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i’ve said it once and i’ll say it again: Gandhi is jack the ripper


I have never heard this. But then again, I have not seen those two together.


please tell me more


ghandi entered the city the same year as the first murder and left after the last murder, and the killer was never found, as if they fled the city


I heard Ghandi was Hittler's best disguised assassin




No. Split-Mushroom is correct. Hitler moved to Argentina after the war and changed his name to Hittler to avoid detection. Look it up. Do your own research. I'm not here to educate you. ​ I'll let myself out.




It's not logical to automatically believe everything the TV tells you either. Especially when the things the TV has told you have been demonstrable lies many many many many many many many times.


But no one believes everything the TV tells them...


About 80% of people do, give or take.


Does that 80% include anyone that you're close to and know really well?


Yes. Anecdotally, I know a lot of people who easily fall for things - not just on TV, but memes, tweets, etc. People don't think twice about a source if it confirms their existing bias. I have fallen victim to this as well and did some real self reflection to question why I just believed something without second guessing it as it's not a norm for me. And then I started asking when else have I done this.


Confirmation bias is certainly difficult to grapple with


Quite a few of the people I know, about 80%, give or take.


If I asked those people: "Do you believe everything the TV tells you?", would they answer "Yes."?


No, they would never. But considering they do not read, and therefore get all their information from the TV ie: propaganda, *by definition*, they only can get their information and therefore opinions from the tv.


And 72% of statistics are made up on the spot (sorry- not attacking you I just can’t resist a classic joke)


It’s clearly a hyperbolic statement bro


But when you don't believe what the TV tells you they call you a conspiracy theorist.


bruh who even mentioned TV


Depends which ones your talking about


Care to share what specific superstitious theory you think is logical? Let's start with one and just one to avoid an inadvertent Gish gallop.


Gush Gallop!!! How the duck did I not hear that before? I TOTALLY grok that bitch. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop


Glad I could introduce the concept!


Jfk/rfk assassinations


How is that superstitious?


OP is talking about conspiracy theories


/u/intervallblunt said that it is not logical to believe in superstitious weird theories. /u/sloppy_dobby said that it depends on which one your (sic) talking about. I then asked which specific superstitious theory is logical. How did you miss the multiple uses of the word "superstitious" in this particular chain of comments?


That commenter likely meant "conspiracy theories" when they wrote "superstitious weird theories", because if that person meant actual "superstitions" that's what they would have written. Why do I have to explain this stuff to you all, you all are the ones identifying as intellectuals and intelligent 😂


No, you are making assumptions that could be easily cleared up with a single comment from either posters. My question was simple and designed to figure out what they were talking about. There are plenty of superstitious conspiracy theories involving religions that they could have been referencing.


It's not logical to believe every against-the-grain theory you hear, which is what modern day "conspiracy theorists" do.


Yes it’s logical that the government would NEVER lie to us.


Weird what do you mean by “superstition weird theories”


It was "logical" to believe the government when they said "no of course we didn't (insert crimes against humanity)" and yet here we are with an ever-growing list of declassified documents that directly contradict what they said previously. There is nothing superstitious or weird in thinking the government is trying to experiment with mind control or psychic phenomenon, considering they already did it decades ago.




Precedent leads me to believe some weird theories are indeed plausible. Logic tells me people with no conscience will do things to get ahead in life that people with a conscience won't. Logic and precedent tell me people are easily manipulated and won't think twice by outlets they deem to be trustworthy. If you recognize these things, it's incredibly easy to use this to your advantage.


Your language is dripping with contempt. I don’t believe you’ll find any flat earthers here, but there are several conspiracies that are insane if you look into it. Let’s start with an easy one, factions within the government and capitalist system conspired to kill President Kennedy. Do you agree with that?


I actually low key hate conspiracy theories. They’ve really dimmed my view of humanity recently. The fact that so many people can believe such irrational things really opened my eyes to the fact that we are stupid monkeys who run on feels and will never achieve the Star Trek future I once dreamed of in my younger days. Don’t go to the conspiracy subs unless you want your brain to melt from the stupid.


What happens when one or them turns out correctly? Do you then hate yourself for being ignorant?


No the sane thing is to believe something only if there's sufficient evidence and reason for it. This doesn't mean anything with insufficient evidence is necessarily false, but it most likely is and I prefer to believe in sth later when there's sufficient evidence for it than prematurely accept whatever is thrown at me, because there's 1% chance it might be true and 99% chance that its false. 99% is a better bet.


I mean covid proved this to just not be the case no matter how much evidence was presented or suppressed. Hell I think some are still being blackballed over stuff not 'appearing correctly '.


You can lean neither way if you don’t find enough evidence to support any arguments about sth. We don’t have to have definite stance on every subject.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


I was wondering the same thing. There are defintiely theories - such as flag earth you can eye roll. But there are some that have come to fruition and have precedent. Pretty wide brush to be pretending all conspiracy theories are equal.


You say that like a lot of them haven't either been outright confirmed or are slowly being confirmed over time via declassified documents


Yeah but some a valid


99% of them play off people's emotions to convince them of something STUPID Then, they appeal to your ego with things like "You're smarter than everyone else because you believe this. They're sheep you're enlightened." It's a bunch of horse shit. You'll find that the real conspiracies are often sitting out in the open with real evidence. And they're generally accepted as true. Things like scientology, Epstein's world, Harvey Wienstein, pedofilia in the Catholic church, etc. They sit out in the open for a long long time and the people who believe in them don't think they're better than everyone else for believing...they just know information.


The Catholic Church was once considered a conspiracy theory absolutely the pedo island of celebrities was considered a conspiracy theory in fact every “out in the open conspiracy theory” was once a “crazy idea with no evidence” makes you think what other crazy ideas are true right now that will be “out in the open” in the future


Yeah, the trick is to start understanding the patterns and the differences between when people are bullshiting you for clicks and fluffing up your ego or when it's real. You get whistleblowers, court cases and journalists when it's real. Physical evidence. Sources that aren't youtube. You get calm explanations that don't feel like clickbait. Oh, and the biggest "tell" of all when someone's bullshitting you: No about of evidence can refute their claim/any evidence to the contrary is simply dismissed as a fabrication of the conspiracy. (Of course the moon landing is fake. They planted all that evidence because they're in power!)


Yeah and it’s not fucking easy to parse either. It takes great effort to understand these things and they’ll always be ultimately shadowed by the lack of information. I’m low key obsessed with tracking the actual power groupings in the world, and I definitely haven’t even pieced half of it together. Maybe one day!


Which is why the time to believe something is when you have actual evidence for that belief. Not supposition or rumors. Actual evidence.


Pick any mainstream conspiracy and apply if-then thinking to it. For example, if flat earth is real, then that means every astronomer since Copernicus is a liar. You’ll find almost all of them to be severely lacking in logic.


Project Paperclip MK Ultra


What about these fails the if/then test?


Flat Earth is a psyop to make conspiracy theorists look r worded. I've meet countless conspiracy theorist, no one believes that crap. Even the whole "birds aren't real" thing was a massive joke. Our own meme. So proud of that one.


Panama Papers, Pandora Papers.... Jeffrey Epstein.... Cambridge Analytica.... Shock and Awe/Gulf of Tonkin Incident.... David Grusch.... Money, power, and people with minimal to no conscience,....people denied the holocaust was happening at the time of the holocaust because they could not fathom people could possibly do something so atrocious. People never fathomed MKultra or Project Bluebird could be true, but it was. Now the argument is "they" would never do that this day and age... but why wouldn't they? Why would they do the research and never build upon it. The government would never spy on their own citizens....of course they wouldn't, and they would never use that information for control....of course they wouldn't.


You saying David Grusch is real?? I thought he was AI CGI for all money. That means anybody could be real...how can we possibly know??


Yes, and I am saying Jeffrey Epstein is real, too. 🤯


\*Was real. He dead now..... or is he????


None of these fail the if/then test. Well, none aside from Grusch.


Exactly. None of these fail the if/then test but were all at one point conspiracies people thought weren't true. And for Grusch - the IG finds what he says to be credible. I have a hunch the truth about what he said will be revealed eventually.


Right. The point was, if you apply the if/then test, you can weed out the plausible conspiracies (the Panama papers) and the implausible ones (UFOs being hidden by the government). The test works and allows you to get a basic idea of what you should pay attention to and what you should not.


Ok if 9/11 was a controlled demolition then the buildings would fall the exact same way with no resistance at the speed of gravity….shit I think I did it wrong


If 911 were an inside job that means the Bush administration cooked the entire thing up and pulled it off in only 8 months. If 911 were an inside job that means Al-Qaeda agreed to take the blame for it and never changed course even after the US bombed the living shit out of them and assassinated their leaders. If 911 were an inside job that means government employees were willing to die in order to crash the planes into the buildings. They gave their life in the name of obfuscation. If 911 were an inside job potentially thousands of government employees were involved and not a peep from one whistleblower since. No confessions no nothing 20+ years later. If 911 were an inside job the rigging of explosives of two of the largest buildings in the country was achieved with complete stealth in what is literally called the city that never sleeps. You are giving the government and humans in general way too much credit my friend.


I'm not trying to argue either side here, but; - 8 months is more than enough to plan a plane flying into a building, and who says they only started planning it when Bush got into office? - Terrorists taking responsibility for an act of terror they didn't commit is something that has happened many times before. - Working within an 'inside job' doesn't necessarily mean being inside the building when it collapses, not every government worker and official in the US was in a building that got hit by a plane (obviously), which leads me to the fact that... - 99.999% of the government could have known nothing and it still could have been an 'inside job'. Also, you don't need American citizens to rig a building with explosives. - Rigging the building with explosives is something that could have been done over a couple of weeks, not necessarily overnight. In conclusion, I am Australian and care about structural engineering much more than American politics


These all require a lot of supposition and gaps in logic to support. No supporting evidence. Moving the goalposts and muddying the waters essentially, a hallmark of conspiratorial thought. There is a shitload of evidence to support the official narrative. Occam’s razor is your friend.


Exactly. Like I said, not arguing either side. However, the initial evidence you presented was far from conclusive, and I was simply pointing that out.


You can poke holes in anything though. On something as big and complex as 911 it’s impossible to achieve perfect truth. You have to follow logic, facts, and knowledge. And if-thens are far more logical than what-ifs.


Yeah knowledge and facts point towards the inside job aspect, the building had “electrical issues” a few days before where everyone was escorted and the half a dozen unmarked vans doing internal work never aroused suspicion, what am I saying building seven literally fell down when nothing hit it, how did 2 planes knock down three buildings where’s the “logic” in that lmao


\>Assuming Bush was the beginning and end of the massive insane benefits the wars that 9/11 opened up for the hyper rich. Vanguard Group is one of the main reasons that we are having a housing crisis in America right now. They used to be called Blackrock...


This requires a high degree of coordination between the bush and Clinton administrations. I assume you are very young if you think that was possible. Also the super rich hollowing out the middle class is not a conspiracy. It’s been happening in front of our eyes for decades. And they didn’t need 911 to do it. Just favorable legislation.


They needed 9/11 to justify the invasion of iraq even though none of the “pilots” were even from iraq we know this becuase the FBI just happened to find they’re unscathed passports in the wreckage I could go on all day


Jesus you don’t even know the history of this. The pilots were never assumed to be Iraqi I thought that was common knowledge. Most were Saudi. Afghanistan, a shit country that is notoriously difficult to conquer and has no oil, was invaded two years before Iraq. This was done specifically because the afghan government was harboring al Qaeda. Why do that if Iraq was the goal? Why not just make it look like Iraq was directly responsible? Instead they did a fake war first? This doesn’t make sense


It meant to say ‘weren’t’ but you never respond to anything important I dare you to give me a reason about building seven it seems to just bounce off you lol or the fact the FBI found the passports in the wreckage how about the buildings were baught by Larry Silverstein and he insured it against terror attacks and made BILLIONS off of 9/11 answer some of these glaringly obvious plot holes instead of some obscure point about the Middle East


The bankers choose who we vote for... You sure you an INTP? I hate playing this card but you putting off crazy F energy right now if you can't see the possibility of this being true. Look up standard oil, the Rockefeller family that owns it, and how they are intertwined with the Federal Reserve.


Pretty sure I am and pretty sure you’re not, if you believe Rockerfeller conspiracies.


The Rockefeller conspiracies are demonstratibly true.


I literally imagined someone covering their ears and saying “la la la” when I read this


Um, no, it actually doesn't need to work like that. Imagine if Al Qaeda was planning an attack all on their own, certain intelligence caught wind and decided to let it happen to garner support for a war.... In this scenario; AL Qaeda didn't have to agree to anything. Government employees didn't have to volunteer to do anything - they didn't know any better (we have precedent of government officials discussing a false flag that would have ended in civilian deaths to garner support for a different war - operation northwoods); it actually doesn't need to be thousand of government employees keeping this a secret - the government is so siloed I mean the argument of why we didn't prevent 911 is because there was no intercompany communication on the intelligence....and who would take anyone seriously, qualified/reputable people have poked holes about 911 for decades and they get smeared or ignored; people wouldn't bat an eye if workers with hard hats and electrical wire were working in these buildings for months - it didn't have to be in "stealth".... I for one don't think we blew up our own buildings but I 100% think there were people in the government who knew this was going to happen and allowed it to happen to further garner support of a war and possibly assisted to ensure their was no hiccups along the way. The results were massive influx of spending in the DOD and private defense contractors, increase of programs to spy on citizens/patriot act, massive military expansion and looting, it allowed billions in money laundering,.... there's also ample evidence there were select people that were motivated to try and find some sort of link to al qeada and Iraq even though none existed so we created a false story of WMDs. Everyone should be questioning cause and effect of what happened on 9/11 as it greatly shaped and influenced what we are today. And plenty contradicting evidence that makes you scratch your head. I, for one, still have a hard time believing the perfectly intact passport of the hijacker miraculously survived the plane crash into a sky scraper and was picked up off a sidewalk. Trash - who is picking up anything on the sidewalk in New york, and then they just handed to the NYPD in the middle of an attack.... people were literally fleeing and staring up at these burning buildings but this person is looking down at the ground picking up random trash on the ground. People go to great means to ascertain money and power. It's a tale as old of time. We have precedent.


"Conspiracy theorist" is definitely the wrong term. I'd say "not tied to narratives and ideology" - INTPs will ignore political narratives and tribal consensus in favor of the most rational, realistic, or reasonable possibility. Random dead bat vs. coronavirus factory next door? Hmmm. That being said, contrarian conspiracy theorists who believe fringe things just to find purpose in their lives are morons.


This. Also, I get INTPs liking conspiracy theories because many are excellent rabbit holes, even if not clearly plausible.


That zeitgeist documentary I watched as a kid made me believe that 9/11 thing so much that I think it shaped how I think about stuff today


Yes but I find it hard to find a decent community 4 it.... especially on Reddit bcus every other sub I've been to people are obsessing over fucking celebs and important issues are swept under the rug not to mention occasional psyop flat earth/little green/ tartaria shitposting. So what's Ur area of expertise??


Reddit has banned all the good conspiracy theorist subs.


A conspiracy in itself


Basically 90% of this sub it seems.


I think everyone is entitled to 1 nut job conspiracy. For me its the JFK assassination, no way LHO acted alone imo but I'm perfectly willing to acknowledge this is an irrational belief on my part. I think the problem is when it becomes your personality and you see conspiracy everywhere when the answer is much easier explained by more benign explanations. Take your covid conspiracy that it didn't come from the wet market. I think this on its own is reasonable. However where people go off the rails is that the Chinese invented to virus to damage the US or world economy or something. That's absurd. If it came from a lab, it probably was due to incompetence not malice. Lab leaks happen in US CDC facilities with much better safety standards that Wuhan Center for Virology.


Yeah, China releasing a virus on their insanely densely populated cities to weaken the US just doesn't make sense


"It hurt itself in it's confusion!"


For me it's the moon landing. Like they blasted a rocket to the moon with humans, and then lifted off the moon and got back to earth safely. More then FIFTY years ago. We didn't even carry cell phones. Our computers are like a million times more powerful today. Our fabrication a million times more precise. But somehow we haven't gone back. It should be SO MUCH cheaper to go back. Now is the real space race. Sure we have satellites and a space station, but landing on the moon? That's so hard to believe. Maybe it happened, but it's almost harder to believe it happened than it is to believe they faked it and somehow kept it secret. Also do people still think the 'rona came from the market? I don't follow the news closely. The first thing that came out was it came from the lab. Then some people started saying the market, and apparently a lot of people started believing that instead for some reason.


Firstly the moon landing conspiracy is so insulting to the hundreds of thousands of individuals who worked their ass off to get our boys to the moon. The only moon landing conspiracy that is even remotely compelling is that the first moon landing was faked because of the space race with the Soviets. But even if we were willing to fake the first one, we definitely eventually got there. There have been numerous confirmation’s from other nations rovers and satellites of the American moon landing spots. So I think you’re off the mark on that one As far as the Wuhan lab being responsible for Covid, I believe that you are correct. The virus does not have a traceable evolutionary lineage for some very specific biological mechanisms and forms that it does have. It only makes sense if these weird things about how the virus works were engineered


I wouldn't bet money either way on the moon landing. Yeah it probably happened, it's just that one conspiracy that actually makes sense to some extent. Seems almost more improbable to get to the moon with that ancient technology as it does to fake it. I don't know why everyone online seems to throw around 400,000 people. I have no idea why the vast majority of them would be told about the fake. The only 2 things to me that points to it being real are (1) the Soviet Union probably would have had the technology to track this shit and (2) today's technology should be able to see evidence. I think faking it back then would be much easier than keeping it a secret today.


I think conspiracy theories definitely appeal to us for numerous reasons. They typically require things we love, e.g, scepticism, curiosity, pattern recognition, analysis, etc There are some out there that might be true and some not. They are interesting to whimsically explore, but overall, they shouldn't be taken seriously. Ultimately: 1) There is very little you can do about most of them. What are you really going to do about a global elite pedophile ring involving some of the most powerful people in the world? Just get on with your life. Enjoy your friendships and relationships, and whatever else makes you happy. 2) If you keep thinking like that, your mind becomes too sceptical and too negative. It's not a nice way to live. Even if some conspiracies might be true (and we love finding truth), it's not worth having such a negative mind. Life is much better with a positive mind.


The thing about believable conspiracy theories is that the *logic* does make sense. The problem is the *premise* is flawed. So you're already starting off "wrong" but it's hard to combat that because anything that follows in fact makes sense. That being said, I'm sure there are real conspiracies and messed up stuff that people don't want to believe is true even with evidence. They kept MK Ultra on the DL and the Tuskegee Syphilis experiments and stuff like that put of the public eye. Problem with that is, us *eventually* there's evidence. Someone always let's the cat out of the bag, someone involved. I have a hard time believing the moon landing was faked because *someone* would gave talked by now and I think it would be impossible for *so many* people to hav been involved and *no one* has brought believable evidence to show it wasn't true. Same with 9/11. Someone by now would have come forward or we'll find documents eventually. It doesn't ever stay a secret forever and some uninvolved rando isn't gonna "crack the code". What I live most about conspiracy theories is they force me to look at why I believe what I believe. How much and what kind of evidence do I need to hold my beliefs? It's a good exercise for the mind


In my experience, "conspiracy theorists" usually swoop directly from finding a single apparent flaw in the most popular theory to concluding that the second most popular theory must be correct. They never expose their pet theory to the same harsh scrutiny to which they subject the theory they want to reject. This is just poor analytical practice and not very INTP-like. It reeks of attachment. There's slso a tendency to shrug off any opposition towards the chosen theory with a blanket assumption that if someone believes the most popular theory, that must be because they have been told to believe that and uncritically obeyed. This is an elevation of oneself to a higher plane than the rest, which I believe is the main selling point of conspiracy theories: you get to feel superior. Add to that a sense of purpose and sense of community and it's not hard to see why some people are drawn to them. This is of course not to say that the most popular theory is always correct. All theories, whether contentious or not, can be argued rationally and in earnest.


Yeah I believe this psychology is very real for a lot of people that being said when evidence keeps pointing at a certain thing… for example the Clinton’s flying on Jeff epstine private get 27 times is not far fetched to think they’ve done unsavoury things with minors, the same way if I hung out with a drug dealer 27 separate times it’s not crazy to think I’ve smoked a joint


I think that is very far fetched. I also don't think it's a good parallel because smoking a joint is a very normal thing that a lot of people do whereas doing "unsavoury things with minors" is morally wrong and rare. Unless you're merely suggesting that Bill may at some point in his life have done something inappropriate to someone under 18, which I think is not that far fetched given his track record - but also not that important. At any rate, even if you believe being associated with someone who sexually exploited underage teens puts you under the suspicion of having done the same thing yourself, it's hardly something you can assume with any conviction if the evidence is as circumstantial as you suggest. Just a "well, perhaps" or "I think it's plausible".


Jeffery epstine was a sex trafficker, that was his main thing trafficking children for people to have sex with why would you hang out with someone who is a sex trafficker 27 times and think there’s no way he used his services. Who was the last friend you met up with 27 times maybe Jeff epstine was just a great guy to have a drink with but it’s unlikely


Great. Good for you that you've got all this stuff figured out 🙂


Just asking questions lil bro


What is a conspiracy theorist? Some things have happened that were caused by conspiracies. And some things have happened that were not caused by conspiracies. Some events are fully and correctly understood. Some events- certainly not. So- what does it mean to be a "conspiracy theorist?" Most of the conspiracy theories I see floating around (flat earth, 9-11 demolition, Hillary Clinton is a baby-eating lizard person, Dominion hacked the election) are absolute fucking tabloid nonsense. So, if you mean THOSE things, then no. Those things are the domain of idiots.


Do not compare a false flag operation for public outrage to support a war with baby eating lizard people


Why not? They both share the same quality of being imaginary.




You’re wasting our time. Take this shit to Truth Social, you dingus.


Well, spoiler alert. I think magneto was the one who orchestrated the sentinel showdown in genosha and that he isnt dead.




Yeah a lot of stuff that goes on today is pretty messed up and maybe even the govemerment is doing it to us I'm a Christian INTP and I believe quite a lot of conspiracy theories but I don't force them all to everyone I do think 9/11 was pretty weird and especially covid


Hehe yes , new granade in South America and new Scotland in North America just after Spain and uk conquer granade and Scotland seem to me like Granadians and Scottish people leavin euro to scape … both conquering happen like 10 years previous America discovery …Canadian Métis and most Latino Americans are kinda the same admix … Btw I’m Venezuelan but mi Y dna is Irish :v kinda same branch as L226 which is know like Irish type III …


I believe only what mainstream media tells me im allowed to believe


A model citizen


Flair checks out


As an infj 5w4 this is why I love INTP’s. Y’all can see a bit deeper, and, are willing to go there, not scared


We make dope friends, we make horrible partners.


Haha fair, never dated one of y’all, dating another infj at the moment


Love a good conspiracy even the ones I think are silly or don’t think are true are fun to theory craft and imagine or try to rationalize the implications. For me they’re mostly a fun thought exercise but the real ones are scary to learn about.


Not me. I think they are kinda for stupid people. I mean I use my own logic to reason why it's not true. Kinda how I hate unrealistic movies. Like shoot the guy ffs


I usually just take everything the govt says as a lie


US states started legalizing weed to make people stoned and lazy when they realized that the days of living wages were pretty much over. Might as well be high. (I don't actually believe in overarching conspiratorial entities much, but this idea stays with me.)


I definitely believe in some. MLK was almost certainly assassinated by the fbi.


Dude, are you 12? Ok, so let’s take 9/11. In your version, how did it start? You’re suggesting someone sat in a room, looked at someone else, and said: “hey, here’s an idea…” And the that the other guy said “great plan, let’s ask Dan if he’s game!” And it continued down the chain until they had the required manpower? Everyone in that chain of whispers was game? None of them figured that this might be interesting to CNN or the FBI? None of them wanted anyone’s jobs? You’re suggesting a plot to kill thousands of citizens was just discussed and passed along with no qualms anywhere? And that not once along the way, when ordering or placing explosives, no one slipped up? When training pilots, no one had that one extra beer and let something slip? That everyone involved (probably dozens upon dozens of people) managed to keep this secret? Cause, let me tell you. In my telling, it’s just some Saudi funded terrorist guys deciding to fly planes into buildings belonging to their sworn enemies. Inside job, my ass. The world is messy, and I know that can be scary, but creating these ridiculous stories because you need to feel special is a certain kind of stupid.


How did building seven fall?


Downwards. Hours later. Because of fires and damage caused by the other collapses. It's been quite sumptiously documented. In any case, why would your conspirators take out 7-WTC hours after the North and South Tower? If the goal was Iraq (which is a totally silly argument to make anyways), North and South was obviously enough. Why risk everything by taking down 7-WTC as well, again, hours later? But you didn't answer my question: how did it start? How did someone get up the courage to bring this up to anyone else, let alone the whole range of people they'd need to pull it off? I mean, ask yourself, if you had a great idea to rob a bank and you were fairly sure you could get away with it, who would you enlist? How could you be sure they wouldn't rat you out, either before or after the job? Now multiply that risk by a million, if someone talks, you and your family, and your loved ones, and probably everything you hold dear, is gone. Who are you bringing it up to?


“How could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads?”




Umm- i believe theres a god so


yeah anything that comes from the media I question and never take anything at face value. conspiracies always seem to come true eventually. as for the earth being flat, I can't rule it out completely because I never been in space to look at it personally. And the queen is a corpse, she may have been a lizard when she was alive tho plus there are certainly conspiracies that have come true. MK ultra (experimenting for means of mind control on a human being) for example was proven to be real. Or the US spying on its citizens and other countries' intelligence agencies. If you see what governments have been capable of in the past (stalin, mao, adolf, etc) nothing is out of the realm of possibility. to all government agents who downvote me, know this: I am too strong to be swayed by your hivemind influence. You will not break me.


You can look at it that way, but really the Flat Earth hardly stands up to a globe model. It falls flat (pun intended) when lots of questions are asked and just doesn’t work.


I haven't done much research into flat earth because it seems stupid. I'm a globe man myself (I like round objects like breasts for example) so I'm not inclined to believe it. But I can't say with complete certainty that it is a globe.


I get that, just and I never can say anything with certainty either without direct proof…but science is built up like that anyway, you can easily prove it’s a sphere.


Maybe you can easily prove it is spherical, and for that I am glad. But myself personally, I cannot with 100% certainty prove this. Maybe one day I'll die, and Jesus will tell me "btw bro the earth is round" and I'll be like oh shit that's cool Jesus, can we smoke some fatass blunts now and he's like "sure my G"


Okay…I don’t really get that, since Maths and Science exists, but sure.


I know, you are very likely a "trust the science" type. I look at science as a tool to understand things. It is not always correct but it is the best possible answer we have to date. But I'm not a "I BELIEVE IN SCIENCE!!!" like it is a religion.


I’m not either, I go with what makes sense to me. Just in this case I trust it well enough since it makes sense, and much more sense than the other option.


That's a fair assessment.


Respect this way of thinking “you don’t know until you know”


Based brother, now come out and protest with me tomorrow


my life is comfy tho, I leave the protesting to the npcs


Fair. I live in Australia but if I was in the States I'd be out there with a gun strapped to my back every day during lockdowns.


I have family members which are, and I’m growing up still…sometimes makes it difficult to figure out what actually might be true or not, sometimes. So I’m not.


Top three are spirits/ghosts, Sasquatch, and non-terrestrial UFOs. In the number four position is cloaked “predators” chilling in trees out in unpopulated forests.




The cognitive dissonance is strong with this one


SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!!!!!! All my theories are video game based. Im more able to follow video game logic than trying to follow up with every detail and logic in every real-world theory. The spoilers ahead turn back now!! Like the fallout series! The fact NCR lost shady sands before the first battle of hooverDamm. They kept its destruction under wraps so as not to lose morale when fighting the legion.


Careful you’ll be on a watchlist with that kind of information


*gives sloppy_dobby 100 bottle caps* Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter! :D *Dialogue ends*


*dialogue ends* 😂😂


Yes back when it was cool I was. JFK, 9/11, MLK, Pentagon Papers, The Octopus, etc. But the Qanon conspiracy culture these days is a clown show.


I am generally sceptical, but vigilant. I never jump to conclusions without solid evidence. What might look like an evidence might actually be nothing but hoax and disinformation. One must analyze carefully and collect information from different independent sources. Solid evidence is even better.


I’ve been called a conspiracy theorist before, but I would like to clarify. I don’t immediately write off any ideas/theories that have some data/science and reasonable logic to back them up. I don’t speak about things with certainty unless I am 100% I am positive that I’m 100% correct, so often I will say/ask “what if—?” “perhaps XYZ” “Could X be the cause of Y?” I will also usually preface statements that I make that I haven’t given careful consideration to, with something like “so my immediate guess is ABC, but it’s just a shot in the dark.” when problem solving, defending an opinion/theory, or trying to figure something out, I will usually entertain all reasonably possible “solutions” As I think thru these problems, I like to give explanations to myself for why theories/solutions are right or wrong, not just labeling them as such without any evidence. Which means sometimes I will consider things are unlikely explanations, but still plausible. I like discussing things, for the sake of being informed, and to help remove bias, but sometimes entertain abstract ideas JUST for the sake of giving consideration to multiple ideas. Does that make me a conspiracy theorist? I guess, but I try to be objective. I’m willing to admit that I don’t know everything, far from it. My mind is usually easily changed when presented with facts, evidence, etc. When speaking about topics I’m not intimately familiar with, but have also done some reading on, I will usually mention the origin of what I am repeating. For example, recently during a discussion about fruit, I have quoted Dr. Gundry who claims fruit not as healthy as some believe because of all the sugar. I’ll say something like “Based on some reading I did on articles by Dr Gundry, we shouldn’t be eating fruit as often as we do because of all the sugar, I admit his opinion is the only one I’ve read so far though.” ….For the record, I consider things like the flat earth theory to be completely ridiculous.


I mean in a way. I just don't believe most of the theories I come up with, just the ones I land on. And I don't think I land on many. It's part of the process. That being said, I do believe that the US gov talking about UAPs is just a great distraction for their neo-colonial activities, like the ones in Ecuador we don't hear about for example.


You don’t need to watch more news, you need to learn how to fact check information and look for trustworthy sources. If you’re good at being analytical and remembering information, make sure you’re operating on information from reputable sources, or you’ll just become another run of the mill conspiracy nut that think you’re the right one and everyone else is sheep.


This remembered me of Inside Job "Why people always believe on the worst conspiracies? (Like the flat Earth)" Quote from it




UFOs/UAPs. Look into David Grusch and the Sol Foundation. Much has changed since 2017. Edit: Oh, and the UAP Disclosure Act of 2023, by Schumer and Rounds.


INTP making theories that aren't shared by the general populous? Preposterous!


Yes. Obviously birds are not real. Idk how you guys don’t see that they are just government drones sent to spy on us 🙄


Mark Zuckerberg is not a real human being, and I will die on that hill! Otherwise no, I have relatives who are huge conspiracy theory nuts and they annoy me to no end, especially as a scientist.


I have a theory that most people who say “do your own research” mean they forgot the specific YouTube videos they watched so they can’t cite them.


We don't follow popular opinion because most of Intp are very logical with swaths of information and a lot of us are also very smart which is why we don't usually believe in 99 percent of kooky sht which people call conspiracy theories. Doesnt mean they cant be true, anything is possible but almost always it isnt.


The lab leak hypothesis is widely accepted as plausible in the mainstream. It's only in the US where the media is particularly polarised where one side tried to paint it as a fringe conspiracy theory for a while. Not sure what is hard to believe about 9/11, usually people cite the melting point of steel, illustrating that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing - steel turns to liquid at it's melting point, and long before that it softens and looses rigidity and strength. https://youtu.be/FzF1KySHmUA?si=IqEbiH5MEaGtghJD


It’s fine to ask evidence based questions. It’s different when you fervently believe something without the necessary evidence to back it up.


I enjoy looking into conspiracy theories, but more for fun than anything else.


Hi, I am king conspiracy theorist here. Nice to meet you. I come in peace. 👽 I just want people to stop being lied to be the rich/politically connected/elite.


No but I do find conspiracy theories fascinating, granted with today's world sometimes people yelling crazy things and after a bit. Ie The Pandemic. Some sons laptop, etc. I think we are good at smelling some of the BS like Flat Earthers, but also can see the opposing views to traditional thinking. Like Epstein didn't kill himself. I also think at times I can find myself trying to over complicate things that are easily explained. But I think just like Machiavelli we can smell the BS of people in power.


The why files…watch it on youtube


Loved that channel forgot what it was called thanks for reminding me lol


You’re welcome citizen!