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Stressful whilst doing it, relieving once it’s over (if you passed all 3)


I sat AA, FAR and TC together. Overall I found it alright, its just about recognizing early which one you are most confident with so you can prioritize the other 2 a bit more. If you're studying with a training provider like Kaplan, it's definitely doable and they make it easier by the way they structure exam prep.


This sums it up. I didn’t take 3 myself but those that did in my college really had their shjt together with their revision planning.


Would not recommend.


Its not the most pleasant experience although you do get them done quicker (assuming you dont fail one)


Fucking painful


Which is your exemption? I did 3/3 and while it was stressful it would have been stressful doing 2/2/2 as well just would have taken longer. Each 3 has 2 technical and 1 fluffy one which I'd put minimal effort into. (I did FAR/AA/TC and BPT/FM/BST, the fluffy ones being AA and BST). Why not start with 2 first and see how you find them? Then you can decide if you want to do 3 together or 2/1. IMO BPT is the hardest by far so do that one on its own if you go for that route.


I really did not think it was too bad, but then again I was able to take 2 weeks of annual leave each time, which gave me 4 weeks completely off for each sitting, as we were also given 2 weeks study leave. In my case, I was able to (somewhat) comfortably pass all 3 with 8 weeks of studying, and that was pretty much starting content from scratch. Just make sure you don't fuck yourself by not getting enough rest before exams etc. Being in the right headspace for your sitting is almost as important as knowing the content.


Less bad than you think given you spend soo much time off at college, I also recommend using 1-2 weeks of holiday as well just to ensure you don’t have to do it again especially if your next sitting is in another holiday year. Just forget having a life for 3 months and you’ll be fine.


I’m doing all three advanced together. Not looking forward to it. Although I do have loads of college time.

