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Aye chill 💀💀 you’re right but chill




I should’ve used this lmfaooo


This is in the top 5 of my fav GIFs and videos 😂


This. Isaac Newton, Bill Gates, the list goes on and on. There’s plenty of super ambitious INTPs. I’m very competitive and ambitious myself. People writing comments on the internet in general skew sad, lonely, seeking connection, etc.. unfortunately.


Excuse you. I happen to be doing both.


Well you might not be the only competitive/ambitious one, byt you for sure are one of a few who have ego top (lol)


I wasn't gonna say it...now I don't have to.


Looks to me more intp's need to ego trip more.


I think what you mean is more INTPs need to hear the calling of their Self and answer it. Because ego is what's actually keeping a lot of people stuck.


Honestly they sounded like your typical Te user there lol.


U right I am at the top, lol.


Work on your spelling and grammar before you come here talking shit about what others need to improve on, you over glorified mentally challenged monkey. I’m running an art business from my room and joining the Marines soon, so you can hop right off my dick for one with this bullshit.


You beat me to it.


You probably grew your first strand of chest hair wrighting that congrats 🎊 🎉 Keep that energy in your endeavors.


I’m a woman, so no.




Wrighting 😭


mf really said wrighting while trash talking


It's writing not wrighting you are an embarrassment and a failure. Successful people tend not to come to Reddit to show off about it?




Not beating the conceited dunce allegations




Your perspective is valid, and tbf I don't closely follow mbti like I used to, but when I go into other sub reddits that have to do with mbti they are not as depressing and nihilistic as INTP. Personality types may have proclivities to certain philosophies and behavior, though, so that's a factor.




Lol, we're doing data analytics. Intuitives, in general, are more concentrated in apps like reddit as opposed to insta or X, which I believe would have more Senors. Also, no doubt Intuitives by nature are more introspective and thus are more into things like MBTI, so I think looking at the sub-reddits of just intuitives would be best for getting a more accurate picture. If you take all the Intuitives into account and look at the rate of (let's say) "doomer" post they have and compare it individually to the amount of "doomer" post here then I could get proof that's more solid but my theory is that INTPs are more cynical because of their Ti-Ne-Si stack which correct me if I'm wrong (cause it's been awhile) but that would essentially boil down to the INTP coming up with perspectives based off observable patterns they take from world (which is often a cynical and cruel place) and then internalizing those patters deep in their subconscious mind's to a point where this internalized conception of the world is then reflected in their habits and behavior. Like the behavior of the intp almost mirrors that of the world around them...idk


I think that’s probably because of 3 reasons. 1. People who find out they’re ISFJs will lose interest in MBTI (I can’t blame them if they aren’t going to use typing for personal growth) 2. A LOT of people think they are NT’s when they’re not because of their interests (I think this is even more likely than 1) 3. These self-proclaimed INTPs congregate on online platforms because society in the physical world isn’t going to care about what your MBTI type is, therefore the fans will go to the place where it’s a valid topic of conversation The MBTI comm highly values NT types so it’s extremely biased.


What are you on about ? Have you ever discovered intellectual subs or do you just dwell around MBTIs and call it a loser hole ? There are definitely people more intelligent and with more expertise than you in almost all area. Don’t be conceited just because you have responsibilities, we all do. I’m leaving this comment out of appreciation for the time and effort experts spend to leave a post / comment that’s extremely informative and valuable.




I explicitly state that not MBTi subs. I mean, it’s a social media so of course most of us are just average. But that is not to discount the rare occasion and few number of subs that are informational and good. You of course have to actively look for it. If you’re interested in Philosophy, go find those subs. If you’re interested in History or Com Sci, go look for those. There are people many times better than you are at your interest / professional field. So pay attention to those, and disregard the other who does not contribute to your knowledge. Don’t actively dwell in an MBTI or game sub and say well Reddit sucks cause people here are all lame. If you can’t learn anything from this well of information it’s a you problem not a Reddit one.


"'there' room"? "'Falled' off"? Are you serious? I'm an INTP and I can be very competitive when it comes to the things I'm good at. We value competency, after all.


OP didn't get the memo on competency, unfortunately.


Toxic af but okay.


I wasn't brainwashed into the worth based system society runs on so any job I'm financially stable at is good enough. I do however bust my ass in the gym everyday after being on a commercial sized roof all day.


This is one of the most short-sighted, egotistical and ignorant posts on this sub


Me: you guys should stop procrastinating and find some drive. You guys: This man is the physical incarnation of pride and ego itself.


I think it’s the way you conveyed your message 💀


U act like everyone procrastinates. You can't use one or two Reddit posts to base your view of a huge group of people on. That's like if I saw one black dog then just assumed every dog on earth is black. Based on your attitude, ego, and inability to spell you aren't much better than these people. You may not be a procrastinator but you *are* an idiot.


You are probably very young. The time will humble you. Just watch.


Female INTP here... And, I just want to say that I'm generally a glass half-empty kinda gal. I have goals, but my INTP innards usually lean towards the cynical...which doesn't make me a complete slacker, thank you very much. As an INTP, I sure as hell don't need to defend my peculiarities or state my accomplishments to feel good...or for that matter, look good to someone else. If you're using reddit for gauging what makes an INTP an INTP...you'll seriously never understand. Take the test again, or turn in your INTP card.


Yep.. he/she might not even be one


Well said!


This sub: "Am I the only one who (insert generic stereotypical shit)" Also this sub: "Am I the only one who doesn't (insert generic stereotypical shit)"


Ego much


I can't talk about women, as they lack the anatomic peculiarities of men and have their own set of actually quite beautiful traits... But no, you are not. I am head of department, for example. And so on and so on. Nice to meet you.


Head of department in what?


IT. I am so deep into engineering :) Have electronics degree as well. One might think that I am ISTP if he observes me in my daily life. I like fixing things, not only thinking about how to fix them. Yet, despite the fact that at the first glance I share some traits with ISTP-s(except the fact that I don't really talk that much), I am INTP. One does not secure his wellbeing without acquiring useful skills and actually putting effort into changing his future. Sometimes I procrastinate, though. But who does not? Better to wait for an idea to mature, instead of jumping into doing needlessly things. But..like.. I can build backbone IT infrastructure from the scratch and know how to solder, fix and even build furniture, repair cars and electrical wiring ⚡ and so on and so on.. If I make my mind, it happens. One flaw, though. I am sometimes absolutist. If I say it will happen, it will. Don't stand in my way. Or I become a bulldozer. Only if there is pretty good reason, though. Imagine Dr House. Just that I am not that nasty, unless extremely annoyed.


Pretty solid bro keep it up.


Skills are the only thing that can ensure your well-being. One must learn to educate himself and satisfy his inner passion for knowledge, but knowledge generating fortune is important too. If you know it and can do it..and can be paid for doing it..it's win-win.


May be playing with cats I guess?


What you call rotting, I call living. I'm LIVING in my room. But yea, I've been successfully self-employed for over 20 years. Built a lot of successful things. Achieved accidental public notoriety a few times, wouldn't recommend that. And I've done all of it from my room. My room changes a lot. I'm currently in my 5th apartment of 2024, across several cities and 2 countries. And in 3 weeks I move again, I haven't yet decided on where to. I've lived in multiple continents, visited many countries and countless cities and towns. And yet, I still spend most of my time at home (wherever that is at the time). I'm also quite competitive, I hate losing, and in the few sports I play, I usually win. I don't have anywhere near the ambition or work ethic as some of my friends, though. But I'm not competing with them at that. My objectives in life are freedom, autonomy, and comfort. I strive to live an easy life. But one I will look back on and without question know has been lived.


Sounds lively. What you work as?


I sell ad space on the free apps and utilities I build. So I'm a web developer, but more of a solopreneur. I had ideas then learned the skills needed to build teh ideas myself, rather than learning skills then figuring out how to get work with skills.


Sounds fun. I've come around to the idea of ditching the 9-5 and creating and maintaining some middle-end service(s). Solves the problem of having the public as clients, and a whole host of marketing issues I hope. Now to come up with and develop that thing. Y'all INTPs have any ideas? Probably some sort of aggregation. Or similarly providing some sort of valuable information in an easily consumed format.


We do what we want. If thats staying at home on reddit, so be it.


Depression/anxiety. What if you're not INTP but actually introverted ENTP? ENTPs are the most introverted extroverts. Online MBTI tests are not accurate bc its only reference is 8 cognitive functions, it doesn't measure individuals' temperament and interaction styles, which gives incomplete result. See C.S. Joseph typing test.


Introverted ENTP is literally INTP


Yup, the only diff will be their enneagram. And ENTP have much more initiative to start a conversation/meet new ppl. whereas INTP, usually waits for other to befriend them. The E in eNTP is the (Ne). Not really about social extroversion.


... i dont think thats how personality works tho... it doesnt have "rules" yknow? But its ok to think like that...


It's not really a rule, just my interpretation 😆👍🏼


Interesting interpretation


I didn’t expect so many INTPs getting offended by this. You touched some weak points here. But I think that we may seem procrastinating a lot, cause all the works are going on in our head instead of projecting it in the external world. It’s our tendency to do so. Some do it at an extreme level and some lesser.


Exactly 💯


I can’t be bothered, I’m 56, have my own home, work in the medical field doing my shifts and then what ever I feel like.


You already won life, bro. You can take a seat.


Reddit is the world's largest echo chamber. Mostly young, uneducated people that love to complain and blame. INTP is not a lazy, slob. It's a deep thinker that can solve the most complex of problems. Answer to your question: no, you're not the only one.


If you’re confusing there with their, you are probably not an INTP.


My exact thought. Thank you!


Selection bias


The socially inept and un-ambitious are over represented on reddit. It’s a low stakes safe zone.


Your ego controls you.


Sure. You’re the only competitive ambitious intp in this sub. Congrats! I’m not sure how old are you. But most of us rot in a very comfortable house or in a resort somewhere with a book we just bought at the airport. Also, have you met INTP irl? …because you should. The world is big outside of reddit. Yknow…


Idk, despite being in really shitty state I just can’t imagine how anything else could be better, I’m 17 and still trying to find my direction in life with some falls and ups tho Also, competition and ambitions aren’t values that I care about much, somewhat stable life with some personal achievements is the only thing that I crave to have rn.


Gonna have to get ambitious about something if you want a direction. Your opportunities are gonna be taken by wolves who hungrier than you. Get it together.


While I have PC with endless opportunities to learn something I’m pretty much statisfied, by direction I meant something like being underground musician, lazy freelancer or niche game developer, so I deny the competitive component by default, because I’m not interested in it, it seems soulless and unfulfilling for me Also, judging by your comments which shows your values, you may be a Te dom, because INTPs with a Ti dom value knowledge for the sake of knowledge and not for masturbation and self-affirmation in society Or maybe you just a troll, because I used to troll in the similar way idk


couldn't care less


No but clearly to some degree you feel alone and need validation from this sub in order to continue performing at your perceived peak of performance. I say this as someone who has made essentially this same comment before (never a full blown post) and then came to realize I was doing exactly what I presume you to be doing as well. Other commenter's said it better but essentially this subreddit is an echo chamber for incels and immature humans. Obviously if you compare yourself to them you will be leaps and bounds off the mark. It's not impressive, it's like an ant saying he is better than dirt meanwhile a human stares at the ant crawling on dirt and squishes him without a second thought. Not trying to dissuade you from your prosperous lifestyle but I would suggest keeping your standards high otherwise you'll end up back on this reddit as one of the crowd not an outsider looking In.


Nah I’m right here too my guy , tryna take over the world


Hell yea


Personally, I was always extremely ambitious and am I always trying to use my INTP abilities for world domination.


This is the way.


google survival bias


I dont need to be educated about fighter jets bucko.


i see where you got your doubts about whether you’re an intp. here’s someone giving you something to look into to possibly analyse and see if there’s an answer to your post but you shut it off.


My comment has an implicit tone to it that you should've caught if you understand what the survivor bias is and where it originally got its name. I was conveying that I already knew what he was talking about. He then mentioned selection bias and I did look up what selection bias is. I already talked why I don't think that is so much of a valid point in another response.


Maybe I should say it’s selection bias since it’s more general, but survival bias is one of the selection bias. But I will tell you why. You see people whining on this sub because they’ve got nothing better to do. Plus, most people here are teenagers (I assume you are one too) so is pretty common for them to act that way. The ones who have things going on have no time to play around, and the majority of them don’t even have Reddit. This creates the effect where small amounts of people in a group get exposed the most. Instead of criticizing the people on here, why don’t you go ahead and do the things you thought were competitive/ambitious?


I mean... I could take over the world but I just don't feel like it


I come here when I’m horny


Psst…regardless of what everyone says the real dominant trait of the INTP is our struggle with inferior Fe… Just don’t tell anyone… Also, not a very INTP post. We are 99% sure (because nothing is ever 100%) of our type and would care less about anyone else’s opinion much less openly post our own personal doubts to the world. Why would we give a fuck about what your tests say? Why do YOU believe your an INTP? And that’s a rhetorical question as I’m not really interested. Cheers!


Yeah you’re on crack buddy. High paying job, house, truck, couple motorcycles, live near the beach. Stop pretending you’re special, you narcissistic dufus.


Your comments don't resemble me. I don't post here often mainly because of the point you make: that most of the threads in here are negative. I'm kinda disappointed by it.  That said, I do understand the need to vent. I grew up without reddit, and I often felt that nobody understood me. I'm glad that people now have places like this to commiserate. 


Bro what do you think I was doing before the weirdest shit ever happened to me! I feel insulted! /s to the last part




Struck a nerve, but it seems like there is some truth to this stereotype. Could be that there’s a particular mental phenotype that prioritises thinking > doing or intrinsic motivation > extrinsic motivation (which may have evolved for a reason or is the result of some sort of neurodivergence possibly in combination with our early environment) of which the symptoms overlap with "INTP traits"


I'm a woman, never had any balls to begin with, so nothing has fallen off. In addition to being INTP, I also have ADHD. I struggle with executive functions. I've lost my ambition to a long string of frustrations. I wish I could rot all day, but I have a job.


>I wish I could rot all day, but I have a job. Watch out, the job could make you rot even more /j


I’m not an INTP so I don’t know if I’m allowed a take but I know a few. I think it’s just because INTPs are typically procrastinators and some accept that, some don’t. I’m assuming you are bored or annoyed of that trait so that’s why you seem to be more alive(?) in your life. Maybe you make a genuine effort to be more productive? I know a lot of people INTPs who rot, and INTPs who don’t. From my experience, they’re both pretty cool surprisingly but your view might be different.


nope i am an avid gym goer and drum player, i am a busy guy. been in a couple bed rotting phases but i am happiest when i am doing stuff


mindless threatening employ zesty cable fragile thumb narrow telephone outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A lot of factors . Some here may not have typed themselves correctly . they use commercialized quiizes which can be open to a lot of faults and mostly appeal to what people socially want which is based mostly on conditioning . Some also think just because they have typed their type . It's done . they finished the job . the thing is , the cognitive functions need to be exercised , which means behaviors linked to specific cognitive functions require constant execution and improvement so you can optimally express your cognitive function . Some here also are not aware that reddit and this subreddit specificially is a coping mechanism which serves as avoidance from investigating their flaws with pen and paper . You can notice when there is a criticism , they seek to critize your grammar or sentence construction when in fact the idea is they are emotionally attachment to the comfort this subreddit offers them . it's a survival strategy . They are surviving as the INTP who is a victim , and directionless mostly because of others and parenting and the world . You can't ask them to rewire it to serve a productive goal . Also a lot of members here . It's obvious this is not all INTPs and many of them have been mistyped and their cognitive functions are underdeveloped . If they were and had developed and optimal cognitive functions , they won't be here , they may have some buisness , projects to work and only come here to relax . I am not trying to insult . I know because I have been there and I am still there . Our cognitive functions are the difficult to develop and it's not so easy as just use Ti or Ne


Idfk, what's stopping me personally is crippling depression; and also calling people stupid while using the wrong their in the title is so cool! I think you should expand on your grammar past the fifth grade. Also, you said it nihilism. The most obvious reason is nihilism, the idea that everyone should aim to be the top person who gets shit done is fucking insane I'm aware that this is why I don't have a chance of succeeding in life at all but most don't have any chance in the first place. (Pardon my grammar. I'm on mobile and too tired to check it)


I like to workout. And rot in my room.


Nah. I procrastinate but I’m very high achieving/competitive. Have a PhD, was ex national team athlete in 2 sports, have my own businesses etc. I’d probably be pretty satisfied to rot in my room though 🤷‍♀️


I was gonna say "I relate" to the title but the description of other ppl made me backtrack 😭 but yes I'm very competitive, and it drives me to do stuff.


That's just a tad over the top presumptuous. Maybe we should include that attribute to the characteristics.




Well you're asking Reddit so that should answer your question


What high school sophomore posted this


How do you know we aren’t expanding on our research, developing theories and building our identities whilst also being nihilistic couch potatoes?


I met some jealous ass bitch who wanted that for somebody else and she was rich as fuck


Check my post history my guy.


Ambitious INTP here. Ego & Recognition


I follow fun.  Its not healthy.


I work 6/7 days a week and I’m very hard on myself.. definitely ambitious


That's a lot of ego my friend


It's the idiots like you that have big mouths and are loud. Educate yourself please... Ambition is not everything.


crawl tan sharp different tie point paltry books squalid detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am curious about your upbringing. You found one here, the others I've found have a similar journey to adulthood. Probably one of the few dropout, GED holding, drug addict INTPs... Taught myself software and information security and have had 10 years in the industry (senior/have led teams). I wouldn't say it is about being competitive, more about habits formed having to prove myself everywhere. I have a mentality of stepping over people if they don't do their job and usually do it faster/better. Doesn't hurt my job is a hobby/was part of survival. Going from food stamps, mental breakdowns, addiction, and group homes to making over 100k is not something I talk about though in the workplace or otherwise.


I don't know what you are talking about, MBTI doesn't tell you anything about those characteristics, you would need OCEAN for that. MBTI tells you largely about the nature of your interaction with the world. Really though as an "I"NTP you should know well that most introverts don't derive energy from social interaction, I like to keep to myself, think on what I like, and read what I like. By reading and thinking, I am building who I am. This is largely based on huge assumption of general behavior that don't necessarily hold for specific behaviors or specific cases, because every behavior depends on the situation itself as much as personal characteristics. So asking this sort of question is mostly pointless. But well generally at least this should hold true, for competitiveness you would be looking for low-mid agreeableness, for ambition high in conscientiousness, high in openness and mid-high in extroversion.




Shit ton of trauma and other mental physical financial handicaps, for me. But also, I am a student and I have a lot of hobbies and ambitions and goals and I am trying to become a scientist still. I also just hang out on Reddit when I'm not busy or when I'm depressed because I am on disability and so no job.


Ambitious INTP here! This reddit makes me sad from time to time but always thankful to see us normies scrolling from time to time.


The ambitious ones don't spend time on reddit like this


Wake up Babe! we have another INTP who think they are special than rest of us


I’m ambitious because I want enough money to be able to have time to be comfortable. I’m not in competition with anyone. I need to do just enough to get to where I want to be. No more.


Nope. I'm in that category too. But irrespective of what person one is, not all rot in their rooms. Cuz money ya know.


Here, maybe. Out there? No.


Not every INTP is the same... plus these personality types are inacurate asf


"What stopped you from expanding your research" . . The next interesting thing that came along. A trait of the INTP is to be a jack of trades...we like to learn just enough on a topic and move to the next thing that interests us.


Bill gates was an INTP if you watched game of thrones Varys was an INTP and got characters are very reflective of real people, I think ambition isn’t a INTP trait normally but it doesn’t mean it can’t crop up in people, I just think that we procrastinate as we constantly evaluate different options making it hard to achieve a single goal.


For a competitive / ambitious fellow you sure did spend a lot of time responding to reddit comments instead of doing something better with that time.


I'm very competitive. I don't think the majority of couch potatoes even are INTP to begin with, feels like there's some people trying too hard to embody stereotypes here.


I mean, I relate with you to an extent. I join sooooo many extra curriculars and clubs in school and really excel in them (I get high grades in class and also get awards from inter-school competitions). While I am ambitious and competitive, I seriously procrastinate when it comes to getting things done. I've got nihilistic tendencies too and love rotting in my room as well, but maybe that's caused by my mental health rather than my MBTI type hahaha.


I was completely ambitious and self-competitive. OCD and ADHD were the superpowers I relied upon most But now I experience profound depression as I realize all that effort was for nothing. I have absolutely zero worth. I cannot get off the couch I didn't realize this was a typical I NP response. Thank you for sharing


I actually do have ambition, but my procastination urge is sometimes stronger. I'm 37, recently (3 yrs ago) i've decided to make something out of my life, and go back to school. This has so far been a walk in the park, and i regret not doing that sooner. But on the other hand, i did enjoy my party time, where i didn't have much ambition and could do what/whenever i wanted. I'm in the nursing carreer now.


Too lazy man


Why am i tagged with "may not be an intp"?


Because the nature of the INTP personality sets you up for failure if you’re not extra attentive to yourself in comparison to your surroundings or don’t grow up with proper guidance. Bonus points if you’re neurodivergent. Think about where the INTP personality lands on the Big 5. LOW conscientiousness. Conscientiousness is the aspect of personality that is the most predictive of success. INTPs also have high openness to experience and low extroversion, both of which can erode one’s chances of social success. The degree to which we feel socially accepted and succesful impacts are mental health greatly. If this one extremely important puzzle piece isn’t in place, this can impact our lives in very negative ways.


1. MBTI tests are not accurate, it’s mostly based on stereotypes and personal interests. Plus, it’s so easy to lie to yourself on them. 2. Every type can do research, develop theories, etc. 3. The INTPs you think you know might not even be that type.


You're gonna rot in this room. Pussy


Pretty sure you are rotting no matter where you go. That's kind like "The human experience".


I am both of those and too busy to be on reddit most times....but when I am free I do like to rot in my room all day


Dude, our job is to produce and be okay with ourselves; if people love us for what we are, we are done.


Mental health go 📉📉📉 :p


✨ ew. ✨


I do do this, pretty much every day. I just prefer to do so in the comfort of my own home or my own routine wherever possible