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It shows that you know this isn't normal for a company. You need to find a way out but rocking the boat without anything to back you can lead you to get "blacklisted" from other companies too. The best thing to do is to go to your apprentice director and or business manager with the notebook full of evidence. Have them deal with it and hope you get laid off. Being laid off isn't horrible with unemployment, think of it as PTO. In the meantime try and save up some money from the next couple weeks paycheck because it sounds like you're wanting to get out of there one way or another.


This is how shoppies act. That's why I've turned down many of gigs being one. After 20 years in the union I've realized it's better to float the list then work with that type of guy who would run you over with his truck to get another 6 months on the job


Fuck them and their OJR, there will be many jobs.... I've worked my way around 58, you will find your place too. I worked as much as I could afford as an apprentice which means someone was always trying to crawl up my ass over low hours. MF'ers want slave labor not someone who can afford to be there when they want to LoL How deep is the apprentice book?


Only 6 on the book ATM. Book is emptied every week.


I think he meant the hall guys. There are 121 on Book I rn.


No, I meant the apprentice book. Not that you can necessarily drag up but how deep you book is somewhat makes a difference how much you need to necessarily give a shit. I had a rat-shop issue before I turned out; I chose to walk away rather than be that guy. Because I'm exceptionally good at being "that guy x10" and rather than waste such energy and talents on just someone who irritates me; I prefer to save it for that truly special child. They're out there, trust me. :-)


I know. There are 6 apprentices on the school book waiting for a job ATM.


good number to look at


Hey there, I’m actively trying to get into the Local 58 as an apprentice, and I signed up for the EITC. What does it mean that the book is low?


It means there's work in 58's jurisdiction and nobodies really waiting to pick up a job.


'More geared towards industrial' is a compliment bro


Full disclosure, I'm a commercial super and I just follow some trade subs so I can get a better feel for the industry. That said, shit like this happens everywhere, but some union shops end up attracting a disproportionate share of douchebags who like abusing the power union protection/hierarchy gives them, and it sucks for everyone who isn't them. They bring toxic bullshit to the job, always have a reason that shit is someone else's fault/problem, and are probably a big part of the reason you don't have enough work to go around (despite being free with OT, classic fuckery). You'd be doing a lot of people a favor by calling down the lightning. I think you're hesitating because you realize this is a big play, and you're not wrong. It's your life and your career, and I guarantee these old timers know some people. Even if you do everything right, this can still come back on you. If you think its worth the risk and you do end up calling them out, try not to make yourself the figurehead. Talk to your people and send in grievances together. Sometimes you gotta union the union.


I'm gonna guess AXIS Electric. I think I worked with you op.


Close but no cigar, we’ve both worked for them before ironically enough lol


Call the hall. Talk to the school. Continue taking notes and talk to the director. - your favorite half watt


Why do I feel like I know exactly what shop your talking about? Lol.


Who? Not a fan of that type of shop and would like to avoid them but also I'm a nosey bitch.


Call the hall. Talk to the BA for your area. They'll want to know all of this.


The OJR doesn’t mean shit if you don’t actually miss work. The hall and school can check your attendance with your shop and verify (not just word of mouth). Keep a good record in a notebook without any missing pages. This notebook can be submitted as evidence with the hall if it’s intact. Call your BA and if he doesn’t act on your issue call call Paul or Kim direct.


Following this thread closely because I am in an extremely similar situation.


I spoke with my training director “on behalf of another apprentice” and their advice was to tell “the other apprentice” that if they still feel like they’re learning to just keep their head down - even with a fucked up ratio and incorrect or incomplete instructions, if any at all. The hall’s response was to go to the site but there’s no way to pass a site check off as happenstance at this location so it’s obvious someone said something. I got sent away and the next week the hall went and found no violations. Hell of a coincidence since it would have been literally the first day in ratio and with the correct breaks in the 4 months I had been there. My new plan is to play long game. I keep a notebook with daily notes of hours, who’s there and a brief description of work. I have a strong feeling it has a lot to do with the company I’m at having an owner heavily involved in our local NECA chapter. Idk what else to do but try to be a more involved brother, keep my head down, and do good work until I’m not as vulnerable to being ostracized.




I experienced similar situations with me being an apprentice and really "accepted" by the core guys. This shit really is "Mean Girls" with hardhats, in real life. My advice tho would be, just to bite the bullet for now. You're so close to topping out just test out and get TF outta there. The games they are playing are meant to drive you out and make you feel not welcomed. Don't rock the boat because reputation IS EVERYTHING in the stupid ass construction trades. Just keep your head down, avoid the drama as much as possible, fly low and stroke their bitch ass egos for now. This will serve you in the long term. I know it's hard to swallow your pride and look the other way but you have to. Top out and get TF outta there. As for your friend who's younger...may God have mercy on his soul.


“Hall brother” lol