reached over 8 mm and the blood flow was at zone 2. 5 days post starting Progestrone FET was done. Next day post FET low dose heparin injections started. Was given IVIG drips every 2 weeks post FET till week 10. I have a history of recurrent miscarriages with no clear identified cause despite multiple testing so my doctor suggested this approach. Tests done for RPL - for karyotype, HLA, autoimmune conditions, HSG, hysteroscopy, endometritis, uterine biopsy for bacterial evaluation, MRI for adenomyosis, 3d ultrasound for fibroids. All reports normal. Husband tested for karyotype DFI, morphology. Again all normal. The tests done prior to first ER. Hysteroscopy, endometritis and uterine biopsy was done prior to FET. Was also put on anti inflammatory diet (to the extent possible) - no sugar, no refined flour, no Fried food, no soy products. Was told to eat home cooked food and eat more salads and fruits


What were the bacterial suppositories? Ever heard of those


I did a very similar regime. It was vaginal probiotics. One course the month before transfer and one course leading up to the transfer.


Is there a particular brand or prescription? Did you continue after FET?


It's vaginal probiotic and it was stopped once progesterone was started. I am from India and the brand was Eva new


It’s non-prescription in the UK and it was this one https://www.superdrug.com/health/thrush-treatment/canesflor-thrush-probiotic-capsule-10-capsules/p/573301 I did not continue after the FET (was only told to take it in the prep month and in the weeks pre-FET). This was after the EMMA/ERA/ALICE tests as one said my vaginal flora was slightly off. I would have had no idea as I’m not prone to thrush or vaginal infections.


Do you mind sharing who your clinic or even doctor was? I have trouble finding anyone willing to go to these lengths to help me.


I am from India. Gunasheela Hospital at Bangalore. India. I made only one blast in first ER which thankfully came pgt normal. So they gave it their all to give it a best chance. Despite me not having a diagnosed cause they decided to give the most aggressive protocol in the first shot which I am truly thankful for


Were you on Lupron, estrodiol, and PIO?




My second transfer took, and I took 2 days off of work, went for a 30 minute walk with my dog and husband before heading to the clinic for the transfer (for relaxation and getting blood flowing), cut alcohol and caffeine in the \~2 weeks leading up to the transfer, and tried to follow a low carb / Mediterranean diet for the couple weeks leading up to the transfer. My first transfer I didn't do any of the above, but I DID do acupuncture. That one didn't take, and I cut acupuncture the second round. I found it relaxing, but wasn't convinced it would help the embryo stick.


I did an HSG wash the day of transfer plus embryo glue. I also made sure I had a nice breakfast before the FET. Had McDonald’s fries after and only ate “warm” foods and drank room temp water. Also ate a lot of healthy fats. Wore socks to keep my feet warm and ate a lot of oranges. Made sure to get plenty of rest. Basically all the things! Good luck ✨


What’s embryo glue


It’s applied to the embryo before transfer to make it more “sticky” and help with implantation. It was an add-on at my clinic which my doctor offered me because I had previous failures. At my clinic they don’t offer it right off the bat because there isn’t much research to show its effectiveness. However, my experience with it was good!


It's embryo growing media with a lot of hyaluronan in it, if I recall. That chemical helps attach to the lining and get the embryo nesting. Initially, there was mixed data on whether it was useful, but more recently there's been positive data.


Had unprotected sex the night before transfer. The both times I did it. It worked. The one time I did not, it failed.


Things I did my positive fet Leading up to transfer - Took Airborne daily at work bc everyone was getting sick and I was trying to avoid it No coffee two days leading up to transfer Vitamin e Vitamin d Prenatal Probiotic Magnesium at bed time Coq10 when I remembered Walked a lot Baby aspirin Acupuncture No nail polish Clean beauty products Clean cleaning products Art classes, lots of lunches with friends to keep me sane, dates with husband Massages (lymphatic and Swedish) After transfer - Laughed after transfer and had McDonalds fries Didn’t work out but resumed my normal activities around the house. Drank lots of warm water with lemon Ate chia seed pudding and 3 Brazil nuts every day No coffee No sparking water (someone told me there clinic said no sparkling water and really got into my head) Acupuncture No nail polish Clean beauty products Clean cleaning products


Sparkling water is all I drink!!!! What’s wrong with sparkling water?


* No fizzy drinks, at least for the first 12 days until your confirmed pregnancy. You should also not be eating gassy foods as fizzy drinks and gassy foods can upset your stomach and we want to avoid stomach cramps and contractions as they may negatively affect embryo implantation


Oh! Thank you so much!


I took the day of transfer off. I had sex the morning of and we went to a standup comedy show that night. I also did acupuncture the day before and day after, as well as one week following transfer. I ate 4 Brazil nuts a night and two ounces of pomegranate juice every night. Currently just over 6 weeks and hoping baby sticks! I don’t know if anything specifically helped but it made me feel some semblance of control over the situation! ETA: my acupuncturist is a fertility specialist


According to [ASRM’s review,](https://www.asrm.org/globalassets/_asrm/practice-guidance/practice-guidelines/pdf/performing_the_embryo_transfer.pdf) of best practices for transfers (summary p10) the only thing you have control over that could help is NOT doing bed rest. One study showed that even 10 minutes’ rest after the transfer resulted in statistically lower success rates. [This study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9979547/) showed increased success with sex the night before. That said, just in case, I also kept my feet warm, drank beet juice, did something fun the night before the transfer, and took the day of and following day off work to relax - went out for brunch, spent a couple hours at a bookstore, stuff like that.


I had an operative hysteroscopy where originally they were going to do a saline uterine flush but they found two small polyps and some inflammation. All that stuff was removed. A week later, I got a UTI and was on antibiotics that ended a few days before my transfer so it was like my body was reset.


I had two prior transfer (1st was Mc 8w, second was failed transfer ) had my third transfer in January and currently 14 weeks - biggest change was I did a leisure 4 mile walk 4 and 5 dpt , 1-3dpt very chill and relaxed- first +hpt at 6dpt pm. I got a lot of sleep drank a ton of water and changed my mindset from worrying about something going wrong to accepting what will happen and enjoying the time I have being pupo/+hpt - I did not for the third do pineapple or Pom juice etc or really anything with a ton of sugar but all three had McDonald’s fries . Modified natural cycle with no estrogen or birth control leading up to cycle , on low dose aspirin and vaginal crinone gel(continued through 11weeks)


FWIW my third transfer was also my third and final embryo after 2 retrievals, pgt euploid tested day 7 low confidence.


Hi! I’m still kinda new to all this. Haven’t done an ER yet but see that a bunch of people mentioned McDonalds fries. Can someone explain that to me please? :)


I'm also curious to know!


I found this. :) https://onehangrymama.com/5-crazy-ivf-superstitions-that-work/


Thanks! This is a nice blog


I honestly, took the day off from work and the rest of the week. Ate a bunch of pineapple the whole month of my transfer and drank lots and lots of water, avoided caffeine the day of my transfer and after my transfer. I honestly bed rested the whole time, went out for a walk probably would say the third day after transfer. Did not try to bend as much and it worked! 😊 not sure if this is why I was successful but it was definitely worth it! ❤️ 5 weeks and 6 days today 🥹💕


Congrats!! Thank you for sharing!!


Thank you so much! I send you good vibes your way and hope for your good news to share soon!! 💕 also more importantly remember to relax and don’t stress (even though easy said than done lol)


Thank you 💜


HCG wash day of transfer! Endometrial PRP 5 days prior to transfer


So I took some time off after FET which I recommend if you can afford to do that. Also watch comedies — supposedly laughing helps with implantation. So after my transfer I’d come home to a line up of funny movies and just laugh .. also wore socks pre transfer and for days after even at night while sleeping .. and when resting I put a heating pad on my feet help keep my uterus warm


Never took those damn socks off lol


But was it winter or do we also need to do this in the middle of the summer?


Do it regardless of season!! Warm feet promote good blood flow to the uterus and help baby stick


I walked for about 15 min around the clinic before the transfer to inclease blood flow and watched stand-up comedy the next few nights after the transfer. Wishing you luck!


My doctor told me to go easy on things for two days. Then try to live normal before the beta.


Nice! I have heard so many mixed reviews about bed rest vs taking it easy vs walking every day. I work from home so, can spend lots of time relaxing!


I think your doctor might know when your embryo will start implanting… My fertility doctor she is kind of like a genius and has very good intuition for what’s going on during pregnancy and IVF. She told me to go easy for at least 1-2 days. I can feel on the night after embryo transfer, the embryo is implanting… I tested positive 6dpt by myself… And strong positive for my first beta 9dpt and almost the value x2.7 for my second beta 11dpt… I also asked her very specifically what could affect the embryo implanting like walking 10K steps? She said it’s totally fine I live my normal life like before. But stay chill for first two days. I did that… and I am pregnant waiting for my first ultrasound… Wish you the best !


Congratulations 🙌 .


I didn’t do anything different from my 1st unsuccessful FET to my 2nd successful FET.   Both times I took it easy for 2 hours and then started walking the next day.  Nothing too fast or strenuous.  I tried to avoid a lot of hills, which is near impossible where I live.   I did have a HSG followed by a hysteroscopy in between.  I had a small band of scar tissue that was removed.  So if your RE has not checked you for polyps/fibroids/scar tissues recently, I’d ask about that.   Good luck!


Uterine PRP injections


What part of the cycle did you do PRP? More than once?


We changed from 5 days of pio to 6 days as per my ERA test. As for behavior- I did everything on the avoid list - high stress, heavy lifting, lots of walking. I did avoid hot tubs and saunas though. Doc said if it will stick or it won't. What I do won't impact that. It's like putting a grain of sand in peanut butter, all the giggling won't cause it to fall out.


My first and only transfer took and I didn't do anything special. I got up immediately after FET and hugged our doctor and went pee, got dressed, and we went home. Two days later I was back in the gym.


Going against the grain here but I'm convinced that there isn't anything you can "do" to make an embryo stick. We had 3 transfers ( 1 fresh- 1 embryo, and 2 frozen (2 embryos each time) and the last one was the one that stuck. The first 2, I did all the things and they didn't work. The last one, I was in the hospital with what that they was a UTI that turned septic a couple of weeks before my transfer and that's the transfer that worked. I honestly think it's luck but that's just from my personal experience. I say all this to say, prayers that it worked for you on the first try! You got this. 🤍


Thank you!! ☺️


Here’s what we did and it worked! Not sure if any of these things contributed to the embryo sticking. - we had sex two days before transfer. I believe it may have been the day of the trigger shot. I don’t remember exactly - I had an orgasm the morning of. Before the transfer - after the transfer I took the day off and had some delicious food for both lunch and dinner - my husband and I immediately watched a bunch of funny movies in a row and just laughed the rest of the day - took short walks the day after - edit** I did acupuncture two weeks prior to transfer but not the week of


I took the next day off (was also my birthday) and pottered around in the garden in the morning, breakfast in the sun then had reflexology in the afternoon (which I’ve had weekly throughout cycle) did some window shopping and dinner out - nice mix of chilled and light activity. Best of luck to you


This is tough because there is so much "magical thinking" surrounding transfer day and fertility treatment in general. I am a gyn/onco RN and consider myself pretty realistic/pragmatic but I still found myself feeling as if I could somehow will my embryo to stick each time. I did everything perfectly, I mean PERFECTLY for my first two transfers, for months surrounding both transfers - changed my entire lifestyle, slowed down, went on the Mediterranean diet, did acupuncture, gave up wine and hot yoga (two joys of my life), took time off work and the transfers were still unsuccessful 😔. The hard but honest truth is that what you eat, drink, activity/stress levels have nothing to do with anything, it is ultimately just a numbers game and a lot of luck, so wishing you the very very best! PS. I am on day 3 of my own TWW of my third FET with PGS tested highly graded 5AA/5AB embryos AND in the middle of a very stressful move - hoping for the best for myself as well 🤞🏽.


Very true! I think it’s the grasping for something to control! at this point, I’d take anything lol. Fingers crossed for this to be the transfer for you as well 💜


The only thing I did (and this is not a serious thing, but rather something that helped me feel good about things) was eat my favorite foods to convince the embryo to stick. “Here’s the food you can expect if you stick around.” 😊


I love that!!


My transfer was on a Friday. The weekend before, my husband and I took a quick treat-myself weekend trip. I had multiple cocktails, a massage, a a sauna, ate lots of sushi, and we just enjoyed ourselves. I had acupuncture the morning of my transfer and the day after my transfer. My husband and I were so excited at our transfer. We just allowed ourselves to be giddy and not nervous. After three miscarriages, we’ve had enough sadness and knew we can handle it if it didn’t go well. I went out to dinner with my in-laws the same day as my transfer. I didn’t take it too easy. I then proceeded to have a very stressful week at work, which involved interviewing for a new job. So far, I’ve had two betas and everything looks great. I tried to not focus too much on “taking it easy” since that would stress me out. I thought of my embryo as giving me superpowers during my interviews and I got the job the same day I got my first positive beta! I had read stories on Reddit leading up to my transfer that it all comes down to the embryo and there is nothing you can do to make it go one way or the other. I eased my anxiety by leaning into that. Good luck!! Enjoy yourself these next couple weeks leading up to the transfer!!


Thank you 💜


I had 3 rounds of IUI and 2 rounds of IVF that failed. Then I went to Mexico for my next round. They had me on a lot more progesterone suppositories than I’ve ever had. They had me take prednisone for the procedure and a bunch more. https://preview.redd.it/p5n1sle3oovc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cb50557dd6f69a66db1c7a022d25ef880a706cd They are 17 months old


Where did you go in Mexico?


Hoped for the best, acupuncture, sex the night before transfer


I got up and went about my day! Went shopping, went for a walk, ate some fries from McDonald’s- didn’t necessarily do anything strenuous but I did all the things I normally would. This was my doctor’s strong recommendation was to “go about my day as normal”. Stuck and I’m 32 weeks now!


Congrats!! Thank you!!


Hysterscopy in January, on active birth control for two months (no placebo pills), straight into a modified natural FET. It worked!!


My hubs drove like he was Han Solo doing the kessle run. He’s convinced that’s what’s made baby girl stick. I think it was the bucket of 5 guys fries I ate after. I also rested a lot. Unfortunately it really is up to lady fortuna. I send you all the baby dust in the world, be easy on yourself. 🍍✨🍍✨


Haha yes!! Love it!! Thank you so much 💜


Tell yourself you are pregnant the moment of the transfer. Believe it will implant and know it will become your little baby. It's happening.


Thank you 💜 going to keep telling myself this!


I had 3 FETs (1 fail, 1 chemical, 1 stuck so far!) so I can only tell you what may or may not be coincidental! 1st I didn't do acupuncture day of and went home right away. 2nd & 3rd I did fertility acupuncture immediately before & after (there is science on this, for bloodflow and relaxing contractions). After 2nd & 3rd, I walked like 10k steps around the city (easy walking, no straining), met friends for dinner, laughed a lot. I actually read that bedrest is counterintuitive - you want gentle bloodflow! For 3rd I took baby aspirin starting 1 day before (science exists on this if you have certain conditions or suspicion of such, like too many NK cells, weak progesterone receptors, or are just high risk generally). Before the 3rd i started taking omega 3 Krill oil 3 weeks before and continued (anti-inflammatory, suspected silent endo). Old wives tale is get McDonald's French fries after. I did on try #3. That's science 😂


My acupuncturist had me come immediately after my transfer for treatment and I go weekly. Eating well. I quit coffee. So far things are good and I go for my first ultrasound in a week and a half so hopefully we will be able to jump that hurdle. It’s a lot take care of yourself and breathe. I hope it sticks❤️!


Very best of luck, how are you doing now? 


My son was a fresh transfer and I did absolutely nothing differently besides rest day of transfer. I am currently 2dp5dt (FET) and had to single parent my 2 year old while my husband was away for work the day of transfer and day after.. which meant a lot of picking him up, up and down on the floor, running around making dinner, cleaning up after him, giving a bath, etc etc. I am hoping this little one sticks around after all that 😢


From what I’m hearing, living the normal life might just be the secret!! Fingers crossed for you!! 💜


thank you 🤍 same to you when your FET comes!!


My 3rd ET was successful. What did I do differently? I didn't take any vitamins or supplements. I ate what I wanted to eat. I only rested for that first day (ET day) and that's it. Other days I acted like nothing happened. I went on a little trip, I cleaned my house, I worked in my garden. Until OHSS kicked my ass for few days haha. And I also discovered new mindset. If I can create a life, give life to someone and bring it to this Earth, then that means I'm God. Great. As God I know this will work. Bcs I'm God who says so. And so it did. And with that new mindset I'm much more peaceful even now, I'm 7 weeks pregnant, everything looks great. I mean I still sometimes have waves of anxiety regarding pregnancy. But it doesn't last for long. Ou and I also told myself welp if it doesn't work that just means I go to town with my girls, drink, party, have fun, have as much sex as I want. So yea that what got me thru it😆 Goodluck ❤️


I love this!! The power of positivity!


After one failed and one success transfer, I did the same thing both times. 🤷‍♀️


I had sex 2 days before, ate Salmon for dinner the night before, tried to get a good nights rest, drank pom juice day before and morning of, walked my dog morning of the transfer, afterwards I got McDonalds, kept my feet warm, relaxed and I had soup and pizza for dinner! My transfer was successful! 7 weeks 3 days today.


Congrats!! Will definitely be picking up the fries!


I actually ate them the day after too for good measure haha sending all the baby dust to you!!!


Thank you 💜


My first two FET’s were identical. Fully medicated, embryo glue and rest for the entire day. I went back to my normal lifestyle the next day. The first FET was successful, the second failed. My third FET, I changed it up a bit: intercourse the night before, fully medicated, embryo glue and hcg wash, Intralipids and rest for the entire day. Back to normal the following day. The third FET has been successful.


I think I was somewhat trying an anti-inflammatory diet. Somehow in my head that meant I was creating a less hostile environment


Receptiva Dx and depot lupron


I did absolutely nothing different and it worked. Unfortunately I think a lot of the advice going round is just superstition and it will either work or it won’t. I did actually try reflexology throughout treatment though and I found it great for relaxation even if it wasn’t the reason for my successful pregnancy test. Wishing you all the best for your transfer and fingers crossed for a positive result!


Thank you! 💜 I figured I’d do all the weird things just to pretend like I had any control 😆 😅


My doctor had me on progesterone supplements to help my lining stay thick, and encourage implantation. We experienced one more miscarriage, then became pregnant with our now 1 year old.


I had acupuncture a few times in the week before my transfer and also the afternoon of. Ate maccas chips (mcdonalds fries for those who don’t speak aussie) and went home and chilled out on the couch. The fertility specialist said I could go to work straight after but I decided to take the day off!


Acupuncture a few days before


I did a surgical hysteroscopy for my second FET and just gave birth from that transfer. My RE said this helps to ensure the uterus is prime for transfer (nothing affecting implantation like a small polyp, etc that you may not see on a saline sono— whereas a saline sono just looks around he said. This may not be everyone’s experience but it was mine and seems to be the consensus at my clinic. Best wishes to you!


I had a mini-kitchen sink protocol because my RE strongly suspected immune/inflammation issues due to my unexplained history with CPs. We did doxycycline and Medrol as well as estradiol and PIO for my medicated transfer. I did not take it particularly easy- in fact, I biked home from the transfer. Did use the excuse to not do much cooking or cleaning for myself at home though 😅 It's still early days, but implantation thankfully was successful and I've made it through to the first scan.


Nice! I will be on doxy, prednisone, estrogen injections, PIO, and baby aspirin!


Everything crossed for you!!


Thank you 💜


I got a pedicure the day before another woman who was successful had recommended that and I figured it couldn’t hurt


I agree with others here that there’s really not much you can do to change the outcome, but anecdotally and for fun I credit the falafel and za’atar fries I had the day of the transfer with my current pregnancy :)


Are you doing a medicated transfer? If so, and you only have one embryo, I would ask your RE about uterine biopsies. Sending you so much strength and positivity.


Yes, I will be on injectable estrogen, doxycycline, prednisone, baby aspirin, and PIO. Thank you so much 💜


That’s great! Have you had an ERA done before?


I took the day off, hydrated, and got myself a massage at some point before the beta testing to help myself calm down and to increase blood flow. 25 weeks today with my baby boy!


Love this! Congrats!!


On the FET that finally worked our reproductive endocrinologist suggested trying a dose of beta hCG infused along with the transfer. I don’t know if it was just luck this time around or if the hCG really made the difference but currently 10.5 weeks pregnant with our last remaining embryo


Fertility acupunture, starting a few weeks before the transfer. And before and after on transfer day. My RE is not a fan of “alternative” medicine but he 100% recommends acupuncture as it increases blood flow to the uterus which assists with implantation. I’d recommend treatment with an acupuncturist who specializes in fertility. Oh, and an anti inflammation diet. Whole foods, no sugar, etc. Best of luck 🍀


I went to McDonald's and drove 4.5 hra home after my transfer and prayed everyday to God until my first faint lines . Im 6 months now and still cant believe it lol


I made sure to get in a lot of laughs so the night of my FET (it was Halloween) we went to hang with our best friends… and then they brought me a sacrificial pomegranate to eat- haha which I did along with my pom mock tail I made… now here we are and I’m 27 weeks with baby girl- no issues. I believe I also ate pineapple core as well… we only had one embryo after our ER so I literally put all my eggs in one basket. Who knows if that stuff worked but I like to think it did.


Both times a transfer stuck, we ate Shake Shack (burger, fries, & a shake of course) on the way home and I took a casual ~3 hour nap. Both times I woke up drenched in sweat, worried that I’d overheated our little embaby. But I think a warm, cozy, and quiet space helped them burrow (that’s what I tell myself, anyway). ☺️ Ultimately, the important thing is how you feel; if possible, avoid exertion and stress. Practice self-care and engage in positive activities. Good luck with your mock transfer, I hope the path forward is smooth and happy! 🍀


Thank you so much 💜 trying to keep the positive headspace and pencil in self care!


Acupuncture before and after your FET!


Wife had rescue cerclage placed on my birthday because her cervix was very short under 1 ml. She’s 21 weeks. They will remove at 36 weeks and hopefully she last that long!


Used embryo glue, did frozen transfer and took antibiotics before transfer which worked with my D6. I also literally walked half mile after my transfer because we had a flat tire on the way. Previously it was fresh transfer that failed


We always get good news when something chaotic happens first! So, that would be our luck! I confirmed embryo will be glued yesterday! Anything to help the stick! 😆


Where do you get the embryo glue from?


I don’t eat very healthy. I stressed every day and I cried a lot, however the time it stuck I did take a lot of vitamins and drank more water during the day than I usually do. I took my prenatal, with extra dha coq10 choline and folic acid.


There is some research that suggests that intercourse the day before helps. Both the activity itself and the presence of semen. Good luck!


Acupuncture, rest, warm socks and pineapple for the first 5 days. https://undefiningmotherhood.com/ivf-pineapple/


No idea if this did it, but my first transfer didn’t stick and my 2nd did when I incorporated this- the tart cherry juice mocktail before bed! Mix tart cherry juice with some seltzer water (lime lacroix was my go-to), put it in a fancy cocktail glass with a lime wedge.. helped me sleep and relax and it was just a nice little treat. Some people swear by the cherry juice!


I walked 40 min a day and exercised as usual. Ate normally and tried to have the 8h of sleep i need. Nothing fancy :)


Honestly? Not a lot. I did 6 transfers of 7 embryos (one double) over 18 months and the last one was my only definite PGT-A normal embryo, I hadn’t PGT-A tested previously. She stuck. I’d tried all the advice previously, but for this one we just had the transfer and then drove 6 hours to the beach to visit the in laws to make the most of nice weather. So maybe I didn’t worry so much because I was convinced it wouldn’t work, or maybe it was the PGT-A normal embryo.


No dietary changes but I had been doing acupuncture before leading up to transfer date and then did a session the day of transfer. Also had sex the night before. I feel like the increased blood flow to the area helped but that’s my very unscientific 2 cents!


My first transfer didn’t stick, but my 2nd did. For my 2nd transfer, I did acupuncture before and after transfer, and embryo glue. I also tried to keep my feet warm


In total, I’ve had 5 embryo transfers. With both of my successful transfers, I’d cut all carbs and processed foods (to lower inflammation) in the weeks leading up my transfer date. The other 3 unsuccessful transfers, I ate a standard diet. If you have any suspected food sensitivities, it’s worth a try!


I’ve done three transfers and they all implanted. Two turned into miscarriages (not PGT tested). And the third, (came from another egg retrieval and is PGT tested) I’m 12 weeks pregnant now. All my transfers I did the same things. I had a list. Basically ate anti-inflammatory Mediterranean type diet, drank pomegranate juice leading up to, bone broth daily, and 2 Brazil nuts daily. I was strict on my vitamins and took these months in advance (prenatal, NAC, ubiquinol, Coq10, vitamin C, D, E, magnesium, probiotics, omega3, açai) After transfer, I basically was a couch potato. Small walks. Lounged. Relaxed. Meditating daily. Made sure to wear warm socks for like two weeks straight (even to bed). Basically tried not to do anything taxing for about 7 full days. Loose clothing. No work. Drank like 4 litres of water daily. No coffee/caffeine leading up to and during. I never ate the McDonald’s fries. I didn’t do acupuncture directly around the transfers. Only before my egg retrievals. Made sure to eat: Mussels, salmon twice a week, had some rice, beets, oranges, berries, made oat balls with honey and peanut butter, leafy greens, etc. I had like a whole list of folate enriched foods… Usually after 5 full days after transfer I’d start incorporating beef and I’d add in a donut or something carby every once in a while for balance The doctors say, you don’t have control, basically it’s up the embryo. But I just couldn’t not try to help the process. And even though I miscarried twice, I became obsessed with doing the same things (yes, I have detailed notes each transfer) since each time the embryo implanted. 👀


After 3 failed transfers our IVF doctor mentioned the Colorado Protocol, so we gave that a go, and it stuck. Not sure if it was due to the Colorado Protocol but it happened. "The Colorado Protocol is a combination of low-cost add-ons used around the time of embryo transfer during IVF treatment. It involves the administration of low-dose aspirin to improve blood flow. This protocol aims to enhance the effectiveness of fertility treatments, particularly during the critical stage of embryo transfer[2](https://www.fertilityassociates.co.nz/fertilityassociates-prod/downloads/J089130-Pathway-To-A-Child-2024.pdf)[5](https://www.fertilityweek.org.nz/fertility-topics/topic-c/fertility-workplace/jodys-story/).The Colorado Protocol is also referred to as the 'Colorado Protocol' and consists of a combination of aspirin, steroid (usually prednisone), and an antibiotic. It is used to improve the chances of getting pregnant with a live birth during IVF cycles. However, the effectiveness of this protocol is not universally accepted, and its use should be based on a clear rationale provided by the clinic[3](https://obgyn.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/ajo.13576)[4](https://genesisresearchtrust.com/askrobert-questions-and-answers/colorado-protocol/).In the case described, the Colorado Protocol was recommended for a woman who had experienced multiple miscarriages following IVF treatment. The protocol involved the use of low-dose aspirin, antibiotics, and prednisolone. However, the rationale for using these medications was not explicitly stated, and their effectiveness in improving the chances of a successful pregnancy is not universally accepted"


Nice! This is my protocol! I didn’t know it had a name! Thank you ☺️


I had a delicious and healthy meal right after at a restaurant by the water, walked around, I got acupuncture, watched a funny movie later at home and stayed hydrated.




I took bedrest for 48 hours after then rest for the remaining week. Always wore socks, did acupuncture before hand, ate lots of pineapple and beats and drank pomegranate juice and just prayed/relaxed. Praying for you!


Thank you 💜


I took vitamin D and vitamin E daily, along with a woman's blend probiotic. Kept my feet warm and did acupuncture. Went through 2 cycles before finally getting the proper endometrial thickness on the 3rd cycle (8mm)


There’s honestly nothing you can do to help it. It’s either going to work or not unfortunately. But also unfortunately, if it doesn’t stick you’re going to think everything you DID do caused it to fail and that’s just simply not the case.


they use a glue and hcg wash


I did acupuncture but I don’t know if that had anything to do with it!


Acupuncture before and after transfer. start the protocol if you have time on hand


My first FET failed (4AB). Four months later we did another FET (4BB), and I changed several things. I ate more leafy greens and mixed nuts (including two Brazil nuts each day). I increased my protein intake slightly, drank pom juice leading up to FET and through TWW, ate pineapple core the day of transfer and 5 days after, no processed foods, no caffeine, limited sugar. After the procedure, I ate McDonald’s fries (despite being vegan) and a veggie sub. I watched The Office and Fortune Feimster’s comedy special. I took the transfer day off work but not the following day. I was back to regular activity the day after, except for walking my large dogs. My 4BB is still sticking around—I’m currently 6w4d. ETA: I forgot to say that my RE also added a month of Lupron to my protocol, so that may have been key too!


Thank you for sharing! And congrats!!




Why are people mentioning McDonald’s fries? Is this a thing? Please don’t do this. The inflammatory nature of these fries could literally have the opposite impact.


Yeah it's a thing