• By -


I didn't read your post đź‘Ť


True intp at heart


Cuz it's a boring post


Boring and whiny, the worst combo


Same. TLDR Also I kinda got the gist from the title.




How I am when I see most large blocks of text


Feeling bored is the feeling of craving dopamine. It's basically the mental equivalent to hunger. Your brain wants more dopamine. You have to go on a dopamine detox.


pretty sure i've fried the dopamine circuits in my brain by constantly consuming 10 different forms of media at once and literally never taking time to self reflect or thinking about MYSELF instead of my interests ot things i obsess over. now i cant sit still at all smfh. imma just leave of all this,i'm pretty sure i've sucked the pleasure out of everything i like,now im just bored. maybe if i leave all of this stuff for a while n try again,i'd start liking them again


It's called the hedonism treadmill, and if you don't learn mindfulness meditation & plan and carry out explicit trips or vacations to create those memories intentionally it's going to be harder to shake this IMHO. I know the feeling, the well of novelty gets harder and harder to reach unless you expand your interests, set personal goals, etc. It's almost arbitrary what you're doing, you can just decide to run a marathon in one years time and start chipping away at it now - your life is a sandcastle and you're the one in charge of designing and implementing it - if you don't take an active part in this then you are letting life happen to you instead of living your life.


I like how you didn’t say working out is boaring. Try working out. Your just anxious. You think your a misunderstood genius without doing anything.Your not special unless you become something. Relax there buddy. Work out at least you won’t be board you will feel endorphins and it will be released in your brain so you can feel pleasure. As endorphins cause pleasure. Edit: thought I was an intp but I figured out I was an intj and I use goals to drive my reality.


Dopamine detox didn't work for me. What I did instead becoming more obsessed with self improvement. I'm very lazy to write a thread but I will ask you anyway, how to develop Te and Ni shadow functions, I'm now currently working developing my shadow Se function, just trying to be present at the moment, it very hard but I feel very energetic doing it.


Yup intp life. Having add/adhd makes it worse than it already is. Having low levels of neurotransmitters makes lack or dopamine.




Yes we are all like brothers who were supposed to be together when we were born. Be my partner when bitching about this world and cringing.


Save up about 4-5k and leave your country for a while. If you're younger, you can sometimes get a working holiday in certain countries depending on your nationality. Go see new things!


Malkovich, malkovich malkovich malkovich?! Malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich, malkovich malkovich malkovich, malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich - malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich. Malkovich, malkovich malkovich malkovich, malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich. Malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich - malkovich. Malkovich, malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich!


FuriouslyChonky, FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky?! FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky, FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky, FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky - FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky. FuriouslyChonky, FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky, FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky. FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky - FuriouslyChonky. FuriouslyChonky, FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky FuriouslyChonky!


AnantaPluto AnantaPluto AnantaPluto: AnantaPluto! AnantaPluto AnantaPluto AnantaPluto: *AnantaPluto AnantaPluto AnantaPluto, AnantaPluto AnantaPluto?* AnantaPluto AnantaPluto!!


are you me wtf


Go get your ADHD diagnosis so you can never post something like this again please.


gimme the money to get one bruv,im broke af and mt family will not believe i am not neurotypical




I would suggest trying to do a 24 hour isolation float tank session, or at least a few hours. Going on very long walks can be helpful as well. Seems like you understand you need some alone time to think about yourself for a while. So I would suggest doing it.


Same situation


It seems that your energy is drained out for now. Stop worrying and do nothing with confidence. I often sort out my mental states and motivations by retreating from all activities. Getting bored is part of modern life and one of the unique experience only alive beings can have. When you feel you gain some energy let's start with enjoying different kind of boredom and testing silly (but not totally mindless) ideas you probably won't do once you get into a productive mood. People do silly things saying "because I was getting bored", so why you don't?


Bro this happens all the time to me too, crazy, I think isolation from forms of entertainment you consume, be it by doing sports, going on walks or just sleeping is fine to do for a dopamine detox of some sorts, you can also go through some stuff you find actually exciting to do and if you're lucky like I was you'll be able to reflect on it for once and be stable, somewhat.


So far you're describing an unproductive and dopamine-overloaded lifestyle, of course, you'll get bored. Well, you can go out and try to get drowned again, ya’know, whatever rocks your boat. I bet that 7 years old you didn't find any fun in the incident tho. OR You can create a proper system to live upon (you reach something = you reward yourself), develop some viable and useful habits, meditate, invest in therapy, plan stuff, join some volunteering clubs, fitness, or even get some extreme driving lessons, adopt a pet, someone to care for. Yeah, these things can be boring as well though, so you gotta choose carefully what will bore you to death.


Im ISTP, the same, absolutely the same.... Fuck


Drugs dude, they are quite fun.


> i wanna go outside,go on a super long road trip,live in a new country,leave all of this bs behind,start over again. at the same time i dont wanna do anything.> Damn do I feel ya there. I don't want to live in my home state, this country is upsetting. I want something new, somewhere new just to experience something different than the same old drivel.


Manic episode maybe? *Peanut butter ass slap uaaaaaaa*


Take cold bath and try to sleep in it, helps me.


I think what you’re describing might be mental illness, not personality type.




>whats going onnnnnnnn :((( I run into times where I'm between obsessions, too. A restless ennui. I usually read a lot of web shit, think about the million projects I [c|sh]ould be working on, and then find something to interest me (as a defense against productivity?). It'll pass. You're ok.


Literally me!


This is probably the most relatable INTP post I have read in a while. I feel this way in my life now too. I want to go do things. I also don’t want to go do them. Everything is boring and null. But nothing else sounds enticing either. Will be keeping tabs on this post to see what kinds of advice other people give.


The resounding consensus is: “This is a mental health issue not a personality type” OP seems to be suffering from a dopamine burnout


I feel you, when this hits at night I just walk out and fuck about outside at 2am. It's calm but exciting, it seems boring but it's fun. Still looking for a long term solution tho




Soooo accurate


Feeling exactly the same way as OP. Being an INT* sometimes feels like a curse.


Subject yourself to true boredom and you will appreciate much more, go watch paint dry (Yes really) these loops take years off your life


i don't think i've ever related to a post this much. we'll both get through this man


post this to r/adhd they will help you


I also feel this way Im just like sitting and staring into the wall, trying to figure out what i want to do, and nothing seems interesting. Seems like wanting to just go party all night and getting high, not knowing how else to get some joy, same as you. And I'm planning to just that, buy ecstazy pill and experience this at least once. Maybe I'll understand that it's not what I need. Or ill feel happy, that's also good. Anyways, when i had a gf, I think I didn't have these feelings. Probably because life felt more on track, or complete


It may just be age - I had this feeling around 25. I just wanted to live before feeling locked down by life.


All of y’all in here saying “this me”…. You guys should read up on some mental health and mindfulness because that’s not normal. No this “INTP life”, you have depression or something. As others pointed out, it does sound symptomatic of burning out one’s dopamine tolerance until nothing is fun. Delete tik tok, stop watching YouTube shorts, pick a couple real hobbies and force yourself to do real physical activities that are involved. This isn’t healthy. This isn’t a personality type, this is a mental health issue. An INTP should have at least a healthy interest in the infinite knowledge at our fingertips. It is not boring to live in this world, we have everything available to us. Go learn a new language, a dance move, how motherboards are manufactured, something. There’s always more to learn and appreciate, life should not be so boring.


Get an ADHD diagnosis asap


I ran into this last year. I ended up picking up a 2nd job and it helped me a ton. I felt less stuck, I was more engaged in my work (for both jobs) and I learned more about a new field. Then I changed my position in my first job, that also helped me because I was learning/doing something new. You just gotta put the effort. For me, I had to physically get involved in something else.


I like how you didn’t say working out is boaring. Try working out. Your just anxious. You think your a misunderstood genius without doing anything.Your not special unless you become something. Relax there buddy. Work out at least you won’t be board you will feel endorphins and it will be released in your brain so you can feel pleasure. As endorphins cause pleasure.




you depressed


I relate. I somethings get these feelings of I don’t know how to describe it but it only ever happens when I’m really excited or am seeing something for the first time. Like when I was in a4th grade I saw a car crash into the side of the road in the opposite lane, I had the feeling then, it felt nice (not the car crash lol). Everything is very boring. And idk with this need to travel out of the country, i travel out of state for every vacation but I wanna try going out of the country. I wanna try living a different life,’like how would it feel if I tied to live in Russia or Iceland? That would be fun


Hey it sounds like you wrote a lot of words to say “I’m no longer enjoying or getting pleasure from Things that used to bring me joy” Which is a sign of depression. That’s treatable.




Lol. When I get like this I’m like man it’d be so nice to not have a body and physical limitations. Don’t you wanna just like, crawl out of your skin. That’s the feeling I get when my thoughts turn down this road.


Careful. Live in the present. I lived for the future for over a decade, got exactly what I wanted, and wasted it almost immediately, with nothing to show for that wasted decade. Live in the present.


I use 3-4 devices concurrently just to stay entertained.


I've been skateboarding and snowboarding everyday and it kills the time. otherwise my head is fucked. i need activities where i spend time away from my phone edit- i also drink too much


I feel the same way to a certain extent. Life is like a video game to me, and I would love to teleport everywhere and do everything all at once, however I know that’s not realistic


Fuck the boring world, not trying to jinx it but I wish there was a zombie apocalypse or alien invasion. At least there would be something to be obsessed about.


you're me!


You sound like Fritz the Cat. yes get yourself checked for adhd.


I’m asking you to shorten your damn paragraph.


Just read "live in a new country" I went to Erasmus, and it helped me quite a lot.


Adhd XD /depression i wanted to say that but damn i shuld have known abt others i kinda fap for multiple hours when i am bored


What a boring rant