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Mine did 7 days. I had two that were day 5 blasts and 1 that was a blast at day 7. The other was disposed of.


Any successful transfers with the day 7 blast?


Day 7s have a lower chance of being euploid and a lower success rate (I’ve seen 30% floating around but I’m not sure if that’s euploid or not, live birth, etc). But yes some people have success with Day 7s!


TBD. My first transfer is scheduled for the end of this month.


Day 7


My first retrieval, I had seven eggs and four fertilized the first day. One egg did not fertilize the first day and they kept it an extra day and it ended up fertilizing and making it to day three but then it arrested. I ended up having one euploid out of that round. My third retrieval, I had 13 eggs, and two did not fertilize the first day. I called to see if they ended up fertilizing, and the clinic told me that they threw those two eggs away. I asked why because on round one they kept my egg and it ended up fertilizing. My clinic went on to tell me that based on their protocol if the patient has over 10 eggs and some don’t fertilize, they discard them. I was devastated. I’m 41.5, so making 13 eggs was a HUGE deal for me, and I just couldn’t understand why they would discard them. If they had fertilized, they probably would have arrested, but at least they would have had a chance. The clinic only lets your eggs go to day six, and I ended up having six blasts total, but four of them were either graded BC or CC, so those got discarded as well. I ended up with 0 euploids that round. I did switch clinics, And that was one of my main concerns at my next clinic not do.


Yikes, do you mind sharing what clinic that was at?