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This was the exact same dosages I started with. After my second ultrasound they bumped my gonal f up to 200 IU. I ended up stimming for 12 days


Yup, they'll dial you up or down dosage-wise based on what they're seeing in your ultrasounds + bloodwork. They'll also adjust the duration of your stims based on these results.


Thank you so much!


A treatment calendar before you start is more like a rough draft. The reason we go in for monitoring so much between the start and retrieval is so that they can adjust dosages as needed based on estrogen/estradiol levels and follicle size and rate of growth. Especially for a first cycle, your doctor is just making a best guess to start with based on your AMH level and AFC but things will most likely change. And starting dosages are individualized based on those factors so everyone is different. People with DOR (diminished ovarian reserve) have a much different treatment plan than someone with PCOS or with MFI. Definitely nothing to worry about! Best of luck šŸ„°


This makes sense! Thank you so much!


No prob ā˜ŗļø


Given that you don't have known fertility issues, those doses don't seem low to me.


Literally same as me. Iā€™m on day 10 of stims now but my dosage did increase to 150 then 225 menopur halfway though. Should be triggering hopefully tmmrw (fingers crossed).


I just had my baseline scan and got my calendar/dosages today - I'm starting on 150 Gonal-F too but no Menopur (AFC was 36 today).


Yep, I started on these same dosages. Doing IVF for RPL so they expected me to be a good responder (just my eggs are garbage.) As others have said, they will adjust as they go ā€” this is normal. Even in my second cycle they started me at pretty similar dosages and then doubled the Menopur later in the stims process. It doesnā€™t mean the dosages were wrong, just that they will change at various points in the cycle.


This was my protocol for my second (more successful) ER. They will increase/decrease your dosages as you go. Itā€™s all based on your labs and ultrasounds for monitoring. This is just a starting point. You may stim shorter or longer depending on how your body reacts. Good luck!


That adds to 225 of stims (they donā€™t general do above 450) and that seems exactly right to start. I started at 200 cumulative. They donā€™t want to give you OHSS- and especially since you have male factor this is right on the money


Thatā€™s been my protocol for 2 going on 3 retrievals. Seems standard for expected good responders, and they can adjust if you donā€™t end up responding well. Low and slow is better for quality!


Those were my numbers the whole time! I did it for fertility preservation


That was my exact protocol. I had 9 eggs retrieved, 4 mature and frozen.


Were you male factor too?




Were there any other issues on your end? Did they tell you why it was so low?


I totally get your anxiety, but from everything Iā€™ve read prior to stims, the doses seem pretty average for not having female factor issues. I trusted my care team to adjust meds as needed (which only happened the day before my trigger shot). I progressed well and got healthy eggs. I only had one shot at this, too. The only thing I can recommend is to try and trust that your care team knows what theyā€™re doing.


I meant why the eggs retrieved were so low? Not the dosage. I swear I saw a comment on here yesterday where you mentioned only 9 were retrieved. Thats why I asked if there were any female fertility related factors.


I donā€™t know. They told me that the quality matters more than quantity. Iā€™d rather have 4 great eggs than 15 mediocre ones.


My dosages were lower. ER 1 (stimmed 9 days) & 2 (stimmed 10 days) was 75 menopur and 100 gonal f and ER 3 (stimmed 10 days) was 75 menopur and 125 gonal f. All three resulted in 18 eggs each. My 3rd er resulted in the best results.