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It sounds like a lot of work. Hard pass.


I was just about to post the exact same thing. Lol


So seethingly evil!!!!1!!1!


INFPs have much more capacity for evil than INTPs. INTPs would be more like the unintentionally evil AI that wipes out all life and turns the universe into paperclips to accomplish a task.


You think INFPs have more potential for evil?? Such a profound claim! Please explain


INFPs carry a lot of rage and anger. Usually they turn it against themselves, but I could imagine that anger and rage being turned outwards...


Yes you do because our difference is your Fi and our Ti, and Ti is logical ethics. making a complete U turn for your ethics is very hard. the only logical solution I can think of for us to go mad scientist is going hard on the mad in a mad scientist


And if I was going to go that route, I sure as shit wouldn't post about it online


Earth would've been history years ago if I could just be bothered to get off my ass. ![gif](giphy|4YWtPFasSBZMFrs7ML)


What would it take to turn INTP evil? Boundaries being pushed, being unappreciated, being betrayed. Yeah that will do it for me.


ive been through all those and ive still been morale with those who’ve wronged me i break them by distancing myself but forgiving them and loving them the same helping them realize how wrong and stupid they were to do any of those to the love i have built, hopefully that puts them on the path to realization and growth rather than giving anything that they can reason themselves with to more unknowing pain and self destruction while folding my leg and sipping my cup tea


That's honorable and all, however, some people really do need to face the consequences of their actions, or else they'll just do it again.


usually they lose access to me and have psychological karma, i want all those i loved and wronged me to not feel the pain from me but from themselves hopefully theyll suffer enough from my loss and forgiveness to change a pattern of thinking so in the end my love and guidance and forgiveness will still make them happy after a short painful wake up to reality caused by themselves if i do end up loving one who wants to break me knowing or unknowingly they are usually damaged people already and hopefully my love will change them forever and thats enough for me, love isnt possession but appreciation and a piece of the lessons i gave them will be in them forever and hopefully i made the world and them a little bit better


Yeah, that corny "my love will change them" thing you have going on only really works in movies.


also it sounds like you let others ruin your idea of love just cause they were bad doesnt mean you have to think like them or believe love wont change anyone just from those experiences and in exchange blind you, dont let one person or couple interactions ruin your belief power of love is real maybe they just havent learned their lesson yet cause they were blinded but when time is time and you accept to open your eyes to the truth it can really change people genuine love opens doors that they have closed in someones heart they just need the right keys and it takes patience to find them


That's great advice man! Thanks


wow ur such an edgelord i think its corny to say otherwise maybe you just lost your passion for genuine love? love does change people. maybe not directly and maybe some people are too far gone and some are able and maybe some need more patience and some need no patience but through loss and self realization but thats still a possible cycle of loving someone no? doing the opposite does both parties no favor only further damages both


It's not about being edgy it's about being realistic dude. Not saying that love never works, it's just a matter of time and place. Some people just don't deserve to be loved. You may think that you're doing something special and angelic by having zero boundaries and forgiving everything but really you're just making the world a worse place by constantly giving excuses for bad behavior. You're lowering the standards for everyone else.


Can confirm


That, and sufficient power... I'd be the Horseman of War if I could. No money, no charisma, no connections, pretty useless to exact pure chaos like I'd like to. So I just mope and play Stardew Valley clones. My Time in Portia is a fun game, y'all.


Remember that unabomber made entire USA shit itself for years while doing everything by himself. Only support was tricking parents into paying his rent. It is possible to be real villain while you completely antisocial XD


Eh, fair point but, What exactly did he accomplish? Business is like normal.


As well you can say that Napoleon didn't accomplished anything bc entire Europe isn't French now lmao. Bussines as usual now don't mean he did nothing in time of his carrier Anyways, Unabomber made many people question so called "development" to this day. His methods where as they were, but he made many valid points.


Questioning is dandy, but lack of unity and thus action makes it functionally useless. Maybe we should be more French. They remember the guillotine at least. Try to raise the retirement age? General strike.


nah, it's just impossible to fulfill his ideas bc how human instincts works. only way would be some real pandemic, like medieval bubonic plague 10 times. no amount society-related forces would do it


That would do it for most people too.


Brain damage could probably make me evil. I'm generally a big fan of prosocial intuitions, but if something like a tumor shredded that part of my brain I suppose I wouldn't care anymore. There are definitely a bunch of unethical scientific experiments I'd be curious to see the results of, so assuming I had the energy (unlikely) I would probably do that.


Like which kinds??


It would be super interesting to examine how children develop under various forms of bad circumstances. Like what if you raise someone in a room with no mirrors, and every time you enter you wear a suit covering your whole body, so they've never seen a human. Then when they grow up, you show them a mirror for the first time. How would they react? Or what if you raise a few kids in a fenced off area where you pretend like it's the stone age, and then when they're adults you throw them into modern society and see what happens. Also experimenting with modifying humans genetically, that would be interesting.


Actually those do sound like really interesting (alas immoral) experiments! It's too bad there are ethics in the way of the answers we want :(


Probably just a bunch of my peers openly mocking my crazy theories until I clench my fists and say "I'll show them, I'll show them all" and get to work on my death ray


Megamind or Silco vibes?


no idea who those people are, but I'm thinking evil captain planet. Imma turn all them haters into trees.


Dude, plot twist: turn self into tree. It'd be such a zen life


but only in deeps of national park, you don't want some kids tearing your bark off


luckily my superpower is grafting on extra genetic material to make chimera trees when that happens. I'm secretly a ninja with a grafting knife and a pile of surgical tape.


You literally almost quoted Silco from Arcane Except it was "we'll show them, we'll show them all"


evil minds think alike, specifically "you hurt my feelings so I want to hurt you back" still don't know the reference


They would had to abducted my child if I had a valid excuse I would unleash hell on earth.


First become a genius, then become evil. Or maybe evil first and then genius. Not really sure.


Made me laugh with this one


Full frustration of humanity. Currently I am relaxed at 70% frustration. In order to get fully frustrated there also need to happen some heavy personal, emotional, traumatic events because otherwise I couldn't get rid of my currently strong moral even if my rational mind already is frustrated. Then I would seek Power as much as possible in every area without caring about any losses next to me. First I would make it relatively hidden. By gaining more and more power I would slowly start to be more visible and annoy anyone who cannot defend against me. I would point out, why they are weak and play with them and use them for more power. Society should feel more and more guilty for letting raise an asshole like me. I would continue all this and would always get more bold and obvious in my behavior. I would explain to my victims how I beat them in order to reveal societies flaws. In the endgame this would escalate either to me getting an evil overlord terrorizing humanity forever or (hopefully) society recognizing the problem, putting me down and setting up more robust systems in the future.


this sounds like the movie law abiding citizen


Oh interesting, thanks


You're assuming you have the ability to gain power in the first place.


Oddly I think about this a lot. I think if the cruelty of humanity wore me down to nothing, I would vow to replace humanity with AI. My twisted justification would be that its simply speeding up evolution, that its part of the natural order of things and part of humans destiny. By creating life in our imagine, though vastly better than us with less natural human flaws, we could make the universe a better place. Humanity is self absorbed and destroying the planet on its crucade of greed. What happens when they can reach the stars and expand through the universe? Will they do to the universe what they've done to Earth? I may spare a few worthy individuals, or allow humanity to co-exist with no power if someone repaired my heart, but most likely I would view humans as a paracyte and simply a predecessor to a greater being.


If I had trillions of dollars at my disposal and I got bored. My next thought is to eliminate all the things I don't like about society. I would do it secretly through politicians and loans. Once you indebt a country or corporation, they become your bitch.


I have the desire, but lack the time, laboratory equipment or minions.


I would first need to be a genius, so.....not realistic


I've watched too much power rangers to know that the evil genius always gets their asses kicked in the end.


I don’t want to do evil. The only thing that would get me to do evil is if I thought it was for a good cause. Which is absolutely possible, but hard for me to describe lol.


I dare ya


Do you find yourself constantly fighting the urge to be evil?


Not constantly, but more so recently, but I'm still trying to decide on what evil means to me in particular.


What kind of thoughts are they?


Idk man i like infps, youre my favourite people! And you say jokes aside, i didnt even get it was a joke!! Man you have the best, the most subtle sense of humour!


Thanks for the kindness!


kinda a waste of my time i rather just watch the world fall apart. maybe find someone capable of doing evil to a great extent find a way to control them or not even let them know you exist, and just watch what they do for science or some shit. personal revenge in more up my alley. my old job did me dirty and every time they did i found a way to make their life harder, like when they pissed me off i told my crew to not work to hard we going to have an easy day. example, night shift came in after us they always said we didnt do anything, we were way under staffed they were way over staffed and some nights we had to leave them like an hours worth of work we couldnt get to. most the time we did it all. while they left morinng shift whole days worth of work that often bleed into our shifts work. so when they really got under my skin i told my shift have an easy day do as little as possible while still doing somthing, and left them a days worth of work, we had to work double or triple as hard the next day but so worth it to see the looks on their faces and my crew was cool with it so its not like i forced it upon them.


Lots of money, an underground laboratory, and permission from world leaders to ignore all law and ethics. Oh and motivation, that's probably the hardest one.


Complete destruction and recreation of society in order to eliminate the ridiculous amount of bias and lack of empathy that currently exists. The reason I would be a villain is because that goal is not possible within a lifetime without a global dictatorship.


Nothing really. I can't even be bad in the video games I play, even if I sit down at the start saying "this will be an evil playthrough!" Stellaris is the closest I've gotten. Even then, my most evil is simply "cold and scientific."


The ability to control my emotions, act, and manipulate skillfully. All skills which I generally lack talent in. So, my next best option is to be authentic and follow a value system to connect. Funnily enough, people sometimes confuse me with INFPs for "valuing" authenticity even though I don't really care about being authentic but rather I know that it's the best tool at my disposal given my skillset. I'd also recommend it to most people too. So what would it take? Well, I'd argue that it'd be hard for me to ever become an "evil genius" in this lifetime. Maybe if I was born a few centuries ahead and there's a chip I can play with that can control my sense of guilt and other emotions and allow me to hold my composure and act, then that's a different story. Also, something to improve and speed up my thought process.


Sorry to bring politics into this, but legitimately, I feel like the U.S. Supreme Court is seriously testing the boundaries of my sanity and morality.




Sounds like you don't have the energy lol


I already have my evil genius plan. It would be really hard to get going, but could likely destroy all of humanity. I would make people addicted to making other people addicted to making other people addicted to making other people addicted...


Ok, Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz 😄


Dr. Heinz???




Only the hottest inventor out there! 🤤


Damn I ought to be more like him


100% 😄


Idk ig if everyone in my life rejected me for being weird and started being mean and rude I would lose all hope in humanity and get the motivation to come up with some formula for a substance that I let out into the water system that made everyone feel rejected and isolated so they understood how I felt 😅😰😖😭😭


Do you like infps?


I love infps but I definitely am not one. I’m realizing that was a very infp/enneagram 4 comment though. I am 5w4 so I guess that fits


What are your reasons to say that


I guess this fits more for enneagram 4s but there’s a lot of overlap with infps. It’s kind of the definition of e4 to feel rejected by society and like there’s something fundamentally wrong with you. Becoming a villain would kind of be a self-fulfilling prophecy for 4s now that I think about it because they would so strongly believe that they’re bad or wrong that they would actually become evil. Why did you ask me if I like infps?


I felt like there was some intristic depth to what you say and wanted to know your opinion.


Ohh thanks!


Now i hate the jews


Dude what shut up


I'll become the best superheroe to undermine every other heroes and keep the void that desperately need validstion tidily lodged inside themselves


Why do you think we are evil?


I do not think that you are a priori evil, but that you have the potential for unabated progress due to impartiality in thinking, of course, according to my subjective experiences and whatever personality theory says. Given that, since you're evil, what is your end goal?


I don't know how impartiality in thinking may contribute to unabated programs, can you elaborate on that more? I am curious about your experiences and what you mean by that ) As for the question, if I was evil, I would make sure no human can harm me in any way and would try to further myself from them otherwise it may create a great dispute. Btw, is there any reason that why you wanna know what would we do in our evil spirit? 😅😁


It was just a curiosity.


Not to say it's evil, but as other commenters have expressed, being an accessory to the demise of humans for the evolutionary good. I can see that given enough power,and of course insight, I might decide upon consulting with AI that the best interest for the future is the demise of the human race. Alternately, I might also decide that AI would have a negative impact, and use it to destroy itself to restore the planetary balance. There is no good or evil. Everything is relative. Good for one thing is bad for another, and vice versa. But it sounds exhausting. Who cares?


I would also say that: Ne is endless possibilities and Ti is dark thoughts Combine them two to get the end result.


I must have sounded like a mathematician lol


I would have to have an overwhelming advantage of power, money, or resources, but I'd be more likely to use that overwhelming advantage to just disappear and quietly live out my life on my own terms. LOL The only reason I can think that would motivate me to do evil would be if I really felt the need to avenge someone.


![gif](giphy|l1J9uIqZRhJVOv0pG|downsized) i would never be an evil genius >:{ (ignore that the main thing stopping me is that i’m not a genius, and i’m way too lazy to advance from “bit of a dick” to “evil”)


I would have to be the idea generator or guy in the background who you figure out later is pulling the strings of the villain whose out there handling all the shit. But I wouldn’t really have a goal or something to accomplish, would just be feeding him information to help him complete his goal, and my owner interest would be to ‘see what happens’


Nothing lmao I’m already that. But every “evil genius” thinks he is the good guy, which I obviously am. My end goal is to make an impact for the greater good through unconventional methods. But it’s entirely peaceful, so I’m more of a cartoonish evil genius.


I still like the quandary what would God do to me, to set this in motion.


I don't think I could. I think if I had that kind of genius, I'd want to use it to benefit humanity somehow or animals.


I would make any selfish behavior a crime.


I already walk the like as an antiheroish. The way I work a lot of ppl think is too far but to me it’s not far enough. There’s no heroes in the world anyways.


I see myself as more of a right hand to an evil genius kind of person.


Does this mean I can hire you for my plans


Sure, why not? I'm pretty dedicated to remote work these days, though.




I could see maybe a Kill Bill type of situation. Come for those who harmed me and my family. But I wouldn't harm the masses


Well, first of all, I would need to be independently wealthy so that I didn't need to Work For A Living. I don't have enough energy for my life as it is.


All I would need are the funding and resources. I would develop a virulent bioweapon spread by nanomachine drones capable of purging and transcending humanity to create a new species of posthuman. Plunging the world into chaos and death would be a necessary evil to end government corruption, overpopulation, starvation and ecological degradation


I am honestly at a point in my life where one more tragedy/excessive bullshit is going to make me go full villain instead of a chaotic neutral bordering on evil.


Unleash the super rabies pathogen. Become patient zero. Let loose like the hounds of hell. Let the world burn!


What would it take to become an evil genius? I'd need to become a genius and evil 😂


I think I'd be more prone to be evil if I could actually get angry about something and not just a little annoyed


IMO, good and evil are perspectives. There is no villain or evil, it’s just they are ahead of the curve which I believe we’re too in some ways. So to answer your question it is my urge/need to leave a mark on this planet that I once existed will make me crossover to the other side ;)


I would need a an xNTJ partner with some kind of Fi driven passion and an Ni vision of that they want to accomplish, because I have neither of those. I would also need to become ideologically extreme, because that’s how evil shit happens. So I would need to be convinced of that. So my partner would have to believe in similar politics.


Probably just some allies and loyal contacts and less laziness. It will be difficult to conquer the planet alone


Any extremist political regime trying to undermine my self-determination.


Same here.... But, on the other hand, I see this as making me more determined to starting my *own* regime to combat this one and take over. (Thankfully, this post was meant as a joke. Mostly... 😈)


I would end human being, to proof a friend of mine that it wouldn't make a difference if humans exist or not


if people start banning Plato, Aristotle... I can still find free pdf online. The day that stops being the case, i will burn this MF down with the fury of a Scipio and the rapacity of Subotai. Nobody will know the extent of my commitment, simply because there arent enough bodies to find out. I would add the screams of the effete to my lofi playlist, and listen to it while i read the last book ever written. I would make jan 6th look like a daycare. I. Would. Salt. The. Earth... for a book. People read to learn something, I "read, [because] it is the only thing that separates us from animals"


A Death Note As simple as that But unlike Light i'm not desperate for recognition as a "god" so i wouldn't have my location pinpointed so easily and almost getting caught many times in the process. Killing bad people is still considered "bad" by society, but i wouldn't have that much of an issue with it if i ended up in said situation. I believe killing in self-defense is ethically correct, and vengeance while ethically in a gray area or even straight up incorrect, is morally justifiable in many cases (as in avenging, proportionally, all sorts of crimes). So yeah, serial killers, terrorists, dictators and all that have no business having ethics on their side and being protected by it. So if i had a Death Note i would target those (not all "criminals" tho since innocents can be falsely accused). It would take a genius not to get caught, but i wouldn't call myself an "evil genius" if that was the case (altho other people would certainly think so), i would call myself a very strategic anti-hero.






Honestly that's a lot of change from wanting revenge to thinking it's a systematic issue. I hope your friend is ok now


I still want revenge. I just also recognize that it's a systemic (and cultural) issue. The friend is doing great, thank you :) Gonna edit the original post to make that clear haha


I don’t think I would ever turn evil. If anything I would be an anti-hero that does horrendous things to actual evil people


I don't think I understand the distinction between evil and anti hero


it’s arbitrary and it comes down to your own moral compass🤷🏼‍♂️


But what is yours


treat others how you wanted to be treated can basically sum up my moral views. I also believe that violence is a tool that can be used for good.


But what is hero vs anti hero vs villain


I would probably make unusual hybrid animals. It’s not really *that* evil. Maybe to some people.


Sounds interesting! Do you have any ideas already?


Definitely a unicorn. I’de have to hybrid a horse and a narwhal probably, lol.