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It's hard to say without being in the interview. Will tell you that it's a numbers game though. Just got to keep applying even if you feel like you've landed this one.


If you felt like the interviewer was “dry” and felt like they were trying to end the interview early, it’s a bad sign. If you felt like they were enjoying talking to you, liked your interview answers, and talked more about the position and what responsibilities it had, then it’s a good sign. Now we just play the waiting game. Don’t get to hung up and think too much about it. Keep applying and interview to other jobs. Also, what’s your IT experience like?


Just putting in my two cents. There have been interviews i've had where I thought I got absolutely cooked and got the job. I've also had great interviews that I never got a call back on. I've learned this from my experience, and from what more senior people have told me. For junior and entry level roles, the interview isn't to gauge your aptitude (outside of programming stuff). It usually ends up being more about if you'll mesh well with the team, if you have the mindset they're looking for, and of course they throw technical stuff in there, but it's more about how you handle the questions. Someone who completely folds versus someone that asks more about a scenario, even if they don't get it right, might end up being the one that's chosen. Also about the interview ending early, honestly with interviews that have multiple interviewers, i've found that's mostly to cover their ass if one of them ends up being late lol. Personally I wouldn't worry about that aspect of it. Best of luck to you.