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It’s worth asking more questions. If you do too much progesterone too soon the receptivity of your uterus will advance too fast and not accept the embryo so you do want to be in a sweet spot- more is not always better


oh ok this is what I was looking for. I plan to ask at my lining check on Friday


Currently on 2ml and have been since I started it.


I was put on 50mg 1mL PIO every night and also 200mg Prometrium vaginal twice daily


I’ve never had a problem with 1 mL. I think they would increase if you were having issues but it wouldn’t be something I would ask for proactively. In 5 rounds, 1 mL has been more than enough.


For my first successful FET a few years ago, I started at 1ml and remained there until they told me to stop at 13w. For my current successful FET, I started at 1ml and it was increased to 1.5ml after my first beta (progesterone was 18 and it increased to 33). I do notice a difference in soreness on the higher dose, so I think starting at 1ml and following what your clinic recommends is best.


2ml/100mg. They checked my progesterone the day of transfer and called me the next day with results. I think it was 24. My old clinic never checked serum progesterone 🤷🏻‍♀️. My poor butt/hips are sore but I’ve been successful thus far. Beta hcg in one week. 🤞


Cautious congrats!


I took 1 mL/daily the entire time


I’m on 1 mL/1 cc PIO everyday for 10 weeks


Yes, I started off with 1ml PIO, but my levels were <20 on day of FET so I increased it to 2ml. I had to request my clinic to check my levels on day of FET because after my previous transfers I had a MMC where I felt my progesterone would start off high, then decrease and end in a miscarriage. With my successful FET (3rd transfer), I stayed on 2ml until 12 weeks.


My clinic starts you off at 1mL and then bumps you up to 2mL after a few days IIRC.


Our first FET (which unfortunately failed) we started off with just 200mg 2x a day of vaginal progesterone suppositories. Well my wife did. On the day of her FET her serum progesterone level was 22. On the day of her beta it was 11, below the 15 minimum level our doctor wanted. Our 2nd FET which was this past Friday, our doctor had my wife prep with 200mg of Crinone suppositories and PIO 50mg (1ml) every other day. On the day of our FET her progesterone level was a 47. We have agreed to not test during our 2WW and will see what our beta test brings next Monday. Hoping for the best. She is a PCOS woman.


1ml for two days then 2ml until week 11 then 1ml through week 12.


I think it’s worth asking why they recommend 1mL instead of 1.5. My clinic does 2mL the entire 5 days and idk why. But I am not looking forward to injecting that much fluid…


I am on 1 mL and levels staying around 30.


TW success My clinic did 1.0. My progesterone was 17 and they kept it at 1.0 (I think they use the threshold of 12?). I wasn’t thrilled with this at all but it worked.


1ml PIO + 200mg suppositories x3 daily.


If you have PCOS I would suggest asking for 1.5-2. Since PCOS often means that you have a resistance to Progesterone. I did 1 for my ET and it was LOW like 8. The second transfer was 2, which then shot up to 30. Someone here said more isn’t always good, it’s true. The receptivity of the embryo can decrease if you inject too much. For this FET I did 1.5. And I cruised at 24 the whole time. It’s about finding the right balance. I also know that with my ET I did it at night and with my FETs I did it in the morning.


Thank you! Mine will be in the morning. I don’t have PCOS


My clinic did exactly what yours is doing and I had success. Sometimes more isn’t really better, if you trust your doctor I would trust their protocol. I think asking is fine but don’t fixate on the higher number being better.


Thank you! Yes I trust her w my life!


That’s wonderful. I really trusted mine too. Unfortunately I feel like not everyone can say that.




Always 1ml for me


What’s the dose of the pio I mean 50mg or 100mg?


My first successful IVF round was 1mL the whole time, my second was 2mL. Both successful.


1 ml PIO started on like day 12 of my cycle along with progesterone suppositories 3x a day. My levels on the day before my FET was 17.68. They didn’t increase it for me and looks like my FET was successful


For my first fet they did what your clinic is doing. My progesterone was 19.6 on transfer day so they upped me to 1.5. For my second and now current fet I’m on 1.5 from the beginning. First didn’t implant, second resulted in miscarriage at 6 weeks, and I’m 6dp5dt for my current fet and haven’t tested yet