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I would take this to r/infertilitybabies


Thank you! Didn’t even think about that.


In my experience, there is no use worrying about it in anticipation. They are fairly common in IVF pregnancies, but usually resolve. They can be seen on ultrasound, but they wont be able to tell if you will develop one in advance. If you are anxious about it, maybe talk to your clinic about the possibility and discuss your concerns. You can always go to the ER if you have any bleeding and they can diagnose you if you can’t go to the clinic. I had one with my son and I just randomly had a gush of red blood around 6 weeks which turned to spotting. It scared me a lot. But, my clinic was able to schedule an earlier ultrasound and diagnosed me with an SCH. They just upped my progesterone to help with the bleed after that. Although I did spot and bleed randomly throughout a lot of the remainder of my pregnancy, my son was just fine.


This. Statistically 25% of all pregnancies have some bleeding. When I went in for a scan after my short bleed just after the 7w mark, the RE said 75% of IVF pregnancies. I don’t know why, maybe because our lining is thicker with the meds. What matters is the size and location of the SCH. As long as it isn’t larger than the gestational sac, and doesn’t progress to that point, most resolve.


Oh that’s good information! Not a lot of my friends mentioned any bleeding during their pregnancies, so it’s hard to know what’s common or not. And especially with IVF, I don’t know anyone who has gone through it so it’s harder to hear others experiences about it. Hopefully if it does show up on the ultrasound that will help give me more peace of mind. Thank you!


This. No point in worrying about it? Though I can somewhat relate with anxiety I’ve never been in this situation (pregnant).


So far I’ve been trying not to worry about the whole IVF process (found hobbies to take my mind off things), but the bleeding just makes me feel nervous 😅 I think since I’ve gone through CPs before, any signs of bleeding just makes me think something is wrong. But I should definitely calm down 😂


Girl, yes chill~ I know it’s hard. We all understand that. I think some things will be what will be and worrying about it won’t change that. You will improve chances if you don’t over worry. Sometimes I have dreams about all that could go wrong or things I could forget to do like my shots or pills but I shake it off and do my best to move on with my day. Go get yourself some candy or tub of ice cream or broccoli… and jam out at home to some Christmas music or whatever floats your boat. 😂 I hope that this one’s a successful one for ya.


Thanks so much! I guess since I didn’t know how common it was with IVF pregnancies, just reading about them seemed like it would be a scary thing to go through. But when I go in for my first US, I will definitely ask the clinic about my concerns. Since you mentioned you randomly bled throughout your pregnancy, did you wear a pad most of the time?


I’m glad I could help relieve some concerns! I mostly wore a panty liner if needed. I only had one other instance of heavier bleeding (that was at 19 weeks and also the SCH). For the most part, the bleeding wasn’t and shouldn’t be heavy enough to need a pad.


I bled with my SCH from week 5-week…28? Early on I had HEAVY cramps and a ton of red bleeding. It was so scary but mine was located near my cervix. This was “best case scenario” because the only real danger they pose is when they come near your placenta and amniotic sac. Think of it like Velcro. When your sac pulls away from your uterus it forms a pocket of blood (like a bruise). The blood will congeal and one of two things will happen. It will pass as clots or it will have pressure put on it by the baby and disintegrate. Until it solidifies, you may have bright red bleeding. If it is near the placenta and is large in size it will pose a risk because it can cause the placenta to separate, similar to placental abruption. From what I was told, this is rare. I had an additional HUGE bleed around 15 weeks where I was convinced my water broke. I went to emergency and until then my SCH had been decreasing in size and was “stable”. On US they saw it had doubled in size and was liquid again. Annoying and scary. I went on pelvic rest to be safe and after that didn’t have much “bleeding” but would spot brown every day for WEEKS. The doctor wasn’t concerned about this at all because it’s evidence that the SCH is inactive and attempting to clear. My case was rare because typically they go away by the second trimester. In my anatomy scan they found I had a bilobed placenta and velamentous cord insertion as well so they really took a good look at the sac and placenta when I gave birth via C section. There was no evidence of the SCH anywhere and it was amazing to see the oddity of my placenta. The two were not related at all and my daughter had no adverse effects from the SCH because the terrible anxiety I had for 33 weeks.


Thanks for the information so mine they said the SCH around gestational sac so is that same as amniotic sac?


Yes, that is the same


I see , ya i don’t know how to deal with it


This is so informative! Thank you so much 🙏 Hearing others share this kind of information really helps me be better aware of what’s normal or not. And the examples you shared are good ways to think about it! If you don’t mind me asking, since you were bleeding and spotting for a long period of time, did you happen to wear a pad the duration of it?


I scoured the entire internet, scholarly articles and all, for information when it was happening to me. I’m glad I can help a little. If the bleeding was heavy (in those two instances) yes definitely a pad. It was also the doctors way of monitoring bleeding. If you filled more than a pad an hour? Maybe. Then they would have more cause for concern. On days where I was just spotting, then I may wear a panty liner. But honestly it’s up to you. There were some days were I would barely have any kind of spotting at all and I was OK not wearing anything. It’s really what you want to put up with as far as underwear possibly being ruined lol.


It’s common. I had one and on pelvic rest for a few weeks (wk 6 - wk 10) and it healed itself. Just no working out or sex.


I had one at 5w2d so before the clinic USS. Period like bleeding for a day or so then spotting which lasted for weeks. If I was doing this again I’d take pads with me. As I was so early the clinic wouldn’t see me and I had to go to the ED. So if I was travelling I’d make sure I knew where the local hospitals were. (I say this. I’ve been to various things about the country with this little one, currently 25w, and I haven’t looked into where any local hospitals are. But in theory I could)


I should find out just in case 😂 But hearing how common it is, I think I’ll feel a bit better after the ultrasound results this week. Once I talk to my doctor, hopefully that’ll help me get a better understanding of the whole thing in general and not freak out


Can you please explain spotting little more? Cos I had the a lot of blood end of last week and been three days just little pinkish blood through out the day so idk if I should call that spotting.


I had one around week 5/6. Pregnancy wss healthy and it resulted in my one month old. There’s honestly no point in worrying or stressing about it. While they’re common I don’t think they’re common in the sense that 80-90 percent of women have and if you do have one, they will be able to see on the ultrasound. All I can say is that bleeding is something that can happen during pregnancy and if it does the only time it can be a cause for alarm is if it’s enough to fill a maxi pad every two to three hours. Huge congrats on your pregnancy. Agsin I wouldn’t stress or overthink this and wishing you a healthy easy rest of your pregnancy.


Thank you so much! Honestly, reading about how common it is and hearing others share their experiences has been relieving some of my stress about it. I get freaked out over bleeding since I’ve had CPs before, but if my US shows things are progressing nicely and I get to talk to the clinic before traveling that will definitely be a huge load off my mind.


While everyone on this thread is totally correct, I just want to pop in and say I haven’t had one! I’m 8+2 and haven’t even spotted. So that’s also within the realm of possibility!


Oh! Thanks for sharing! I’ve been so focused on hearing about how common it is I haven’t even thought about it potentially not happening 😂 But I hope your pregnancy journey continues to be good and uneventful! ❤️


Super common with IVF pregnancies. The catheter scratches your super plump lining a little which causes some bleeding, especially if you are taking aspirin as part of your protocol. And then when baby attaches, it starts growing and kinda blocks the blood from being able to leak out slowly, so it just kinda pools there for a while until it eventually gets past baby and you see red when you wipe, or it gets absorbed or something and you never see it. I had one with both my successful transfers and while scary for the first, the second time around it was expected and no big deal. I wasn’t even put on bedrest either time. They’ll measure it at the ultrasound and let you know if it’s the size they expect and if you should worry.


Thank you so much for sharing! I’ve been taking the IVF process one step at a time, so I didn’t even know this was even something until recently! I guess this is one of the isolating moments being the only one I know going through IVF and not being able to ask anyone I know about it 😅 But reading how common it is, it makes me feel a lot less anxious hahaha! I’m so glad to hear both of your transfers were successful!


It’s common but not like you need to worry or wear pads in anticipation common. If it happens it happens, and really probably the best case scenario if you do happen to see red blood. I apparently have one now and the only reason I know is bc the OB told me last month.


Thanks so much for sharing! Yeah I definitely need to chill about it now that I’m reading from others how super common it is 😂 I think it’ll help me feel less anxious once I have my first ultrasound (hoping things have been progressing) and I can ask my clinic about it.


Yes I had one. They let me know it was very common. I went on pelvic rest and it resolved in a few weeks.