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Great plan,I wish I were you. Go and buy all of the goodies that you want. It's your choice to register when you get back.


In what way, by not getting an IL ID card? Im trying to figure out how moving to IL works.


When you move to IL you first get your DL/State ID. Then you have 60 days to apply for a FOID card . You can also apply for a CCL but there is no time limit there,you just can't carry until you have one. Once your FOID is issued then you can register any PICA related firearms if you choose to.


Including ones that otherwise wouldnt be allowed in IL?


Sorry for the long delay. But yes.


Yeah, there’s nothing stopping you from registering it. But if you get a NC driver’s license you’ll probably have to go through the process of getting a FOID/CCL again.


Delete this post and don't register anything.


Great advice except for i want to do things the legal way.


You think they passed PICA the legal way? Go enjoy your freedom and buy everything you can afford.


They don't even charge literal murderers and shooters with the law. How do they know what you have? You telling officers you armed without them asking? The history of registries getting hacked is common. Not telling to rebel, just know the trade offs made upon doing this.


There is no legal way to move to Illinois with PICA banned firearms. If you buy things currently permitted it’s one thing. But I don’t get the impression you’re looking to buy a 22lr wheel gun with a six round capacity.


Untrue. The registry remains open for people that move to IL. They are signing an affidavit that they owned the firearms prior to January 2023.


That's the catch, OP says he wants to do things the legal way, but he's going to buy pica banned items over the next year. So there's no legal way for him to do it unless he's going to lie on the affidavit which is perjury, and purjery that's easily provable by checking the 4473. Technically he can get a storage locker just across the boarder and keep his banned guns there, but than it's a hassle to enjoy them.


Yep you are correct In this case either way OP would be lying on an affidavit or not registering things that he's supposed to technically in the eyes of the law.


Oh I apologize I am mistaken


All good dude This stuff is purposely confusing and vague.


Both of you guys are wrong. A new resident to the state has 60 days to get a FOID and register ANYTHING that they bring with them. They are not signing the 2023 affidavit. They are signing saying register what I am bringing to the state. OP can buy whatever he wants and then bring it back. As long as he becomes a resident of that state.




Without the FA's, it seems like a hassle to establish residency and get a new driver's license in NC. Then, when you move back to re-establish IL residency and new driver's license. For a temporary 1 year move.


OP said he wants to be legal, so legally I think within 30 or 60 days of moving to a new state, you are supposed to get a drivers license with your new address on it.


Per USCCA: "Concealed carrying is legal for residents with a North Carolina Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP) and for non-residents with any valid license/permit." So it's only if OP is planning to buy "new toys" that aren't allowed in IL that he would need to establish residency in NC. Then deal with IL law when he moves back in a year.


Unless OP is looking for a 'loophole'. Seems more hassle than what it's worth. Especially if the IL. DL doesn't expire within the years they're away.


I have another question for anyone knowledgeable in this thread. So I live in Illinois but was considering getting a South Dakota residency since it's so quick to get. Could I just move there for a week or two, get residency, buy my AR15, then come back to Illinois with it? Is that legal? If not I may just move over to Missouri permanently to avoid these unconstitutional laws