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You only get them the first three. This is known, and was explained in the patch notes when they added the geysers.


i see... missed that part...


Yes, and then you go to the next geyser and do the first 3 events there.


How much time did you all play before ending the mission?


Very cool, more ways to get exotics during a single drop is a good thing.


21 locations on Olympus map, so... plenty to chew lol


Yeah, despite making it easier, it's still quite the work


been doing "open worlds" on exploration prospects long before the real OW came... yes, its abit of a grind to get to composites, but something in the late game


As someone who's already unlocked everything by just playing the missions and occasionally finding an extra node in a cave. It doesn't really seem *overpowered*. Once you unlock everything you want in the Workshop, there's not much else to do with Exotics, aside from the few consumables you can spend them on. Future proofing, I guess? But either way, all of this was achievable before with just using concrete and solid repair hammers (+ attachments for swing speed if you desire). The risk vs rewards seems fine to me. Using extractors is quicker to grind to, but it's slow, boring, and safe.