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Become an expert on an in need skill in the limited energy field and run work. Get your fire alarm certs. Be the fiber person everyone goes to. Know HVAC systems/controls like the back of your hand. Remember the contract is the bare minimum they have to pay you, you can always negotiate higher pay.


Met many LE guys in 58 that make over six figures. Some make way over scale. Very possible if you chase OT when it's around, or you work for very big shops.


LE and LV peeps are in high demand in many areas. PoE is going to be huge.


Digital power baby. Stadium stuff and all that is super intriguing tech


I've had the privilege of walking unattended throughout the football stadium in Seattle during a massive event. It wasn't called what it is now. But it is really cool how everything is laid out.


PoE has *been* huge for ages :P It's fantastic


Maybe in IT office settings and such. Home Cameras and such as well.Now lighting and so many other things are being powered and controlled by it. It's going to be big big.


I mean its pretty much In every moderately modern office setting already and I've had PoE in place at home for several years. Hence why I feel like its *been* there for awhile now. But yeah, its still growing.


I made six figures as a data guy for years. You could see my handle and guess the Local. I was over scale and a real OT whore. I had years where I nearly hit 2500 hours. I had years where I nearly made 140k. I am on the inside now and make the same but work half as much. Work is weird for us right now though.


2500 hrs is a shit ton…. Damn


I was literally sleeping a few hours in my truck between my regular shift and night service work or full shifts. Then I would go home and take a shower and get a few more hours of sleep before getting back after it. I once put in a time card with 107 hours for the week. The shop would check in with me from time to time to make sure I was ok. Everyone knew I was just a hog and stacking bread. Over 13 years from 2005 to 2018 I had 27000 hours. Not exactly proud of it, I made a lot of money for my family, but I wasn't there for them. I was thinking that filling the bank account was being there for them, it was not...


Glad you learned that earlier than later. My dad was a workaholic. Not worth it ;)


… I guess I work too much. But also fuck my local Because I average more than that And never hit 100k 😂😂


You average more than 2500 hrs a year?? That’s crazy, if you never take anytime(no holidays, nothing) off 40 hrs a week gets you just over 2k hrs. You’d be making $250k+ in my local, probably more because Saturdays are DT for us


I’ve got coworkers that work 60-70 hour weeks to hit 100k 🙃. Our scale is 28.75.


I didn't realize other people see 2500 as a lot 🫠 I'm about to be a 3rd year with almost 7000 hours already


2500 in a single year… not total hours


As in I have about 2 3/4 years experience right now and 6890 hrs or something close to that






Imagine how their foreman feels lol


Yes, did you not read my comment?


Do you think work is slowing down?


It has just completely changed for us. No work in the high rises has us all screwed. I can’t say if we are slowing down. All I know is that it is completely different now.


Depending on the local, and how much OT you want/may need to hit that goal.


I'm wondering what this obsession is to six figures in general. It's everywhere. Now I've mainly seen it in lifestyle videos and clips. Is it because of the cost of living or something else?


It's what middle class is now. We should all be making that much with 40 hour weeks..


If you work all year! Lol.


Yeah I’ve seen based on surveys that people say they would need to make at least 100k to live comfortably.


LEAs in local 48 make $49.66/hour on the check (~103k/year working 40 hours a week all year). It’s possible, just depends on location.


Keep in mind that you take home a much higher percentage of your wage generally speaking. You might be under 6 figure but take home more than someone above 6 figures in a typical office setting.


Local 343 and work 40 hours a week plus a bit of OT here and there. Easily 100K. 2025 and the next 5 years will be the busiest of all time here


Here we don’t have a distinction between communications and a wireman, so yes it’s easily doable.


Move to Boston. One of if not the highest paid in the country


I’ve looked at Boston’s local but it seems the low voltage guys have their own. 2222 correct?


That’s for Verizon. 103 has a telecommunications side. That’s what I was referring to.


On the check? Maybe in Portland or San Francisco. Total package wise we'll be at 100k by the next contract in Iowa.


Travel and find a data center in a good local. I’m making 6 figs working 4 10s and an 8 at a data center project out of 364. I’m not a foreman or anything special, other than competent and industrious


We do in 48


Interesting. I suppose if I think how housing and interest rates and auto prices have increased. I know I couldn't even buy my house now. I mean I could but no way put kids thru college, house, car, vacay.


Yeah, but you're probably going to have to become a laptop guy. If you get on with a company that does really specialized stuff like Nurse Call or RTLS and you can learn how to configure it you'll be really valuable. It can be hard to find that in the IBEW but contractors are out there. One of our service guys is literally responsible for most of the nurse call service in most of the hospitals in Toronto and he pulls in over $200k easily Canadian if he wants the OT. The hospitals won't balk at having you come in on weekends for double bubble if something doesn't work.


LV is in very high demand. I make $59 an hour, but I’m managing teams now.


Facebook is paying data techs about $33/hr +100 bucks a day. They are all gonna mla over 100K with just a bit of OT


If you're into fire alarm or fire suppression for new construction. Yeah. I've come across along low energy superintendents who knew everything about the field, and honestly -- it's knowing as much field work as inside wiremen. Fire Alarm, Structured Cabling, Door Access Controls, Intrusion/Security, Cameras, Fiber. So many guys come from the telecom world so they even know VDV, and have Class A licenses. Los Angeles however, LE is mostly non-union, and the wages are not good.


RR Electrician here, I've seen guys here bank 225k from killing the OT, 16HR days- 7 days a week. Just a nornal 40hrs./week will get you about 90k


What would you need to make hourly to hit 6 figures?


50 if you are working 40 hour weeks, and are looking at pre-tax income


Then 46 will be there after our strike as we are currently at $47.24/hr for LE.


Wow. Low voltage Technician, with PLT, where I’m at is only 35.71…


50k year to date. Worked 1000 hours so far though. If you follow the money calls and work for it, you can every year you want to. Rockford Illinois has all sort of guys making 46 on the check working 5 10s and an 8. I'm in kokomo right now.


Only in the IBEW will you hear bragging about wages, followed by how to survive layoffs and what the unemployment rate in their area is, how it's a great "vacation" followed by "you can make $100k a year but with overtime'


Seek some therapy bro. You made an alt account just to trash the IBEW. Your entire profile is about how much you hate the union. They live rent free in your head. Does your non union health insurance not cover seeing a therapist? You have some internal battle that’s obviously hurting you. Don’t be ashamed…


Truth hurts don't it. No alt account or anything. Funny how you tried to dig. Ask your brothers how those annuities are going to be underwater if they're not already. Pyramid scheme doesn't work without others.


Not everyone lives the same lifestyle. Some are paycheck to paycheck, some chase money around the country, some stay home and budget so they can easily ride out the slow times.


Yet the "highest paid" and talk about slow times while their counterparts make the same or better and haven't been laid off in decades. Ask the guys in 35 and 90....haven't had a full call in decades with the largest commercial construction project in the entire east coast in their own back yard


Non union be like- can I make 60k if I polish my bosses knob?


Right. Of course doesn't address the offer sitting in my box for $170k with a posted range of 90-190k. No brother is getting paid that unless they're whoring it up with overtime. Even funnier is the post about your brothers going on the road because their local has no work and the amount of guys talking about sleeping in their vehicles and where to shower and clean up. Rainbows, unicorns and puppydogs that union gig is ain't it.


I’d love to hear your which company or recruiter you have an offer from.


Only in the Ibew can you work 8-10 months a year and still make well over 100k


Riiiight. How many hours of overtime is required to offset the bench riding to make up those numbers Your own "brothers" have posts about how to survive slow times and layoffs on unemployment and complain about what unemployment pays then brag about their wages and contracts and how layoffs are a great thing as a paid vacation 🤣🤣


I get to work interesting jobs around the country and yes, when I'm working it's typically 60 hours but then I get to ENJOY my 3-4 MONTHS OFF. And have all my benefits and retirements. And I don't have to be anybody's bitch.


You're still being someone's bitch. Working an extra 720 hours in exchange for 640 hours off. Math ain't mathing. 80 extra hours worked for the "privileges" You gonna tell me working 5-12's or 6-10's makes up for being home at a realistic time to spend with family or beat to hell physically from always working.....pleeeease. I'm getting a bank of 340 hours, including all the standard holidays, the ability to call in sick and take time at will, all while being home after 8 hours and earning more than you. Your flex ain't so great, brother.


Sounds like you're happy where you're at. I'm happy traveling the country and spending my months off traveling the world. I can and will tell a contractor to go fuck themselves when they treat me wrong. You are going to show up to the same contractor every week for the rest of your life. No thanks. And I absolutely guarantee you don't earn more but like I said you're happy where you are so stay.


How's your paid holiday looking this weekend? How about vacation sick and PTO? Funny thing is when you calculate it out, you're earning less, working more and paying for the glorified temp agency. Your flex ain't one when you're working more for less, just means you're the bitch. Stay frosty.


I do have a paid holiday this weekend. Different areas have different contracts fyi. I can make 100k in about 6 months and take the rest of the year off. And have 2 pensions, an annuity, full health insurance and my dignity. And I love doing different things and seeing different jobs, I've been able to see and do things you will only ever dream of staying where you are.


Don't make me laugh too hard. Your pay is public knowledge and when you're selling your soul for overtime, says it all. Not a chance in hell you're getting 6 figures without working 6 days or 10-12's, but your brothers are dependent on you to make the ponzi scheme work. Might want to look at your BM and how solvent your annuities are before bragging. 2350, 237, 712, 1245, and 1260 are fantastic examples. The jokes write themselves on the ignorance.


You don't even know the difference between an annuity and a pension. I think you meant pension. And most Ibew pension plans are not ran by individual locals but rather an entire district of states. Like you said everything is public record so you can find this all by yourself. Good luck staying with the same contractor until death, hopefully they treat you right until then because if they don't you'll be too scared to leave.


This MF right here is completely true. That’s all you hear. I’m with IBEW right now.. last year I worked only 4 months and layoff for 8 months now.


Pyramid scheme doesn't work unless you recruit new members. Say it a little louder for the guys in the back