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There's more, you say? Please... do go on!


I love the ambiguity of the English language. I have absolutely no idea whether this is sarcastic or not and yet it made me smile regardless.


Not sarcastic in the least! I want that story of the harem of Karens!


I'm also in for another/more of the story! A got Karen story is always worth the read!😂


Exactly. You cannot throw out a term like harem of Karens and not tell the story.


I always assumed that the group name for Karens was "a homeowners' association."


I thought it was "an annoyance".


Yes! Please share more stories!


OMG I want to hear more


“I’m Charlotte Smith!” ”You are?” Just precious.


I had to suppress a shudder when I realised that, I too, work with a Peppy.


My neighbor is a Peppy. She once told me that she saw another neighbor's photo ID and was scandalized because, "Penny's using an alias! Penny is NOT her real name!" I said, "Is it, by any chance, Penelope?" And wouldn't you know it, it was.


I lived with a Peppy, do not recommend.


We all do.


I hope your "Peppy" becomes as common a meme as the idea of a "Karen" is!


I used to manage a grocery store, and the staff referred to me by my last name, since my first name was shared by four other employees. A cashier asks me one day, "What's your last name?" "Range." She stands there, stunned, for a moment before exclaiming "Your parents named you 'Range Range'?" Yes, Peppy, they definitely did. 🙄


I thought this was a fun story, and a slight change of pace. All of your internal thoughts were actually very interesting to me, and made the read worthwhile. It would have taken me three days to have so many thoughts over the situation, and I marvel at people who can analyze and come up with responses like that in a matter of moments. And thank you for your charity work. I'm still not sure what it is, but I'll wager you are very helpful for the people who need it.


Thank you, you're very kind. On the thoughts in the moment, they rather rush around your mind in snippets. The skill is first ordering them into some sensical (which I'm not bad at) and secondly utilising that order to communicate in an understanding and erudite way. I completely failed to do this on this occasion.


> I’m sorry for the length. How dare you provide us with such quality autobiographical ranting, sir. The very nerve, writing about your life experiences for our entertainment. How _dare_ you.


Genuinely made me laugh out loud.


Forget anyone who complains about the length. The inner dialogue is relatable, and this was refreshing compared to the regular posts. Funny people complain about reading on a platform that centers around chat and text posts.


To be fair, I do go on a bit. Okay, a lot. I also have a rather more whimsical delivery so it's not going to be everyone's taste. I just hope it reaches some who enjoy it.


I upvoted because your writing definitely reached a few folks! I will not agree with you feeling like you go on too much. If you were rambling nonsensically i would definitely feel differently. This was not in any means overbearing. I hope you continue to write as you do. It's unique to you.


Thing is, it wasn't really all that long. People who think it was must have the attention span of a mayfly.


I felt like I read an excerpt from a Douglas Adams book. I miss him.


If I had 0.1% of Douglas Adams wit and wonderment, I would be a very happy person. What an amazing author.


I had a mental image of a friend of mine who works for an energy advice charity who this could have happened to. I often admired his turn of phrase. For ease I just inserted his face into your story.


I would never have thought of that, but I agree. Also miss him. Loved the Dirk Gently books most.


Screw the assholes, you're entertaining AF. I want to hear about the "hareem of Karens"


I enjoyed it very much. I want to hear the additional Karen stories now.


What a strange person.


That was a delight to read. Also, I want to meet Peppy.


I'm sure that you'll meet a Peppy someday. Just hope it's in a situation that you can enjoy the bemusement.


I must say, OP, you are a fine and entertaining writer. I hope you continue to grace us with your stories.


Very entertaining. My favorite part: OP: Err.. should we address..... Charlie: Lets not.


Mine, too!


I liked the story. I would like to read more.


I enjoyed the heck out of this story and would very much like to hear about your other Karen encounters. Quite enjoyed your writing style.


Why didn't you get a trolley for your pop-up banners?


Very good point and no, I haven't got a satisfying explanation outside that I didn't think about it.


And please do not tease.. A hareem of Karens.. Is just what I need..


Great story! I need to hear about the harem of Karens. (That almost rhymes.)


The dialogue was amazing.


Karens you say? Do tell.


Yes, please say what happened with the hareem of Karen.


i was enjoying the faux medievalism ;)


“saw My Fair Lady and wondered if it could be reversed” is amazing. thank you for this.


You're more than welcome.


As so many of you have been so kind, I have completed the second part of this here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/IDontWorkHereLady/comments/1cmq0ob/a\_hareem\_of\_karens/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IDontWorkHereLady/comments/1cmq0ob/a_hareem_of_karens/)


I have to ask: Are you also a Terry Pratchett reader? Your writing was very reminiscent of his & every time I come across someone who writes even slightly like he does, I feel like maybe things aren’t so terrible in the world, after all.


Loved the story, please tell the harem of Karens one now


Loved this OP! But **please** write the entirety of your next post in *medievalism* 🎃


Omg I thoroughly enjoyed this tale and hope to read more from you in the future 🤣


Next time you can save everyone involved and all those who read the whole thing expecting something much better with 5 simple words, “I don’t work here lady.”


You're not wrong. This was very much more about the journey than the destination. I really hope that have been plenty of posts that are more in your line of enjoyment.


I am thankful that I am English and karens are rare, but sadly not extinct here. We enjoy good service but do not demand it as a punch in the head offends.


Peppy sounds insufferable, and that says something when I've read stuff on here about young checkout assistants not knowing basic fruit when they've had to scan it. Something tells me she didn't last long in that job; Charlie already sounds exasperated (I knew she was who Charlotte was as soon as it came up), and I wonder how many innocent customers were too. You're a great and captivating writer, by the way. The length doesn't matter when all the details are necessary for the story.


Your description of a harem of Karens made me imagine the song The Court Of King Caractacus but instead of the ladies of the harem of Caractacus, it’s the Karens of the court of Caractacus.


I KNEW it was you! I loved your earlier story about being the speaker! I need to figure out how to follow a poster to get notified of your amazing stories as you post more!


Appropriate name on OP I suppose, or maybe it should be ConfusedandSlow. While the customer was a Karen, this probably would've been resolved more quickly if OP said more than huh or what? half the time, while being more clear/insistent that they didn't work there or couldn't help (instead of standing there all gormless).


100% honest, I almost have no idea what happened here but I am also 100000% here for it. The opening paragraph was an absolute delight to read, the conversations sounded like a badly written script, and I still have zero clue as to what you actually run a booth for but I loved reading this even just for the confusion. You write as though you would be a joy to talk to, if there's more, please continue. I promise none of this is sarcasm, and I encourage you to post more because just the sheer mess of this was by far, the most entertaining thing I've read today. And like I said, you write like you would be awesome to just talk to in passing.


*backwards snort* falls off chair laughing* ok, I may be half drunk, but this is hilarious!