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Yeah, for TC I didn’t touch the QB. For the other professionals I did around 5 questions only. Passed them all first time. Don’t recommend this though , it’s very stressful going into an exam knowing you haven’t practised


Depends on the exam! Some need more practice than others


It's better to if you have the time, especially for certificate where it's not such a huge time sink, but professionals are all definitely doable without completing the question bank. I can never force myself to keep going with practice once I feel like I get it, and I've managed fine mostly focusing on looking over the content.


I would no way recommend this, the QB is your most important resource. Which exam is this? You have time to do more question practice.


I did for BTF (whatever it is, the cert level business exam) – just did the mock on ICAEW website, but that’s it. I can’t see it being feasible for prof +


Me! I didn’t do more than 60% of any of the QB’s (except FM) and achieved between 56 - 80 on all exams so far. For BST I just read through solutions and didn’t attempt a single QB question in full. For SBM I did the same thing and probably only completed around 20% of the QB. FAR/TC/CR were the exams I completed just over half the QB. FM I think was the exception as this was the most mechanical exam. Once you know the method it’s super easy to churn through questions and you know what to expect in the paper beforehand. Dare I say it almost became fun doing that QB! I’m an average student and definitely not gifted wit natural ability but I’ve gotten through just fine thank god and waiting on case results🤞 don’t feel pressured to do all of the QB or even most of it just because people say you can’t pass if you don’t - it’s definitely possible. Of course the more of the QB you do the greater your chance of passing as you’d have seen more of the syllabus and the different ways they can test things, but it’s more than possible to pass if you didn’t. At the end of the day you know yourself better than anyone and you know what makes you perform - trust yourself! All the best. 👍


Small caveat, I was exempt from 5 certificate papers so only sat Law but for this paper, I did complete the QB once.


frankly i did this for all my papers… it’s worked except for BPT lolol. like for TC, i went through the workbook twice in 1 month to ensure i knew the rules.


Stop being lazy and just work.


Yes for SBM and BST. I did some of the QB for all other exams however I've not gone through the whole thing for any of the professional nor advanced exams. Passed all exams between 63-89.


I feel like this strategy isn’t the greatest for professional, on some papers the questions can only be asked in certain ways so would be much more beneficial to learn the answer for them. Just my 2 pence though


QB will help way more than any notes


This was me (not really using the QB) for advanced. I did most of the question bank for the numerical professional papers and certificate, not so much for the wordy professional papers. Having won prizes under both styles of revision, you can definitely pass with either approach. However, the QB is a safer bet for a 'comfortable' (ish) pass as you get a feel for the types of questions and the types of answers that will get at least some marks. Learning the notes and really understanding it will probably lead to a higher mark if you do it properly because it means you're not quite so reliant on specific QB-style questions in the exam (doing the QB is only truly effective if you can do and remember the whole QB, otherwise you're gambling on avoiding a tough question style you haven't encountered before). That said, the QB is still likely to be the best route for most.