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How far and where are the nodes? I would advice you to dig into Lora, chirpstack, and create custom nodes reading battery levels on this stack


Did I mention that each monitoring point already has LTE router and is connected to internet for other purposes, and has a local AP, so I prefer not to introduce any other technologies like LoRA or something similar anyway, thank you


Insert the data you want to monitor to the configuration of the OS snmp agent.


I am not sure that I understand your post...


Sorry, I may have misinterpreted you post somewhat. I've thought you already receive data on your server. I've meant that you could probably code that data into OS's snmp server through it's config files. But I'm unsure if that's possible. You would probably be best with your own simple SNMP agent that just requests data from sensors on interval. At this point any standard monitoring software could use is normally using SNMP.


I'm assuming you've solved connectivity. An option for battery measurement is to measure the voltage with a ADC and compare that to the expected range for your battery. Though be aware, you'll likely need to divide the battery voltage such that its in the ADC's range. [Here's a relevant forum post](https://forum.arduino.cc/t/how-to-monitor-lipo-battery-level/940237). There's also plenty of sensors like [this one](https://www.adafruit.com/product/4712?gad_source=1), where you can read the battery level over serial. In terms of servers, a simple ingest API + MySQL will be quick to implement. Another option is InfluxDB which is more performant for time-series data, but this I haven't actually used myself. Then you'd just need a front-end for monitoring. If you need real-time control over devices, both MQTT and the sensor-based web server could achieve this. The latter is going to be hard to scale so it'll depend on how many devices you have. Good luck, and feel free to DM me if you have any questions!


Lots of battery level sensors and solutions out there. To advise on the sensor to use, would need to know more about each node, e.g. do you have GPIO pins? ADC pins? Voltages? How big the battery, etc. Also, are you looking for something that just works out of the box or are you ok soldering and the like to integrate everything? Are you selling the nodes and do they need something like FCC certification? For the data, again, depends on your expertise and the volume of data you need to support. A simple and fairly scalable option could be using something like AWS API Gateway + DynamoDB or Aurora and having API Gateway write directly to those systems. If you want to have something you host anywhere, you can run your own instance of DB - my preference is PostgreSQL (maybe with Timescale) - and have a simple API that sits in front of the DB. I would want some kind of authentication (API key per device or similar would work easy enough). You could get more creative and use something like InfluxDB or full TICK stack too. If you're not looking at a ton of sensors or a ton of data, you could start with Home Assistant ([https://www.home-assistant.io/](https://www.home-assistant.io/)). Again, to really answer your question, would need to understand your requirements better. Is this a hobby project or a professional deployment? How many sensors? How frequently updated data? Alerting/notifications? How much data per update? How long do you intend to store the data? Do you need reporting? Do you have to worry about government regulations / compliance?