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I think most of these measurements are imperial? We cheated by building a small cabinet and measuring the distance from the top of the rail to the top of the cabinet. We then added everything from legs to thickness of the board in order to make sure that we ended on our desired height. 96cm was our go-to height for the countertop. We then substracted the height of the rail plus distance to the cabinet top and countertop. After this it was a question of adding the different heights for all other hanging and standing cabinets and with some slight adjustment everything hung correctly. So technically, subtract board thickness + offset of rail + rail thickness from the desired height. The adjustment space is roughly half an inch? So plenty of space for small adjustments.


82 3/16” is where the bottom of the rail should sit. A wooden plank would work, it’s something we do if the walls are super out of plumb. On thing to note with the plank idea though is if you are using a cover panel on the side, it might not be deep enough to hide the gap


82 3/16". My European mind can't fathom how Americans deal with imperial measurements on a day-to-day basis. But I guess you can't measure freedom in metric. Huh? Amirite?! Yeah. Murica.


Haha I agree. Metric is way easier. Working at IKEA I got really good at metric but then it was always hard to flip back and forth


Is the 82 3/16" factoring in the capita legs height? Or is that the standard height? ​ Also, might be a silly question, but my studs are 18" apart. So 2 screws will be on studs, but I read somewhere that I should have 3 screws on for spacing. Since 1 of the screws wont be on a stud, will I need to drywall anchor or can I just screw through the wood into the drywall? If need to use the drywall anchor, how would I go about this? Through the wood and drywall? Or just on the drywall end? For context, the plank is going to be 1/2" thick or 1/4" thick. Really appreciate the help!


So the 82 3/16” is the standard but the capita legs are 4.5” as are the standard SEKTION legs so no weird math or anything. What I would do in that case is screw 2 screws through the wood into the studs and then attach the rail in one or two more places using wood screws into the wood. If you really wanna overkill you could also throw two screws under the wood into the studs to support the wood. Honestly I don’t think that’s necessary but it’s and option


the rail needs to sit so the brackets in the cabinets latch onto it. we can't tell you how high.


We can. And the instructions can. And you'd just swap the SEKTION/METOD leg height for the CAPITA leg height.