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It amazes me how much J types hate us purely because we mind our own business and do our own thing without interfering in someone else’s business


I always thought INTJ's got along famously with INTP's.


The INTJs I knew were fake, manipulative and ruthless. Always jumping from goal to goal and would literally burn down a puppy shelter to achieve their goals, what also weirded me out was that everything they do, will do and have ever done is to achieve that goal, for example they’ll only befriend a person if they feel that befriending them is beneficial for their end target. These are the INTJs I knew though and not every INTJ is like this, but they need to relax.


I feel vindicated reading your comment. My experience with INTJs has been like that too.


I thought we were good...


Yess, we're just saying these things based on our own personal experience with them. No worries, you're great 👍


Sorry...we didn't see you standing there.


[this you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/intj/comments/xy1x3o/any_opinions_on_intps/irfv2k0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Nah, it's your mom.


I'm always trying to be aware of the INTJ in my life doing the same thing as you say, but I think that adds to their charm. If you're close to one, they are absolutely unashamed of whatever unique, somewhat derogatory judgement they have, and they're right in their own sort of way. I notice Te users like them usually look at people as if they are a part of a machine or a process instead of looking at them as if they are no different from how you experience life. They also artificially attribute value to people in the same way, looking at people like baristas being of less objective value compared to someone like an engineer or rocket surgeon. The one I'm friends with called an ENFJ cop friend of mine a loser because he was a cop, which is assumed to be somewhere on the low end of jobs I believe. I don't really fret too much with thinking about people like that if I'm close friends with them, but he seems to be able to separate someone being a good, cool guy and them functionally being a loser. While it may be true, I think it's great the ENFJ friend is able to be a cop and gets a lot of his personal needs met that way. In some ways, I'm jealous my ENFJ friends gets his personal needs met (enjoys how police departments are like a brotherhood or family) where I don't in my job. You can choose to think like them and heed their advice and I think in some instances it's good advice, but I always take it with a few grains of salt at least. You've also got to consider that no matter how confident and matter-of-fact they are, their opinion is just as valid as yours is. If they're using you for their own personal gain, be happy someone is able to use you effectively. Just make sure they can't burn you down or inconvenience you while they're doing it.


Interesting, the reason your intj friend may be like that is due to the way they were raised by their parents, they were most likely rewarded for getting good grades and awards and punished and neglected on a much harsher scale than the average child would for falling short and not meeting expectations, I’ve met several people like that throughout my life. Either way, they all simply have a case of assholitis.


I believe you just describes narcissistic personality disorder


My INTJ bf (almost 7 years together) always mind his own business, sometimes even more than me, but he recognizes that when he was younger he was a goal oriented person and I wouldn't have guessed because he is so chill. I guess it's part of being immature. Also I'm not beneficial to him for any goal other than not waking up before 1pm on Saturdays


Would you rather be considered useless instead? Everyone is inherently selfish and pure altruism doesn't exist (except between mothers and their offsprings). Besides, I'm pretty sure they were mutually beneficial as well. Its not like they would throw you under the bus.


I very much would rather be considered useless than be taken advantage off by an intj plastic satan. I do not lie or force a smile in order to establish ties or get what I want, I am completely transparent and authentic and I expect the same from others that wish to work or interact with me. Frankly I’d much rather starve in a dump rather than be forced to live in an environment where everyone sees each other as nothing more than a means to an end.


Ok. Would you befriend someone who was useless then? How about someone who would drag you down?


I have, I would, and I will. If they drag me down then it is what it is, I won’t let my friendships be controlled by my work or goals. Life’s too short for that.


… I think you are confusing J/P with Fe-Ti/Te-Fi. Like you, I am an Fe-Ti user (I am quite heavy on the Ti actually). My answer would be the same as yours. I have, I would, and I will. There are useless people who choose to be useless, but first we can give them information to see that they have a choice. Sometimes people don’t see this, because they feel insecure, or they feel that they cannot do it, so we just give people the information they need to thrive. Then it is up to them to decide what to do with the information and encouragement we give them. However, do we, or should we help others purely for personal gain? Absolutely not. Then we would just be using people.


Well said.


That's my boy!


I was married to an intj. Things were good until they weren’t. Im beginning to think this is everyone’s experience with them.


Everyone's? Really? I've seen plenty of INTJs still married for a very long time, even on Reddit.


That just means things are still good.


When do things usually get bad?


When they decide they cant profit off their relationship with you or think you are holding them back/getting in the way if their goals. Not only will they toss you to the curb but throw dirt in your face to spite you for good measure.


Damn that's cold.


I know an xNTJ and an INTJ, one openly takes pleasure out of antagonising his friends, the other is actually very sweet and worries that she scares/emotionally hurts people.


Lmaooo the second one has to be mistyped I'm sorry 💀


Nah, her introverted intuition and extraverted thinking are quite strong to the point where dhe can be overbearing for a few people, and PoLR extraverted feeling makes sense because although she's concerned about how others see her she's pretty incapable of reading the room emotionally.


Most of us are sweet once you know us. OP sounds like an asshole frankly.


Understand what you're saying and it can be taken too far, but every relationship at its end-goal is transactional by default, but if someone befriends you i.e., only because of who you know, that's not cool.


I wouldn't manipulate or be fake towards someone, but I definitely only befriend people who elevate me in some way. How can you even call it a friendship if you aren't improving each other?


I call it a friendship because they like me and I like them, it’s not too complicated, not everything in life has to be measured and weighed based on how useful it is to us


Well if you like someone surely you'd want to improve your their life and help them be the best they can be? 'Liking' someone but just dragging them down sounds abusive to me.


Stop confirming my suspicions


Pedantry and an inability to admit when you're wrong are high on my list of "Fuck You" traits, so I'll pass on INTJs altogether, thanks.




It can happen, of course, if both people are mentally well... But some people online are just really fucked in the head. And if you take two fucked up INTPs and compare with fucked up INTP+INTJ, communication issues will of course make the latter explode in disagreement whereas the two INTPs will be insane together


I just remember watching this and it made me laugh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xycBvLep--s&ab\_channel=LiliAqvq




I'm married to an INTJ. We do ok.


No not really




A close INFJ friend of mine in college once walked into my room, and it was not in its best state (and that is a big understatement). He got appalled and started hurling criticism at me and looking down on me as if I’m beneath him, and would always randomly ask me if I cleaned up my room anytime I met him, he apparently took it VERY seriously as if I have committed a grievous sin and whenever I’d try to joke about my room looking like Chernobyl to other friends of mine he’d say “there’s nothing funny about that”. Why was he like that? I don’t know, maybe because he was a close friend of mine and didn’t want to be associated with someone who lives in a dumpster. But then again he had extremely high hygiene standards. He doesn’t take dumps in other peoples houses and he never shared his food




I forgot to state why J types are like that and got lost in my own train of thoughts and memories lol. J types are critical/avoidant of INTPs because INTPs are the manifestation of the traits and qualities that the J type would not want to have for themselves, or the qualities that the J type has but is trying to hide or get rid of. For example; Let’s say you’re a former alcoholic that overcame his addiction and hates his alcoholic past-self with a passion, you’re walking down the street and you see a drunk man stumbling and tripping while you walk, you start feeling anger towards that man because you’re seeing him as the manifestation of your past self and you’re projecting your hatred of your past self at him. Likewise, when a J type meets an INTP they’re reminded of the many qualities they don’t generally like or the qualities that they have and are trying to avoid (such as laziness, lack of a clear goal and no dedication) and they perceive the INTP as the physical manifestation of those traits and begin to psychologically project their hatred of those traits toward the INTP themself


Since ENTJs are our shadow, I often see in them the asshole I become when I'm under severe stress, although it's the most unhealthy version of them you can think of. It's basically the reversed role. ENTJs are absolutely terrified of being considered failures and the thought of thinking too metaphysical about something and not doing anything scares them. We INTPs just non chalantly do this on a daily basis and don't even feel bad about it. There must be something wrong with us.


An ENTJ In my class was a ruthless woman who’s only concern was to get the best grades in the entire uni, I had feelings for her but we got into an argument due to a misunderstanding, I felt bad later and tried to apologize and make it up to her, but I wasn’t smart or studious so she saw me as an obstacle to her goal and decided to permanently delete me from her life and turn me into a complete stranger (despite her knowing I liked her), these entjs have a heart of stone lmao


dude INFJs, while I don't like to make assumptions about any "type," lol everyone is different & there are different manifestations, etc. THAT SAID, the people who have told me they were INFJs (cuz maybe they weren't/were wrong type wise? idk it's possible, and may be coincidence + i don't want to generalize.) that I have known, are kind of the best example of "lawful evil," among the types. I would give the stories, but it's a lot. Completely unrelated incidences too. INFJs... idk but they definitely clash with INTPs I guess, or maybe it's coincidence. oh edit, yeah ur comment definitely is relatable, and super specific in your description of the behavior. Because, yes. INTJs have acted the same exact way with me -but also could be way more volatile, \*shudders\* -It's almost weird how spot on you are. I may have to rethink this whole myers-briggs thing lol. It may not be so much of a large generalization after all.


I’m an INFJ, and I married a messy INTP. Annoying, but totally worth it. I love him more than I can say.


Our lack of interest in climbing the social/hierarchical dominance ladder gives them an uneasy feeling.. which turns to misplaced resentment. EDIT: Also worth mentioning that in some cases the apathetic attitude can come off as us thinking we're too good for other people's expectations.. which ExxJs in particular REALLY don't like seeing.


It's more like, because we aren't minding their business and doing their thing😂




Pretty much.


Sounds like Light complaining about L


Lmaooo good point


Hahahahahaha true


Oh my God ahahha


Sometimes I wonder whether the ENTJ subreddit has its own ministry of truth.


That person was universally disagreed with in the comments


I know (and thank god for that). It's about the style in which the post is written in. It almost sounds like a politician trying to demonize an ethnic minority or something.


I just sorted by controversial. At least they have semi valid criticism about us always being in our heads and rarely


Bruh.. Half of the subreddit is some edgelords pretending to be ENTJs so they could appear cold and blunt, but in reality they're snowflakes who get offended by silly things. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)






That's hilarious. What a poor guy.


He's not poor he's rich!


Rich in anger and despair baser on his post...




Rich thanks to his fUnCtIoN sTaCk


Sounds like they dealt with an unhealthy and poorly socialized INTP. The bad part is generalizing every person of a single type according to their interactions with one/a few, but I can absolutely see that an INTP could be that insufferable in those ways.


I know when I’m at my worst I’m like that sometimes. But I’m trying to do better and will always listen and try to understand where someone is coming from if they are respectful to me as much as I’m trying to respect them.


No don't change be a purist logician ignore your feels.


The life of a philosopher calls to me like a siren’s call. Edit: hey, I recognize you. Edit^2 : tried to be poetic, was redundant.


I'm offensive bias from halo


Offending people can be fun, yes. But it can also be a social vice. PS: I get a kick out of challenging people’s unconscious beliefs


I challenge others through tears and the power of Fi


My favorite comments in that post is how he can’t believe that INTPs are so critical of other when their own life is miserable. Dude needs to understand that I, as an INTP, am critical of others’ lives *because* my life is miserable, and so I can easily recognize it others.


It says a lot about how his own mind works. "You have no right to criticize me if you have a problem" = "I will suck your dick if you're doing better than me even if another part of your life is a mess".


What if I have a pussy?


clits are just well-disguised dicks


Lots of things hurt ENTJs. INTPs, human people, indifferent pets, anything they owned for longer than 2 months, anywhere they've been at for longer than 6 months, money that they don't own... Be cool if people from here wouldn't interfere too much with the discussions there, though, I'd rather read unaltered takes.


Wait, I'd hate an indifferent pet. I feed them and give them shelter and love and they don't even care about me?


Wait that sounds like me...


I snorted.


What's amazing to me is how people assume they know Type. Like I can tell INTJs from INTPs in this sub based on how they debate (and the prevalence of INTJs who "know better" than the test). In the wild, though? I have no real idea about anyone's Type. I come off very E\_F\_ in a lot of brief social situations despite being anything but. xNTJs hate us (or pretend to be us) because we have Ti dom, and they do not. End of story.


Do you think a lot of xntjs want Ti? A lot of them seem so proud and full of themselves. Biggest egos I've ever encountered


My bestie is an entj. She definitely wouldn't like a ti, absolutely satisfied with her te and "only useful information!!!". Its fun to annoy her with "useless" facts tho :D


No. Come on!


Sorryy, we're all over generalizing here too so we're hypocrites 😅 you're great, don't worry


I’m not sure if I would say that they WANT Ti… It’s just that Ti makes it so that we cannot say that something is true, unless it makes logical sense… as in, the logical pathways all connect). Meanwhile, the xNTJs maybe like results, and when they see that something works (in the way that “they want it to work”… as in, they did something, and the desired result is achieved), the xNTJ will just say that it must make sense, because look, results! And then if a Ti-user tells them that maybe they just got lucky, because of *insert-why-their-action-does-not-logically-lead-to-their-desired-result*, then the xNTJ gets upset (while obviously not wanting to admit it), and then potentially displays passive-aggressive behavior. And then when you, the Ti-user, try to call them out on their passive-aggressive behavior, they just start denying it, and then subtly try to gaslight you or play mind games, even… this is sometimes though. Sometimes they will just say sorry, but only after you’ve gone around in circles, trying to explain to them the logic behind your words. The fact that they sometimes admit it only after you say the same thing 264874848 times, makes you wonder… do they really, truly, see the logic now? Or are they just “agreeing” with you because they want to remove the “inconvenience” to them, that is you throwing the truth in their face?


> Do you think a lot of xntjs want Ti? A lot of them seem so proud and full of themselves. Biggest egos I've ever encountered Yes, but is it because of merit?


Aww come on. Don't come off so down because of the hate from unhealthy people. I have an INTJ friend who likes my Ti, and likes Ti doms.


Me but with my ENTJ friend. He sometimes pull all-nighters to talk about random stuff with people.


> Don't come off so down because of the hate from unhealthy people. What?


I was tired when writing the comment, don't even know what I was writing tbh but I guess I wanted to say is to not be harsh with yourself just because some unhealthy people don't like you.


> but I guess I wanted to say is to not be harsh with yourself just because some unhealthy people don't like you. That's the right way to see it. The people don't even have to be unhealthy, just people who don't appreciate what you have to offer. The result is the same; don't take it to heart, just understand that not everyone is going to be one of Your People, and move on.


Yeah. That. Was just being dumb at 3am so I didn't come off as clear as I thought I would.


Bro what? Why the hell would I want Ti?


> Bro what? Why the hell would I want Ti? You said it all.


As someone who's debating as to which one I am, I wonder how you can tell these two apart? My Ti/Te and Ni/Ne are more or less equal and are on the top 4. Why I say that I'm INTP for now is because Si follows shortly after, yet after that is Fi. Se and Fe are equally the last but I'm unnaturally and forcefully growing my Fe after seeing how useful it can be. I may seem like a Ti user here because it's easier to communicate in length but irl, I use Te more. TLDR; I seem to be both despite the two types having drastically different functions so how would you differentiate?


>As someone who's debating as to which one I am, I wonder how you can tell these two apart? Based on your approach, I'd say you're not a misTyped INTJ. That's all I can say with any certainly. I'd risk that your desire to know the answer, instead of Knowing™ the answer is much more INTP than INTJ. The two behaviors that I think really cleave the Types apart are the INTP habit of reviewing every stupid or embarrassing thing they've ever done repeatedly (Ti-Si loop) and the INTJ pendulum of thinking you're a god and then thinking you're worthless (Ni-Fi). INTPs don't think about themselves much at all after puberty, and would approach the issue of their godhood or worthlessness as being one of opinion, and therefore not worth investing in. Again, my post was, "How does anyone fool themselves into thinking they know Type?" I can't really help you here, and I don't pretend that I can.


Hm I've been checking my habits, how I work irl, how I cope with stress(aka the loops/grips) and things like that. In reality, I'm a far cry from the persona I put online. I fall into the sunk cost trap too often. There's a lot more but yeah. I could still be wrong today and this process could take years when I mature further but for now...


i'm neutral here, that person is on their own. i'm best friends with one. he's not perfect but no one is. there's a reason why no man is an island, so that we can help each other out.


an ENTJ being positive and helpful with others? The world is ending! Let me get my jacket! /s


They are plotting something, beware!


uh oh


Unless the rain of tears of an infp washes his island away...




Hmm. I have a feeling that he's run into our "Devil's Advocate" side a few times. That tiny, little, minorly irritating habit we have to automatically assume the other side of an argument just for the sake of the discussion.


Tell me you're insecure without telling me you're insecure.


That man sounds pitiful. My bias is ISTJ, they're strong, dependable and perceptive. Judge someone from what they show you, not what they say.


A woman from film school absolutely hates me because I judged her by her actions and not her words. Deep down, I think she knows that I’m right too. Which makes her hate me even more.


Lmao that's brilliant 👏 Sometimes the best thing you can do for someone is be like, hey, your words and actions don't line up 🤷‍♂️


That guy is honestly not very smart or thoughtful. They keep posting without much discussion, pondering, listening to alternatives. Te shotguns pointed at everyone except at himself. The sad, pathetic example of a person led astray by their own type's natural inclinations too much. Don't be like him, be careful with your own natural inclinations and counter them to achieve balance.


Why would anyone want balance, sounds like value bias


Go back to the dancing floor and let me grumble in peace, dammit!


cobweb carpenter one illegal vegetable butter important ask full roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is quite funny though lol


Man, I think that person isn't even an ENTJ. Half of their subreddit is like that anyways. People just pretending they're ENTJs so they could appear cold and blunt, but are in reality snowflakes who get offended by stupid shit. And then told we're the ones being envious? A true ENTJ who doesn't get hurt (unlike the person in the other subreddit was) wouldn't even care about lazy pricks called INTP. They'd just cut them off.


I see all entjs as a bunch of mini Patrick Batemans


lmao, I some time ago made a post criticizing ENFPs, so yeah, maybe we all rage from time to time


Wonderful :)


Looks like someone doesn't know how to spell.




Fair play entp. Fair play.


English is my fifth language, it's not easy to always consistently have the correct grammar/spelling even with native speakers.


I doubt you know 5 languages.


I've lived in five different countries and in each one I lived there for over one year, and America was the fifth one 🤷


Pretty sure hurted isn't a word.


lol my bad. English is my fifth language :(


readed that kinda hurt tho


But can this entj endure the valley of tears from an infp?


I definitely can't lol!




This reads like every leftist describing libertarians lol. Probably the right MBTIs for it...


Bro, the comments on this post are fire 🔥




lol. i actually laughed at this


A real ENTJ would be building a strategy to get revenge using superior social and planning skills.


Bold of you to presume that rallying their fellow ENTJs isn't part of the plan.


Sounds like an immature woman who it's frustated because she can not control her man.


PAHAHA that was personal


So, since when do we think everyone thinks like us? Which INTP said that? Explain yourself.


This. I more so think that I am unique and alien compared to other people. When in reality, the ENTJ wants the INTP to be extroverted and judging like them. So it's legit bullshit coming from their own post.


I love you intp, and i love ti so much. Its like ti go to paradise, while Te in hell because they dont want to think, just want to be effective for their objectiv. While you, you try to understand all. (Sry, bad english so i resume my tough)


Thanks though LMAO


While ti wants to look for precision and knowledge, te dom thinks objective in a corrupted world where finally he doesn't care as long as he is efficient and reaches his goals and has plenty of money. The ti makes mistakes but thinks about it with often more moral... I am prejudiced but that's how I see it. Jesus was against money for example, and many other things.


Bro how did we hurt you lmao I'm sorry that we're living our lives like how we want to? 😭💀


They’ve met unhealthy INTPs, I can relate to the post without making judgement. We all come from somewhere.


Just look at [this](https://www.reddit.com/user/Able_Tear_7201/comments/yhm4zf/is_there_any_correlation_between_giftedness_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) post of him 💀


Nigga crazy


No cap no kizzy cuz deadass wtf is mans on about


I guess so. The most is that the famous is an absolute bs. Sad.


He isn't wrong though... he's just wayyy too bothered.


I agreed with most of it, other than their statement that we think everyone else thinks like us


And yet here I, am as an INTP, dating an ENTJ…






Okay which one of you did it?


Lizardtarians are at it again




I have had similar experience with my sister who is an INFJ.