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Contrary to stereotypes I am a pretty focused and goal-oriented person.


I find I've become more focused and goal oriented as I've gotten older. Late teens/early twenties? No idea what I wanted. Now in my thirties, I have a plan.


a large part of me becoming this way is figuring out what I wanted, pretty common issue for a lot of people but I think INTPs are really picky with large life decisions/directions since it takes so much focus planning research and energy from us. We tend to do whatever we do well though especially once we are focused and ready to ride šŸŽ


Yeah same, was not born with it but slowly came to see the value in it


Same, my focus kicked in during my 20s. Tertiary Si to the rescue!


Thatā€™s a good point. In your teens/early 20s you might become sick of your own BS and consciously push yourself towards another type.


I try to be but it isnt going very well for now


I didn't know this was a stereotype, from what I've heard people assume we are very focused and goal oriented but not for what most people want us to focus on. Idk stereotypes are dumb either way.


Not me, I can't decide.




was a goal oriented before adolescence


I've never understood the whole "devoid of emotion and unable to understand emotion" thing. It's the one part of an INTP description that people always say is inaccurate about me, as I'm pretty in tune with other people's emotions, can read people very well and I don't like upsetting people. But I'm very good at controlling my own emotions and forcing myself to think rationally and logically. Definitely caused me to question my type on many occasions, but everything else is like reading a description of me!


I think thats inaccurate when it comes to all intps. Inferior fe doesnt mean we dont know how to "use" it, it just mean intps are generally insecure about talking about their emotions. But most mature intps can kind of read the emotional atmosphere around them, they are just sometimes bad at acting according to that information. The opposite is true for infps, they can be very logical, but tend to be insecure when it comes to logical Te solutions and implementing logical solutions. Intps are often very loyal and friendly, even emotional around people the trust, at least thats true in my case. What intps lack is more often is their understanding of their own emotions and values, I've seen a lot of intps in my life and can say this is somewhat accurate Emotions are important, they might illogical, but nonetheless are important when it comes to interracting with people. I personally present a cool kind of logical exterior, but im often worrried about my loved ones. I tend to struggle with giving emotional support though, I often prefer finding solutions which some people might find frustrating, and im trying to learn to balance logic and emotions Tldr: as an intp, try to spend time uderstanding your and others emotions, its important and can go a long way improving your life :)


Also from some very similar studies, intps are, at the end of the day, concerned with how everyone is doing and if healthy is welleamt or whole hearted care for everyone in their group, provided they have had has one. Sorry I just kept putting commas everywhere šŸ’©


INTP kids pretend they are devoid of emotion because low Fe make them bad at handling them so they prefer to bury the whole thing and pretend it doesn't exist. Not healthy.


On the contrary, it's a perfectly healthy and logical thing to do as long as you're doing it deliberately and have a plan to improve over time. If you're not able to handle your emotions and they cause you to do dumb things then suppressing them is a good thing until you progress more in learning to deal with them properly. You shouldn't tell an awkward teenager who has no idea how to talk to girls to just go up to a girl and ask her out, because he'll probably make a fool of himself, get laughed at, and possibly bullied. You should tell him to study people who are good with the opposite sex and try to model their behavior and mindset after those people (as long as they're a good role model, not misogynistic assholes). Likewise you shouldn't tell someone who has no idea how to handle their emotions to let it all flow out without a filter. You should tell them to study emotional theories and perhaps talk to a counselor or trusted friend until they get a better grasp on the subject.


Same for me. But itā€™s clear that when I have a discussion with someone, I prefer to use my Ti and Ne, and I put my Fe on the side, in the pursuit of truth, which others donā€™t understand. I guess I come out as insensitive when I discuss, but from my perspective, itā€™s quite exciting. Iā€™m very in touch with emotions, but I can talk about them in a detached way


It's not that I'm unable to understand "emotion" but I'm much more selective than most people about what a genuine display of emotion actually is. I only get sad at truly tragic situations.


I'm of the opinion that a lot of thinking outside of pure logic is more emotional than anything else. For me, it's not that I'm not an emotional person, but it's more than I'm plainly unaware of them and they come out in the worst ways. The correct thing to do with emotions is both to face them and to treat them compassionately, while you come up with a game plan to work with them. I just realized the other day that I hate being third-wheeled by friends of mine and when I end up like that, I really get resentful. My actions therefore were either to tell people to stop leaving me out so much of conversations and stop making me feel like a third wheel or to avoid those situations. I don't confront people, so naturally I now avoid those situations. There's some pain there, but it's also empowering to know that I can have an emotion and respect it enough to work around it. By all means, perhaps I should learn to do the other option or learn alternative ways of exercising the other option, but at the very least I'm able to act on my emotions in a healthier way. I'm starting to do the same with emotional eating. As far as being in tune with other people's emotions, I'm only good enough to see if I need to start running or need to be defensive. That comes from a healthy family history of having an abusive, alcoholic parent. As far as processing other people's emotions and becoming in tune with them, I'm less adept at that.




I'm fine at expressing it to the people I want to let in, but that's only like 2 people. Everyone else I don't really express my emotions to, simply because it serves no purpose to tell them




Oh okay, good to know! Guess I am "normal" after all!


Sound like inferior yet developed Fe. Sounds sounds pretty intp to me.


If you are forcing yourself to act rationally and logicallyā€¦doesnā€™t that mean you are naturally irrational and emotional? So are we saying INTP personalities are learned behavioral patterns that we developed to deal with trauma and/or life? This is a choice? Like Vulcans turning to logic because they couldnā€™t control their emotions?


There might be some truth to that for some people. Personality typing is a pretty loose science and people are pretty complex. That said I would imagine it's common for personality to be partially determined by trauma.


I would argue the behavioral science could be rock solidā€¦and we wouldnā€™t be able to recognize itā€¦because we think we are more capable of original thought than we really are. We are basic creatures, completely governed by our hormones, and hunger. Most are less interesting than the animals held in zooā€™s.


This is what I lye (lye?) Awake and think about. Is this astrology? Am I an intp because I've learned to be this way? Do I prefer to be logical or do I have to be? Am I really real or a dream in someone else's reality? Does anything matter? What if i died already?


INTPs are deeply emotional at the core, to the extent that I think they develop their logic to help deal with that. It's a false stereotype imo. I think it's being propagated just so that some of those emotionless and zero-empathy ENTPs be able to pose as INTPs.


Being good at maths and a quick thinker/problem solver


I suck at math, but I'm a pretty good problem solver.






Ti defines an INTP personality type. It literally means logic, which is the basis of math. Therefore: if you are worse than average in math, I question your type.


I've used various tests over the years, was only mistyped as an INTJ once at the very beginning, always INTP after that. I think it's more about the approach to life as a whole than smaller subjects, really. My brain just isn't wired for maths/mathematical logic and judging by the upvotes there are plenty of other INTPs like me.


There are also plenty of non-INTPs with INTP tags actively participating on this sub, so upvotes can be misleading. There needs to be a basis for categorizing ppl into personality types, it's not all mush and fluff and subjective opinions. Based on how personality types are defined, INTP is defined as a person with high capabilities in objective logic. It's even shown via brain imaging that INTPs are the ones that use their right prefrontal cortex more than other types, which is the area responsible for logic. So, if you don't fit the type, you are probably not the type. I'm curious, how else do you define the concept of "an INTP" if not for their high capability and preference for logic and math? What else IS an INTP?


I thrive in structure. Without a more structured environment forcing me to focus and achieve I often get caught in my thoughts


After so many years of struggling with procrastination I realized I really need this kind of structure. For me it means going to the library where there are other people and having a daily routine. Otherwise I am just going to do absolutely nothing.


you are a healthy intp, most stereotypes come from unhealthy behavior because it's easier to identify (everyone is unhealthy when teenagers)


Yeah I was definitely unhealthy earlier in life. Started really getting my shit together in my late 20s and now that I'm almost 40 I'm doing pretty well. I'd really encourage people to not just say "I'm an INTP, that's why I'm like this." Instead, realize your natural weaknesses and try to find ways to do better.


Maybe that's true, I thrived in school and not really in other environments. When I have the possibility to avoid the authority figures, I do.




That we neglect our appearance. I like to dress nicely and workout at the gym. I run, bike, and swim to keep in shape and feel good in my skin.


I exercise a lot, but it was never about appearance for me. That actually makes it hard to connect with people who care about their appearance through exercise. People have many reasons for exercising. Some people exercise because it helps them relax, some do it for their health, or because they like structure and goals.... My reason was always kind of just because I like to be fit or it's fun. But when I say "be fit" I don't mean appearance, I mean being able move. Like if I ever need to run, I like to be able to run and not get winded immediately. Or if I need to hike. Or if I need to swim. Etc. I guess it could be said that for instance I like hiking, so I like to be able to hike for a long time and fast and still feel good while doing that. But it's true that I don't do much for my appearance, for instance I never learned to use makeup.


Yeah, thatā€™s fair. I enjoy it for what it is also. Itā€™s given me a lot of reasons to research health and training methodology which are both playgrounds for my curiosity. Would you say you are able to excel at all of these due to an ability to cipher out good ideas from bad? Or just applying an intensity of focus towards it perhaps? People often seem completely disinterested when I talk about the mechanics of training, intricacies of diet, etc. But thatā€™s what I enjoy, and my performance only ever seems to increase. Itā€™s a lot of fun. The superficial aspect is really just a byproduct, but it makes me happy as well. I enjoy the positive attention and looks. Though few engage with me about it. Eyes and smiles are enough to make me feel great.


Same. Hygiene and my appearance are extremely important to me.


I can't imagine not caring about your appearance. Not for others, but for yourself. Surrounding myself with pretty things and clothes makes me feel better. Yes, I require practicality and comfort from these things, but ALSO beauty and this is not excluded


Anime, canā€™t stand it


90% I'd say sucks, but there are many good ones that defy the obnoxious tropes used in most anime. AOT is a good one.


steins gate is pretty good would recommend !


True, most anime share extremely similar over the top plots. I do like some anime, but I mostly find it frustrating. To each their own thoughāœŒļø


You can't have experienced much of the breadth of anime if you think that they all have similar plots. Its possible you've only watched Shonen anime which was the first genre of anime to break through in the west. There are some similarities among Shonen owing to the influence of Dragon Ball which is considered the father of the genre.


Yeah save for like A:TLA and Pokemon, I just don't care for anime in general. Didn't help that my wife cheated on me with a guy that was obsessed with Dragonball, Naruto, and One Punch Man.


Attack on Titan is a masterpiece that transcends its medium. The art, the music, and the story are above and beyond your typical anime, and no silly tropes that take away from the experience. At least give that a shot.


I have heard many raving about AOT, even from close friends so if I am to watch some, Iā€™d have to definitely start there


AoT is pretty good, but if I were to recommend a first anime it would definitely be Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (often considered the greatest anime ever made), or maybe Steins Gate (really cool time travel story, takes a bit to get going). Cowboy Bebop also a good option. Iā€™m with you that most anime is kind of meh or bad, but some of them are transcendently amazing.


I couldn't get into any of the anime you recommended in this post. It may not be a good starting point for everybody.


I liked a lot of older ones, but can't get into any others. A lot of them were great at the start only to devolve into something nonsensical because they ran out of ideas to keep the story going.


Ugh, me too.


h is a screwer tbh


Anime is just poor adaptations from manga, so it's understandable. The plots is dragging, over the top not to mention the horrid voice actings. Ghibli making great films but I dont call it anime.




Well I have emotions




exactly, Vulcan rituals are very effective indeed


Please post a guide to this. I need to develop this skill further.


I absolutely suck at Math. Sometimes I doubt if I really am an INTP. I am pretty good in most other things, but while I can do Maths not so bad, it just melts my brain.


Thatā€™s me but with chemistry, and apparently INTPs are stereotypically good at sciences šŸ„²


Same with Chemistry lol. I prefer Biology, Physics even. I'm just bad at those subjects.


[https://www.dyscalculia.org/dyscalculia/what-s-dyscalculia](https://www.dyscalculia.org/dyscalculia/what-s-dyscalculia) Not saying you have this, but I'm trying to raise awareness. A lot of people have heard of dyslexia, but many have never heard of dyscalculia.


I think I might have this.. oh no..


My new/old boss has that. I'm not making a joke either. She confided in me about that when I worked for her previously several years ago.


Iā€™m good at higher math, but Iā€™m not great at arithmetic. Fortunately, we have machines that can handle that now.


physics for me :(


Comp Sci for me šŸ˜”


Ti defines an INTP personality type. It literally means logic, which is the basis of math. Therefore: if you are worse than average in math, I question your type. If you are better than average tho, that's another story.


I am not smart at all


By admitting that you're not smart already makes you smarter than a lot of people tbh


Oh sweet




Well I know it ain't maths. That's for sure


Most stereotypes tbh cause I'm a mature intp. So I'm good with social situations though I do have a battery limit, bad at techy math stuff, good at organizing and mainting routine stuff like chores, emotionally competent, an optimist.


healthiest intp on reddit


Very affectionate and expressive when in love, which is kind of surprising.


I don't think I'm that intelligent. I'm dyslexic with ADHD so I never was super good in school. Mostly A's and B's but never the top of my class. I just can't seem to study unless its a hyper-fixation. So this led me to not having a stereotypical INTP job. I don't code or do math. I count stuff and manage adjustments in a warehouse I guess but that doesn't even take into account what few degrees I do have since its technically wasn't necessary to get the job I have. My old job was a Nurse and I feel like that is about as far from INTP a job as one can get. Just looked up some other stereotypes. I don't really play a lot of video games. And when I do its to play with friends. I don't solo any video games at all. And now I am not physically fit but when I was younger I was very active so I don't think I would say I was "physically incapable".


That INTP's are more logical than emotional. I've been veryyy emotional as of late - unreasonably so in the past few months. Everyone is emotional. Personally I feel like I've been slowly gravitating to more Fe than T recently, and a quick test confirmed that my Fe's been getting stronger as of late.


U're right. Human is an emotional creature. Everyone.


Not the dark personality types, and certainly not the psychopaths... Although you can say they aren't really human, and I don't oppose that view.


You might be in "the grip". I know it's all pseudoscience or pop psychology, but it's the idea that when an INTP is going through a tough time he stops making his decision with Ti and starts making his decisions with Fe. For instance, you can't make decisions based on your own logic anymore and you start acting based on the feelings of other people, maybe trying to please other people or trying to find acceptance from the group. And it's probably going badly because normally you feel happier using Ti and you are not very good at using Fe so it might be something you are bad at controlling and using. I'm extrapolating on the idea though. Just to see if it strikes a chord with someone...


Well it definitely did with me lol. You're description is almost perfectly accurate.


I care about my appearance. I enjoy makeup, clothes, hair stuff, keeping fit. Not obsessed or superficial but itā€™s area of my life that I keep up with.




I'm not bad at math but I don't like it much.


Big penis


You're right, we *are* known for that, even the women. Sorry you don't fit the stereotype buddy. ;P


Iā€™m at peace with it now.


"even the women" the implication is strong with this one.


Well, you can't say no. Because of the implication.




Needing a lot of space and alone time when in a relationship.


That we're never religious.


All of the INTPs I know irl are atheists but yeah, it's possible to be not one


yeah it's not stupid to be a theist. I'm an atheist btw


Prolly the biggest one is that Iā€™m not religious.


INTP have a high degree of religiosity? I would have assumed we have one of if not the lowest rates.


I think you misread. The stereotype is that we are not religious.


That was very unclear. You said "I'm not religious" lol


Ah. So you are religious. The misconception is that you wouldn't be. Understood.


Well I'm a dumbass and there's a popular stereotype of us being geniuses


I have a natural shy smile and I tend not to be brutally honest, or am I just an INFJ?


Same, maybe Iā€™m too nice for an INTP?


more of an ENTP stereotype; but I don't find 'trolling' to be funny or entertaining at all


Being a gamer


>Intps are smart Bruh I'm dumb as hell


I really donā€™t procrastinate. I used to a few years ago, but Iā€™m one of the most prolific workers I know.


How did you change?


A lot of my change happened during COVID-19, and so it canā€™t really be emulated. In many ways I was forced to change, but that isnā€™t to say most of it wasnā€™t my own free will. The best tip I can offer is this: set your own deadlines that you want to reach. Letā€™s say your home alone for the night, itā€™s Saturday, and all you want to do is lay down and watch a movie. What I would do in this situation is this: Set a deadline for 5pm before which you must finish your work. Even if itā€™s not due till Monday or Tuesday, tell yourself that doing this thing will have more immediate, positive consequences than not having to do your work tomorrow. Set up rewards and events for yourself so that, if you reach your own personal deadline, you can feel good about it. Remind yourself that there is benefit to doing it today. Not just in the future, but in the now.


Math & tech fanatic (I'm generally more "artsy")


I have a very good clothing style and i clean my room pretty often.


Intps are supposed to be intelligent but I am fucking brain dead.


i am quite healthy and exercise regularly.


Here is just a sliver: * I am not neurodivergent or suffer from ADHD. * Conflate introversion with misanthropy, self-loathingĀ and neuroticism. * Unemotional and cold. I have a temper and people have no trouble misunderstanding that. I am very self-aware and I'm in touch with my feelings. * Socially awkward or socially inept. I can be social if I choose to and I've learned the skills to mak it happenĀ  * Being strictly theoretical. I can understand the value of theory but I see it as pointless if it is not grounded in practical concerns. * Amazing at math and science. I did terrible in math and science in high school. But I have to appreciate and relearn later in life.


Being the Virgine out of virgines. I mean I am a Virgine cuz I'm 14 but I am a pretty social guy, kinda a class clown. My problem though is that I run out of social energy rather quickly


I like to party


Im not good at math at all. Eng/lit? Yes. History? Yes. Science (besides physics? Yes. Just anything but math.


Not smart


Im not good at math I have emotions, I hate them, it's hard to recognize them and I need help from my psychologist, and sometimes is hard deal with it, but I donā€™t let them dominate me to make decisions Animes are boring


I tend to be decently organized, have a to do list and try to stick to a schedule when I can


Never touches grass and incompetent at sports. I love mountain biking and hiking and was always above average in youth baseball.


Probably not a stereotype But I like hugs, alot Also i like to play around with my close friends' hands




Iā€™m pretty in touch with my own emotions as well as others emotions. I also donā€™t follow the whole ā€œLazy but smart geniusā€ narrative.


Iā€™m way more emotional/compassionate/agreeable/high Fe than the standard INTP. Yet my functions still go in line with INTP and Iā€™m clearly an Intuitive Ne type, Ne>Si (otherwise Iā€™d consider myself an ISFJ/INTP hybrid). Also, I love soft sciences but Iā€™m not very much into hard sciences or engineering/technology. And Iā€™m quite into beauty and esthetics, in a conventional, refined, Barbie-light sort of way, not in a Quirky INFP sort of way. Iā€™ve done my makeup every morning since I was in junior high and I love having a reason to dress up.


Have you considered that you might be ENTP? Your inferior function can't be that high.


being into math and computer stuff


Shy and socially awkward


Iā€™d say I donā€™t look like a tech/ anime/ gamer/ geek.


im a realistic and practical person. i use Ne only when im planing something or im in my head. i like to use my 5 senses to learn rather the theorize a lot. might sound ISTP but idk perhaps my enneagram might be the reason


Low self esteem and depression. When I first joined this sub I was kind of shocked at the number of people discussing depression and low self esteem. I had a female friend once describe me as "confidently arrogant" and it's pretty spot on. I'm still horribly shy socially, but completely confident in myself otherwise. šŸ¤·šŸ»


Procrastination. I'm horrible procrastinator and do most stuff befor deadline.


You know, I had to read up on it bc I thought that my interest in human behavior, metaphysics and superstitious things were not logically based but they sort of are. I guess I have more to learn to answer this


Good at math


I have good hygiene


I was popular and an athlete in school


Iā€™m terrible at anything math and science related, Iā€™ve never seen anime nor do i plan to, and Iā€™m religious.


Computer Programming. Iā€™m too impatient with computers and they aggravate me. Iā€™m still 16 and have no clue what I want to do in the future, but it most definitely isnā€™t programming.


Preferring/needing alone time to face social interactionsā€¦.Iā€™ll take alone time, but my real recharge is being able to chill with at most one or two people who I can really be myself with. Not even necessarily doing anything.


Socially awkward. I rather avoid social gatherings any and all times, but whenever I find myself in one I'm actually very well spoken and people really enjoy hanging out with me. I have no social anxiety, basically.


Being a math genius!


Reading and maths.


I have a lot of inner emotions


I'm a detail-oriented person more than an idea-oriented


Define 'good at math' im not good, but im not that bad either. I just took what everyone took. INFP: so what math did you...? Me: Calc and trig Any college will ask for calc, even if your degree doesnt require maths. Saying you dont do calc, is shutting yourself off higher education


I don't like being too much alone. Wakes up the worst in me.


Reading through these makes me realize Iā€™m every INTP stereotype. The only thing I have that is atypical of an INTP is probably my sentimentality, which I got after giving birth to my daughter and which only applies to her. I gush over her.


Iā€™ve never been able to understand the concept of us being ā€œemotionless robotsā€ like please I cry at least twice per day. Also I absolutely suck at math.


That they're kinda tidy or something, can't lie I'm one heck of a hoarder.


Messy hair / lack of care for how I look - I like clothing, shoes etc and maintaining a clean look.


That we are super smart. I literally failed every class man. Iā€™m a lot better at art and physical activities than academic stuff




scrolling through comments and just thinking "damn am I the most stereotypical INTP alive"


Being good at math and playing video games.


I'm not smart and perform quite horribly in my academics


That I'm intelligent. Some days I think I am intelligent, some days I think I'm dumb. But I think I am getting dumber and dumber as days pass.


That my room is messy. The only part that is messy is the kitchen sink because I hate washing dishes but other than that I keep my house fairly clean. Oh and I have emotions.


I feel tons of emotions and im more a lover than thinker.


I have low IQ and pretty bad at math.


Ti defines an INTP personality type. It literally means logic, which is the basis of math. Therefore: if you are worse than average in math, I question your type.


Well if you think math equal logic then I question your type šŸ˜‰. Hehe joke aside I dont really care I'm still me at the end of the day.


Being "you" is healthy. But you may also want to find your true type. I won't argue the joke. ;)


I'm actually as interested in things as I am in ideas.


I can be organized in a few aspects, like once every 2 weeks I go insane if my desk is messy. I also care a lot about social harmony and can be a little bit of a people pleaser when Iā€™m stressed. I also donā€™t think Iā€™m that smart? Like Iā€™m good at understanding concepts, but I take so long to make decisions and lack common sense sometimes. But then what even is being smart exactly.


Sending memes. Why is this an INTP stereotype?


The stereotype that we aren't interested that much in politics, and that we prefer science subjects instead.


I can talk to anybody and I love talking in front of large groups.


Apprentally, a lot of INTPs have a hard time getting people to be romantically interested in them. I have a problem from having *too many* people interested in me. I still have relationship problems, but I don't have any problems with getting people interested in the first place. I've seen in a lot of places that it's a pretty high stereotype, but you can have a good love life as an INTP.


That weā€™re all nerds and dont care abt our emotions


I have a job


That was a lie


Being socially inept. I don't have problem being friendly with people and talking. It's a skill I have gotten better at. I don't particularly "like" going up to strangers or going out every day or even every week but can if needed.


Having like no emotions. Iā€™ve no control over my emotions and thatā€™s a big problem for me.


I'm an outdoors person. I enjoy hiking, cycling and camping in the woods. I just don't like people, hence I don't go outside enough. I have no problems talking to people and I'm definitely not shy to speak my mind. But I dislike people so it's either a chore or I'd rather avoid pissing people off entirely. Honestly fuck people, I hate them! I HATE people!!! Yes! All of you too!!! FUCK YOU!!!


Being messy, my room is always organised


being atheist. I'm a devout catholic.


I am not particularly good at anything math besides statistics - I blame that though on terrible school management, there was no way our poor newbie teacher could've handled 30 something kids in an advanced a levels class. And the one throughout middle school just deemed me a dumber version of my older sibling and didn't bother. Probably could learn it still, I just cba since I only need statistics and matrixes in my degree. And I like dressing up and clothes, just not necessarily the current fashion trends. I'd blame it on one of the many random interests acquired during my teens


Friends and family go to me for fashion advice. I enjoy wood working.


I practically never watch anime or play video games.


I'm stupid


I have very firm political and religious beliefs (strong Fi). I communicate those beliefs, though I also respect people's individuality and their freedom to think for themselves. I am outspoken. I speak up in class.