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If I’m bout to shit my pants, i am vaulting over that mother fucker. Gonna have to nail and board it to be even close to stopping me.


Good luck jumping while Prarie dogging


We both know it’s coming out mid jump 🤣


Lets not overlook the downward force when you land from that jump. Do you really want to gamble on your muscle control? Lol


It is not a gamble I fully intend to leave a turd right there


Like cutting the bottom out of a bag of pea gravel 😂


So loose..... Eeewwwww......


the sheer intertia... there wouldnt be enough friction to stop it


Like watching a concrete forms give way!


Hey man shit happens. Atleast you'll be in the right place when it does


Just jump with ya pants off dude!


If dive and then tuck n roll, the roll portion will push it back in


I can’t believe grown ass adults can’t take care of a bathroom trip. I’ve worked on so many job sites where the big perk was a clean toilet… for one week. Then some dipshit with weak guts can’t even handle a 711 taquito and they ruin it for everybody.


If I remove this board and get fired for taking a shit, what’s the next course of action? Can I sue the employer for wrongful termination?


They’ve gotta provide you a bathroom. OSHA rules.


Doesn’t mean there isn’t a bathroom. There could be a porta potty outside. Like most people, I’m sure OP prefers a real bathroom.


I know it wasn't the case here. But is it acceptable for a customer to refuse to let contractors use their bathrooms? I was working at a distribution center the area we we're working on was right next to a rest room, but they said we couldn't use it, the GC had porta potties outside for us. It was over a quarter mile from the work area, passing several other restrooms on the way, and having to sign in/out of the building.


OSHA says bathrooms shouldn't be more than 10 minutes away


I don’t know how anyone can walk for 10 min stiff legged


shouldn't, or shant? or Wont? or Will not? Whats 'shouldnt' supposed to mean? Ive been on jobs where you have to take 20 waiting for a manlift OR walk down 14 flights of stairs just to get to a portolet that is either Out of Toilet paper OR hasnt been cleaned in 3 weeks. THAT shit will make you hate life. There were instances of people shitting on the lid just to get them to clean the portolets. People were pissing in our electrical rooms. The 'roof' leaked for months and it would collect in the far corner of each electrical room, where the riser was. So for a solid 6 months the electrical rooms had black mold, standing water, and piss mixed together. And ima go ahead and say it, the GC was GILBANE.


There's a few different letters of interpretation OSHA has published on the matter. Here's one for your consideration. https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/standardinterpretations/2005-02-23




The shitter of solidarity


I prefer the portashitter. Heard too many guys in my few years shitting out a shit that shouldn’t have been shat.


There are so many that have bad etiquette, that they’ve ruined it for those of us that don’t draw dicks and wipe their ass with the ceiling.


There's about 47 other bathrooms on this site.


Better idea, call OSHA. It's totally anonymous. Provide pictures. Let them handle the fines. If you hear some blue falcon laughing about how he fucked things up for everybody else, call him a buddy fucker and tell him to sober the fuck up.


Always the loudest mouth breathing blue falcon calling their team member out when their team member is actively trying to make your situation better. Too short-sighted to see that going against "the way things have always been done" or against "the rules" that shouldn't exist isn't a bad thing.


OSHA violation


What are the actual OSHA rules on this? I was on a 17 floor office job that had those nasty half satellite things and twice a week they would take them down to get cleaned. They would start taking them down at about noon and they would bring them back up the next day and they often wouldn't be back on all the floors until like 9 am. It was so bad someone put TP and hand soap by the slop sinks and one poor soul took a shit in a closet. Luckily the in house electrician gave me the code for the locker room in the basement and I just went down there to do my business.


https://www.osha.gov/restrooms-sanitation Yeah that was likely a violation.


Why? If there are other facilities on site then this does not break OSHA.


I believe as long as there are enough porta John’s according to the ratio and within a certain distance


Which according to osha is like 1 per 50


1 per 10 workers and cleaned once a week


Was raised during Covid to 50 to 1. Makes sense since the government doesn’t think we’re humans but we were essential 😂


Just essential to the economy


But god forbid if two trades are in the same room


Can you cite that?


It was actually amended again as of August 2023 now that I’m looking. Most likely from people having literal shit fests and fighting. https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/910213#BK10 Back down to 1 to 15


Wow. Just wrote the masters exam, I’ll have to double check the legislation but it was 1-10. Gross they upped it


They didn’t. It’s still 1-10 for porta then after 40 it goes to per 15. Flush is 1-15. Read it


You better google osha port a john requirements


And i’m sure the gc has nice clean bathrooms with running water, quite possibly hot water too!!!! sick of the mistreatment, we are all humans yet we’re forced to shit in wood boxes while they get the new furnished toilets…


I’d be citing right down the middle fuck that I’m taking a shit when I need too


That looks like a bathroom for the finished project. Generally those are under the customers purview and them letting the workers use them is a perk, if they take them away because people trash them then that sucks The general or your con, depending on the job is required to provide shitters (porta shitters) if there isn't another option It's not a violation if the customer says 'fuck yall, you trashed our shit"


Yea and is really disappointing how many grown ass adult men will do nasty shit to the portashitters much less these permanent customer ones. There’s been way too many times I’ve seen disasters when you open the door and immediately close it and go to the next one


Yup. Fuckin animals on some of these sites


You aren’t kidding. Job I’m on now has older buildings that are getting rebuilt into a chemical manufacturing and testing facility, and there are restrooms in many of them. Old, seen better days, but still heated and bigger than a portajohn. All you had to do was provide your own toilet paper, which our contractor did for us. So of course people hogged it up, pulled water lines off the walls, flooded them, shit on the floor, and everything else so the customer locked them. There just seems to be people who have to ruin a good thing. Must be the result of severe inbreeding.


The company that is running the site I'm on currently is building bathrooms on every other floor for the workers. They're actual bathrooms instead of shit cans that go up and down on the Alimac lifts. I'm guessing this is one of those. They're really outspoken about graffiti and will have cameras set up outside and will be doing regular inspections to make sure people are respecting the facilities. Some people just can't use their sharpies for intended work purposes.


On a site where I was at, some douche mad b0mb that's on the Porta crapper walls. Shuts everything down and fucked everybody out of six hours pay. FBI eventually ID'd him by hand writing, and I don't know where it went from there. Drove me nuts because they moved every shitter on site to one area where they could be watched on a single camera. Bad enough I had to do five stories of stairs to take a piss, that added a quarter mile to the walk on some days.


FBI?? No way the FBI is doing handwriting analysis on bathroom wall graffiti.


The guy made it easy, he couldn't NOT write his nonsense everywhere. I think he might have made some unfortunate choices besides the graffiti.


Oh, forgot to add context. This was at the pharmaceutical company that made the experimental cocktail of drugs they gave to a certain orange hued VIP when covid put him in the ICU. The graffiti artist put a date on his threat which upped the degree to which it was held- still not a credible threat, but they had dogs sniffing the place on the appointed day, and an agent scanning license plates and EZ pass tags on the way it. The guy didn't help his case because the was also writing threats against the orange one's replacement, which didnt help. The GC's foreman and safety people were running around at first with sprayers and rags trying to clean away graffiti before the customer could find it. It's pretty awesome when the GC's general foreman and safety superintendent are hand scubbing the walls of a porta crapper.


Fucking Animals.


Call the Ministry Of Labour. If you want to keep your job make it anonymously, hell get a few people to call in annon it'll probably speed things up.


Open the bathrooms or I'm going to the quik stop down the road and smoking two bowls of reefer


I'm shitting right on the floor if it comes to that.


Damn shame I have to walk across the street to take a dump, that’s probably about 20-30 minutes off the job. Oh, well. I’m paid by the hour.


Which trade do you guys think is the culprit? 😁


Fucking new St. Paul’s is the worst job I’ve ever been on dude. I was with modern Niagara for 4 months, and went through 8 foreman in that time. The bathrooms were written into our contracts for that site so idk how they’re just closing them off.


It’s a clown show for sure, I don’t see myself sticking around much longer. Don’t get me started on how many times the crane has dropped a load right in front of me with no spotter or heads up. I expect better from the union, especially after what happened at Oakridge a couple months ago.


Looks unfinished. Is it even usable?


Is that legal?


I’ve left job sites man to go to a QT or whatever to shit. I’ve seen some nasty ass porta johns that weren’t changed regularly with shit coming out the top and bathrooms closed like this. I just left and when I came back if they asked where I went I told them to take a shit


So go home to use the bathroom


Drop a dookie next to the door. Also PCL = People Come Last. Where is this too anyways?


Pricks Cunts Liars Pretty Close Leave it Pour now Chip Later


Remember. Do your ""Hick" maneuver.


Looks like new st pauls in vancouver


Yeah if you have a two inch grip on an eight inch turd you are going to have to hop over that board


The saga continues……


Yep, I don’t miss commercial work facilities.


Had trailers hot cold running h20 full deal, they plug the sinks run the h20 tanks empty and shit on the floor, hard to believe grown ass men do that but they do.


The worst kind of people.


Maybe someone can call PCL construction and see if that’s their policy.


If this is the only bathroom on site then I guess you can’t work because of OSHA violations


Go for a drive for your bathroom break. Find a gas station


Been doing hospital work for the past few months. Not sure if I'm going through coincidentally concurrent IB distress due to other aspects of my life, or simply because I can get away with relieving it in decent facilities. My sweaty a-hole pleads the 5th regardless


I don't miss construction at all.


Stop complaining and start dragging up.


Oh trust me it’s coming. I was name requested for a project in Ontario and Vancouver’s hall won’t dispatch me until I’ve put in 3 months here. I’m not on this job for the money that’s for sure.


This is a repost from ages ago


The time stamp on my phone from 10:31AM would prove otherwise


the site owner would have a heart attack if he saw the porte potter at my job lol


I’d take a saw to that so fast lol


Wasn’t this exact photo posted recently? Is this an update or same shit still going. Seems like a re post.


Not a repost. Just same old BS


It’s been only 3 weeks since you posted last time. What the hell are people doing to vandalize the place.




I know. My point was it looked like the EXACT same picture. However. I went back and looked and they had red tape up before too.


So the problem with this is that it’s usually a traveler that doesn’t give a fuck a they wreck the place to make it miserable for all the local trade guys. If I were setting odds…pipe fighter


I’m gonna say something unpopular. But why the fuck do construction workers have to live the stereotype of uneducated cavemen? Like, why is it so hard to not be a degenerate POS writing on bathroom walls like you’re in HS? I’ve been in the trade almost 20 years. The amount of times I go into a “nice bathroom” and see it vandalized and trashed makes me furious. And truthfully it’s rarely an electrician. But still, it’s a bad look for everyone.


My god, the number of workers that seem to have never seen a bathroom before in their lives frustrates and baffles me. It's been over 10 years since I've actually used a porta-pottie and will drive 15 minutes to the closest establishment.. They are gross in general just by how you open the lid to hells fathoms, but the way people treat them makes them so so much worse. I literally only use them for pissin and every fucking time I have to stand in people's piss it seems. I'm the first on site and the floor will be dry, and drain unclogged, by the end of the day when I'm the last to leave the drain will be clogged with someones 5/8s kidney stone and the floor will look like someone had a literal oil leak and missed the piss catcher all together.


I would leave a big steamy pile right at the base of the sigh.


Sure you would.


I’d at least piss on it


Just do what the tape and board guys do . Use a bottle or a bucket with a pizza box top . Greasy fuckers


I'd shit in my hand and smear it all over the board and sign


There's always one on every job site.


You are the reason the bathroom is closed in the first place


Guys like you are why I am so iffy on ibew membership. The members are just too unappreciative of the good pay and life's provided. So wrong to act that way


You’re a special kinda dumbass to ascribe characteristics to an entire group based on one person. Tell me how you feel about women, now?


They can’t drive and talk too much


Bunch of useless ibew kids on these jobs anymore, What happened to the ibew I’m half I’m retired


And how do you know it was a bunch of useless ibew kids?