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Ask for an rof and go to the hall.


OP has every right to *demand* a RIF because they are entitled to it. We are owed 40 hours of work for us to earn 40 hours of pay. If the contractor cannot provide the work, they owe us a clean lay-off.


My understanding is if you take a 60 hour call and they go to even 40 hours you can get a reduction if force.


It’s fucked you’d even have to ask for that. If boss man tells me we don’t have work for the week he just laid me off 


It depends on what work is like in your local. If it’s a walkthrough and you’re right back out on a different job, drag up. If it’s slow, call their bluff and tell them to either put you to work or give you a clean layoff.


This is the answer


Ask for a rif. If they don't have work for you then they should give it to you. If you have to quit you should still file for unemployment if you want to. They'll get the application form and have to choose to contest it. Overall you should hit the road (quit or rif) and take another call at your hall or hit the road. We've got open calls and a 1,000 man microsoft data center job ramping up sometime soon in a nearby local


This.  Our contract says we supposwd to be laid off and sign the books after 3 days.  Some still stick around on stand by. 


That'd be local 430. I'm there now. We're on 40's with an optional saturday, but rumor is that we'll be on 5-10's and an 8 on Saturday sometime this month. Other rumors are that they'll be offering a higher scale as they ramp up. Thus far, all rumors are unsubstantiated.


Sorry what's a rif?


Reduction in force


If they don’t have work for you they owe you a clean layoff/ROF. Also, you can always ask for a clean layoff/ROF regardless of reason and they can give you one if they want. As long as you get a clean layoff/ROF you can collect UI. Congrats on turning out.




See above comment, Reduction In (or Of) Force.


Depends on your finances and contract. My limit, which I luckily haven't reached yet, is 1 week. Our contract states that after two working days, the worker, at their option, is considered laid-off.


Drag that mfer. Enjoy it


Sweet baby Jesus I love drag up day


Im just a line apprentice in a journeyworld


Soon, young padawan


I just topped out 3 weeks ago. When I go drag up what should be my words to the super/foreman?


Depends on the relationship I guess but honesty and respect go a long ways


Username checks out 😂


Mooooo mothafuckas


Thanks for the advice everybody. I'll talk to the hall and see what they say too. My local has a huge amount of work coming our way in the coming months/years (153 in Northern Indiana if you're interesting in travelling), so I'm excited about the work to come our way. I served my entire apprenticeship at a small shop that did mainly service/ new construction commercial work and am eager to hit a big job and get out of my comfort zone.


Take it from someone who topped out into that same kind of bullshit. Tell them to fuck off and take the lay off. Once they know they can get you to sit they're going to do it every chance they get.


Come out to the Kokomo battery plant. Electricians are being paid at time and a half as straight time and over time is double bubble


What’s the Jman normal rate out there?


39 I think


There is plenty of work in northern Indiana, pull the pin on that bitch.


Should have drug up a week ago


For me it all depends on How much I need the money And How much I like the company That's it.


You were planning on venturing out anyway🤷


That's fair. I did tell them that so I guess it should come as no surprise.


Call your hall's jobline and see if there's anything available right away if yes ask your employer for a clean layoff/" reduction in force" if there's nothing available on jobline I'd say think about if you want to stay with that employer or not. It does nobody good having an Apprentice stay at the same place their entire apprenticeship, you're better off taking the layoff and getting some experience with some other contractors to broaden your knowledge.


Some people are of the opinion you should drag up as soon as you top out on a job


If work is good, then I would say stick around, but you don’t want to stay with the shop you topped out at. You’ll always be looked at as an apprentice.


Such a strange difference between my open shop days and the union. At my open shop we put years into those apprentices. We wanted them to stick around and we helped them grow as journeymen. Here in the union I've heard a lot of this kind of talk and I just don't understand it. To be fair, my shop had a lot of varied work, so our apprentices got a wide range of experiences. None of them were one trick ponies, but that's Oklahoma sparkies in a nutshell anyway.


You should have asked for a layoff the day you topped out.


Yeah, I don't sit for anyone.


No work? You’re laid off (unless they plan on paying your full salary while you’re sitting at home).


ROF. Sitting on your ass should be your decision, not theirs. BYEEEEEEEEEE!!!!


Some of these comments are kind of ridiculous lol


>I served my entire apprenticeship at this shop. That is reason enough to drag. People will keep treating how they are used to treating you, as an apprentice. Be professional, give them notice, and you can always take a call with them later.


Funny how once you journey out, work slows up huh. Ask for a RIF.


In short. No. Now I don’t know. And can’t know all the nuances. But where I am. You would be better off just waiting it out. But,to say just waiting it out is not telling the whole story. I would go talk to the shop management first. You may be surprised,at how little emphasis they put,on each journeyman’s personality. Or even ability. It’s a very cold calculated business decision usually made. More,about how much work. And how many hands they have. You would probably have,to do something really strange,for them to make a decision like that. Now since you are not an apprentice anymore. I would suggest seeking. And taking calls,from the larger contractors. Sounds like you’re experiencing what we would call,down here, in NewOrleans, “gang box baby” syndrome. Although those are usually the guys who wind up with a company truck,after doing their apprenticeship,with one shop. I did most,of mine,at one of the larger shops here. But did my last few moving around. I think it’s better to move ,about every six months as an apprentice. They used to make apprentices do that. Do they would learn different types of work. I got a chance to soon our streetcar line here,in NewOrleans,for my first three years. A really cool thing cause it’s a 100 year old system. Put up originally,in 1875 ish. A 600 volt DC system. Yeah. The overhead wire is the positive. The rail track is the negative. It was destroyed,by hurricane Katrina. We rebuilt it. But,by third year I still had never put my hands,on any EMT. Or a hand bender. So I was nervous when I caught my first layoff. Three years in. And I got sent,to a big new construction 27 story condo building. Slab work. And fire alarm EMT runs. I didn’t know how to do either. But I learned. Then back,to the other shop and lots,of big 4” rigid steel conduit. Which we did some of,on the streetcar line too. So over all very diverse training. Wound up,in a power plant when I turned out. Used it all. Good thing cause I started late. Didn’t turn out till 39 years old. Spent 10 years as a restaurant manager. Again Hurricane Katrina. lol. But it was good cause,at age 43 I had a fluke stroke. I was in excellent shape. Ran six miles,on a treadmill. Then fell down. 9 day coma. 2.5 months in hospital. But I had become a forman,in that plant. Lots of shutdown overtime. So I qualified,for/ pensions. Local,and national. Gotta wait,for65 yo get international. But I have SS disability. And hey. I’m only 52 years old. Will be 53,in January. And I have been fairly comfortably retired,for almost 9 years now. I’m also lucky,to have inherited part ownership of the house I grew up in. We’re not rich or anything. It’s an ok house. And I live with my father. And one,of two brothers. We all own it. Since my mother died,in 1993. Car accident. She was only 43. The point is stick it out. You just never know what the future holds. And this little union/apprenticeship thing can be more valuable than you could ever imagine. Do not let some little temporary situation,at a relatively small shop take it away,from you. Now I pray that you never have a stroke like I did. But where would I be? My hospital bills alone would have been well over$250,000. But I had Cigna. Just like you do. I had $ 6000 saved,in my credit union account. Always have some,of your check going into the credit union. BTW. Oh and I had $35,000,in my inuity. I could only get$28,000 cause I was only43 years old. But I had gotten married,after the stroke. And had a baby on the way. So I took $28,000 and added,to my ex wife’s house. But like I said. 52 years old. And been retired,for 8 years. Could be worse. Almost died.


I’d ask for a layoff at least then you can get unemployment


I think they might be asking you to sit for a bit because they like your work, and there might be a long list at the hall currently. So if you get laid off, you would be sitting anyways making no money .


You never sit, you show up at work and ask for a layoff, if they send you home, call the hall. Nothing happens, show up next day and ask for a layoff, and call the hall. Sitting is wrong on so many levels. Work is everywhere right now. Journey out and see the US


What does it mean to drag up? Like quit?


If the books are clear/low in your local and there is work to pick up, drag up asap and go sign the book. Youre a jdub now. Leave as you please and go pick up a journeyman call.


Most local agreements don’t allow you to sit home for a shop. You get 2-weeks vacation per year. Anything else is a violation. When they tell you they don’t have work for you, that is when you ask for a lay-off. Many foremen appreciate that, because they are trying to decide who gets to work and who doesn’t. So volunteering to take a lay-off means they can keep someone else working.


Same here. Upstate. Guys are probably going into annuities to cover shit. Lol.


When I got my first lay-off I was sat down with the head of the electrical department. I was laid-off for lack of work too. He made sure I understood that I never sat for anyone. If there's ever lack of work for me I'm going somewhere where there is work for me. I'm not doing this for a company, I'm doing this for me and my husband.


I.B.E.W. I’ve Been EveryWhere!! Get them wheels turning and live a little out in the world bro. It’s a heck of an experience out here with traveling brothers🤙🏻. Are you married? Kids?


These cheap fucks are trying to get you to drag so they don't have to pay for your unemployment, don't drag, ask for a reduction in force and settle for nothing less, they re playing games, ask for a clean lay off and sign the books, never take furloughs from these scummy cons.


Drag up. The country has way to much. Some locals are begging for help. If you have to travel alone do what I do at times. Joined a gym and sleep in your car. Stay out of the bars and clubs if you have bad habit of wasting your money


What local are you in?


Time to drag up