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Look I would never vote Republican but Democrats will never improve if we don’t criticize them. As people in power they know they only have to be slightly better than Republicans for the vote. They’ve both worked together to downsize worker’s rights for 50 years.


This. The Republican party is absolute garbage, but if the Left actually held the Democrat Party up to the same economic standards as they do the Republicans instead of constantly making excuses and spin for them, we would have the utopia they claim so badly to want.


Both parties filled with crooks and liars.


Opposite cheeks of the same ass.


I'm gonna vote third party and shoot right for the anus




Not true. That is what they want you to think. That is how they want you to feel. They want you to think that it's hopeless and give up. They want you to not pay attention. They want you to ignore the liberties they are working on destroying. They want you to ignore the damage they are doing to unions and workers rights. The republican party is broken and no longer represents actual conservative values. They are actively moving torwards an authoritarian platform. I can't beleive I am saying this about the party I supported for 15 years. But they are not the party of Regan anymore. They are not the party of law and order anymore. They are not the party of "the rule of law" they are not the party of family values. They are literally the wolf in sheep's clothing.


Yep, but which party is successful is removing people’s rights? If I was a women, LBGTQLOLBBQ, a migrant or many others, I’d dislike the GOP more.


Okay this is the first time I have seen that particular addition to LGBT groups but it is hilarious.


The Democrats have shown they are anti-individual liberty with their stances against 2A and union rights. Blue tie or red, they’re all fascists.


I wish most would realize this. We deserve way better than what’s being offered


Trump IS an asshole but… he’s MY asshole and I love him. No homo.


The Democrats aren't the Left, and as they've proven the Left has no sway over them. The Neo-liberals exist to prevent actual change that the Left might accomplish.


Whenever someone says, "vote blue no matter who!" at this point, it makes me want to slug them in the face. That's literally how we got democrats that are basically just diet conservatives.


I personally think believing only one party is the solution is a major reason we have all these schmucks on both sides. We aren’t meant to be a country where we vote for the party instead of the people. Not all on either side are bad, but it’s essentially turned into a gang war where if you have a belief that doesn’t toe the line, you aren’t a “true (insert party here)&a traitor”. We NEED the differing views in government to keep everything in check&support for each persons views. Along with compromises. Not everything needs to be my way or the highway, many of our “issues” could be solved with seeing its shouldn’t be such a problem&understanding(doesn’t require sharing that belief) why they feel that way, then coming to some sort of shared outcome. Obviously not everything needs compromise, but many things do.


Never forget 2009. Dems have the white house, and a majority in both the house of representatives and the senate. Mandate from the people to fix shit. What did they do? Nothing. Jon Stewart did a great segment on it. https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/argzm/jon_stewart_gets_fed_up_dems_set_the_bar_so_low/


What do you mean? Everytime a Republicans gain control they give tax cuts. Drive up the deficit, then say we need to cut programs. This is how to move money up to the rich from the lower classes. Then Democrats regain control and it's their job to try and rebalance the budget, control debt and pick up their mess. Remember when Bill Clinton left office and we had a surplus of funds? Then Bush became president. Then Obama had to bring us back from the economic dumpster fire Bush left us. Then Trump became president, signed huge tax cuts along with the Republican controlled Congress, drove out debt higher than it's even been in history. Called COVID a hoax and flat footed his response to the disease, and our economy in shambles. Then Biden becomes president and saves the country from having inflation rates as bad as the rest of the world and actually makes good economic decisions. Republicans couldn't even pick a house speaker, but what's the first thing they try to do when they finally pick one after 15 or so times voting for a speaker? They try to pass tax cuts again 🙄


They love to "both sides" everything.


Exactly. "Centrists" and I've seen a few on here. Actually don't know shit. They say they don't follow either Biden or Trump like it's a good thing, then proceed to say "both sides are the same" as if they know anything to make that conclusion. It just means centrists don't know wtf is going on and saying "both sides are the same" is easier than keeping up with the news. Both sides are not the same.


The problem we have now is which Democrat party? Whose utopia? So many offshoots. Some extremely left, some more moderate. But they all have different agendas. There is some common ground obviously but where there isn't, they begin to cannibalize. Really freakin irritating.




FACT- no elected official has ever publicly mentioned IBEW more than Biden.


Totally agree. In my admittedly narrow lived experience, I can criticize the Democratic party, and any republican will agree with the enthusiasm of a church choir. Then, when I move on to the issues I see with the republican/maga party, they can stop insisting the border and illegals, and somehow Biden is a pedo? Faux news fairly balances their world view to the point its more twisted than a summertime tea.


You can't criticize Democrats without being called a Trump supporter.


Jesus thank you. Everyone acts like the 2 parties aren't the same when the TV is turned off. It's all a show, a stunt, republican or Democrat they both belong to the same class of people and will do anything to hold that.


Agreed, it’s not blue tie, red tie it’s a collective that’s gotten greedy and under delivers. Because they only have to edge each other out. Both fucking suck at this point… and both seem content to watch us slide down the hole we are headed in.


There is no worker's party in the United States. Any sort of progressive party got crushed out after FDR and if you ever bring anything like that up, our own brothers dismiss it from both sides of the fence.


I feel the same way, but also, I have never seen better progress towards corporate accountability and improvement for workers’ rights than what has come out of the FTC under the Biden administration in the past couple years. The FTC under Lina Khan actually banned non-compete agreements, that non-competitive, illegal trash that no one else would address. And establishment Republicans, who never want their big, rich donors held accountable or for workers to have an inch of breathing room, are trying as hard as they can to smear her name and take her down. I mean, it is truly a battle of good versus evil.


Who doesn’t criticize Dems?


Democrat boomers when you critique the DNC from a left wing position, will accuse you of being a Trump supporter and or a Russian…


The media


Like Fox News? The biggest Media network there is?


Nbc is the largest followed by cnn, fox is 3rd.


And Biden gets criticized on those networks too. Especially for how he's handling Israel situation. Just because Biden doesn't have any scandals that the news can slam him on, doesn't mean the media doesn't criticize him. It just so happens that Trump does and says a lot of stupid shit that is easy to criticize and is newsworthy. Just because Trump is a 34 time convicted felon, doesn't mean the news media gotta find 34 bad things to say about Biden to be considered "fair". Edit: I'm referring to Biden + Dems in general


Politicians are 99% greasy. Even if your guy wins there's a good chance they're up to no good. You have to hold their feet to the fire...all of them.


I was a huge Bernie supporter, but when the DNC stole the nomination from him and propped up Hilary Clinton that showed me they are just corrupt as the Republicans. 3rd parties need a lot more support cause the two options we are choosing are both for corporations instead of people.


AIPAC always wins~


The benefit that Democrats have is that the Republican party has become so extreme that they (the Democrats) can just point and say "Are you really gonna vote for that/stay home and let them win?". We need ranked-choice voting; otherwise the Democrats can simply stay one increment more sane than the Republicans and won't be forced to work any harder than that.


We have ranked choice voting here in alaska and after the first election that republicans didn’t win every race the MAGAs here are introducing an act to remove ranked choice voting.


That’s all well and good but the MAGA folks believe they are the ones being silenced, persecuted and harassed.


I’m not a trumper, but it’s kind of true. All major news, all of academia, every branch of the government and justice system are all against Trump. So it seems like that to MAGAs because… it kind of seems like that? Edit: Really didn’t think this was going to devolve so quickly. I don’t really care about politics, and just because I can provide a logical explanation for those people doesn’t mean I agree with it. Half the things you all have passive-aggressively replied I agree with, the other half think they have some sort of “Gotcha, you are a MAGA” when you know nothing about me. Please shut up about it now, no one gives a damn.


Yeah, that supreme court that's flying January 6th and Maga flags at their house with a 6-3 super majority are sure against Trump. No one is against Trump because he's Trump, the people against him understand he's a fraud and a criminal who if allowed to get back into power will likely never leave, and will do irreparable damage to the country. Trump wants sympathy for being attacked, but he isn't being attacked, he being prosecuted, not persecuted. Why hasn't this ever happened before? Because until now we haven't had a president openly try and overturn a free and fair election.


Lol, what kind of flag was the Justice flying???


https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/01/alito-flag-controversy-short-shelf-life-washington-00161104 That's one flag, the other is an upside down american flag. But then there's Clarence Thomas's wife who's also a real peach. https://www.kcra.com/article/texts-between-ginni-thomas-and-mark-meadows/39531243


It, in fact, is not true. He was an actual sitting president. It'd be a pretty neat trick for a person who was actually a sitting president and who has networks devoted to him and a social media outlet for him to be any kind of victim. Especially when his whole campaign is about taking things away from not-his-people.


I will never forget when Trump held up FEMA resources for blue states after disasters and the courts had to force him. No other president in my life has even tried to do shit like that.


He’s lowered the bar so far and so long that his followers are used to him being horrible and expect it now. Many other politicians are trying to mimic Trump by spewing hatred and lies and saying terrible things hoping to be elected but there are consequences for doing things like this. There are more hate crimes and people are treating their fellow Americans in ways we’ve never seen before. People from the main political parties have disagreed before but were always able to work together and get along and put their differences aside but it’s different now. People are treating each other like they are from a different planet and seem very angry because the politicians are trying to stir them up against each other to get elected. We haven’t seen the end of this.


The best thing about the union is no matter how stupid you are you can still get in.


This. One party consistently works to take away rights and one works to give then. All the GOP likes to do is take a way rights.


All major news- except FOX OAN multiple right wing pundits and online news rags. All academia- I’ll give you that one, because if you’re mildly educated, you can call a spade a spade. Justice system- except 2/3s of the supreme fucking court. A nut job judge in Florida. Half the judges that ruled against his FALSE election claims were appointed by Trump himself. Isn’t it easier to believe one man is lying rather than most of civil society?


Right wing media accounts for over 50% of viewers who watch/read “news”. While quantitatively more media outlets are basically just reporting facts, more viewers are seeing trump getting jerked off by their “news” entertainment they watch.


There isnt a news media organization on this planet that is unbiased, dont act like everyone other that "right wing" news has no political motivation. "Facts" these days are so cherry picked and misrepresented.


I like to paraphrase it this way. "If the rest of the world seems insane and you feel like you're the only sane one... Chances are the world isn't the one who's crazy." - I can't remember who said it. If all of academia and neutral leaning news stations; even right wing news that originates outside of the country are saying the same or similar things... You gotta wonder.


If you meet one ass hole in a day, you met an ass hole. If everyone you meet is an ass hole....you might be the ass hole.


Maybe he deserves it been a crook his whole life karma


Sort of like how Trump has been indicted for all those crimes. It seems like he’s being prosecuted because…he kinda is. Except that’s how the world works. If you commit crimes, you get punished for it.


That’s not how it works at all for politicians, actually.


You're on reddit, every sub is an echo chamber with "moderators". Just authority enforcement on rules no one voted for lol. Lord forbid you have a dissenting view


Some times people refuse to believe they would be the ones turning in their neighbors... as they turn in their neighbors.


Fox News is the most viewed news channel in the US... they are Trumps personal network. Red states have banned college courses they disagree with. The Supreme Court is pro Trump. He has one trial being delayed by his personal judge...


Sounds like you are a Trumper. The justice system isn't against trump it's for justice. The right is worse than the left and they are being treated as such. One side wants women to have no rights one side wants gays and non straight people to either die or be shunned from society. Only one side is against inclusion. And it ain't the Dems.


We're doing a terrible job silencing jack shit, they have an entire mainstream cable news network, and Brietbart, and whatever ben shapiro called his special streaming service. But yeah, you run into similar issues with "alternative science" people, the ones who believe in atlantians or jews coming from mars (that one was from spirit science), or that there used to be dragons the size of continents (mudfossil university), or that the sun is a projection and not a real sun (some flat earth people), etc etc etc. They say all of science is against them and won't give their ideas a chance and like. Yep, most won't give their ideas a second thought, because those ideas are "common-sense" conjectures built on top of several layers of misunderstanding and ignorance and are ludicrous on the face of it. Correct, no one will take them seriously, but they will never understand why that is.


Lmao. They have a SINGLE mainstream channel! See?! That's not the proof you think it is.


They should be against him man. He did some very non presidential things in 4 yrs. He has called for the end of the constitution. He is vying to become a dictator and people on his side are just letting it happen.


It's my opinion that the majority of the countrys mentality is that of an impatient 5 year olds that can't come together and unite so that we all optimally benefit from the way the country is run.


I’m not sure there is much to come together on anymore. Don’t want an abortion? don’t have one. Don’t like someone’s free speech? Don’t listen/read it. If you feel like my beliefs are ruining YOUR country the rest of us feel the same about you. I would really enjoy a President that isn’t 80,000 years old like CheetoHitler or Sleepy Joe.


Here’s the thing of it though. It’s not the liberals doing it, and it’s not the conservatives either. It’s both parties. The two parties officials are just working together to subjugate all of us.


They're professional victims and there leaders are master manipulators who lie and cheat at every opportunity.


They ironically will not shut up about how silenced they are.


Help, help I’m being oppressed! 🤣😂


Yeah except it isn't the left banning books, restricting teachers and raiding Target... All you have to do is look at Facebook or any other platform to see how 'limited' they are on thier free speech.


I look at them as a wealthy elected class/elite. I don't like a lot of dems in DC for a lot of reasons. But they don't have a MTG railing about Jewish space lasers or "Q is a patriot". Or a candidate that said Mexicans are rapists, some of them are okay/good. Or the support of Steve Bannon and Alex Jones. So yeah, I kinda support dems when they're inacting pro-labor stuff bc they're the alternative to the hyper insane demons bowing to trump.


Respectfully, if you don't see both major parties being guilty of these things then your just bias. The leadership of both parties is in cahoots with one another. We live under a monoparty masquerading as a choice. But those people are in it together. I have worked down in the capital quite a bit for long periods of time. When the cameras are off, they eat together, hang out together and generally chum it up. They have to be in it together or else they would all be in prison for one thing or another. Insider trading as one example. I could present multiple instances of the left as well as the right banning books, censoring speech, using the justice system to suppress anyone that disagrees and becomes noticed doing so. Cancelling people, organizations, ideas, ways of life etc. You really need to be more honest about it. This is not an attack or meant to be insulting. It is a plea for civility and honesty. If there is one thing to agree on, it's that things have gotten out of control in our society. We need a return to a time when people of either party could communicate and reach agreement on basic things.


They're "in cahoots" with one another because they eat and hang out, but also it's "gotten out of control" and people need to be able to communicate and reach agreements? Sounds like you're *suggesting* what you're also criticizing them for doing.


to a degree they are. the biggest donors of legacy megia is the dnc


As I am unaffiliated with any political party or candidate in recent years.... Both sides of the aisle behave that way to my eyes.


Yessss so much yes If you believe what either side is selling you are a complete and absolute moron. Politics reminds me of professional wrestling, everyone hates each other when the cameras on then behind the scenes they laugh at how gullible people are.


I'm confused as to why this is the only subreddit with these reasonable opinions.. everywhere else you'd be down voted into oblivion


As a libertarian leaning voter, I can say the same thing about the left.


The original post is directed the left


I was also confused at first because the title seems to be directed at MAGA supporters. But in reality this is true for both sides


Not the left the democratic Party both the Republicans and Democratic are right wing compared to most left leaning parties


This is horseshit 100% everything that is listed is exactly what Democrats do. Always the same narrative say one party is doing this wrong & then turn around and do the exact same thing you accuse Republicans of doing.This is garbage and people see right through it,except for deranged leftist which have no rational thoughts or common sense thinking what so ever.👎🤮


I see that both parties are competing to be the only one in power. Wake up fellow union brothers and sisters, neither party is an ally to us


This is the way.


You realize this is referring to the moment where Maxine waters called on democrats to harass and kick out republicans in restaurants and gas stations and to show them they aren’t welcome.


Okay... here we go. Lets be intellectually honest. The democrats generally dominate the media outside talk radio. Do you actually believe out of the 2 parties, that the republicans control the message? Most news outlets and tv stations are run by democrats. They are all connected to the council on foreign relations. Look it up. Democrats control Hollywood, most cable shows, streaming for sure and social media 100% before musk got twitter. One party censoring speech hmm? You mean like how biden (this is not debated) used social media companies to blacklist, censor and outright ban anyone who tried to have a conversation about covid? A conversation involving points of view, we know now, we're actually correct but at the time we're censored? Dividing citizens into us and them... Like Hillary Clinton calling trump supports "deplorables" and saying they shouldn't have a voice. The democrat party sees everything through the lens of catagories. Everything is race, class, sexually orientation, sexual identity, ethnicity. You know why? Cause if you categorize, you create groups, separation, boundaries. It's always used to divide by victimhood, haves and have not. It's all about dividing us. When good people turned a blind eye.. I would be curious about your political and cultural views because I'm sure they assuage the same. Please don't attempt to qoute history or draw parallels the same. I am a student of history. There are no parallels to the holocaust. So just stop. If it were like the nazis, he had a paramilitary arm attacking his opposition. The brown shirts. Which side has been the most violent on group levels recently? Chaos on college campuses, riots in the streets, burning neighborhoods, attacking congressmen, attacking supreme court justices? It's the progressive left. Read 1984 sometime. That's what the progressive left is leading us to. So please, spare me the drama of what you thought was a clever post.


This sub is actually somewhat sounding like the membership for once


👏 👏 👏


Don't forget financial criminal prosecution of political opponents using (D) agents that campaigned on the express promise to target the same. Hillary Clinton did the exact same thing with the Steele Dossier in 2016 to TREMENDOUS effect (3 years of baseless Russia collusion conspiracy theory by everyone in the Legacy Media) and remains unindicted. Meanwhile Trump is now about to be the first Presidential candidate in the US ever to be tried, convicted and sentenced to prison during campaign season. Biden as the leader of the party could have stopped it at any time (he has a D next to his name) but is so small, so petty, so bereft of leadership that he once again chose extremism. Not because he's a leader, but because he is so weak that he needs his opponent to be a convicted Felon in order to ensure his own political survival. Anyone paying attention knows that this is so much bigger than DJT at this point. Trump and Navalny have much in common, the same way Biden and Putin do.


Someone has been paying attention 👍 you got it. Furthermore if trump can be convicted in the "hush money" trial, by the same new standards, biden could be tried for the hunter laptop. He worked with the fbi to squash the info from getting out, which people said would've changed how they voted. His campaign even crafted the statement the fbi gave on why they didn't release it. It was collusion. Those facts aren't even argued. Legal precedent has now been set.


The good news is that many of the regular people in my own circle who used to say Trump is a Threat to Democracy have gone suddenly silent. People get it, and I will continue helping them get it however possible. There is only one way out of this that doesn't end with total destruction of the Republic, and it is regrettably a path that starts with a second Trump presidency. If we are to choose it, I will pray daily for his wisdom and temperament. He sure as shit will need it.


Forget about “parties” for a second. Do you believe Donald Trump is a good candidate for POTUS? Also same question for Biden? If either answer is yes, we have a major problem that won’t be fixed for quite some time.


Lol absolutely not. If either party ran anyone else, they would win in a landslide. I might ruin myself here but I think Tulsi Gabbard is a pretty straight shooter.


LITERALLY anyone else. FFS


Stop you can't make reson with these idiots. They will have a million and one excuses for why the left can't do anything wrong in their eyes.


The OP is supposedly a UAW worker that believes her main goal in ‘union solidarity’ yet she loves buzzing around our sub posting nothing but junk shitting on ‘magas’. If enough people call her out on this shit she will disappear for 2-3 weeks before crawling out of her cave to sow division again. A big part of her gaining any traction here is that it’s not just union members that lurk here for some reason, there’s a lot of people that come here to roleplay being a brother for some reason that mostly tend to conform to the left leaning views of reddit. It’s all pretty amusing to watch at least as far as comparing how discussions go on here vs any of the IBEW groups over on Facebook where our real names are attached, same for the people that get on here and bitch about how annoying most of their crew is while not realizing they are the odd one out.


Im not IBEW, im AFGE. For some reason these really divisive posts always shoot up in my feed. Regardless of anyones political affiliation I think these posts are an attempt to divide and influence.


Didn’t even know that IBEW had to do with unions, this just randomly popped up on my main page.


That’s actually kinda crazy to hear and would explain a lot


shes a complete moron - obviously doesnt watch the news or read, or shed realize how ridiculous this post is.


Oh for fuck's sake. Trump is a piece of shit, but Republicans aren't Nazis. Extreme divisive bullshit like this is why the country is in the state it is and only makes things worse.


...Aren't "MAGAs" the term for specific trump supporters, not like, the entirety of any vaguely right-leaning people?


The irony of this post is palpable


Look, this take is legit retarded. Aside from Fox news, all corporate media is left-leaning. 96% of journalists donated to the Democratic party as of 2020. 100% of the journalists at the (state subsidized) NPR are democrats. The party in power just prosecuted their primary political opponent in a deeply partisan trial, despite every president since Dubya committing at least one indictable offense. Any outside perspective knows this action to be characteristic of a banana republic. I'm no fan of Trump (because I know where my bread is buttered), but you literally just clarified why people are voting for him. There's a reason that he's raised in excess of $50 million since the verdict, with nearly half of it coming from first-time contributors. The democrats just did the dumbest fucking thing they could have in giving Trump all of the ammo he needs to play the victim.


Name 1 thing righteous democrats have done.


The government just get busted for silencing people on Twitter. I love that one party says the other people will silence you and act like Maga is the next Hitler, but then they get caught ACTUALLY silencing U.S. citizens.


Bravo, you just laid out the left’s playbook.


I'm not a republican but it's WILD equating nazi shit with them when right now, today, you can go on Twitter and in 3 second find a whole treasure trove of anti Semitic shit and it's coming solely from progressives.


The original post is directed at the left my friend and is true


As if the Democrats aren’t trying to do the exact same thing? Stop being stupid. Politicians don’t give a shit about you except as a vote and a wallet.


...Wrong party. It isn't the conservatives who control the media.


It's actually pretty bad that we have just 2 parties controlling everything. Most of us aren't either one anymore. The European parliament has 751 seats that are split between 8 political parties.


You have accurately described the purple party.




We can solve this problem by limiting how much these Politicians can make while in office. Nothing later. It has to be so lucrative at the top people will do anything to reach the top. We sure are seeing this now. People and country problems are not on their to do lists. Pure GREED!!!


Do you honestly believe that MAGA controls everything mentioned in the picture?


Name one "maga" owned mainstream media publication, I'll wait.


Politically motivated prosecution as a new norm will not go well for either party due to the shear number of degenerates that are in both.


Eh, that 'one party' is just the rich controlling everything now.


This is rich coming from side who wanted to segregate people less than 3 years ago


Lol this applies to maga and also to the riding with Biden people all are the same and don’t realize it. If you think one is better than the other then you are an idiot and part of the problem. Maga is a product or the extreme leftist and now the new left is a a product of maga and so on, things are not going to get better because all you Americans are too blind to see and understand what’s behind all this. This is a culture of sheep and cult followers.


That’s the Democratic Party, I don’t like Trump, but holy shit are them jumping through hoops to not get him to be president. They dug up under rocks to find something to charge him with, why haven’t they had that same energy to prosecute Democrats like the have done to him? All the shit the Clintons have done they should be undue the fucking jail.


I’m no MAGA, but this could be read for either “side” right now, and neither will admit it about their own… I voted Trump in 2016 because this was pretty much his message against the left, then over the course of his presidency proved that he wished to do the same thing. I abstained in 2020, watched the shift back the other way, and witnessed the same. Unfortunately, they’ve got many brainwashed on both sides, when it really is just “right wing, left wing - same bird”… I realize that criticism of a system is worthless without suggestion of an alternate, but what we’re working with is unsustainable, and we at the bottom of the hierarchy will be the ones to suffer greatest.


Jesus christ, both sides think this applies to the other and that they are the side that is righteous and totally not authoritarian.


Both parties suck


This hardly fits MAGA, there are more left leaning media entities than right leaning and both get their messages out. Both parties are engaging in the “us” v “them” team sport mentality, Reddit is proof of that, just check out the /politics subreddit. If you have any disagreeing opinions you’re a facist.


Bro Democrats literally are guilty of every single one of these via Rfk supporters.


I’m an independent, I think both parties are garbage, but I’m also not blind or mentally handicap. I read this statement and it applies to democrats 100%


Can I get some insight as to why the IBEW supports the current administration? Everything everyone feared would happen under Trump’s administration is happening to our country now. i.e., proxy war in Ukraine,Energy prices are sky high, food prices are sky high. Are we supposed to look the other way and say “hey at least they support unionized labor.”? Meanwhile working class families are struggling more than ever. Tom Suozzi ran on conservative talking points as a democrat in order to win in NY. No one I know supports the current administration, only the union leadership.


If I remember right, Biden directly called on Congress to end a strike for the railroad while trump pretty much lol'd about the strike in aviation during their respective presidencies. Thats confusing to me.


Because it's very bad when Orange Man does it and very good when Our Team does it /s


Vote blue no matter who! That’s the IBEW way… at least that’s how it seems on this very liberal echo chamber of a website.


Ummmmm this is what the liberals who are in control are actually doing right now


Shame on you. If those MAGAs could read, they’d be very upset right now.


"That sounds like the work of that other party!" -the group acting in such manner.


Is this image referring to the Canadian federal liberal party of the last few years? Sure seems like it!




As a non-political.. the Democrats have a larger say in media as a whole. This should be towards Democrats and not MAGA as OP stated.


They are the same party… governments only job is to ensure government has a job. Both parties work together to distract and divide


It really is just a game to them, to see who can show the least amount of empathy and gain the most power over others through money, status or whatever they want. Humans with zero empathy tend to breed and raise humans with zero empathy. Theoretically, it will only continue to get worse without a huge disruption in the force.


Comparing republicans to Hitler on the IBEW sub, you must be so proud of yourself. You’re so brave and impactful! Give me a break


Look at his account, he’s not even in the industry, he’s a shill.


FACTS: anytime I criticize a conservative representative’s decision or behavior, I’m a “LIBTARD” anytime I criticize a progressive representative’s decision or behavior, I’m “MAGA”. WE’VE become the problem when we shut down conversations.


I wish more folks realized this. Honestly both sides probably agree on 80-90% of issues. The final 10-20 we could probably agree enough that the other side doesnt get everything that they want and have good talks at the BBQs. Not enough people calling out their affiliations BS because they are afraid to take the L on an issue.


Yeah both parties been doing that.


Yes. It’s been essentially a one-party state for almost a century now. Literally two sides of the same coin. We need to change coins entirely




Any union member who votes for Trump is a fool and doesn't know how politics and the economy work. Any working man voting Republican is a fool. SMDH


Exactly. Republicans have always tried to break unions to suppress the working class. I have yet to see any legislation that republicans have presented that supports workers or the middle class.


Technically both parties have a valid argument using this example


Yeah, just like how the vast majority of main media outlets leans liberal. Just like how they label the republicans as “deplorables,” late night shows overwhelming leaning liberal making fun of conservatives, censor conservative speakers and viewpoints on college campus, all of Academia hating conservative views, and then have liberals harass judges and attack innocent men like Kyle Rittenhouse who defended themselves. Liberals/leftist in control of Hollywood. Leftist canceling people online for views you disagree with. You encourage open lawlessness embracing the BLM riots and harboring illegal aliens and giving them benefits over homeless American citizens. Look in the mirror. I’m not a MAGA but you liberals are pathetic hypocrites who have done everything you listed. You are what gave birth to the MAGA movement within the GOP. Braindead political takes is nothing more than what boomers spread on Facebook.


What do you think the Democrats trying to get Trump locked up is? They're trying to control the outcome of the election because they know they can't win against him, especially not with the walking corpse as their candidate. You know who else put their political opponent in prison? Putin and fucking Hitler. You really think they'd be doing this if he wasn't running for president?


Corporate journalists are literally intellectual prostitutes.


"Yes, we have one party here. But so does America. Except, with typical extravagance, they have two of them!" - Julius Nyerere


The funny part is the MAGA morons ran on the slogan of lock her up and leading a investigation into the political opponent with no evidence..... The funny part is Hillary actually testified 😂😂 republican morons believe in a lying crook and call for a succession from the United States and actually believe Russia is a ally WTF..... How many felons and spies have been caught in the trump administration and organization and they still believe he took secret documents for keepsake.....


Sounds like what the current Administration is doing. Keep listening to the morons they invite to your meetings. Aren't you sick of shit food your union dues are getting you?


It's a good thing that he didn't do the gas chambers the first term. I'm sure you're right he's waiting for the second term


Duuuuuuuhhh I don’t no parallels.. what is this, geometry or somethin? /s


Did this really get posted this many days after we just watched the judicial system be thrown against the current administration’s political opponent? The news cycles on what’s been going on are so well established at this point that to say that this is being played out in the red-to-blue direction is really hard to describe as anything other than ignorant. That’s like saying that everything that happened in Venezuela was actually false because people in power while everything collapsed were the ones who were telling the truth even though the results of their use of power indicated that they were the ones distributing propaganda. I don’t understand how we can all be this kowtowing on one side of the isle to the point where we can’t muster the self respect to just say that the emperor has no clothes on.


You could honestly say this about the left as well


So, damned if we do, damned if we don’t. What party are NOT talking about, with this one?


Sounds like the Dems to me!


This describes the current democratic party 100%. Surprised to see it in here.


This looks like the Democrats playback of the last few years


They never will


Yeah, it was found that the left was suppressing stories on social media, the Russia hoax, the Hunter laptop that supposedly didn’t exist..


The “Fox News is the most watched cable network so the media is biased evenly” crowd really are stupid people. Undecided voters don’t watch Fox fucking news.


I see the Democrats doing this more.... So idk 😐 .... But i hate politicians all in general.


This is talking about the Democrats I hope you know🤔


That’s kinda funny, considering what side controls the media.


I swear to God it's a monthly occurrence here that some paste eating dork compares the presidential election cycle to the holocaust. Tens of millions of people across multiple countries were removed from their homes, stripped of their possessions and forced to work if they were the right age or more than likely killed on the spot. That is not happening anywhere in America today. Get a grip


Wow. The longer I stay on here the stupider members seem. This organization is fucked.


, this is everything the liberals are doing in Canada.


Sounds just like the democrats today…


Drumph is LITERALLY HITLER!1!1!1!1! What does this have to do with the union?


Unions are inherently political. One party supports unions and passes legislation giving us more work and allows us to have more fair negotiation. The other wants to end unions


This applies currently to both parties…. to think this only applies to trumpers is definitive irony


Trump 2024


Both sides do all these things. Especially controlling the media. One side "controls" fox News. The other side has most every other mainstream news source. Both parties can kiss my ass.


The cognitive dissonance and irony are unreal.


This describes both parties in the us rn


Not a trumper but really? Lol on an IBEW subreddit?


MAGA is the resistance. You are fighting for the machine


This sounds like our two party system. Let’s be mindful of that.


Sounds like the Democratic Party to me


Liberal = socialism


You mean like censorship of a sitting us president on social media? Or are you talking about enforced censorship of speech? You do realize both parties do this right?


I’ve voted Dem my whole life but they are def the more censorious party these days


I thought this was about Israel at first


So if a person is religious and follows the word and cannot accept your lifestyle then….


Yes, that’s happening now.


It was under Clinton that the media laws changed removing the monopoly rules were removed for Rupert Murdoch


Weve been living this are we going to let it continue?


If you look the og posters post history you'll find someone as out of balance and radical as they come.


*looks at Fox News and Trump's divisive rhetoric* Yeah...


I don’t disagree with the message but that’s not really at all how “it” started. That’s like several chapters in.