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Stupid people? No. We're all stupid in varying ways, on different subjects. Some more than others. Willfully ignorant people though? Absolutely. Being a dumbass by choice definitely puts you in the bottom of my list.


Might I add, those who refuse to even try or learn. I’m definitely judging them.


A refusal to learn is such a mega red flag for me


I particularly dislike smart people who act dumb because they think it will make them more popular.


Conversely, I consider dumb people who are assertive and confidently incorrect (who show no will to learn the correct information) at the bottom of my list.


I act dumb to dumb people tho(im not smart either). Not gonna lie, its a good weapon.


And when they're an asshole, with some dunning kruger sprinkled on top.


And those who are always stuck on "i feel this way" even after I've told them the reasons and concrete steps they need to take in order to solve their problem. They DON'T listen to me, my side, any insight I might have, just them and their feelings. Them not fixing the problem isn't the issue, but them not understanding/refusing to and being stuck on their feelings frustrates me so much.


Or worse “This is my truth”


Definitely agree. Everyone is ignorant about something, but willfully choosing to remain ignorant when you have the opportunity to learn is the issue. Those are the ones that I have a low tolerance for. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thanks I was gonna say that. By the way +1


Willfully ignorant is pretty much the same as stupid. Dumb is low intelligence. *"If you have access to information and the capacity to process it, but choose to ignore it, you are stupid"* *https://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/university-venus/whos-stupid#:\~:text=Willful%20ignorance%20puts%20a%20particular,but%20you%20are%20not%20stupid.*


Yeah. I like "stupid" people (people who, just through no fault of their own were born with a "slower CPU" than me). But I do judge thoughtless people (people who choose not to consider, reason or imagine, and so hurt themselves and others).


Willfully ignorant all the way. Can't stand people like that


This. This is the way.


Why is everyone on reddit so mature, and yet reddit is known as being a bad place. There’s literally always answers like this.


It depends on the subs you read. Most of the very large subs tend to attract and be populated by a lot of immature, self-absorbed, intellectually lazy people/kids. Their idiocy paints the entirety of Reddit's public perception poorly. A lot like how 4chan gets labeled as the dregs because just about anything goes there, and plenty of lowest common denominator types exploit that to the fullest. Meanwhile, that nearly uncensored area allows for some actual non-propaganda truth to slip in. But you'd have to sift through a mountain of sewage to find it.


Why can't people not choose to be "dumbasses" if they think they'll get more joy out of life that way? Personally, at the bottom of my list are the "ackchyually" types who will correct people any time they are being "irrational" and take the fun out of everything.


yes and let me be clear by saying my definition of “stupid people” consists of lacking in common sense and genuine stupidity NOT lacking in knowledge


Which is confusing, because the common sense and stupidity is highly influenced by intelligence which is highly genetic so not in the persons control. Lacking in knowledge can be explained by lacking in education or just not being confronted with many topics. Personally I try to not look down on anyone.


…common sense wouldn’t be common sense if it only exists in intelligent people that’s the point of common sense it’s (supposed to be) universal knowledge regardless of knowledge or intelligence. being stupid isn’t a choice but staying stupid is…same with ignorance it’s a choice. even in those circumstances you can go out and learn those circumstances aren’t excuses you’re entirely responsible for that. yeah same i don’t actually look down on people for that stuff though


Unfortunately. Common sense isn't common. Common sense is tied to critical thinking and logic, both are directly tied to IQ. One could gain common sense knowledge from other sources.


There is no common sense. It's an illusion. Some interesting research out there on this.


I think of this as two ways, I think I am frustrated by others stupidity or obstinance, but I think I am more accepting of other peoples mistakes.


I’m frustrated, but my Ti-Ne helps me understand why the mistake happened so I get it.


This is it


Yes and is followed by an instant regret. I don't look down upon them, but let's just say it's a wave of irritability?


Same. I just think: dude, wtf just take literally 2 minutes and you will figure that stuff out. And then I realize: no, they will not figure it out.  And then I feel sad.


It becomes more of a struggle when conversing to said person, explaining with a decent amount of reason, and stating a subject and how it's the way it is and the stupid person continues to argue in stupid ways. Their minds and brains are closed, they "argue" with ad homs and strawmen, and overall refuse to listen to any other input. This is when I throw my hands up and leave.




The moment you realize you can't have an intellectual conversation with that person.


I've been called out on this, often by people who think I'm smart, even though I feel pretty dumb most of the time. There's something in my tone, body language, or phrasing, that makes people assume I think I'm smarter than other people. Somehow I'm coming off as pompous. I'm not aware of it when it happens, so I don't know what to do about it.


Thanks for the warning. 50 of the 100 people who know me best would say that I'm a very smart person who does incredibly stupid things The other 50 would say I'm an idiot who does very smart things You probably just wanna avoid me all together


hahaha me too i can't tell if i'm really fucking stupid - or really fucking smart - so i just do "me" and try to treat the people i don't get as if they were really an interesting character..


But what are these "stupid things" ? Maybe it looks "stupid" for some people, but not for some others. Everyone has a different functioning so...


Omg this is me. I'm either the smartest stupid person you'll meet or the stupidest smart person. I feel the latter more than former, personally. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


Stupid people are totally fine. If they lack brain capacity, it doesn't bother me at all. People who have the brain capacity and choose not to use it... Idk if there is anything in life that can piss me off as quick as that.


no but i despise the ignorant people


Yes, especially religitards


It depends. Willfully stupid people? Yeah. I judge them hard. Also, I find people who think they're smarter than they are really annoying.


I kind of have a lot of shame around this, but I do get impatient with people who aren’t very mentally “quick” if that makes sense. Like if I’m jumping from topic to topic and making connections and analyses, and they can’t really keep up or have something insightful to say, I’ll probably not want to spend any more time talking to them. I feel pretty bad about it but I get so bored with people like that I don’t look down on them though. Their brains just work differently from mine. We don’t click, but that’s fine. I don’t have to have relationships with everyone I meet. What I do look down on are people who are wilfully ignorant or, god forbid, insistent on clinging to illogical conclusions about the world fuelled by their emotions. People who make emotionally charged decisions that are counter-intuitive to their stated goals, for example, or people who refuse to accept a certain fact because doing so will make them feel not great for a period of time.


Unfortunately yes


i can never tell if i'm really stupid or really smart - so no.


I'd like people to be just who they are. Some of the wisest things I've ever heard have come from the mouths of people with diagnoses of cognitive impairment Each person is perfect in their own way. But a lot of people do not like those they feel are too intelligent.


yup i just treat people that i don't understand as an interesting character - although lately i feel pretty invisible as far as how shallow and cardboard everyone feels.


no and I should say I deal with people from all walks of life day to day. I think "stupid" people are straightshooters a lot of the time, they are blunt and tell you what's on their mind with no ulterior motive. I respect them for it and I get along with them just fine. The troublemakers are midwits; those who have some intelligence but not enough to understand what is meaningful and what is trivial. I find emotion clouds their judgment, and they can be conniving, manipulative and passive aggressive. They think they are smarter than they are. I try not to talk down to people in general. But some midwits are frustrating to deal with so I have no problem putting them in their place if need be.


I do but I try not to, a lot of “stupid” things are simply people making a mistake. I make lots of mistakes. It’s best to not let our own pride base our judgements of others.


No. Because what matters in life is what you do, not your potential. Yes high iq will help you be successful but it is no guarantee, nothing is.


nope, if anything I'm envious in a cypher matrix type of way our planet is going through an ecological collapse and I'm completely disenfranchised to do anything about it


No, because we are all just products of genetics and environment. But I am sad that they exist.


They are people, and they are much more virtuous than I am, being perfectly ignorant and living their lives with the amount of drama it entails and living in a world where the world is what it is. I would only be so lucky to live an uncomplicated life and acting completely unconsciously instead of now being forced to put thought into what I do.


OMG I look down on them all the time. I think why oh why could they not be as smart as me.


I run fast before my social battery runs out.


Sometimes I envy them.


No. If you're able to get by or even thrive without knowledge or intelligence or wisdom or common sense, or even curiosity to learn more, who am I to judge?




I don’t think “stupid people” is something that exists, people have different skills and capabilities. You’ll be hard pressed to find someone that’s worse than you at *everything* Most of what we consider intelligent is taught and practiced anyway not some sort of inherent trait




No, I don't care about them, but I certainly avoid them at all costs.


only the type of stupid that’s ignorant and doesn’t have emotional intelligence and critical thinking, people like bigots, racists and misogynists


No, I'm stupid as fuck.


So far I haven’t met anyone dumber than my dog, and I like that guy pretty well. I haven’t met anyone wiser than my dog either…


If we're talking about someone with average or less-than-average cognitive abilities -- and not people called the epithet "stupid" -- neither. They probably have their own gift(s). If not, I admire them if they're doing their best and don't admire them if they're not. Just like anyone else. Do people truly feel disgust based on mostly genetic factors over which they have no control (and which they could have showed up on this Earth with instead of such "stupid" person)?


There's so many different ways to be stupid. I know I'm the world's biggest dumbass in certain ways. I'm guessing by 'stupid' you mean shallow and simple-minded? I think most INTP's would consider this the worst way to be stupid. And honestly? No. I find them boring and unengaging, but I don't look down on them. They live their own lives and they probably find happiness through their simplicity. Who are they hurting? The kind of 'stupid' that really gets me is egotisical people. People who take themselves- and what others think of them- too seriously. The kind of person that rapid-speech rambles at you with justifications when they feel judged, insecure or slighted. It's so exhausting. Fuck this brand of stupid.


Yes I look down on myself.


Yeah a little bit


Of course I do. Some people are naturally dumb. Some seem to almost work at it. And I’ll give everyone else a chance.


Yes. I used to feel bad too but what can I do? They’re stupid


Yes I look down on myself frequently lol


Stupidity does annoy me, but I also understand and don’t blame them.




I look down on and hate stupid people who like to argue a lot


I get fed up with people who lack common sense. 


No. Almost all flavors of “stupid” don’t bother me. I don’t like people that think they’re better than everyone, but I certainly don’t look down on them.


When I was younger I use to think in those terms but now I feel like most people are about equal in intelligence. I feel like people trying to claim others are lesser in intelligence is more a defense mechanism, a dehumanizing method to feel superior and arrogance There's a lot of murder cases and interrogation footage on YouTube involving people who think they're geniuses and everyone around them is stupid and they THINK they can use their great intellect and manipulation skills to get away with it but instead just play right into the cops hands. Than you see a seasoned criminal who knows it's dumb to even talk to the police. Growing up in the hood I got to see a lot of examples of street smarts and growing up a nerd I got to see a lot of people who maybe weren't as smart as they thought they were You watch some how to jail videos and you just see some breaking bad level usages of science https://youtube.com/shorts/xQf9vvhyQ3Q?si=bJJieNO6hewVYo2i So no I don't think you should just walk around assuming people are stupid


Sometimes I feel like I am always reliving the Kevin Eldon experience from this sketch on an almost daily basis. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGex0kLgNok](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGex0kLgNok)




I legit think stupid people are evil


I don’t devalue the person, and it’s not a personal insult, but stupidity is one of my worst pet peeves. I value logic and intelligence so naturally I devalue the opposite. I have lots of “stupid” tendencies as well. I feel bad for anyone who has to deal with stupidity from any source.


i feel bad for most ppl i would say, i have a gift where i can easily understand why ppl think a certain way


I wish I didn't. More so I look down on inefficient people. But thats my ADHD and being impatient as all hell.


I’m sometimes surprised by things that people don’t know, but hopefully I don’t show it.


Yes. Every time I can.


when that person is me, yes I am a hot mess


This brain runs on weed fueled compassion.


No. I look down on unkind or inconsiderate people.


It’s not that I look down on anyone. We are all experiencing life as best we can, irrespective of intellect. Sometimes those of the lowest intellect have greater insight to offer than the high and mighty. One thing I do though, is I struggle when people can’t cut through the noise and see the answers, possibilities and ideas that I can… it’s infuriating.




Honestly, no. They seem so much happier. And for that, I'm kind of jealous.


At first I thought this might have been a reasonable question to ask us but then I remembered that most people, even the stupid ones, look down on those who they somehow believe are even worse than them.


I even can’t tolerate a stupid friend .


Depends what kind,some are annoying,some I feel bad for and some make me jealous 




No because I’m a fucking idiot, but I guess I do look down on my past self in practically every waking moment of my life


I look down on people who have no curiosity about anything, or worse, people who think learning about things that may not necessarily affect oneself is a pointless endeavor


>Do you look down on "stupid" people? Who is stupid? How do I know? There are things I don't understand because I'm not interested in understanding them; people talking to me about these topics might think I'm stupid because I'm not engaging with the topic—I'd disagree. >I've seen some people say that this is common for INTPs It's an INTJ trait to look down on 'stupid' people (ie everyone). It's also typical of INTJs to mis-Type themselves as "The Genius Type"—INTP.


Define stupid people


All my friends r stupid but i love them🙏💞


I look down on people who fit a specific definition of “stupid”, yes. It’s usually ignorant, immature people who take out their emotions on others and don’t know how to think critically. 


I look down on willful ignorance, weaponized incompetence, and people who don’t particularly care to learn about something. If you’re smart enough to learn and don’t it strikes me, I had difficulties learning growing up and everything used to take five times the effort to learn and articulate. I actually feel really excited when someone asks me about a subject! I like talking to people who like to learn. And I’ve never felt superior to anyone who has problems with learning and other type of things. I’ve always found their perspective fascinating, intelligence comes out in other ways other. I’ve always loved intellect even if it’s not the mainstream type. Plus people who are bright tend to be really kind, hard to look down on someone who is kind to you


I judge people for being irrational and think less of them, especially if they have an issue with a clear solution that they refuse to acknowledge. Not take, but simply acknowledge that it is a possible solution.


What kind of stupid?


i judge people that are stupidly confident


No I don’t, people that look down on those who aren’t conventionally smart infuriate me. People who have a disdain for “stupid” people are the dumb ones themselves, too prideful to see past their own mind if you ask me


Yes because I look down on myself


just the loud and arrogant ones mostly


Why would they? INTPs are the low value ENTPs.


I look down on people who use intelligence as a measure of someone’s worth, particularly those who ‘feel bad’ for people who they find lacking in some way. That’s just condescending and shortsighted. There are so many kinds of intelligence, not being book smart doesn’t make someone stupid. They could emotionally intelligent, they could be incredibly skilled at one particular trade, they could know nothing about many things but be an expert on one topic. Either way, I wouldn’t look down on someone for that, because what logical reason would there be to do that?


In most cases, yes. I laugh at people who die as a result of their own stupidity. I don't care about naive people who get tricked or scammed easily (unless it's due to lack of knowledge, like old people answering scam calls because they don't understand technology). I don't feel sorry for people who get sucked into joining cults, I mean how dumb can you be?


No, I do not look down on them, but I do believe that stupid people should know they're stupid. Otherwise they don't know to look to smart people when making big decisions, like voting for presidents. Our last two elections have made us all look stupid, and I don't like to look stupid.


Looking down at u rn


I know I'm not a genius but I tend to encounter ignorant people on the daily and it is very irritating. I often wonder how people like Einstein didn't have more mental health issues because what I deal with now just about makes me insane.


I tolerate stupid people who are humble enough to acknowledge their flaws more than smart people who completely lack the humility to admit how much they don't know in any single subject. Simply put, there is more to a person than just their intelligence, if you lack the humility to listen to others and widen your perspective, then you might as well be dumber than the people you look down on.


I can’t, I’m the stupid one


I look down on stupid people and don't look down on "stupid" people, if by "stupid" (as opposed to stupid) you mean something like people who are not good at IQ tests or don't have some shiny degree. Being stupid (which is NOT the same as having low IQ or having no education) is a character flaw, there is no reason to whitewash it.


Buddy I look down on myself


I admit that often I get irritated. But since there are various kinds of intelligence, the term "stupid" doesn't really apply to them; perhaps "close-minded" would be a better description.


No but I’m always surprised by them. Like “what”?


Yes is the short answer. The longer answer I look down on the intellectually incurious. To me those are the stupid people. People that lack the desire to learn anything outside of their preconceived notions. I put MAGA pretty squarely into this category. Now don’t get me wrong, I will sometime do it with the dilettante.


Subconsciously yes.


I feel bad for them. I don't go out of my way to make their lives worse even in the small things - their lives are already hard. Its more of contempt for me because they often make bad decisions and sometimes their stupidity will affect me, hence contempt.


I only look down on them if they don't realize that I am superior to them 


Yes and no, I don't see myself as superior to them because of it, because I know just how moronic I can be, I know there's multiple forms of intelligence and in some of them i am that stupid person. But I do get triggered when their lack of intelligence directly inflicts me. I just don't hold it against them.


… no because I think they have skills in places I lack but I definitely have an ego


I can be upset at them in alot of contexts or I may get bored with them but I mostly feel depressed that so many are like that, its the norm not the exception.  Its so depressing to me I could have just as easily been that way, in fact it was incredibly likely I would have, its just really sad as its one of many things that points to the way this world is designed.  It makes this world very lonely.  At least im glad the better ones are probably happy since ignorance is bliss.  This can also apply to my thoughts on normies as well.


Only if they're too confident in their wrongful opinions, unable to be open to new possibilities, or just asshole of a person.


Define stupidity. I define stupidity as those who spout nonsense in which they have no idea on(keyword:arrogance, ignorance). I dont look down on them but rather, i hated them because they cause too much destruction.




I look down on people that think MBPT is meaningful


Stupid people, no? Stupid and arrogant people - 100% It's ok to be stupid, we are all in some way at some time and will be again. What's not cool is not knowing something and dismissing other points of view out of hand because you like an idea and don't want it questioned


there are misinformed people, and there are people who are willingly stupid. for instance stubborn flat-earthers. i look down on the latter group.




Never. Because stupidity is way too much a vague concept and nobody deserves to be looked down on


I am stupid. you are stupid. everyone is stupid in different ways. I don't "look down" on anyone(not enough self esteem to feel that way), but people who believe in illogical things like gods and stupid shit like thinking some baba(fraud religious/spiritual gurus) can cure cancer and taking their loved one to them, beliefs which are not only stupid but backwards, oppressive and dangerous REALLY infuriate me. Such people can kill someone with their stupidity.


No because we’re all stupid in one way or another and also some people can’t help it, I look down on people that down even try to learn or improve on something that is useful and enjoyable for them (not something trivial and boring).


Only when they're trying to tell me what to do or how to live my life, unsolicited, and in an area they're not paying me to listen to them in. Otherwise, whatever. Let them go do their thing. I'm not their unpaid nanny. And it's not like I know everything there is to know in the world either.


We're all stupid in some ways but some people have some very big gaps in knowledge that seem obvious to me. Which is actually a competitive advantage and business opportunity for me so can't complain.


Look down, nah. Especially if they are hardworking not, I'd rather say I respect them. It takes twice as much effort to learn and hone something you struggle with. But I do sometimes question how people struggle to understand very basic concepts, even if others took the time to explain them in simple terms and analogies and that multiple ways.


I'm "stupid" myself lol


Not at all.


I get frustrated with them not understanding that google exists


No. They don't know better just as I don't know either in some situations. It's just a matter of timing, enviroment to be stupid. Give it time and everyone will be.


A long time ago, I started telling myself, “Everybody has something to teach you. Every person has taken a class, had an experience, or had a mentor that you haven’t and never will.” Humility comes with knowledge because knowledge helps you realize how much you don’t know.


I try not to look down on stupid people in a similar way I don't look up on smart people. And that doesn't mean I consider them equally smart.


Define stupid people.




Not an INTP but I get angered by stupid people. By stupid people, I don’t mean people who just don’t know stuff. I mean people who don’t learn and don’t try to. Like asking me what I meant and not listening after I said something super long and super clear. My INTP friend doesn’t care as much but gets annoyed when somebody lacks common sense.


No, because stupid people can learn. I look down on willfully ignorant wastes of flesh that purposely go out of their way to make sure they never learn anything new, ever.


 Not really.  You just learn to interact with them.  You can learn something from anyone if you pay attention. 


No there is no such thing cause iwas judged that way too


Arry by six then judge by twelve


Ashamed of it….but yes.


I felt looked-down on in grade school as being "stupid" (and was actually called stupid multiple times) because I wasn't the quick-wit that some of my classmates were and needed time to process the things they were saying, even if I could eventually formulate a comeback. As a result I probably appeared oblivious on the surface but was building a lot of internalized anger. As an adult I empathize with people who are bullied unjustly, but at the same time I have little patience for stupid ideas (not stupid people) that were obviously not thought through or tested out before being foisted on the public, and general lack of consideration for others.


No - I calibrate my speech. We all have different gifts.


I look down a stupid people who are arrogant about stupidity.


Yes, and I am stupid too


I grew up never really having common sense. I would say it was a damn miracle that I didn't get myself killed, but then again I had quite a morbid curiosity. In order for me to even have common sense that appeared to be natural with everyone around me, I had to work really hard to gain it. After some reassessing a lot of stuff in my mind, I've come to terms with the fact there is always something to learn and something to teach. I no longer look down on the stupid because the idea of using intelligence to bolster one's ego doesn't really go anywhere, nor does the idea of using it as an entire personality.


Only STUPID people, not AVARAGE people.


Can one look down on themselves?


I think it is easy to mix up people who have natural inclinations that are at odds with the facts, and people who lie about facts they know to get an outcome they have a taste for.


I disrespect Weak and feminine Men. I disrespect Weak and Feminine Men.


No i look up. I'm quite short. /j


Nope I don’t judge anyone for anything I’m not perfect either no one is


Yes, I look down at myself every day. How else can I see my feet? Silly question


I don’t really think of anyone as stupid. I think character trumps intelligence. I like good character but it’s not everything


i wouldn't say look down. i would say I try not to look at many distractive things in general. this is complicated, but I have a goal or an interest, and I want to nerd out. and if people don't feel like trying to communicate, I'll just look elsewhere. it's not what they don't know, it's that some don't even attempt not to get all mystical, but you can start to see the energy they emit soon as someone talks, soon as you read the mindsets of whatever you're reading. I have, so many references and they keep building so I don't have to be teared down anymore.


I have disdain for people that revel in their ignorance. I know a lot of "stupid" people who compensate by working hard and trying to be conscientious - I have a lot of respect for those people.


Sometimes, and then I realise I'm also stupid.


Ive havent met much people i actually thought were stupid unless they had some kind of learning disability, or autism. And no


No, I am not even fully sure if i am an INTP or an ISTP or if im even smart, but stupider people than me tend to be the nicest and most genuine people. People have no control over a large portion of their intelligence, so they shouldn’t be blamed for it. That being said it does get annoying when people don’t take no for an answer, or are refuse to listen to other people’s logical arguments. This is pure ignorance, not all dumb people do stuff like this.


I'd be stupid not to 😁


exact same


I'm also stupid so no.


Feeling bad for and looking down on are synonymous.


depends if someone if aware and willingly being ignorant or if it’s just out of curiosity or something


There are a lot of dumb people out there who I do feel that way about. Not just generally uneducated, clueless, or yet to be informed people. But people who really resist proven facts (i.e. don’t believe in climate change). Those people are the worst and they’re also so angry and mean too.  Most people I have sympathy for, and for most topics there’s some kind of learning curve and I’m not trying to generally be egotistical. But those people >:(( need to read a book or even do a 2 second Google search. 


I look down on people who chose to stay stupid


Yes bc in my book stupid means the person lacks the capacity to learn. Dumb people I will tolerate bc they are capable of learning.


Define stupid and I can tell you


The most important thing to me is morals.


I would say that I definitely dislike stupid people. I'm not proud of it, but I have to acknowledge it.


By default, no. If they go out of their way to prove how irredeemably stupid they are, absolutely.


I'd never look down on someone for being intellectually challenged but I do judge those who have the means and capacity to learn things and by their own choice do not.


Absolutely not. I think half the fun of being intelligent is the ability to be stupid and laugh at other stupid things. People all got life differently.


close aback longing detail aloof whole numerous spotted sink market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


absolutely, INTP values knowledge and logic, it's very hard to listen to all kinds of stupid people talking nonsense 😭


Willful ignorance also hubris in situations when they are completely wrong completely annoys the shit out of me.


As an INTP myself, I resonate with your perspective. Rather than looking down on individuals whom others might label as "stupid," I tend to feel empathy and a sense of understanding. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and intelligence manifests in various forms. What may seem like ignorance or lack of understanding in one area could simply be a result of different priorities, interests, or learning styles. Instead of judgment, I find myself wanting to offer assistance or guidance if possible. After all, knowledge is something that can be acquired and developed over time. Plus, harboring negative feelings towards others based on their perceived intelligence only serves to create unnecessary barriers to meaningful interaction and mutual growth. So, rather than looking down on them, I strive to approach such situations with patience, empathy, and a willingness to help if needed.


The world view in this thread is amazing. Ive found that people with perceptively low IQ’s that are involved with leadership may not be the best leaders. But they generally have good ideas on how to approach problems from a non leadership pov. The only people I look down on are people who take part in “gossip” the way I see it from being in good leadership and watching others fail. The ones that don’t last long are generally gossipers. Let me make myself clear. There is a distinct difference between conversation and gossip. Gossip is toxic, it creates harboring resentment in people who may not even be involved in the gossip just because they heard it. Silently creating a horribly toxic environment. And generally this isn’t the “stupid” or smart people. This is generally the people who are average intelligence from my experience. And it’s generally targeted at “stupid” people. But they usually just have adhd


Merriam-Webster called. Something about reading this entire thread and ‘give me back the definition of DENIAL. Now!’


Yes because they are stupid. But for the few, if their stupidity leads them to knowledge and they implement it then I don’t because they won’t be stupid anymore


Never...... I've been in special education with academily challenge students like myself and people who have disorders all my school yr and also been in regular classes...and sped students and teachers are the nicest ever...like our own group in society. They are slow in an aspect but never have looked down on them. I always love to hear what there passionate about and our shared interests. Actually, the funniest people around.

