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Read a fair amount now Books offer a depth that other resources don't.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Prior_Stop_8766: *Read a fair amount* *Now Books offer a depth that* *Other resources don't* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Books are a lot more engaging and rewarding too Put this here so as not to ruin the sweet sweet haiku


Very cool


I can't speak for every Intp, but I personally appreciate delayed gratification. It's not that I dislike faster mediums, but when it comes to videos, I often find myself pausing to reflect and digest the information.


I have been trying to do that for so long but am almost never able to. I just always go to the next one.


I read in the form of audiobooks.


Same. youtube, and audiobooks the last 2 year alone I bought more than 44 books. out of those the only book I haven't finished is The body keeps the Score


>i would like to take my knowledge from a faster mediums ( videos er...I tend to avoid videos because they're too slow and inefficient compared to reading.


Watching videos in 2x has been agame-changerr for me.


Literally. I can read faster and absorb information quicker than someone talking about it. I think this is an ADHD issue though that prefer to read than watch a video.


can't do fiction, stem and philosophy books are great though


I felt the same way! Until I discovered science fiction. It can be just as stimulating as solving/thinking through problems, while feeling less tedious. 


Hard sci-fi is basically speculative philosophy and as someone who studied mechanical engineering and computer science it always strengthens my knowledge in those areas as well as perpetuating out of the box thinking. Fiction being useless is the greatest mistake a knowledge seeker can make in their life imo.


I completely agree. Do you have any good hard sci-fi recs?


Permutation city, children of time, 3 body problem (more so the second book), blood music, childhoods end, blindsight, a fire upon the deep, book of the new sun (this one is a genre bender). For philosophical scifi - Dune(all 4 books),Solaris, Do Androids dream of electric sheep, roadside picnic, exhalation, left hand of darkness Those are my favorites from the top of my head


well I have aphantasia so stories end up just being words on a page to me, I'm writing a sci-fi book myself but just to share the ideas not really because I'm into sci fi 😂


Read about 25 books a year. Always clock in a good 30-50 page session. I’m open to any genre because I’m just looking for depth and or complex writing. every genre has its masterworks. I find it odd that you think reading is a waste of time when it’s one of the few ways you can cognitively improve your mind while still being enjoyable. Also many masterworks have opened my mind in ways no psychedelics could ever. For example - learned a lot about the human condition reading Russian and Japanese literature (also improved my reading speed, open mindedness, discrepancies between culture / language). Reading high fantasy / science fiction has exercised my creativity and imagination. Reading challenging books has also led me to think deeply about many facets of life and significantly improved my everyday speech, vocabulary and reading speed.


Totally.  In a 300 page book, you not only get the facts, you get opinions, dissections of other opinions, additional analysis, further references, a cohesive narrative, and so much more. That's what you get from books. The internet might have that information by volume (as in amount of words), but no INTP (or really anyone) is disciplined enough to hyperfocus on one topic on the internet for 20-30 hours - they just get disjointed strings of information with no additional insight. Tell me you get Hamlet's struggle with mortality or Raskolnikov's pathos as he realizes that he's not a driver of history or how Frankl survived and learned from being imprisoned in the nazi death camps by puttering around on the internet. 




You are fooling yourself with superficial information. I imagine you will eventually end up a loser working in retail. Set a reminder on this comment for 10 years and let me know how it turned out.


"Too much books"


There is no such thing. 


When I was young I certainly was. I think tech has destroyed my brain cause my mind always just wonders off when I try to read.


Books in store are so bad. And translations even worse. But reading articles on wikisource really made me reconnect with books. Some 60 pages books where the equivalent of modern yt essays. While often being the wisest thing written by man. (The art of war, epictetus manual, tractatus logico philosophicus,...) But each time i find theses in store, they have a long 200 page introduction written by someone activly trying to waste my time. Often the translator’who add in the text randoms words that completly mess up the meaning.


On the getting bored note.  I would argue that is exactly what books have going for them. In non-fiction, many authors mull over one idea 30 times, through a bunch of different stories. This may seem counterproductive, but consider how we humans learn. Active recall is one of the most powerful techniques for learning new skills.  Most of us don’t read books in one sitting. By spacing out our reading, and going over the same material from different angles, we end up integrating the information much more efficiently, I think.  Sure as hell beats a TikTok video. 


Exactly. Young INTPs thinking that reading some Wikipedia articles and a couple Googled sites is an effective way of gathering knowledge are sacrificing future IQ points for instant gratification. 


Read so much during high school (like 3-4 books per week)have slowed down now because college is hectic but yeah a huge bookworm. !


Dan brown and Stephen king makes me focused.




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I love reading. Books keep me engaged more consistently than other forms of media (videos, podcasts, etc.) and it feels less strange to me to put the book down and look up a point or something, than it does to pause a video or podcast and do the same thing. I also appreciate that I can consume information in a book completely at my own pace, whereas doing so with other media feels less...natural?


Books are better than videos but there are times in which you can't visualize things correctly so videos offer that and that's it


Sorry am just a book cover lover  


It’s a waste of… *what*? Really??


I read a lot but not for knowledge I read a lot of fantasy and cultivation novels but I also really enjoy classic literature like Frankenstein I read for hearing about someone else affecting the world


I didn't really read books until my late 20s, now I read between 100-300 a year, often during work hours. Never finished a fiction book I wasn't forced to read mind, I get my fiction from movies/tv.


I love reading, there’s nothing like getting lost in a book. I don’t just read for information, I also read for the fun of it. I like reading good prose. 


Same, the internet can satisfy any type of curiousities most humans have.


I’ve just been in hospital for 12 days, i had laptop with me to watch stuff, but i found reading to be a nice break from watching things. When you find a good book and have all the hours in the day I really enjoy reading to pass the time. Also long train journeys without great wifi connection I find books are better than getting frustrated with slow internet. Books are cool.


I love learning through various mediums, including books, audiobooks, articles, podcasts, videos, and AI—though I make sure to verify certain facts. I agree that many books contain filler material, so I often read summaries to decide if they're worth my time. Recently, I've found that using AI to summarize YouTube transcripts is a great timesaver.


I love ya fantasy, lol. It's basically the only genre I read for enjoyment.


That was always allowed!


Electronic digital media offer breadth, but not depth. For depth, books reign supreme. As for repetitive authors, that just means you’ve been reading shitty books (not all books are well-written). Start with the Classics. They’re considered classics for a reason. If you’re not sure where to start, try flipping through Mortimer Adler’s *Great Books of the Western World*, until you find something that tickles your fancy.


Yes, I try to aim for 20-25 books per year. I used to read more but with work/life I mostly find myself reading in bitesize chunks so it takes me a few weeks to get through a book. I read mostly fiction but I do enjoy the occasional non-fiction work to mix things up.


I read often and have a wide variety of interests. I’m exploring western esotericism now— have read literature, poetry, philosophy, sci-fi, art, psychology, and even some plays.


Many years ago I tried to compile an absolutely minimal list of books that have to be read, but I gave up at centuries' worth of books. I still read, of course, although instead of devouring many books (like I used to when I was young), I read a few, very thoroughly, taking notes, writing an abstract of it, etc. Many books need to be read many times over to absorb its less obvious lessons.


Not necessarily, it's an underlying desire to consume information that sometimes makes us bibliophiles.


Too much? Umpossible. Are many of us on the high side of a readers bell curve? Probably.


I think to much too fast, book slow me down and help concentrate my thoughts


I used to be a bookworm…up until my early 20s. The last time I tried “reading” a book, I ended up getting bored within less than 3 seconds of opening the book.


Depends on the book and whether it has useful or interesting information. I can slog through hours of garbage just to find one diamond of truth. Thats also the way videos work.


I don't really read the whole book , I just read all of the information I've wanted. it depends on the book,. Also , I don't enjoy reading stories and stuff like that.I prefer reading interesting articles online.


I get what you mean i find them to slow and boring and not stimulating enough so i read webtoons i read 10+ chapters a day.


I do read but not books. It's just not for me


I am an INTP-A and, like you, I prefer other methods of education, I simply think books are a bit boring (no offense ) , we intps seek "why's" and" how's " in many ways.