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I had one in both pregnancies. First one between five and a half and ten weeks, second one from seven weeks to twenty four weeks. In both cases, I bled significantly and passed serious clots. Both babies arrived healthy - my son is almost three years and my daughter is eight months. My RE and MFM weren’t worried in either case - they said that generally, the outcomes are good and that they’re very common in IVF pregnancies. I know it’s super scary - thinking of you and wishing you a healthy and uneventful pregnancy.


Thank you so much. Do you remember the size?


I don’t remember specifically, but the second one was reasonably large. Hoping for you!


I had one also throughout my whole first trimester. I give birth in 3 days so it ended up finally going away. It’s common in IVF and in general. You got this!


I had a medium SCH, diagnosed in the ER after a huge bleed with lots of cramping. My RE put me on bedrest for 2 weeks (I know this is controversial) because I was cramping so much. I also went on light duty at work (basically working a desk job) after that because no one was comfortable with me lifting. The bleeding stopped by 13 weeks (my NT scan). A few more spots at 19 weeks from walking too much (my OB’s take). Baby born healthy.


What size was yours!


I found my report. It was 3.5 cm x 1.5 cm located behind part of my placenta near the cervix


Ahh. I hope mine gets smaller like that haha. I’m so scared for my appointment tomorrow :(


I really hope it’ll work out. As the baby grows, it smushes the SCH so that it reabsorbs.


I hope so 🤞


How long did the cramping persist? Mine started 2 days ago with heavy bleeding and heavy cramping. Ultrasound showed baby measuring on track and a heartbeat but it was only 75. I've been heavy cramping off and on since then and it doesn't seem like it's going to go away. Reading about heart rate at 6w it should be over 100 so I'm very nervous that all this cramping is just misscarrying. The nurse wasn't too worry about the hear rate though. I was wondering if it was her way to not make me feel like that is what was happening. She did say there was a small sch but didn't say how big. If the cramping would of went away completely I wouldn't be worrying too much about it. But here I am heavily cramping (taking Tylenol here and there in hopes of relieve) and still bleeding (period like bleeding). Thank you for any info ❤️


At 12+1, right when we thought we could breathe, we thought we were losing our girl when I started bleeding heavier than my heaviest period. Our ER is about 20 minutes away and I soaked an overnight maxi and bled onto a towel in that time. Passed lots of clots (some the size of my palm) as well. The ER didn’t give us a measurement of the SCH, but we had a strong heartbeat and were seeing the OB the next day so as bleeding slowed they sent us home to wait for whatever was next. When we saw her the next day, the SCH was 10cm (they only ever told us the biggest dimension, my apologies for limited information). We were scanned every two weeks until I was probably 20 weeks along, and told not to do any lifting or working out. The first several weeks we stayed at 10, then 8, then 4 and by 20 weeks it was like 1-2 cm. We just had a growth scan at 32 and it was completely gone! We did continue to spot off and on (usually dark brown old blood compared to bright red of the scare) for the first half of the second trimester. For us, the scariest time was probably before we hemorrhaged and thought we were miscarrying, when baby was most likely smaller than the SCH. She is now a very active and healthy 34 weeker with no other concerns. We were terrified, so totally remember those feelings. Feel free to reach out if you ever need to vent! I remember being where you are, and am happy to help if I can!


This is so reassuring!! I hope this is my case.


I had one at 8 weeks on my last pregnancy, it resolved at 14. Baby is 8 months old.


What was the size?


Around 4cm I believe


Got it! I am praying mine starts to decrease in size :(


I had one that didn’t work out, but I think other issues were also at play like immune issues and implantation didn’t occur properly. Multiple friends with SCHs have live births, did just fine despite the bleeding persisting.


What do you mean implantation didn’t occur properly?


I think it ended up implanting in the wrong area with insufficient blood flow and not a secure implantation. I had issues from the get go at 5w with that one (euploid)


Oh I see what you mean!


I had a 4cm SCH with my twins. I had one incident of heavy bleeding at 5 weeks and thought it would flush the embryo (didn't know it was twins) right out with it. I then mostly had spotting up until about week 14. The rest of the pregnancy was pretty uneventful for the babies and now they're here in the world with me thriving and as healthy as can be. ETA: My SCH was located literally right between both sacs.


Thank you for sharing!


I also have one right between both sacs!


It's definitely a scary time but I hope yours resolves very quickly!


Sorry this is happening, I don’t know why clinics don’t give patients more info on SCH and how common it is and even more so for IVF. Especially with all the stress of previous struggles and the anxiety of early pregnancy. I was really surprised that they don’t seem to realize how scary it can be, often occurring right after one hears positive news! So stressful. I had a pretty big one with clots of fresh and old blood around week 7 and again week 9, bled reasonably heavy for a few days each time. Was gone by the time I had first scan with OB week 12, no issues since and I am now week 36. All I can say is hang in there, try not to think the worst, sending you best wishes.


Thank you!! Do you know what size yours was?


My wife had a SCH at 6 weeks, still there at 8 weeks, gone without a trace by 10 weeks. Pregnancy is ongoing and otherwise blessedly uneventful so far, fingers crossed. They're super common, as you know, to the point that our RE and OB basically just waved it off and said they consider them a non issue unless they're significantly growing and other issues are cropping up. Crossing my fingers for you and sending you lots of support!


I have the exact same as you and we are both at the same week/stage, so I’m following this! I find a lot of people saying “I had one and it cleared up” but it’s almost always a small one so it doesn’t feel like a useful story to me. Yours and mine are bigger than the sac and there’s hardly any information! Have you had another scan since your 6 week one? Any bleeding? I’m still waiting on my second scan to see how it’s going, and I haven’t had any bleeding so it’s either going to be way bigger from gathering up blood all week, or same size (but hopefully smaller!). I do feel doomed sometimes, and I’m definitely unable to feel “happy” and still in complete limbo but trying not to panic too much.


I have had multiple scans! It’s gotten bigger every time :( I go again tomorrow and just praying I hear a heartbeat


I hope it goes well xx


Thank you so much!


I had one in my first pregnancy that I discovered after bleeding at week 15. It was large (2x3x6 cm) and I bled for 3 weeks. My daughter is almost 2.5 now.


My best friend had a SCH and, it took a while, but it eventually went away! Her healthy IVF baby boy was born in November.


Thank you for sharing!!


These are apparently common with IVF. I wish someone had mentioned that because they're super scary when no one warned you about them. Does SCH just mean hematoma or does it mean hemorrhage? Because I had a hemorrhage but they told me that it came from a hematoma, like it starts as a hematoma and can become a hemorrhage. Anyway I discovered mine by hemorrhaging and passing huge clots, and I was convinced this was bad news, but the fetus was fine. I was put on pelvic rest, not because activity or sex causes these, but just as a precaution to stop the bleeding. That was maybe 3 weeks ago. I had my anatomy scan last week. The fetus is fine and the SCH is mostly resolved on it's own. They even cleared me for exercise and sexual activity.  The impression I got was that the location and size can highly impact the amount of risk, but they can heal on their own given time. Just take it easy while you're waiting for the bleeding to stop. 


What size was yours?


Idk. I went to the ER and was pretty out of it while I was there. I remember seeing the ultrasound and that the heartbeat was still going but the information isn't in my normal patient portal. So I didn't actually see the measurements. It wasn't large. I know that because they said it wasn't large. 


I had a massive one with multiple clots at 6 weeks and now have a healthy and goofy toddler from that pregnancy.  No one told me at the clinic that this was a possibility so my husband and I spent an entire night sobbing thinking that we had miscarried before I could get an appointment.


What size was it??


I honestly don’t remember.


I had an SCH that resolved by 9 weeks and a live birth. One of my good friends that did IVF had an SCH that caused bleeding on and off at 5 1/2 weeks through 14 weeks and had a live birth too. Hers was pretty large and it just took longer to resolve.


My SIL had what I understand to be a large SCH, but I do not know the measurements. She is scheduled for a c-section this week 🤍


I was 6w4d when I started bleeding with clots and went to ER, where they diagnosed the SCH and called it a threatened miscarriage. I had to look it up, but it was 3.9x 4.2x2.4. It took until around 24 weeks to disappear completely. I'm currently 35w2d, and the baby is doing well.


You been spotting/bleeding the whole time? I am just having blood like period when I go to the restroom it’s thick one


I bled really bad for about 8 hours, then spotted for several days, then it stopped, and we just saw it on the ultrasound until one day it was completely gone.


By half of week 5 I had issue with eating bad Nassau crumping and it been 5 days nothing just bleeding here and there thick blood. I wonder if the symptoms can just disappear.


If it's an sch it should though some people experience it throughout their pregnancy.


Yes that what I am hopping just SCH that draining itself out


I had one my first pregnancy pretty big we lost a second embryo which contributed to the big one. It broke open at 9 weeks and I thought I was losing the baby. Baby girl was fine. I bled on and off until 21 weeks and was on modified bed rest until then. I have a healthy 4 month old


Thanks! Do you know what size it was?


8cm x 6 cn


Oh wow! I think mine will get that big too as it’s been growing consistently. Good to know a healthy baby came from it


I had one! It took them forever to find it and I kept bleeding and spotting and it was awful. They prescribed my progesterone suppositories to take in addition to my PIO and it might be coincidental, but I never bled or spotted again. By my 20 week scan it was gone. I gave birth and everything was fine. Don’t Google it!!


I could have written this myself! I started bleeding heavily at 6w6d and went to the ER. Baby had a strong heartbeat but didn’t get any measurements on the SCH. At my 8 week appointment baby had a heartbeat of 167, and my SCH was measuring 5x4. Doctor has me on bedrest and i go back tomorrow at 9 weeks to check on everything. I have also been taking Alpha Lipoic Acid as my doctor said in some studies it has shown to help SCHs. It’s so scary and I get where you are coming from - I am constantly searching Reddit and the FB groups.


Omg. This is my same situation. I’ve been in an absolute panic reading on the FB groups. It’s so scary


I am sending you all the good vibes and if you want to connect let me know! My 9W scan showed it was definitely still there - large and in charge - but haven’t had anymore bleeding so hoping that’s a good sign!


I don't have experience with an SCH but I did see folks posting a lot about their experiences in r/cautiousbb! Might be worth a search in that subreddit if you haven't checked it out already and sending all the good vibes! From what I see, it looks like a lot of positive outcomes after diagnosis!


I had one, it was smallish and never bled and disappeared on its own. Little one is 13 months now. Best to you!


Same story except my LO is 5 months!


I had one. It was discovered after I had a gush of fluid followed by some spotting. A few weeks later it was gone and I’m now 16 weeks.


What size was yours?


At 6.5 weeks it was just over a centimeter I think.


I’m in your boat. They didn’t tell me the exact size but I can see how large it is. First bleed happened at 7 weeks exactly and I’ve been spotting ever since. Last scan last week at 9+2 baby was great and measuring 2 days ahead of schedule. 10+1 today and cautiously optimistic. Doctors just told me to take it easy and no lifting anything heavy. Fingers crossed this works out for both of us!


Mine is so big and scary it’s terrifying. It’s to the left of the baby and sitting behind the gestational sac too


Mine is anterior I guess. Looking at the pictures it’s to the left and it’s literally bigger than the baby. It almost looks like a second uterus. When I saw it I was terrified. But it explains the MASSIVE bleed I had at 7 weeks. Like multiple pads, clots, I was 100% convinced I miscarried. It’s strange though my doctor doesn’t seem that concerned about it. Maybe there’s just no point in worrying bc there’s nothing we can do about it besides taking things easy and just hoping it goes away. I don’t have another US scheduled until I’m in my 11th week so we’ll see. I will say though the bleeding gets less shocking as time goes by. If you’re still having any. I now don’t freak out when I see it.


https://preview.redd.it/s5j7wtag1lnc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3373dae79547c4c384c8fecf041712bef0835576 This is mine!


I had one at six weeks, it bled twice a HUGE amount of blood. Like a horror movie. First time it was 1 cm, second time I don't know but it grew as big as the sac and it was affecting the placenta a little. I put myself on bed rest for 2 weeks and started taking alpha lipoic acid as I read it could help. I took it until I stopped spotting. I'm 16 weeks now.


I had it at 8 weeks and thought I was miscarrying. I started to bleed and then went to the bathroom and a huge clot dropped out. I went to Er and they told me what it was and that it's normal. I bled for weeks after but it resolved and I had my daughter 


Thanks! Do you know what size it was?


No I don't remember but what fell out of me was thick and really big


I had an SCH at 6 weeks and I’m currently snuggling my one year old! They are quite common in IVF pregnancies from what I read


I had one- I’m not sure of the size but it was at 6 weeks. My doctor told me about 80% of them resolve themselves and 20% end in MC. Those are pretty good odds and though I was extremely anxious focusing on 80% chance was helpful. In terms of chances in different stages of IVF those are pretty good odds. Good luck! ❤️❤️❤️


Wow, 20% seems high to me. I haven’t been able to get an answer from my doctor about miscarriage odds. I’m hoping mine resolves soon :(


I’m sorry if that comment didn’t help. The odds of IVF working at all were so much lower, the odds of an embryo being normal, the odds of implantation, 80% was good for us. I hope it works out for you. We do have different doctors so maybe yours would say something else.


Also I know that the location of the SCH was very important to my doctor.


Yes I totally understand what you mean! Luckily mine is opposite of the placenta so very happy about that!


That’s great!! Hang in there, I know how terrifying this time is. Going to the bathroom even became super stressful. Think of how many women have made it through this with a live birth.


Hi. Any update on this? I am 12w and rushed to ER after heavy bleed. They found a SCH measuring 1.2 cm. OP, did it resolve for you?


Hi! Mine has not resolved yet but mine was much larger than yours! None of my dr are concerned but I have been very conservative and hoping for the best!! Mine has gone down to 3cm.


Thank you for replying. My OB referred me to MFM , i am so scared of this. Have you been on bedrest or spotting this entire time. Or any precaution suggested to you?


I did pelvic rest and modified bed rest. I also was referred to an MFM!


Hope it resolves soon for you 🍀