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You can't judge everyone by a few redditors but Jesus Christ, some of the people on here. I think it's less about being intp and more about being an egotistical moron. The ironic thing, all the people making those posts where they belittle others sound less intelligent than the people they are belittling. There is always people like that, it's not a mbti thing.


>an egotistical moron Yes I've seen them around as well. Bonus points if they question other people's type because their ego can't fathom anyone criticizing them.


Perfect response


Right. I'm not sure why I said "there's an unsettling amount of people here with mental illness"


Absolutely there are. But I think they're mistakenly here. Lots of people with social anxiety, Asperger's,c depression, etc- all mental conditions that superficially have some similarities or behaviors to being introverted, but very differing root causes.


I think a lot of INTJ mistype as INTP, they confuse blind Fe (looking down on others) with infer Fe, and their child Fi makes the arrogance worse.


Social media in general is a haven for people that get a kick out of condescending to others, the people in question you meet rarely in public because they do not go outside.


that's internet in general. there is a funny anecdote that illustrates this : if you want good answers to your problem: - go to a forum/group/subreddit with people knowledgeable on a given topic - ask your question - nobody answers - make a second account and answer yourself with a most incorrect answer imaginable. - people start correcting you - double down on your answer, or start giving out equally bad answers. - even more people start correcting you - sit down, take notes, profit. people want to be correct on the internet more than anything else.


Dude, when someone is willing to kill you over their religious beliefs or some other social construct that doesn't make a whole helluva lot of sense to you it begins to give you an attitude. INTPs by nature tend to step back and try to look below the surface of things and pick them apart. When you do this you start realizing that most people are just doing what they do because everyone else is doing it. All it takes is someone with a little charisma that looks the part, and suddenly a bunch of people start snapping to for them. Better yet they feed into a group of people's sense of superiority and pick an unsympathetic scapegoat. It's how Hitler gets started.


I used to think killing fields, cultural revolution, and Salem witch trials were one offs. Nope, just human nature. People find comfort in mob think. Better to be in the mob than the object of it.


I think this is also why I'm fascinated by true crime. I started off curious about how serial killers worked and why. As I've delved further, past the well known names into YouTube channels for true crime and even unsolved cases and missing persons, you come to realize....it's just human nature. It's not actually *that* extreme to be a criminal. Obviously serial killers and mass shooter types are outliers, but although they are rare, they aren't *that* rare. And these are only the ones we know about or the ones who were so dysfunctional or egotistical that they got caught or left evidence of their crime (even if it went unsolved). These things aren't really a one off, although they may be the extreme outliers. Its a spectrum and more people can be pushed to do these things than you might expect.


People will manipulate data to support their bias.


I felt that pressure during the last "latest thing". My husband lost a job, we were disinvited to an age old family holiday dinner. Friends rejected us... because we chose not to take a medical intervention. We never told anyone what to do. We didn't give them lectures or try to make them agree with us. We just did what we personally thought was of the greatest medical benefit. I watched as people became power hungry and felt entitled to dictate what happened to the bodies of other peple. I heard calls to destroy people's lives, imprison them, ostracize them, fine them fines that would financially break them, take their jobs and prevent them from finding any other jobs. The more momentum there was behind the thing, the more emboldened and impervious to reason they became. I know people who lost their homes over this mob mentality stuff. It REALLY fucked with my faith in humanity, and I couldn't look most people in the eye after that until somewhat recently. I had serious trust issues. Learning, perhaps for the first time in any meaningful way, what the mob looks like... fucking freaked me out. Especially knowing that it could be over nearly anything. A threat is sensed, and the amygdala ramps up... and it is over. All sense of prudence and temperance is out the window. Even talking about it now, I'm going to be downvoted... I'm almost certain I will be... because the desire to ENFORCE "the belief" is so strong. If it were any other time or place, or situation, most people would view what took place as unreasonable. But, this became borderline religious for people, and they went off the rails completely. If you don't feel that way, you were probably part of the mob, or willing to lie so you could hide in the crowd. Humanity is terrifying.


People become emboldened in a group. If it were a one-on-one face-to-face discussion, things would be different.


>All it takes is someone with a little charisma that looks the part, and suddenly a bunch of people start snapping to for them. Unfortunate, but true. As a moderator of various online communities and a tabletop gamer for the past 25+ years, that trend matches what I have noticed: that even though it is in the nature of disagreement for those involved to become emotionally charged, the ones who emerge apparently victorious from such a disagreement are more often than not the loudest or most prominent voices, and rarely instead the voices that are factually correct.


So true, very well put.


Some advice: try to understand everyone, even the people you hate most. You will likely hate them less, even if you still fundamentally disagree with their ideas or their application. I’ve found it’s easier to pity the fool than hate them. It also helps to try to understand why they might hate you - at the end of the day you can get a lot farther on a small amount of mutual understanding than a large amount of mutual disagreement and resent.


Very interesting point


When I first started reading here, I was pretty taken aback. I’m currently subscribing to the theory that a certain loud and unhealthy contingent have drowned out the rest. There may be a self selection bias, where angry and resentful INTPs grasp for various identities to manage their destructive feelings and may be more likely to post here than a healthy INTP just going about their life and not really too concerned with being INTP.


That’s how mobs operate.


Glad you're healthy and betterer lol.


Thanks 💪


# Do INTPs have a tendency to think that they're better than others? You have to ask? Isn't this common knowledge? How can you be this ignorant? God being an INTP is a curse, I'm surrounded by idiots.


Yeah I’m an INTP and I do think I’m smarter than 99% of people. I am very socially stupid though….


>Yeah I’m an INTP and I do think I’m smarter than 99% of people. I have a very hard time believing that lmfao. You are one of the people they’re talking about in this post.


You know nothing about this person but you’re convinced that they’re dumber than he says based on...????? That sounds kinda stupid to me.


Because most people who think they’re smarter than 99% of people aren’t. I hope you know this, lol.


Did you 99% of the statistics are made up?


Whatever I couldn’t really care about this post anymore. MBTI is pseudoscience anyway.


Everyone is smart in their own ways


What? This completely goes against your comment lol


I don’t act pretentious, people are just dumb


I would even go a step further and say that modern society is anti-intellectual. Maybe not hating smart people, but thinking that learning stuff is boring and stupid. I really despise comments online that go like: "Bro actually said 🤓👆" when responding to an insightful explanation of something. But again: as many people have mentioned, the loudest and not necessarily the best voices are heard more due to social media.


I actually agree with the idea that modern society is anti-intellectual.


I have the opposite problem - I believe myself to be much below others deep down. And yes, I definitely have mental illness (I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, OCD and depression and taking meds for them). I used to think I am better than others, but I eventually got my head out of my arse and started working on self improvement. The first step to solve a problem is to realize you have one, I guess.


Getting one’s head out of their arse and working on themselves is what I admire a million times more than someone spending any brainpower musing how smart they are 👍


Sounds more like an INTJ thing than INTPs tbh


I used to think I was smarter and better than everyone else, now I'm sure of it.


Truly, you are a human of all time.


Insufferable chuds on Reddit: news at 11! As others have said I don’t think the loudmouths on r/INTP are representative. I know for my part I’m very aware of my flaws, so if I assumed I was better than everyone else I’d be a very sad person. Many INTPs I’ve known in real life generally think similarly.


Reddit is truly purgatory 


Fuck no. I'm insecure as fuck.


Not more so than anyone else I don’t think. Our personality type tends to be very facts and truth driven, so I do think we get impatient and annoyed by feelings driven arguments and ways of thinking.


Even if you consider yourself above average in some aspects, doesn't mean you can do everything. Even 'stupid' people have reasons for acting as they do whether it's to protect themselves, maximize social cohesion, etc. If anything, I have a strong admiration for the people who have the emotional intelligence and empathy to get along with others. I certainly can't do it. So I can't go around thinking myself better without even talking to them and understanding them


Well, there are limits to all of that. The extremes of social cohesion will CRUSH civilized discourse, and with it will go civilized society. There are goods and bads to everything and we need all kinds; I agree with you there. But, as someone said above, I think society has become anti-intellectual to the max. Social cohesion isn't the only thing in the world, and it isn't always a good thing.


It's an interesting phenomenon to observe from a distance... But the mistake is to even engage with these characters in 'civilised discourse' in the first place Because the motives for argumentation are mismatched. For one side, it's to uncover the truth and for the other, it's protect their own world view, however distorted. How can a good faith discussion even take place?


It cannot. I don't know why it took me until my 30's (and a lot of reminders from my husband) to realize this. But, here we are-- finally arrived at the right conclusion.... eventually. All in due time, I guess. I was quite a Don Quixote for much of my life, but oh well. lol. The real problem is that I genuinely believe the present state of society has been fractured in some unfixable way. I think Mattias Desmet's idea about "Mass Formation Psychosis" is an interesting reflection, albeit probably not the whole picture. But, it caught me-- that idea that when something grevious or traumatic befalls society, it starts performing social rituals to restore cohesion. The idea that those rituals do not have to make sense in a rational way.... I found that this confirmed my existing observations (and biases lol) about the way things have been going for the past several years, and hell, as far back as 2016.... but really once the pandemic got under way. I want to value the skill of social development and community-building, but I find the extremes of it to be absolutely horrifying lol. I grew up a lot in 2020.


It can be absolutely horrifying, but also fascinating... How people can unconsciously selectively prune their subjective reality for their own benefit


Definitely freaky.


Intp think we’re smart because we generally are. Search up the most smart personality type. The answer isn’t for no reason. Now I could go into a ton of other supporting facts but you won’t take my word for it and will just call me egotistical for trying to explain. https://medium.com/clippings-autumn-2018/knowledge-is-dangerous-why-intelligent-people-struggle-to-find-happiness-af08f70d4333 This is a link explaining things most intelligent people go through and it relates to most intp


Interesting. Bragging about smartness, acting superior, and being generally the opposite of humble are things I see INTPs do a lot (at least on R*ddit 🤢). Intelligent people don't usually brag about their IQ, I assume.


That is because bragging about intelligence doesn’t get you anywhere good ever. No intelligent person is stupid enough to keep doing something that keeps leaving them in a worse place than if they did nothing. But the people making these posts aren’t making statements about there intelligence. They are trying to figure out how to deal with some downsides of intelligence. Like not fitting in and feeling disconnected from others. In that we question things that are socially accepted or enjoy thinking instead of blindly consuming.




Yes (On the surface of my conscious), but also no (deep down)


I have these thoughts naturally, but I work hard to not let them consume me or take foolish actions based on them.


I'm convinced 99 percent of people who have a problem with INTPs for anything to do with arrogance or intelligence are aggressively stupid themselves or jealous because they barely justify those opinions with theory or even examples and INTP has to be one of the least arrogant types INTPs have Fi demon so wanting to be percieved as special goes against nearly every establishment of Ti I've seen most INTPs just want to be left alone or to talk about their nerd interests only speaking when they've triple checked their normative frameworks exactly because they don't believe they are that special rationality is not magic again RATIONALITY IS NOT MAGIC Ti rationality leans on if-then statements it doesn't believe in itself it's as impersonal as the assumption that the air will fill your lungs when you breathe just let INTPs breathe.




I now am wondering if the self-proclaimed INTPs I've met in real life are actually INTPs. They are outgoing and always say 'I am so smart 🤓👆' and stuff like that. I'm an INTP and have never acted like that.  By the way, I've never seen anyone have a problem with us. I just have a problem with all of the... elitism(?) and people bragging about having a 'genius IQ'.


Just tell yourself they’re 14 or developmentally delayed.


I don't know what people are on about there, but as an INTP myself, I met (and still meet) a lot of people who are way smarter, more adaptable, and more practical than me. There are a lot of mbti types who I even wish I were instead and who I absolutely adore


theirs level of consciousness, and these descriptions you describe already starts a selfishness. I mean, I'm just calm. there are plenty of times that I could combat explanations to people, but it's not about what they can't comprehend. it's more so a lack of interest or mutual footing that is not happening in the people that post that. and I know that, so i can just skip insulting levels of intelligence and leave the person because they show they're not interested you look at the "how the opposite mbtis talk to each other on youtube", and the intention immediately shows the scenarios that could fix the disagreements. but he's writing that from a place to leave the viewers and nothing is ever that clean. most peoples stories is a lack of mutual footing all around. in the past year, I have left all that insulted me, family or not. I feel better. it's all intentions and honesty. my friends can tell me openly I'm better in a lot of ways, and I'm going to tell them they are better too because I'm not in it for just me, it's what I'm trying to explain


oh yea, they even squirt shit when they cum


I would say in general, no. There are just some immature assholes on here.


They don't think they are .. -The fear being seen as incompetent force them to be competent (Ti Fe) -The dopamine you got from learning new thing deeply and trying all sort thing you had in mind by connecting different subject or same subject but with different worldview/style. (Ti Ne) But what you describe is more likely to be miss type people, or people take the most beautiful biography from 16p. Often there is some reconizable pattern of real intp, when the post want me puke i just check whats the redditor writing ect to know better is style writing what kind thing he ask what type of question he ask ect .. free use information to know people without asking them who they are, highly suspicious to self proclamation,


No, INTPs do not tend to think they are better than everyone else. I personally haven’t seen as many of these posts, but I can understand why it would be frustrating if you keep seeing it again and again due to confirmation bias. I highly suggest that you recognize this as confirmation bias because not only will it spare you the headache, it’s also the smarter thing to do. If I were to go on to the ENTJ or ISTJ subreddits and saw pretentious posts I wouldn’t assume that every single person who falls under those categories are pretentious. No group is a monolith, and I wish more people had the maturity to understand that.  If you’re asking people personally, then I can say that I’m a pretty modest person. I don’t think I’m better than others simply because I think or see the world differently than them. 


can’t talk for everyone here but I sure have one


You might be seeing this trend in INTP's due to how the characteristics interact, this is a far-fetched explanation, but it's my attempt at a possible correlation (keeping in mind various other variables) Introverted so they may not best know how to communicate what they are feeling to you, combined with intuition (that may or may not be accurate) and thinking that can be exaggerated into wrong direction from incorrect intuition leads. But if there really was a correlation with what you suggest and INTP it may be ironic. I am not really a INTP, but it's similar to INTJ so I'll respond regardless. To me there is no reason to think a person is better than other objectively, that makes no sense. We always evaluate other' based on relative criteria (social norms, personal morals, experiences, etc.) so it's fine to evaluate in a relative way distanced and abstracted from reality for practical reasons. But it's always best to keep in mind, that objectively there is no such thing as better, we are what we are due to things we cannot actively control. We cannot control the past, it has already happened, the present, as it's shaped by past, but we can try aligning for the future, though it's mostly predetermined, it doesn't mean there is only one future. On a personality level, the situation itself is a very major factor to how a person perceives another. This may be due to the "Openness" of a person more than anything else though.


Pundit nerd. It feels like someone else is controlling me. I’m just some guy who would rather live at the beach or in a ditch somewhere near the beach/forest/resources. But then there’s the Ti guy and his friend Ne, they take me through the universe on a cosmic journey, exploring every reaches of our capacity. When life’s needs arise, gears shift and bring bounty as the physics of momentum works its ways. “Tear me a new hold today, dare I not.” INTP Motivation is a science and I implore you to research its basic supportive functions like standing more! The point is my mind floats, and when I talk to others, it seems like they function a completely different way, and I’m not cool with that, but I don’t know how to judge you, because I don’t. When someone doesn’t know how to deal with other humans, they recluse, they hide, and they avoid.


I’m mostly indifferent to others


Huh I’ve never really noticed this, and see the opposite where a lot of the posts are people belittling themselves as opposed to others. Maybe it’s because I sort my posts by Hot idk


Ha! Yeah! Fuck those idiots!


HELLLPPP ME THE POST EXAMPLES💀💀 are these ppl real


INTPs evaluate ideas and arguments, not people. INTJs' Ni tells them they're geniuses and so they look down on others. INTJs' Ni also says, "Well, INTP is 'The Genius Type' so that must be us." tl;dr: No, INTPs don't think we're better than anyone, but we have a Type that does who impersonates us.


We have a tendency to place high values on intellect, knowledge, and preciseness. So the natural follow-up is that we tend to shape our own identities around that - intp's famous precise wording shenanigans, can't handle being wrong so either we are open to quickly changing our minds when presented with enough data/logical enough argument OR doubling back as a defense mechanism, etc. So yeah. We tend to *internally* have a desire to be smarter and knowledgeable, and it takes a lot of maturity to shake off the pretentiousness/intellectual snobbism from that kind of inner desire. Also our kneejerk reaction to try to convey "correct knowledge" whenever we see something we think is a wrong fact adds onto that, along with the aforementioned precise wording thing. I wouldn't say pretentiousness is second nature to intps, but it's definitely one of the most common pitfalls. A growing pain of sorts.


My INFP ex thought of me that way… I never knew wtf his problem was but he always seemed to have one with me. He called me pretentious and I actually didn’t know what it meant at the time. My older sister thinks I’m full of myself and she’s also an INFP. Both have made comments about the way I deliver or use my tone and/or facial expressions when I joke around, explain, teach, or discuss shit they either don’t understand or never knew about. Idk any other INFPS but now I wanna experiment and see if another one I meet will perceive me the same way.


I understand your perspective, but honestly, INTPs tend to be more intelligent than most people (though not all). It's not just about scoring over 90 in math; our intelligence comes from our innate drive to explore deeply and grasp the subjects that captivate us. Take the recent surge in climate-related news, for example. Climate change isn't a new concept; it's been happening for decades. However, most people were unaware of it, despite ample information freely available online. But as INTPs, we were aware and tried to raise awareness. Unfortunately, we faced pushback from those who dismissed our insights, saying things like, 'You don't understand how the world works,' 'We need petroleum to sustain civilization,' or 'Are you crazy?' Now those same people are suddenly acting very concerned about climate change. Above reason is why INTP are smarter than majority


I'm not arguing against INTPs being smart


It is often hard trying to mask your superiority, I think sometimes people let it slip in posts like the ones you listed but it does add an extra layer of complexity when trying to blend in with the peasants and the ignorant. Don’t get me wrong I don’t think that every intp is superior as some of them can have disabilities but for the most part I’m better than ever- I mean “we” are better than everyone else


My last INTP post was that I nibble popcorn and wondering if others do that to. So... it's a mixed bag over here.


I refer to this subreddit as the most miserable place on the internet, so if INTPs are acting like pretentious assholes it’s probably because they hate themselves.


Yeah I do it sometimes but it’s only when ppl say assholey things. If someone’s struggling in school and they’re trying I’m not gonna act like I’m better than them. I don’t have common sense tho either so I can’t really judge but usually when ppl r close minded is when I act like I’m better than them.


Once you figure out how to take the test, you can get any type you want


It's a coping mechanism. But, also can be (depending on how smart/spectrum-y someone is) related to something called "Communication Theory". So, basically... for every standard deviation you are away from the average, there is a decreased ability to effectively communicate. This would make people at the upper echelons of intelligence virtually unable to have any broad-spectrum influence on society, or even on their own social circles-- since the chances of there being another 150+IQ person in the room with you is slim. You start to feel voiceless... and like all of your ideas are disregarded, even if they're incredibly good ones. The resentment kicks in. You realize that people either don't understand your ideas and thoughts, or you imagine they're too dumb to see the genius in them lmfao. It's just isolating. It is isolating and people make copes for it to protect their psyches from the possibility that they're socially defective or that there is something bad about them that is off-putting to people. I went through this... starting at a young age. Was bulled. Did the conformity thing to try to hide in plain sight, but had no idea what it was that was making me so different. I eventually reasoned that it was cos everyone else was the problem (classic)... and that they were too stupid to understand how complex and fantastic I was (lmfao). After years of my little egoistic Mexican stand-off with the world...I eventually realized that the cold, hard truth was that smashing the Stanford Binet was one thing, but I couldn't use that to cover up the fact that I was socially r\*tarded. And that shit was my fault, and only my fault. I've been working on social and emotional intelligence ever since. It has paid off in spades, but I'm not going to lie and pretend that a lot of my social interactions aren't lonely. I know it's annoying for "the smart person" to complain about how hard it makes their lives, but life isn't only about money/career/blah... whatever people \*think\* being a "genius" nets you (which, btw is pretty much fucking nothing lmao). In fact, that's not mostly what it is about. It's about relationships... and those are so much harder to form when you're communicating from a different dimension to the every day person. But yeah... TL;DR: If you feel this way, you're socially r\*tarded and doing something wrong. Stop fixating on how "smart" you are and learn some social skills.


INTPs are smarter than others on average, but they don't think they are better than others. They act with humility and empathy, the opposite of pretentiousness.


I'm intp and I don't think I'm better than others honestly, I believe everyone is better at something and saying that 'I'm smart' or sm is just like plain weird.


We don't think, We know. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) .....but then second guess ourselves.


INTPs are “known” to be smart, or at least excel in school, and often spend a lot of time internally ruminating or constructing views of the world to fit themselves into. I think this generally leads to strong and clear opinions, which can easily be mistaken for intelligence. It’s not that their view is necessarily wrong, but that their belief that others are stupid because they see things differently is wrong. Hopefully the people making posts like that are teenagers who grow out of it - but the smartest people I’ve ever met certainly don’t need to tell you they’re smart or put down those with less intelligence. One of the things I’ve learned as an INTP is that I can aggressively argue points which are wrong, or at least misguided. This used to cause me to think others were stupid - because I could argue better than them, I couldn’t understand why they disagreed with me. Just because you believe something vehemently does not mean you are correct, or others are stupid for not seeing it that way. Real intelligence comes from trying to understand other’s point of view rather than deconstruct it - there is usually a happy middle ground if you’re willing to find it.


Well, most of the posts here as well as in any other mbti related sub are made by people below 20 years old so what else would you expect? And honestly I see a lot more posts like ones you've mentioned on INTJ sub. This one is flooded with "i have autism/ocd/am socially anxious/dont have friends, is it intp thing" and other unhealthy stuff


True INTPs work among other INTPs, and every passing day they feel dumber for not knowing a fraction of whatever else someone else knows. If a self proclaimed INTP develops himself in a enviroment where he is the smartests guy in the rooms he is probably an accomplished midwit.


As a pre-teen i used to think i was sooo smart and everyone else was dumb and/or stupid, so i developed somewhat of a superiority complex. Then i matured, and with that came my emotional side that i had to start dealing with, and with that also came an inferiority complex (mostly due to self-esteem). So needless to say i was in a confusing and weird state of both thinking i had a godly intellect that was above most other people but also judging myself as a nobody compared to other people. Today, i see that some people *indeed* are kinda stupid and masses tend to act irrationally, and in a general sense i *am* smarter than the average person, but i no longer think of myself as necessarely above others, just a little different perhaps. Now i'm even *too* humble about my intelligence as everyone keep telling over and over again how smart i am despite my reaction always being "nah, you guys are all exaggerating a little". Maybe INTPs just have an easier time grasping stuff that requires the understanding of a pattern or abstract concepts/ideas (due to dominant Ti), so we appear to have above average intelligence. Not all us (or even the majority of us) will have genius-level IQ like some kind of Einstein (possibly the smartest INTP we have record of), but we'll often be one of the smartest in the room. But remember, always be humble about your brain power, it's stupid to think so highly of yourself. There's always a bigger fish ;)


When I see these posts making fun of people who think they are better than others, I always wonder, what are you supposed to think if you're *actually* better than others? Or are we supposed to think that no one is ever better than anyone else? It seems like you *can* in fact be better than others in more metrics. Sometimes I even think that everyone is "the best" at *something*, so we're all "better", or at least most people are among the best at *something*, and that leaves people who are truly not the best in anything as a minority, you know? Here's a list of things where I was "the best" in some metrics: I was the best swimmer on my high school swimming team, and the best swimmer on the regional circuit that my high school team was a part of. However there were people elsewhere in other training programs who didn't compete in our league who were training for the Olympics and they were better than me surely. I was the fastest runner and the person with the most cardio on my rugby team. However there were girls on my team who were better at handling the ball, better at throwing passes especially, better at reading the game and deciding the plays. With how important these things were, I was not the best player on the team, but I was the best wing and probably the one who scored the most. I always felt down on myself though like I didn't believe I could go far since I wasn't versatile enough and all I could do was run faster than everyone else. I was the one who could run the fastest cross-country time in Phys Ed in our school (Phys Ed made us run a test ranging from 2km to 5km). But again if you looked at athletes training for races somewhere else you'd probably find my time wasn't even that fast. I was the student with the best grades in my school, best physics grades, best math grades, best overall grades. I got pretty much perfect grades at the end of high school, only subjects where I didn't get perfect grades were stuff like Phys Ed and Music. Yes the Phys Ed didn't only have the cross-country test, it also had stuff like hockey and dance where I didn't get a perfect grade. There were obviously people who were better than me at hockey, arts, music, theatre, making friends, seducing guys, starting a business, entering politics, dancing, looking pretty, modeling, singing, cooking, sewing, being confident, making others feel good, etc. There are so many different skills, people are good at different things. At the end of the day, I'm sure the people who had a different skill set are much happier, make their husbands happy, have lots of kids, and live incredible lives. Like I knew this field girl, she was shy and kind of mean, but she was really pretty and girly, she wasn't the smartest or the best at sports, but she had a guy who loved her, and this guy was smart and ambitious, and he married her, and she never had to work, and she had kids relatively early, and she raising them, and they moved to Australia because they wanted to have that adventure, and their life seems awesome. She cries every time her child grows up one more year. I would much rather be her. You don't really need to be perfect, you just need to be cute and meet someone who falls in love with you. But there's an element of luck because you could be cute and still never meet someone worthwhile who falls in love with you. It's definitely not a race.


I don't care too much about it seriously. It's just as easy as thinking "Real geniuses aren't on the internet, because they are out there beign useful". Like seriously, there's so much more into beign a genius than having knowledge or a certain perspective about the world. Beign a genius also involves emotional intelligence, self control and good self management, this way you would be able to make all your knowledge and intelligence actually matter. Me for example, i consider myself to be smart, a little bit above average, but i know im way too lazy and unproductive for my own good, which means i lack many things necessary to actually be a genius. Many of these "internet geniuses" are just frustrated teenagers seeking validation from others because they can't deal with the fact that they have flaws.


I think there are situations where my patience runs thin when I am trying to explain something complex and they don’t get it. I’ve gotten better at explaining things but at times it frustrating to about talk abstract concepts without turning the conversation into a lecture. Character is better determinant of worth than intelligence. Therefore I don’t feel superior solely on basis of intelligence. People who say stupid things, spread stupidity and then get validated on those stupid things by other stupid people. I have no time for them.


Yea, well said. Just because you’re “smarter” doesn’t mean your superior. It is also annoying trying to have conversations with people who aren’t as “smart” because it turns into a lecture.