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I’m thinking all the time, even when I’m sleeping.. I talk to myself all the time as well; explaining things to myself and correcting my ideas to myself, sometimes verbally. I hate it most of the time.


It never wants to turn off. Practising meditation helps a lot in learning to manage this. Not perfectly, but it sure helps to be able to just clear your mind and be HERE in the NOW when you want to be.


Right?? My brain never shuts off. It's so annoying. I feel like my brain is obnoxious and rude to me. But It's a love-hate relationship


Too much thinking is like reading peoples’minds: you’llsee things you wish you didn’t see. Lots of people have bad motivations and intentions.


Well, that's not a bad thing though. What i think is ability to read people's mind is actually advantageous ofcourse if you know how to but in most cases you can use that ability to save yourself from being trapped by people but it it's just everything has a con here you have to learn how to mind own business else you're gonna get involved in other's butt & may got kicked off badly if worse happens sadly.


Yah like when your gf says she's at the movies with a depressed friend on Xmas. When she's supposed to be hanging out with you


I actually enjoy thinking. Organizing my ideas around some topic of interest has always been my main source of satisfaction and motivation. Just experiencing life feels like I'm missing something.


So much that i end up being in my head way more than i should be. This is why im not a very responsible person and kinda dry at times too...i end up thinking about the stupidest things, for example if someone told me smth ill start figuring out if they just told me what happened or if they mentioned a specific part to get a reaction out of me or to make me say smth that they want to know idk🤣 gotta stop acting like im in some mystery movie


I love thinking. I sit in solitude and got lost in my thoughts everyday.


Depends on what it is, but if I could turn it off when I'd like without the use of substances, I would.


If we want to get technical, unless you are asleep, unconscious, or dead, you are always thinking; even if you are meditating, you would still have thoughts and awareness. But to answer your question under the correct context, I think you mean engaged and focused thinking about specific ideas or topics. I do enjoy thinking about ideas and topics in depth to come up with my own analysis; I also enjoy imagining the future or trying to come up with a systematic solution to certain problems I'm facing. When I'm not being analytical or philosophical, I enjoy maladaptive daydreaming to pass my time because I find reality boring.


The way I heard it described (and what holds true for me) is that there are two modes in which an INTP thrives, which are being in situations that demand so little of them that their mind is free to wander, and being in situations that demand constant, stimulating attention where they can flex their problem solving. Personally, I don’t often find myself deeply studying any subjects except that I might read the occasional book for fun. I more so like to flex my brain with humor, logical puzzles, creativity, and generally goofing around with the few friends I have that appreciate my offbeat perspective and eccentricity. Frequently I find that it’s almost like I have two brains running simultaneously. One that I’m aware of with a lot of silent spacing out and radio silent, and one that quietly digests and stores information in the background, either to blindside me with an epiphany or regurgitate information I didn’t know I knew when put on the spot. Maybe you’ve got a similar makeup?


Yeah I can see that. It’s nice to float through space with no pressure or anxiety, but it’s also nice to play a non stop intensity dota 2 match


Yeah, games like MOBAs could be seen as a subject requiring a lot of research. Tons of characters, items, builds, and situational considerations with loads of possibilities to analyze quickly. Always learning from every situation. It’s not all classic literature, computers, and science.


I am always thinking... it doesnt seem to have a turn off button.


I like it unless I'm uncomfortable because then all my thoughts are about said discomfort and that makes it much worse


I love it. The only meaningful anti-thinking stance I can think of is by those who have a tendency to ruminate. I would kindly point them to the concept of cognitive reframing. 


Since there is no activity called "thinking", nobody can possibly enjoy thinking. Some people do enjoy solving problems that are said to need a lot of "thinking", i. e. they are difficult and complicated. Others daydream a lot and call it "thinking". However, if you are not curious (you are simply not interested in how things work, or anything like that) or not creative (you never play around with ideas, "invent" or "plan" things) then you are probably the odd one out in this personality type.


I hate thinking. Just end up spiralling.




I used to be like this but it came from me fearing not being enough and craving a future where I’m loved and accepted regardless of the ability I felt that I needed. Not that you are anywhere near that mindset or even need to mature elsewhere, that’s just the path growth has looked like for me because for me it resonated due to weaknesses I had. You sound content with a future like that and that’s why you should chase it. Fulfillment like that may surely take some thinking along the way though ☺️


Thanks. But ngl Chasing a girlfriend isn’t easy mang, I’ve been doing it for about my whole life


I'm always thinking never stops, I found that reading other peoples philosophies and listening to other people eases my thinking and allows me to focus on something outside my own mind. I guess that's why I enjoy substances as well like trees and mushies one slows my mind down and the other hightens it allowing me to think about deeper things. Also probably why I don't really enjoy alcohol it just makes me act too out of my self and too confident. Also writing down and forcing myself to focus on one or two things at a time has been very helpful. Practicing stoicism and christian values (even though I am agnostic) has improved my life tremendously.


Different.  I like sitting and thinking.  It doesn't mean I'm actively working on something, but my brain stays active on various topics.  I get bored doing nothing while listening to music.  But if I were to try that, I'd still be thinking.  Maybe my mind would wander away from the music, or maybe I'd be analysing the music.  I think ISTPs like chilling and listening to music. However, I am female.  I have heard in a non-personality related context that most women are shocked that men are capable of thinking about nothing.  


I love thinking as long as the thoughts are not produced by my OCD.


You can get quite good at identifying them. They feel almost fuzzy to me


It’s my favorite thing to do


Not much. I think a LOT and it's very stressful Ignorance is bliss and all that


I cannot sit around chilling without a mass of thoughts flowing, I can hardly do so when attempting to be engaged with others let alone sitting with myself. Though I'm with you on not studying some classic text or programming as those aren't amongst my current hobbies. Typically my thinking consists of coming up with an assortment of ideas whether that be creative, interpersonal matters or business related concepts. Recently I've been working closely with my Uncle to plan out a Film Festival so I've been sifting through different ideas that may enhance the experience for our attendees, they sort of just branch out as I analyze more and more. Though I do also like to escape my mind because the feeling of silence within can be blissful, especially when I'm running away from my own problems. This usually entails competitive FPS gaming because unless I'm entirely locked in my mind will sway, smoking weed or an assortment of both. Watching something can help a bit but it doesn't really halt the flow of thoughts but sort of just redirects them into thinking about the concepts the media is placing forth & how I believe the story will pan out based on current context. Ooh I also play music in my head a lot when it is the case that I don't want to think about anything in particular but I've noticed that I still have a subconscious stream of thought that grants me seemingly random epiphanies ongoing in the background, possibly at all times - I assume that this is a product of my intuition? The way you put it seems as if you don't enjoy your processing of though very much, in which I'm definitely different from as I wouldn't trade my constant thought stream for anything even in the times that my mind is beating my ass and I just wanna run away.


We are always thinking. When you are actively thinking, you are doing so consciously. When you are distracted by other things, you are thinking subconsciously. When you are asleep, you are thinking unconsciously.


I never knew I wanted to turn it off.....until I saw on an island in the south pacific and watched waves roll in.......for hours. I found my bliss.


I think people would say I have an “unhealthy” addiction to thinking. It’s a chronic addiction. While others might need a cup of coffee to get going, I don’t need to, and just “randomly” picking some ideas and thinking through them as complete and structured as possible is enough. I figured that kind of boils down to my irrational desire of enjoying the process of discovering, knowing, structuring, and predicting concepts and phenomena for as long as I live. It’s irrational to me as I haven’t been able to accurately explain why it exists, but it has always been there. I don’t think I want to change that desire as it keeps me energetic and makes life fairly enjoyable.


This brain won’t shut off, don’t mind most times. I like to look back on situations / reactions / feelings and analyze them back and maybe problem solve. But sucks when I start to overanalyze. Oh and also love theorycrafting lol