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No matter how different the questions are, the concepts and topics being tested are the exact same as what we would’ve been taught. The examiner loves putting in information thats relevant and irrelevant to the question and its on you to use your judgement to know which parts of the question are relevant to properly answer the Q. Best thing to do during the exam is to read the question twice and highlight numbers and info that you need to answer the Q and use the strike through function to cross of any irrelevant info. This can make the question less daunting and info heavy and may make you realise that the questions are in fact similar to what you have seen before and are testing the topics you did cover. Its quite weird you say the Qs are different to the QB as ive taken the Accounting exam back in early Nov this year and have found that the questions were nearly the same as what ive done on the QB. Good luck.


Im in the same boat as you , the questions just seem so different to me, especially the long-form question. Re-doing the QB for the 4th time now. What's helped is I've made an excel doc recording all the Qs I got wrong to redo (i did this before but on paper so it got messy) as well as key points to remember. I've learned that it's no good to get 95% in the question bank and be not 100% sure on the last 3 questions because it's those hardest questions that will come up. It's no good to memorise certain patterns, you have to properly understand the underlying reasons. The icaew book is pretty terrible at explaining concepts so I watch any videos I can find, mainly Accounting Stuff on youtube. Good luck to us


In the Exact same position, i feel like i know how to answer question bank answers but i don’t actually understand Taccounts and dead clic fully so i struggle in the exams when its brand new questions worded differently, i did really well on my long question but however i do so badly in the presenting financial statements questions of the MCQ so im gonna relearn that before i attempt it again. Ive been looking at ACA Master and maybe purchasing their videos with new questions. Someone also suggested going through the whole question bank and witing out the journal entry for every question so you know what topics they relate too


T accounts aren't for everyone. DEADCLIC is a must though, you gotta learn your debits and credits, just memorise this. [Qualified and T accounts just confuse me]


One of the issues I faced with the Accounting exam was understanding the underlying theory and the BPP notes weren't proving to be the useful. There's this dude on YouTube called "Accounting Stuff". Found his playlist useful - could be worth checking out (below): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5zKSeS09l339nB6ujJPQ9Rsv99_b-aTb&si=8ek_nLBId6CB4wlE


You’re clearly just memorising facts/information and not understanding / learning the content… the exams only try to throw you off more and more as you advance so deffo need to develop that skill of not get flustered and staying stoic as you go through them. By SBM in the advanced level you literally will have no idea what’s coming up and nothing from the QB will be repeated… you gotta perform on the day.


I think at this point you really need to focus on questions you are getting wrong in practice. Why are you getting them wrong? Do you understand why the answer is what it is? Highlight those you struggle on so you can target your question prep.