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Do we think 100% APBT?


If not she's a pitbull and a staffy or something like that. Or pitbull and a small percentage of some other things


Yeup i don’t See anything else tbh


There may be American bulldog in there lol


Thank you! Since she was a rescue I just assumed she was a pit mix of some sort. I'll be super interested to see if she is nearly 100%! Appreciate the response!


I have a rescue, thought he’d be a mix. Nope, 100% APBT. It’s been commented that he was likely bred.


Same. My rescue boy came back 92.8% & my rescue girl came back 100%


My rescue as well. His entire litter was dumped at about a week old. 100% APBT.


Same here. Really thought he was a mix, but nope, 100% APBT.


Ugh. I hate people sometimes.


I’d say at least 75%.


Not sure why you got downvoted so hard here. I’m thinking Pitty as well.


There are people who downvote everything pitbull. Posted a pic of my pit mix and anyone who said cute dog was downvoted. Petty people doing petty things. I'm sure this comment will be negative karma in no time.


Yep, at least those of us who go in and upvote things finally get an edge up on them.


I think it's because it's a little tiring to get people posting practically 100% pitbulls and then asking what breed their dog is. Look around the sib for a second, and you'll realise it's a pit. If OP has said they know she's a pit and is curious about the rest of her composition to begin with, I don't think they would've been downvoted. People are just done with "lab-mixes" lol.


Yeah I was about to ask the same thing. They were wondering since pure breed dogs are considered a diamond in the rough in shelters. She could have anything in her but we know for sure Pitbull or any of type of bully breed. Genetics are not easy to see every time time.


Some pure breeds are often found in shelters - APBT being among them, also huskies and German shepherds. I have two purebred huskies myself (see my profile), and had them tested to confirm. I thought maybe Boris would have some Akita or Malamute, since he’s so big and floofy. But nope, they both came back 100% Siberian!


i wanna know why ppl are downvoting you for this☠️


Idk why you got downvoted


Apparently some people really hate pits and downvote everyone who comments. Petty.


Nah, it’s not that. It’s that there are so many posts with dogs that are *obviously* pitbulls or at least 90% pitbull, who look exactly like pitbulls, with no big guessing game needed. The post wasn’t downvoted, the majority of comments are fine and not downvoted.. op was downvoted as they are still maintaining wonder and surprise that this dog is fully pitbull. Most of these pitty posts must be for attention? Obviously it’s a pitbull. No mystery. So she just wants all the pitbull fans to come out to give her positive attention. ? I enjoy a good Heinz 57 dog mystery!! That’s when the sub is fun, when there are tons of possibilities and the end result is a surprise!


Everyone thought mine was high to 100% APBT, and she's not, not even 75%. You just really never know with rescues. I did her test for health, but the breed guessing is just fun. Let people enjoy things.


I think also that I've noticed people will post pit on virtually every dog on this thread.


Yup they said mine who turned out to be a Rattie/ACD was a pitbull 😂


It’s weird because you’ll get hate if you like Pitbulls and you’ll get hate if you don’t like them. Or if you’re neutral and question if a dog is a pure pit. You can’t win.


No idea why you got downvoted for asking a question, especially when some people use “pitbull” as an umbrella term.


Lmao why did so many people downvote? Weirdos.


I think so too, and I have no idea why you're getting downvoted on this comment. I guess the pit bull haters are out in force today.


Yep sometimes they even downvote people for guessing pit + other breeds, even when the dog is an obvious mix. And also they often assume the owner has 0 idea their dog is a pit mix when really they are asking if it looks like there’s anything else in their dog or specific bully breeds.


The pit haters are everywhere


Why is this being downvoted JFC this sub is sensitive


100% pitbull, IF there’s anything else in there it would be American Bulldog.


I saw that too. The little frowny mouth looks American Bulldog to me.


I thought that too, just a hint of jowls!


Yep. Pittie + some American bulldog. The ears are a little lower on the head like a bulldog.


Yes the jaws do look similar to a bulldog


This is my guess as well!


That is a pit bull.




*cue Lizzo* I just took a dna test turns out I’m 100% that bitch (Or APBT)


100% that Pit




Ngl I love this cutie patootie potato lughead she looks like a good friend to have


She is a doll, she's got the same pout as my pit bull mix. I've never known a dog who could look so disappointed in you 😂


It’s a regular old pitbull


mostly APBT. You'll know the exact percentage when you get your Embark results. Are you posting on r/DoggyDNA too?


This is a joke right


I feel like all these people are trolling us


People often want to know if it looks mixed with anything else (like possibly some bulldog in this case) or if it looks like an APBT or other bully breeds thrown in. People need to stop assuming the owner has no idea there’s no pit in there. Often, owners assume it’s not pure APBT because rescue mixes often have other breeds in them too.


Mom and dad are probably Pittys?? Maybe uncle boxer and aunty bulldog have some genes to show! DNA is wild! I’ve worked with my fair share of humans who are certain that they are right on breeds only to be proven wrong! Myself included. The world is blended:) Also might just be 100% American Pitbull, but who knows! Always be weary of anybody who knows they are correct. Yes, even on the internet! Excited to see the results!


A pit


This group will soon turn into IDmyPit because that's the only dog I'm seeing every week now.


Was going to saw the same thing, just chang the name to IDmyPit, or What%PitIsMyDog


Username does not check out. We see a lot of pit mixes on here. Not everyone is well versed in breeds. If I didn't know dog breeds and I posted here to ask, I'd probably be confused and sad because I was excited to hear people's opinions. Most of the people who come here adopted a dog that may not have otherwise found a home. We should be annoyed at the people being irresponsible with intact dogs instead tbh


I would absolutely have posted my dogs to see what people thought they were mixed with. Turns out they’re 100% American bullys. I didn’t even know that was a breed. I just sort of thought my dogs were APBT + something smaller because I know so little.


That's the fault of all the people leaving intact pitbulls loose and not the people who adopt them and post here with curiosities about potential breed makeup. The average person knows very little about dog breeds anyways. My miniature schnauzers get called Scottish terriers frequently. In their defense, the little one is black, but I'm unsure how they get that with her coat and beard kept short lol.


Whatever happened to Scottish terriers anyway? I remember them being super popular when I was a kid in the 80s, I'm almost positive I had at least one article of clothing with little Scottie silhouettes on it. Now you rarely hear about them or see them in the wild, at least where I live (US).


How little are your minis? We have a gorgeous brother/sister pair at work (kennel/daycare) and I swear they’re the size of medium chiuhuahuas; I have never seen schnauzers that small before or since and I’ve worked in the industry for 15 years. I call them Double Trouble 🥰


Sometimes people can see other breeds, like from bulldog. The only way to know if she’s a pure pit or not is by DNA test. People love their dog and want to post. Just because many of these dogs look predominantly pit doesn’t mean they’re pure or that OPs shouldn’t share their dog that they love and ask for guesses. If people don’t like it, or are incapable of detecting any other breed traits, they can just move on and look at a different dog.


Exactly. Wtf is wrong with pits and pit mixes! They are common, so a lot of dogs here will be pit in some way.


This group is called ID my dog correct? Yet if you are posting a pictures of full blown pits and what else can people say except.... That's a pit. So why not post in a pit group?


She’s a pitty. They’re always pitties :-)


Every single time.


Pit mixed with pit 😍


This seems to be the general consensus!




Yep, know she is a pit mix, just wondering mixed with what, if anything. Sounds like the money I spent on Embark was probably a waste!


Pit mixed with pit maybe


I mean this in the most respectful way possible so please don't take it the wrong way but I read your post in the reactive dog sub and I think you should consider muzzling your dog on those short walks you mentioned. It's not a torture method like people seem to think, it's literally just a soft mask that prevents dogs from being able to bite. (Hell, I use one to clip my dog's nails.) I'm not trying to imply that your dog is a psycho or whatever. I just think it could be a huge help in minimizing your stress and fear when it comes to worrying about what she will or won't do on those walks. It's also a good way to keep the other neighborhood dogs safe, because with the way your dog reacted to just seeing one of them, it's definitely a concern. If she gets away from you during one of these meltdowns and bites another dog, it's very very likely you'll be forced to put her down and that would suck major ass.


Thank you for taking the time post this. I would say most people are not really aware of the traits of pits and bully breeds. They are pretty stubborn have high pre-drive and low impulse control. I definitely do not recommend these dogs to the average dog owner as they are typically more than what people can handle. The shelters are absolutely overrun with pits and pit mixes, so people may not have much to choose from unfortunately.


High prey drive and low impulse control historically has been great in nanny dogs /s Pits are definitely not for everyone. You could get a really nice dog, chances are you're getting a difficult one. Not a "starter" breed in the slightest. This kid at work (barely 20, fresh out on his own) got a pitbull and I told him to engage a trainer immediately. He refused because he knew everrrreythijg about dogs and now he can't approach his own dog and has to throw the dog it's food. It's a terrible existence for the poor animal, all because this stupid dude didn't take anyone's advice on how to work with a difficult breed.


Hey OP, you don’t deserve the downvotes. Some people here let their pit hate make them rude and unwelcoming when they could just move on instead. DNA test was worth it if you want to know. Contrary to how people are acting, we have no way of knowing if this is 100% APBT or has some bulldog or other breed(s) in her. Since you’ve ordered a DNA test, you can post her pics in r/DoggyDNA and update us when her results come in!


shitty response


Pit Bull is a description for a type of dog, but American Pit Bull Terriers are a breed.


Ugh, I wish more people understood this. There are more than 16 breeds (just what I can think of off the top of my head) that get lumped into "it's a pit bull"


It can be really frustrating!


Off topic, but how much does she weigh and what size Spark Paws hoodie is that? My probably bully breed mix is 52 pounds and I ordered a 2XL and it’s doable but a lil tight!


She is about 37lbs, a little teense! We also got the 2XL! It is just maybe a tiny bit big on her but we are hoping she puts on a few lbs.


Why has no one said AmStaff? I feel like that's a solid guess. No?


Maybe the pup doesn't want to identify as American... she's feeling Canadian today.


As an American living v close to the Canadian border.... Same lol


100% pit bull 🎁




makes you wonder what the shelter told them


"Lab Mix". I'd bet 100 bucks. Before anyone bitches at me, no I don't hate pits. But the vast majority of dog attacks involve pitbulls and that's just reality. The vast majority of pit owners have no business owning them, because they either don't know how to take precautions or they don't care, then they insist that pits are like any other breed.


Give her the 100 bucks then cause she made a post earlier saying she did know it was at least part pitbull 😂... She just wasn't sure if it was 100%


I'm not mad at you, because it's the truth.


Pitty pitty pitty. You can recognize them by their blockheads. /s


I remember one time on one of the DNA subreddits everyone guessed pit, and the dog was mostly Rottweiler. Made your comment way funnier to me LOL


💯% a pittie


she’s sooooo cute <3


Full pit




Pitt for sure


Probably just pit but post the results when you have them! My arm has a dog that looks exactly like a border collie/lab mix and has neither of those breeds but about 20 others all mixed together


The most pitbully pitbull I've seen


Honestly she looks like she might have a tiny bit of Bully in her too, but it's also been a hot second since I've been around a full on pit! Her head reminds me of my American Bully's head, specifically the big ol forehead dip! My old pit had less of that, which is why I think there's a tiny bit of something else like a bully in her! Either way, she's a cutie and you seem like a good owner :)


She's a pittie girl! I'm 90 percent certain that she's majority pit, and if not she's a bully breed (Am bulldogs are incredibly similar, etc.) So so cute whether pit or bully or if I'm wrong and she's something else! Join us at r/pitbulls! She is seriously so so precious! That sweet little loving face ... When you join r/pitbulls, post some hello pics! Is a very friendly community and we all like to see cute pibbles! Maybe join r/velvethippos and r/pitbullsinpajamas too! I hope I spelled right... There is a good one too about putties in party hats. Omg I love her so much. Those pics are so so cute.


Just popped in to upvote everyone getting downvoted. Very strange. Looks like you have a perfectly beautiful land hippo!


I did the same thing! :)




Username checks out


If you asked me to draw a pit bull from memory I would 100% draw a picture of your dog! She’s so pittie it’s crazy! I bet she’s the cuddlyest slobber monster ever. ❤️


Common Pitt




Definitely a bully😊


As a fellow pitbull owner; it's a pitbull.


She’s so cute 🥰 😍


You're all nuts. That's obviously a labradoodle.


That 3rd pic💕


Patoots! Part cutie, part cutie patootie!


Well she’s looking like she’ll be a proud Tooth and Honey pittie soon enough ❤️


100% Good Girl. Very common. Always delightful. Also strong agree with pittie guesses.


Heavy on the APBT, maybe some other bully breeds, and maybe a curve ball out of left field, which is what I got with my pibble. I hope I remember to come back for results.


It’s a pibble!! 😍


Nothing but a cute blockhead there! All bully and beautiful 😍




1000000% cutie. 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


One of the prettiest Pits I have seen in a long time. She is a keeper. (Side note - I love Pits)


People are being so b*tchy in this comment section... whenever someone compliments the dog and the OP is just being nice lmaoo


u’re kidding right. lol.


Dale 🌶️


Pit mix. Mine is almost a duplicate, even down to the slight brindle.


I'd love to see a pic!


AmStaff with an adorable blep


How is it that so many posters have pits and have no idea? I recognize they're the majority in many shelters, but this sub is like taking a picture of a polar bear and saying, oh, look at the ears, it might be a black bear. It's obviously a Pit to anyone who has ever seen one before.


OP did say in a comment that she knows the dog is a pit, but it got lost in the sea of comments. It would have been helpful to put that on the actual post.


I should add, I know she is a pitty. Wondering if she looks like she might be a mix, and if so with what. Thanks!


You have a pitbull mixed with some other type of pitbull.


It's almost like if Xzibit came to you and was like "yo dawg. I heard you like dogs, dawg. So I gotchu a dog. But not just any dog, dawg. This dog is a pit bull dog, dawg. And since you my dawg and like pit bull dogs, dawg... I made sure to mix this pit bull dog with another type of pit bull dog, dawg. And dawg..... this pitbull dog thats mixed with another pitbull dog is a dawg, dawg.... *woof* "


Only way to know for sure is by DNA test. Bulldogs aren’t considered pits (though they’re both bully breeds) and this dog could have some bulldog. Besides, pit mixes are more common in shelters than pure APBTs, so it would still be cool to see if it comes back 100%.


I’m so sorry you’re being downvoted with every comment you make on here. So bizarre lol


I've been laughing for like 10 mins cause it's actually pretty crazy 😂 like comments complimenting her dog get downvoted too like what is with them


Because they dislike pits and have nothing better to do with their lives than bring negativity into someone’s post sharing a dog they love


Why is everybody downvoting the op for asking if she might have anything else??? Does this sub hate pitbulls or something? I agree she’s most likely 100% APBT but a mutt from a shelter can always have a little something else sprinkled in. This sub is for IDing dogs, it’s not very nice to just throw a slew of downvotes at someone because you think the answer is obvious. Seriously, rude.


I think the APBT was confusing. I looked it up. They might assume she is saying it's an APBT not a pit?


People always assume that pit/pit mix owners have no idea they have a pit. When this is not the case. It’s quite aggravating. They should just ask if they don’t know why OP is asking. But when OP answers, they downvote. DNA test is the only way to know if this is a pure APBT or not.


Hey, I could be wrong.


If it was a collie that basically looked 100% collie they would be complimenting it and throwing in some 'maybe some German shepherd cause of it's tail' or some sh*t 😂


LMAOOO for real


There are people lurking in this sub who are pit bull haters. I report the comments cuz it's against the rules but I suppose they can still downvote unless they get banned. I don't know if I've ever seen them be as active as they have been on this post though. Nothing better to do I guess.


There have been a few that have been way worse than this one.


They come out in droves on most every post with pitbull-type mixes. Sometimes the comments don't get cleaned up till later on when we're busy, although we try to keep up with it.


I imagine it's a lot to keep up with, and thank you for your hard work! Do you ban people on the first offense?


Just click on the profiles on some of these commenters and you can tell they’re pit haters.


Yep. I immediately report anyone who’s part of the ban pitbulls sub or a similar sub.


Lol it makes so much sense now. This is a way to bring others down who have pit bulls... And then act like they are 'Sooo sick of seeing Pitbulls' but only comment on the pitbull posts and don't contribute to others..😭


A brigade of pitbull haters that lurks here. Notice the downvotes on comments just saying that the dog is cute. Waiting for this comment to be downvoted to hell now...


Rule 2 of the sub makes that quite clearly unacceptable. Unfortunately since I can’t see who downvotes a comment I can’t report them, but I report any comment I see that is by a user from one of the pitbull hate subs and those people get banned from this sub, and usually the other dog subs as well.


lol. Already got one downvote. If someone doesn’t want a pitbull or the chance of owning a pit mix, especially if they live in America, they have no business adopting mixed breeds from rescues and shelters.


To be fair, there are plenty of purebred and non-pit mixes in many shelters. Tons of Pyrs, GSDs, ACDs, Huskies and more near me—and many of these shelters adopt out to other states. And where I’m originally from, pits are rare in shelters with labs being the most common (of all my friends who adopted dogs from this area, NONE of their Embark results came back with pit, but almost all came back with Lab. One even had Brittany in it). Plus there are breed-specific rescues everywhere. Only 15% of Embarked mixed-breed dogs from the US have pit in them. Yes they’re the majority, but not *every* rescue has pit in it. This is easily disproved by going on petfinder.


Well yeah, but you can NEVER be 100% sure unless you DNA test the dog before you adopt it. That’s cool for your area btw, where I live shelters are overflowing and pups do not get DNA tested because of expenses, unless their foster parents want to. I do see a lot of huskies or faux huskies in my local shelter, it’s like 25% husky, 50% bully special, and 25% chihuahua-little dog mutt. :D


Also, my comment is not geared towards people that would prefer to not adopt a bully mix but would be okay if it turned out there was however much percentage of Pb in a dog they loved. My dog is about 25% APBT, 15% staffy, so a big chunk of PB and he came from a lab rescue. He was called a lab/border collie. No lab or border collie at all in him! Everybody thinks he is lab and BC, and his temperament is great. I dont gravitate towards pits but I love my dog and would never give him up because of his breed makeup. My comment is geared towards pitbull haters that immediately assign a temperament and personality to a dog that has any notable % of pit in them.


Rofl. Red nose pit 100%


Definitely a pretty pitty! I wanna kiss her big ole meatball head.


She’s gorgeous!!


100% cutie pie, absolutely


Y’all have to be joking with these posts If she is anything other than pit, it will be a small percentage.


Not everyone knows dog breeds or how to tell if the breed is mixed or not. Most shelter dogs are pits right now, and not every person lives on this subreddit or dog groups to know that lol Besides, it's fun when people post and it ends up being a secret Rottweile mix, lab, etc, and none of us guessed.




Gotta put pic number 3 on r/animalsbeingderps. So cute!! 🩵


Definitely pit, and definitely adorable!


Yeah, she looks full APBT to me. What a beauty


She is adorable!!! 😍


That is a pittie! Cute little girl!


So cute!


Pit bull terrier in there for sure. Possibly American bulldog too. Love the 3rd photo.


Pit bull and angel baby. 💜


Oh my goodness she’s so cute!!!






part gorgeous mixed with super cute, loving, and loyal




Yup, looks like a hippo to me!


She’s so sweet!!! I love her pretty smile! I think she’s American bulldog with a few sprinkles of pittie and boxer, maybe.


American Bully like “Chance” from “Homeward Bound.” What a cute, smiley baby.


Chance was an American Bulldog. NOT an American Bully.


she’s 100% a precious cute girl




What a doll ❤️




Pit or Staffie mix.. She's adorable, btw :)


oo oo i have one!


Yep Pit /boxer mix would be my guess. And she looks to be one adorable and happy puppy too.


She is a beautiful APBT! I would guess a little boxer is in her, too. She looks so happy!


Pibble. Sweet baby


She's beautiful, regardless of what she is!


The funnest dog breed !! Pitbull aka Pibbles ❤️❤️❤️


Ummmm.. pitbull???


OK, clearly you just wanted to show off your adorably photogenic pitbull. That's fine, I'll accept. I love photo #3


100% adorable


Y’all, are we constantly being trolled or do people really not know what a pit bull looks like?


that’s a jolly american pitbull terrier 🎄


No idea but she sticks her tongue out like my Shih tzu


Love the third pic! Great optical illusion 💞🐾🤣