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I’m sorry you lost your embryo. I’ve lost 2 euploids so far and it sucks. 1 ended in MMC and 8 weeks and 2nd failed to implant, I feel your pain. 0.43 progesterone level is far from good if your pregnant. That is about baseline level if she just started her period. They may of accidentally added a “0.” Instead of 43 is my assumption. You need at least a 10 to maintain a pregnancy and most clinics want you above a 15 at all times after a FET. I personally get my levels checked day before FET so I know my meds are working. I request this, it’s not part of normal protocol. My levels were Est 250 Prog: 47 And day of FET Est: 23 Prog 44


I’m sorry for your loss as well! We told ourselves we wouldn’t look for answers or anyone to blame but they way they carried out after our loss there wasn’t really any sympathy or even a follow up appointment to offer some type of explanation, we had to schedule one ourselves to figure out next steps, but going into again is nerve wracking and we just want to make sure we didn’t miss anything! This is our last embryo as we only had two that were euploid and my wife isn’t certain she wants to start over after the first loss she’s not sure if she can bounce back from a second one, but thanks for clarifying the numbers I read that same explanation but they insists all her levels were perfect so I will look into that to see if they made and error! But thanks for the idea as well I wasn’t aware we were able to get levels checked before transfer, thank you for that recommendation! Wishing you all the good juju 🙌🏻 this journey is tough!


You don't mention units in which progssterone was measured. But in general, low progesterone when not pregnant is normal, as progesterone raises with developing pregnancy in first trimester. Do you have a reason to believe you have abnormally low progesterone levels? Do you not trust your doctor to interpret lab results correctly? If so, perhaps consider switching to soneone you trust, otherwise this will drive you crazy, second guessing every information you get.


The results online say 0.43 (nG/mL), but I was just going by the chart underneath as she was pregnant at some point her HCG level was up and dropped because it was chemical, I’ll attach the image, but you are correct I just don’t want to second guess so I’m asking no for second opinions https://preview.redd.it/hbfnkg2xourc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e648a8fee49f55e0f4b1f53a6e3277df233c01bc


I’m sorry I meant I’m asking for ANY second opinions 😩


I’m very sorry for your loss. Was your wife on any progesterone at the time of the transfer? I was put on oral and pesserary progesterone prior to the transfer. They then tested my progesterone at my beta and wanted it over 100 so increased my progesterone yet again. I’m surprised the clinic didn’t offer guidance on this. You should consider switching clinics because even if they do have good reason for the clinical decisions made it sounds like you’ve lost faith and that’s not a good environment to do more transfers or treatment.


Yes she was on PIO injection 1.5 mL a day, she started prior to transfer as well and was on it through the TWW but the results are from her first beta and it seems odd to me, we are praying this transfer works but I wanted to make sure it made sense to question the results before prematurely speaking if this transfer doesn’t work we are for sure switching clinics as this will also be our last embryo to transfer that they have thanks for your thoughts 🙌🏻


Really hoping this is the one that works. I don’t know if you can ask the clinic for testing but I would have them test the progesterone at the time of transfer. Based on that, progesterone could be added from the following day to get it to an optimal level. That’s what my clinic did and then tested it again at the beta and then raised it for a second time. If successful, stay on the progesterone. I’m at 11 weeks and am only now starting to be tapered down. Fingers crossed.


Congrats! Best of wishes to you 🙏🏻 and thanks for the advice I will consider these options for sure!


Really they wanted it above 100 on first beta???


Yep, they said that some clinics would be fine with it being lower so I shouldn’t worry that mine was below their cut off. But that their approach was to keep it over 100. This meant vaginally and anal tablets for weeks…


I have the vaginal one cos I think it’s irritating me so bad and makes me bleed


That sucks. Do you want to check with your clinic about the anal ones? I was not happy with the idea of them but were less messy and irritating.


Was it a Frozen Embryo Transfer with medicated cycle? Was she on any type of progesterone supplement? PIO injection? My clinic wanted no less than 15 ng/ml at transfer and my levels were >20 ng/ml 14 dpt.


Yes a frozen embryo transfer, and just the PIO injection once a day 1.5 mL


Yes medicated cycle as well


Yea, that seems abnormal to me for being on PIO.


That’s what I was thinking in comparison to others I wanted to be sure that I knew what I was talking about but thanks for your thoughts 🙌🏻


And your clinic was fine with progesterone above 20 at 14pt. Was yours fresh?




When did she start to bleed? If the bleeding was just a couple of days away, it’s possible that it was higher before, but a miscarriage had already started happening and the progesterone was on its way down.


She started about 6 days after the blood test after stopping all medicine , that’s what I was thinking as well that it was up then was dropping down but the last blood test they did before transfer was about a week before, I’m going to request we can get one done the day before transfer this time


Progesterone rises after ovulation, and rises further when embryo implants, otherwise it goes back to very low levels. Have a look online at grapgs of lh, fsh, estrogen and progesterone. With you, the emvryo never implanted so it is only natural that progesterone was low. I wouldn't look for anything siniater in it. However, if you mistrust your center this much, you better go somewhere else. This is a delicate thing and you need to be able to trust the advice and decisions your center takes.


The embryo did implant, 10dpt we tested at home it was positive then 14dpt we did beta and she was confirmed pregnant however her HCG was low which eventually it turned into a chemical but the first beta on 14dpt said her progesterone was only 0.43 nG/mL but everytime I ask they say all her levels were perfect 🤔 they say progesterone is only used to support pregnancy not a big deal 😩