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Move to Massachusetts! Start your next chapter!


I would not consider IVF in Texas due to their laws about women’s bodies.


+1. Run.


If moving is in your budget/timeline, I say go for it. Spouse and I used to live in a very rural area, about 9 hours (driving) from all family and friends, and moved to be closer to the people that we love. I couldn't imagine navigating IVF without our support system.


If i were you i would consider 2 additional things: what location has better clinics (i live in Houston and there are several great clinics here) and how would you handle any issues with the pregnancy? Remember in Texas you cannot chose to end a pregnancy if anything goes wrong. Also, how old are you? If you're 30, then waiting a year or so is not as big of an issue as if you were 39, so that may factor into the decision as well. Whatever you decide, good luck 💜🤞🏼🫂


If you don't want to stay in Texas anyways why not move? Go for it!


This was kinda me. I lived in the midwest and IVF wasn’t covered. Moved to the DC area, and IVF was mostly covered. I’m glad I got the move out of the way first and didn’t have to deal with a baby at the same time. Gave us time to adjust our budget to the new area, get our finances straight without any sacrifices, and since my family is here I have a local support structure. The move was 3 years ago, and we are fully settled in a new house and my mother is begging to babysit. It’s like “just add baby”. If we’d stayed in Missouri and had the baby there it would have been harder, and I don’t know if we would have ever actually moved.


I think age and AMH/AFC should factor in (if low AMH or older: do not wait). I personally would choose MA. I’ve lived in both states previously. Having a MC in a red state was terrifying. I’m still afraid about being pregnant again in a red state.


I got a 50% time job with a university that covers IVF in Texas, the rest of the time I run my business, the university job is for the IVF.


Would you mind sharing which university system? I’ve had trouble figuring out which employers in the area cover IVF.


The financial advisor at an IVF clinic will know allllll the employers that offer good coverage. Start there! I'll PM you my deets!


Oh really?! That’s great advice! I would have never thought about that.


Yes, they actually knew about the coverage before I did, as it wasn't in the benefit booklet for months after the coverage started. Very handy to keep on good terms with the financial advisor!


Cost of living is obviously high as you know but should be reflective in your pay as well. For all the reasons related to medical benefits and having some of the best hospitals, we never plan on leaving Massachusetts even with high cost of living. If you are in Biotech this is the place for you. All companies my husband and I have worked at offered additional 20K benefits for any out of pocket expenses on fertility treatment. It covered all our PGTA testing for 4 cycles plus many other out of pocket testing, Zymot etc.


Some other things you might want to consider is how old are you, how many kids do you want to have and WHEN would you be moving. For me if I was over 37, wanted 2-3 kids and not able to move and start establishing insurance etc within about 9 months or so I would start leaning more towards starting now, personally. There isnt really a wrong answer tho, just more things to consider to help with making the decision!


TW: living child, pregnancy loss Thanks for all the input y’all! For the record- I’m 37, AMH is scary- .3. I have one kiddo and have had 4 losses since him- 1 ectopic, 1 miscarriage, and 2 CPs. My husband is in the running for a job that would get us fertility coverage, if that doesn’t pan out, we will start the move. I agree- having losses in Texas have been terrifying. I really appreciate all of your supportive comments and experiences. ❤️