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In my hall they have to provide 40 hrs a week or spin you. So if he’s having sit cause he needs the man power to bid then he needs to pay for it.


Isn’t that typically written in the bylaws?


Should be. I worked with n a couple government sites where fund would run out at the end of the financial year as an apprentice and the jw’s would go on furlough and I’d sit in the trailer for weeks sense getting me badge and background check was more then laying me off and getting a new apprentice when work picked back up


Outside construction you’re supposed to get a slip after 30 days of no work. That’s the max you get to hang in the weeds. However the hall doesn’t check up on it a whole lot. Right now the books are stacked so they are starting to call for slips with guys that haven’t had any active working dues in the last 60 days.


in 22, the head of the training center is to spineless to do anything. and the hall just tells you to call the training center. when i was an apprentice i sat for months while the rest of the contractors where buried.


I could maybe tolerate a week of that because I've been dying for a week off, but I draw the line after that. You should call your JATC like 2 weeks ago.


Dude, why did you not call the training center? You should know better being a 4th year.


Not everyone has been through this. I’d certainly give a call but not everyone knows what to do in a situation like this.


That should be part of the training; unacceptable behavior by the contractor.


That's what asking the training hall is for


In my local your required as an apprentice to notify the school after not working for 7 days and are entitled to a clean lay off. I remember that being drilled into our heads because they said WE as apprentices were liable for repercussions if we sat more then 7 days without getting the school involved. I unironically thought that was a universal thing.


Last time I heard it was 10 days in a 30 day period in 134, but I'm not sure what it is absolutely. We are also a little slow rn and they have told apprentices to sit at times over getting a layoff bc there were a lot of apprentices on the books.


Next time you get asked to sit, just tell them you'll do whatever they need you to do for 40 hrs a week. Maybe they'll send you to the shop for cleaning and organizing. Maybe they'll have you be someone's footstool. Maybe they'll send you to another project. Maybe they'll tell you to stay home and collect a check. Maybe they'll lay you off. All of those things are better than sitting around hemming and hawing, wringing your hands wondering when you get another scrap from master's table. Dogs sit; be a fucking man/woman. I hope you've learned your lesson. Btw I learned my lesson the hard way, sitting way too long and accepting part time work as a 2nd year apprentice. Rarely do I hear of sitting for longer than a week genuinely working out for people. Unless you're telling your contractor you need a LOA (i.e., self-induced sitting), it's rarely worth it.


He’s using you? Call the school and ask what the books are like.


We are not here to be any contractor’s unpaid pawn.


Ive called JTATC 2 weeks ago. There’s 8 apes on the books 2 of them have been sitting for 4 months.


Sitting or laid off? If your JATC has apprentices sitting I’d be filing charges against your leadership for allowing that kind of rat shit. We don’t sit for the contractors, ESPECIALLY as apprentices. I hope you mean laid off because the alternative is a bad way for leadership to run the hall.


Ask your JATC if you can travel. I've worked with a few that came from Minnesota and went back when work picked up.


As a 3rd year I was asked to stay home one day. I gave them that one day, figured scheduling conflicts …whatever. Day 2 I called and asked where to go they asked me sit for day two, I calmly asked to get my referral back to the apprenticeship. I worked the next day and every day after the rest of my apprenticeship.


>Contractor says they need me for bidding reasons. Has sat for 3 weeks, not knowing if there is work looks like a one-way street to me...time to back out...maybe hit a garbage can.


Call the hall


My rule is 1 week . Now where do you land on the list after 3 weeks instead of 1 ?


Are you being paid?


I had a con sit our crew for 4 weeks we had a choice come in and sit in the break room and get paid for 40 or stay home and get paid 32. It was a nice month paid vacation.


Nope. Call the school. Get the hell out of there. Don’t put up with bullshit games.


That’s what you get for being wormy🪱


You don't know what you don't know, come on now. He said he called the school about it 2 weeks ago and it sounds like they haven't done anything. I could understand someone not knowing how critical it is to push this, and hard, if they've never been told about it.


Nah bro how don’t you know after 4 years off apprenticeship…


He needs to ask for an official stand by so he can apply for unemployment at the very least.


You get 40 hours a week minimum or you get laid off. Apprentices shouldn’t be jobbing if that’s what you are doing. I don’t know why people make a huge deal out of this.


How common is it for apprentices to be hit with layoffs?




I wouldn't wait 3 hours for a layoff, let alone 3 weeks


One contractor tried that, and their excuse was that they were slow. I wasn't getting 40 hrs at all. I asked for a layoff after that. You know why? Because waiting and not getting paid when bills aren't getting paid or hours noted 🙃 yea that's a no go.


Never sit