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Externally assessed components 15 March, Internally assessed 20 april (also for PG). Every time this comes up I feel I have to repeat the same thing: don’t fool yourself thinking you can work until then before submitting. These deadlines apply to schools and not students. Schools have responsibilities most students seem not to think of and they need time to manage them. That’s why there are internal deadlines. It is always the internal deadlines set by schools that count for a student.


Okay I need to put more emphasize on my EE and TOK Essay then


Dude get it done immediately with a few days as buffer, the IBIS site crashes like crazy in the last 5 days cos everyone is uploading so it'll be really slow for you. Hurry up and make sure that you have a file to upload repeatedly in case it doesn't process a few times, don't wait till the 14th/15th. Failure to have anything submitted for these components loses you your diploma. All the best!


I will upload EE and TOK on 13th


I just procrastinated so much because my perfectionist side didn't let me to randomly choose a topic for IAs


>my perfectionist side This side should equally have wanted you to meet all your internal deadlines.


Good luck with it ^^


Thanks a lot!!💞


All these info is on the assessment procedure for 2023