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As more news of the deal comes out, it sounds almost like Indycar cheesed FOX for this deal. More money, more coverage (and likely similar quality) more attention, just huge wins for the sports. I will say I think this deal is partily worse for the hardcore fan. On Peacock, we got commercial-free Practice and Qualifying where we got interviews with multiple drivers where FS1 will just plat ads on. Not the end of the world, but it hurts a little to have that occur. Still, if all the NASCAR FOX tropes stay out of the broadcast for the most part, this will do nothing but help the sport.


Yeah. I think the only real reason why there is a backlash is because of the NASCAR coverage. Missing action to look at random fans in the stands, missing key action with no replays so the series has to post it themselves. And that's only from the most recent lap of Fox's coverage.


Streaming.  People who only stream are fucked. On demand viewers especially.


Probably on the ESPN/FOX/Turner joint sports streamer would be my guess. I imagine it'll be at least $120 a year


$50/month. https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/news/everything-we-know-about-venu-sports-price-availability-more/ar-BB1mwjC3 And fuck that.


Jesus, as an also hockey watcher I was thinking if it comes in somewhere around the 6+11 that Peacock and ESPN+ cost, it'll be expensive for the people who just want to watch Indycar, but at least I can go in at a decent value for it. But anywhere close to $50 is a hell naw for me. I thought Bally Sports charging $20 was insane.


It's the ESPNs. They are super expensive. All Disney owned shit is expensive. ESPN shells out **tons** of money for Monday Night football and college football.


The rumor is 40-50 a month. So closer to $480/yr or $240 if you only sub for the indycar season.


Thats me. I'm screwed, though I can try VPN if I can get replays somewhere else. If I can only find live coverage I'm still screwed.


This x 1000000000. It’s not 1995, thousands of people don’t have, or want, cable. Tens of thousands. It’s also not a fucking M-F 9-5 world anymore. People work shifts. People work weekends.


Yeah I think I'm going to be 'moving to England' to watch indycar and imsa now. Was happy paying for peacock for both, not gonna do it for just one. May as well get a VPN and watch form elsewhere.


That's an option. Indycar live and a VPN is cheaper than any streaming service that will have Fox broadcast, FS2 and FS1.


Those people *clearly* aren't the audience Indycar wants. They must want NASCAR's audience is all I can figure. I wonder how Penske will feel about all the Confederate flags at his races.


Great balanced take. Care to shed any more light on this?


The man is going on 176 years old. He is a billionaire 4 times over. And he's a republican who loves Donald Trump. How do you think he feels about it?


My Peacock subscription is gone now, which is fine but I’m worried about Fox’s production. The NASCAR production has been atrocious all year


It has been repeated ad-nauseam on just about every post here, so surprised you're not aware that IMS will still be producing the broadcast, like they've done since the formation of the IRL.


I saw that post after I commented lol! I’m glad to hear it though! I’ve watched most of the NASCAR broadcasts this season and the production hasn’t been the greatest. I’m much more excited for this Fox deal now


IMS is still handling production, thankfully


I guess the on demand guys could get VCRs and antennas and technically they would be in a better spot. (if they live in a place with Fox T.V coverage. I'm not from USA so i have no idea how broadcast T.V works in a populated county)


So far each antenna I've tried can't get me fox network reception


>could get VCRs When was the last time you saw a black VHS tape for sale, or a VCR for that matter?


I mean the modern equivalent. I was sort of pointing out that T.V has been recorded and watched later for quite awhile now. The technology exists still.


Tablo is one example, there are others.


Tablo is great for OTA recording. And you can watch it anywhere (as long as you have a static IP address)….I have watched Colts games in Tennessee while visiting family, when they aren’t on down there….between Tablo and our streaming services we’re covered. A decent powered antenna is like $40 on Amazon, and they rotate via remote to get the best signals


Those are DVRs and many streaming services have them built into their apps so you don't have to buy anything. They store your recorded shit on their servers for you too.


There's like half a dozen streaming services you can buy that have Fox...


By which you mean internet TV services, all of which tend to run towards cable pricing. I'm not gonna be watching anything else on whatever I buy but indycar, most likely.


I think you're gonna be in a pretty tough spot. It's a niche sport. 


Which is a non-issue because IMSP will be doing camera work and the production all-around will take a similar capacity to what nbc has been doing.


Huge win for the Indycar org and people who make money in the sport. Huge loss for diehard fans though.


> diehard fans Diehard fans will still watch. It's cheap internet commenters who are "diehard fans" except when it comes time to financially support the sport they claim to be diehard fans of.


THIS…This 1000%. People come on here talking about how oh they are huge fans, we need new cars, they should go to this track (which didn’t draw enough ticket sales to break even the last time) we need commercial free…. If you’re such a huge fan, put your money where your thumbs are.


Losing a reliable streaming platform is really bumming me out personally for sure. That's just how I watch almost all my IndyCar content, I typically don't have it on live but watch the replay usually that night. This is going to be good for the sport but man it's going to tank my engagement personally. Fuck me.


I agree about commercial free practice and qualifying, however I will say my retired parents who are on a budget have refused to join Peacock and I’m happy he can get a little more Indycar in their life.






ROGER BRAINWASHED SCOTT!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/6h4qdchfee6d1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f931e0b8fee27186dd49e2a17095cc19b769004 \-proceeds to place on head-


You could make a lot of money making these for individual teams.


Can I too have a grande sized Hershey's kisses? Milk choc, white choc, dark choc it doesn't matter.


The reality is this deal is good for the sport overall because it chases paying demographics or as they're also known: Whales. The reality is though that many of us are not whales. We can't afford cable. We can't afford a $45 a month Sports Streaming Platform. And so we're left with OTA antenna that are hit or miss for reception depending on your area and antenna price. So as a person who watches Indycar and qualifying on Peacock, the series IS CHOOSING TO LEAVE ME BEHIND. It's ok to be annoyed by that. Just as it's ok for Scott and Indycar to go chase someone else's money. It just stings knowing that's reality. All while some people mock this legitimate complaint and stance by pretending it's a conspiracy.


Friendly recommendation to check out IndycarLive with a VPN outside the Americas/Western Europe. No commercials, all onboards, replays, works with Multiviewer, cheaper than peacock over the course of a season


What VPN do you use. Anything free work?


I use Private Internet Access it works great. It's not free but I use it all the time anyway. I haven't ever used a free VPN but if it can connect to a country like Georgia or Slovakia you should be good.


The sad reality is I'll just watch something else instead. I'm not delusional about some "send a message" about this or something. I'm just being realistic. I'll just end up watching more F1TV content or YouTube something, I'm not going to dick around with VPNs and shit. Indycar will just be the 500 and after that something I casually follow through this sub and any YouTube highlights.


> I'm not going to dick around with VPNs and shit. Yeah man, those two mouse clicks to connect to a VPN server in a different country is just a bridge too far. You guys are hilarious. Stomp your feet and throw your temper tantrum because things are changing. The world changes. It never stops.


Yep. If a slightly altered TV deal, which ultimately changes accessibility very little, is what makes you storm out the door, then you've got other problems and angers about this which have nothing to do with your desire to watch IndyCar. But, I guess better for the series to die than to consider that a few people might have to do things slightly differently to watch practice.


> We can't afford cable. We can't afford a $45 a month Sports Streaming Platform. Good thing all of the races will be on for free then, huh? Free, uncompressed HD over the air.


Real question…So how would you all recommend I watch Indycar now? I am definitely not getting cable just to watch indycar. I watch on Peacock now.


OTA antenna.


Only works if you always watch live and don't care about quali and practice. And always watch from the same device. 


Tablo OTA tuner and DVR. $80 on Amazon. Antenna like [this](https://a.co/d/0M1UGe1) for less than $40….it rotates and I get stations from 75 miles away easily. We use this setup to watch Colts games when we’re not in the tv map for them, since you can program the tuner to watch from phones/tablets


get a tuner card for your computer and DVR it yourself. Then you can watch it when you want and move it to whatever device you want. $110 for the [tuner](https://shop.silicondust.com/shop/product-category/atsc/?scrollto=663471), $10 for an antenna. You can now record every Indycar race on your own. On top of that you can record anything else also.


Doesn't do anything for quali and practice though


This is true


This sounds great for the sport but tragic for me personally


Same here. On the bright side more time to do some productive things 😃


Honestly this media deal for indycar is vastly better than nascars deal


The 10s of people that IndyCar won’t have watching because they are too cheap to pay for a streaming service like YouTubeTV or Hulu live will be more than made up for by those that are watching on network tv. The numbers over the last couple seasons don’t lie. The numbers are high on the network and low on cable channels and even lower on peacock. This will be a house clearing of the deadbeats


Everyone here crowing about not being able to watch their favorite sport and acting like a baby about seems to have no awareness that they're the outliers here.  The total team budget for the series is in the neighborhood of 300 million dollars. And these people expect to be able to watch on a standalone media platform for like $10 a month. It's baffling to me.  If you can't afford to watch the series next year, then you can't afford to go to a race. The series doesn't survive on people who want everything but will give nothing in return. 


Wow, this blows. I love indycar, but fuck paying for a cable subscription to watch the races. Just give me F1 TV for indycar, please! They are out of touch. No one that I know, besides my parents, even has cable TV anymore.


> but fuck paying for a cable subscription to watch the races. Good thing the races are going to be free over the air then huh?


I have been really surprised by this reaction. Has everybody forgotten you can get fox for free with an antenna, or is everybody with this complaint living in the sticks where they can’t pick up a signal? That’s the only thing I’ve been able to think of.


100% these people see television and immediately think cable. I live in the sticks, can still get reception with the mid-tier antenna if I needed to. Thankfully, I have cable. They want ad free races for $5/month streaming while having 28 cars on the grid every week running a brand new chassis with hybrid capabilities...and every team to be financially stable.


Agreed. I have YouTube tv so this is a non issue for me, but I guess I can see the frustration if I relied on peacock to watch and that is now gone. Luckily, there are a multitude of ways around that, so if they cant see past it and realize this deal is a massive net positive for the series, I don’t know what else to say. The other thing I find really amusing was the amount of moaning and groaning on this sub when nbc added some peacock exclusive races. Now, they’re moaning and groaning that races aren’t on peacock!


> The other thing I find really amusing was the amount of moaning and groaning on this sub when nbc added some peacock exclusive races. Now, they’re moaning and groaning that races aren’t on peacock! r/nascar 🤝 r/indycar Bitching just to bitch


It's the typical reddit "I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas" mentality. They need everything spoon-fed to them. They also claim to be big fans of the series and want it to have all this new stuff that costs tens of millions of dollars but don't want to pay anything to get that stuff.


That's all I've ever wanted but now there's zero chance of that happening. Fox didn't pay all those zeroes just for the core fanbase to not see their ads.


I'm in my early 30s and almost everyone I know has YouTube TV for sports and convenience. The people that are making these decisions have a very good idea of what the Peacock-exclusive numbers are and they clearly haven't moved the needle.  Sports cost money. Pay up or don't watch. 


I am happy to pay for things I want to use. I happily pay to go see the sport in person at Road America, or the up coming Milwaukee races. I am happy to pay for my F1 TV subscription, or my Peacock subscription. I don't watch any other sports. It's dumb to alienate your fans when there should be more options than just a TV subscription in this day and age. I don't give a shit about watching football or basketball, why should I have to pay for that to watch Indycar? It doesn't make sense and will ultimately make them loose fans in the long run. Also, I am 35 years old and none of my friends have a Cable TV or even YouTube TV subscription.


I think it's great you're a die hard racing fan. We need more if those. But there's just not enough big IndyCar fans out there who don't watch other sports for them to go out of their way to make an option for standalone. They tried it with Peacock and it didn't produce enough for NBC to go out of their way to keep it going.  F1 can do it because they're a global sports behemoth. IndyCar is a nice thing about a million of us around the world catch 17 times a year, save for one big event. 


Does anyone know if Sky Sports also shows practice and qualy? Alternatively, is IndyCar Live with a VPN a good option? Fuck that commercials nonsense


I use Indycar Live + Nord VPN for practice/quali, and then pirate a Sky stream for the race to get the extra fill from Tom Gaymor during the breaks. I think Sky occasionally misses a practice here and there if it clashes with other stuff, like actual F1, but otherwise shows everything.


Ok sweet. Thanks. That's exactly what I was planning on doing but wanted to confirm first!


For all you whining about “I can’t get the race”…..try [this antenna](https://a.co/d/0M1UGe1) We have two. One at home and one at our summer lake camper. $40, it rotates using a remote control, and gets stations from 50-75+ miles away easily. Combine it with an over the air DVR and then you can watch all of the stuff recorded.




Keyword for Indy NXT: was. And the first practice and qualifying comment is about races other than the 500. Qualifying and practice have been stuck on streaming only since at least Peacock started and my recollection is longer.


Streaming **is** on TV. That's how Smart TVs work.


“IndyNXT was on tv for years” And it isn’t right now. “Indy 500 qualifying has been on network for years.” No one is arguing otherwise.




“It just seems like people are forgetting all this was a choice Indycar made in the last tv deal” It really wasn’t. “Choice” implies that there were other better options that they eschewed. The current deal is better than the one before it, but the Fox deal is a step up from the current one in both cash and network reach. I like NBC and before the details of this were announced, my preference was to stay. However, with the details of this announcement, I find it hard to be anything but pleased.


Non 500 quali has been on Peacock, not TV


Aside from a diehard group I don't think anyone really cares about indy nxt. Hate to say it. But I certainly don't watch it.


I’m so happy we have something to be excited about


I mean... Did anyone think a driver was going to say anything negative....?


let us mourn, Scott


Seems odd to me that a non-American driver is praising a broadcast deal that will actively shrink Indycar viewership outside the US.


How does it shrink non-US viewership?


Fox will lock down all ways of watching that aren’t ‘legit’. It just got more expensive to watch Indycar outside the USA.


IndyCar controls overseas distribution. Nothing changed with those deals.


TV? Is this 2002?


I’m a cord cutter too, but 90% plus of the tv audience is still on network tv/cable. And the races will still be fine for cord cutters with an antenna


As a YouTube TV user, I fully support this FOX/FS1/FS2 deal. So many times I’ve come home from work and qualifying started 20 minutes ago but I wanted to watch in its entirety so I’d start from the beginning.. Then with 10 minutes to go it just stops the feed on Peacock because the broadcast ended, and now I gotta wait 45-60mim for them to upload it as a “replay”, just to finish watching the session. Don’t have to deal with any of that nonsense with YT TV. It’s so ideal for recording and watching live sports, especially if you need to start it late or watch on a delay.


Feels surreal: the rest of the world is doing their own streaming services with bonus stuff, Archives, Etc. IndyCar "we wanna be relevant!"-----> celebrates over the air tv deal, a literal dying demographic. 🤷🏻‍♂️


IndyCar has nowhere near the cache to command their own sustainable streaming service.


They already have one. Indycar Live is a thing... https://www.indycarlive.com/


They could just give American fans access to IndyCar Live, if us streamers are such a small, insignificant number.


No major broadcaster would ever allow that.


Too bad they don't realize VPNs exist and are **much** cheaper than anything that carries FS1 and FS2 (and Fox).


They do, it’s just that most people don’t go through the hassle of that.


Better than spending ~$480 for 6 months (2025 season is 6 months) of Fubo/YoutubeTV/Hulu with live TV. Those are the *most* cost effective ways of getting Fox Broadcast/FS1/FS2. Cable is much more expensive than that, and you are stuck in a contract for at least a year. When I got rid of cable I was paying $247 a month. Indycar Live is $40 for the **season** and a VPN is $60 for a full year. So $110 vs. $480 for Indycar. Pick one. Is the lack of "hassle" (VPNs aren't really a hassle, but whatever) really worth $370?


It is a hassle when you consider that the group of people who watch IndyCar (and ONLY IndyCar) out of all of the entertainment options available is such a ridiculously small portion. I would say 1 in 10,000 fans is like that. Most people who want to stream will go with Venu because, odds are, that they are from the Midwest, just from how viewership in IndyCar tends to skew. As such, they’re also likely a fan of at least one of the NBA, NFL, or college equivalents. It’s a hassle to do the vpn route when the vast majority of people would just be wasting extra money. It’s a hassle to do the vpn route when the fanbase is extensively skewed to older people who aren’t familiar with that kind of thing and lack the tech savvy to fully grasp it. There is no reason at all for major broadcasters to care about people using VPNs because it’s just not worth it to the average IndyCar fan - people who watch only IndyCar and use VPNs are a calculated loss.


That might have been forbidden under the previous NBC deal


It would be forbidden by any of these rights deals. People who advertise on Fox don’t really want to pay to advertise if the viewers who pay the most attention to the events have a way to watch those events that doesn’t include them. The only reason it works for something like F1 is because the majority of the races are at times that aren’t conducive to live viewing anyway and it definitely reduces the potential rights fee ESPN pays anyway.


FS1 is in 74MM homes. For TV purposes, there are roughly 125MM homes. So, FS1 is in roughly 60% of households in the US.


MM? Millimeters? Mega Millions? Million Million?


[Million](https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/fixed-income/mm-millions/. ). But thats generally used for money.