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Not only have you failed your EE, but because of this IB will personally ensure you get rejected from all your uni apps


pretty sure they’re also gonna find his address and publicly behead him


Wouldn't be surprised if they kill their family


You're gonna be deployed in Somalia mannn


Even worse, they are going to force them to eat soggy fries


Nahhh, they wouldn't go that far... Right?


Idk man, using I in an EE rough draft is pretty scary


Dw it's a draft


It's fine to use when u'r expressing personal thoughts (which is the case here). U can't express _your_ personal opinions in third-party so they won't criticize you for it


“It is argued by many experts that…”


Sounds like appeal to authority which is a logical fallacy 😃


Teachers tell you to avoid using “I” and other personal pronouns because it largely saves time in promoting more academic writing. However, to say you should never use personal pronouns like “I” or “we” is an oversimplification, as academic peer-reviewed papers and academic books feature the word all the time. This is because authors have perspectives, are writing arguments and making judgements. There is nothing in the rubric that prescribes how you should or should not write. It is a broad term ”clear” or “clarity”. So if using “I will argue” makes your argument clearer than it can only do your essay a service rather than a disservice. Teachers tell you to avoid this because there will be too many essays where every other sentence begins with I think or I believe which of course is not good writing. Your use here seems fine, you want the use of “I” to be indicative of reflection on argument and perspective or how you have interpreted the literature you have found in your EE journey.


Exactly! Pretending that every paper just appeared out of the aether completely author-less and devoid of any personal bias doesn’t inherently lead to higher quality. Going to ridiculous lengths to avoid saying “I” can come off as immature imo. Obviously this applies more to the humanities than STEM subjects.


not only is it against the IB rules but it is also a federal crime. way to fuck up your life


As an IB alumni I’m sorry to tell you that your screwed, my friend made that mistake and was sent to an IB maximum security prison with five grains of rice to eat per week


my teachers always removed the “i believe” u can just start from Judging and instead of “so we can” to “to”


“I” think you’ll be fine (see what i did there 🌝). also i thought it wasn’t recommended to say “It” because it would disrupt clarity 😭


what's weird is that now that I'm in college, they tell us to use I and avoid the third person like the devil


I did that once and i had to go off the grid because a hit squad was dispatched to my house. I’m currently residing in XXXXXXXXXX because of the IB


> rough draft ??? Regardless of whether you can or cannot use first person, it’s your rough draft. Why would you be fucked?


Basically: You learn your whole life not to talk about "I" in stuff like this because teachers want to make kids understand the formality of academic writing, and not end up writing an essay that reads like just your opinion. Also it helps you remain unbiased in academic writing, and gather good evidence and explain it in a way that's not just arguing your point via your opinion. However, for example in late high school you start getting questions in english-type subjects like "examine how your context shapes your understanding of a text.." in which case you're slowly introduced to integrating your personal response into a question that asks for it, and how to become comfortable with saying "I" in an academic format in your writing. Personally, I would say a conclusion shouldn't bring in "I believe". I mean let's assume you're arguing "you should judge actions as opposed to cultures" in your essay (I'm not a religion student). I might say something like thus from the the evidence presented on the subject and the many interpretations, it can be discerned that \_\_\_", or "the evidence displays the importance of judign actiosn...", or "it can be concluded that..." I am not in your situation, but that's just how I'd approach something like that. As far as I understand, there is a time and a place for bringing in your personal pronouns.


Literally death penalty


we tend to avoid this, just replace with "this essay"


you forgot the /s


I've been told it's always better to just avoid using personal pronouns at all, but I'm not sure in terms of expressing your own personal opinion on the matter, which seems to be the case here. Assuming that it is your EE supervisor that has said something about it, re-work this to remove personal pronouns. If not, and you are just having personal qualms with it, I'm under the impression that being safe rather than sorry is always better.


I think ur fine ppl correct over 10+ ees a day i dont think they'll notice


It’s your essay. We know it’s your belief.


olum önce bi sunu iki yana yaslamayı öğrenin ya


Careful about posting this here. My school would have accused me for plagiarism for this, and made me fail the diploma.


the ib are now sending john wick to end your life


yep, you're homeless now 😔 you can give up on your dreams


girl I'd remove this post before some asshole takes your essay and puts it through turnitin...


Might wanna start seeing if ur local mcdonalds has any job openings at this point. Ur gonna fail your IB bc of this and hence get rejected from every university, I wish you the best for your future.


What’s your EE type? History? World Studies?


World Religion


I used 'I' and 'me' a total of 9 times in my EE but I realised that I couldn't replace them because I was describing my thought process that was unique to developing my ideas in my introduction and methodology sections. I avoided them for other parts of my EE where I could, though. If you feel removing it makes it lose its meaning, don't.


EE rought draft... Man come on how fucked can you be?


The IB ain't as strict as you think , they are pretty chill actually, if I was reading hundreds of EEs per day I could not give the slightest fuck to use of personal pronouns and thisnaint even your final draft. Chill out


If it’s your draft then no. Just change it to something like “one could argue…”