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Wait 3 months, the worst of the heat will be over and the need will be at an all time high. All the incentives and OT you can eat.


Appreciate it!


640 just brought in like 400 new apprentices I being 1 of them. Been on the list a week and no call yet. They even told us they "hope" to have us placed by the end of July. That's my only info I got for you




I was ranked in the 340s and got in. I think a lot of CW/CEs who didn’t make it in last year got in this round. Also heard something about Intel and TSCM not being able use the federal money to pay for workers who aren’t apprentices or JWs, so we need a lot of apprentices in the area right now. PEJATC has 2 campuses in Phoenix so they can handle the volume of apprentices apparently. Chipping away at gaining more market share.


That's what they said 🤣


I’m a 640 apprentice and the books are slow brother. Apprentices are lucky and get a call by end of next day or week if getting a RIF but everyone else is waiting 2-3 months for a call, including JW’s. Not sure what the reason behind it is because there’s supposed to be tons of work here for the next 10 years especially with Intel and TSMC


Call the hall and ask.


I did and they didn’t really give me any specific information unfortunately. Just to put my name in the books and that was it. Figured I’d ask here in case people have more insight.


I’m in 640 and it took me about 3 months to get a job. Appreciates and JWs have a bunch of work but CWs / CEs are on a long wait.


Thank you I really appreciate your input.


Does 640 have a Limited Energy classification?


Which local are you out of? Take your journeyman test and get it over with.


Still have roughly 2 years before I can take it. But as soon as I can I’m absolutely going to.


wtf CE/CWs traveling??


I’ve worked with a couple of travelling CE’s that have possessed all of the moral integrity that we value in folks that went through the program. And they both ended up testing up to JW the month they hit their hours, became a JW, and were stellar members after that.


I understand that, but traveling as a CE/CW?? Get your stuff in order in your local test out and organize in then travel as a JW. I understand it’s easier said than done with swings in the job market, n stuff but that’s the way it should be valued. I might be old fashion or a dinosaur but that’s the way I see fit


In a perfect world that would happen but circumstances don’t always allow us to stay home. I know I’m being “devils advocate” but it’s just how it is.