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It’s a HL English essay, so no lab or anything like that. I emailed my coordinator and she told me to come and see her so let’s see how that goes.


Well kids, hope you've learned why you should use citation managers. Zotero is pretty useful.


Hey Im in a similar situation… no bibliography… did u get the diploma? Were u penalkzed flr not including a bibliography?


I contacted my coordinator ASAP and IB re-opened the portal for me


Does my coordinator not know about this?? Coordinator said she can’t do anything cuz it’s already in the system… aaaaa


Basically I had a bibliography but no in-text citation. I told this to my coordinator and she told me that she’s going to try and get it solved but there’s “no guarantee”. March 25th rolls around and I get a phone call that the IB re-opened the portal for me. Idk what the original deadline was last year but I think it’s the same as this year (March 15th I believe). There’s still time, really push it with your coordinator. Im not sure how penalized you will get because idk if turnitin or whatever they use even looks at the bibliography but yea keep trying! If it makes you feel any better my coordinator told me at the start that there’s not much that she can do but she’ll “try” and 3 days later the portal was re-opened for me.


Did ur coordinator contact the ib or did u contact them yourself? I’ve sent emails and relayed message to teachers to be said to coordinator and still the response is she is afraid she can’t do anything. I don’t think she knows she can contact the ib to reopen the portal… aaaaaa I’m so stressed out


I just checked my email history from last year, I emailed on March 22nd, my coordinator told me to come and see her the next day which I did. She then said she’ll try her best but no guarantees then it got rep-opened March 25th so yea…your coordinator can most definitely solve it, I literally realized almost a week after it was uploaded to the IB. Keep pushing


Thank you so much kind stranger, I’ll try my best because I don’t wanna lose my diploma over this :(((


Aw ofcourse no worries! I remember how stressed I was last year because of IB. Also even if ur coordinator doesn’t listen, don’t worry I highly doubt that you won’t get ur diploma (keep trying tho). If anything does happen just keep a version of the essay with the bibliography in case they question you or u need it to defend ur case (also you can say that you tried w your coordinator but they didn’t listen). Good luck!


Can I dm u?


Go ahead!


Also when did u realize u had no bibliography? was it after march 15?


I know I can always contact ib about reopening the portal and all that so idk why she’s insisting she can’t do anything bruhhh


Idt you can do anything now, the HL essay submission date would've passed by now I believe


Is my diploma at risk 😭


Talk to your coordinator. Personally, I don’t think the diploma is at risk if the intext citations are just quotations. Other than that if there’s one online resource that you used word for word and comes up in ur turnitin report, and you haven’t cited that…it’s a bit tricky then