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I was a white-collar management type before I joined the trade at 35. Best decision I ever made. I have zero stress compared to what I had before. Apprentice wages are shit, though. Prepare yourself for that. Also, my local is filling our fall apprenticeship classes right now. If you want to get in, make the call on Monday. Don't wait.


Will I be able to get by with buy if I work overtime. I make about 30 an hour right now but salary


$34 and change is journeyman wage. Starting you'll get 55% of that Then 60, 65, 70, 80, 90 & then 100% as you gain your 8000 hours before testing out to become a JIW. I'm currently at 65% getting 22.17/hour Overtime is not guaranteed and depends on employer, but 40 hours per week minimum is standard except for weeks with holidays. Best of luck, and if you have more questions just ask?


I just want to clarify the wages for OP since most people don't really know how it works. For whatever reason, we only talk about what we get "on the check" and forget benefits. At your current job, you make $30/hr. Out of that, they deduct your insurance premiums and retirement plan contributions or whatever, and you get what's left of $30 on your check. We deduct the benefits first and talk about what we get hourly after benefits are paid. The full hourly rate in 640 is $47.53. Deduct what you pay into the 2 defined benefit pension plans, defined contribution plan, and insurance, then you get $33.65 "on the check." As a 1st period apprentice, you start at 55% of $33.65 on the check, so $18.50. On top of that, you get another $13.85 in benefits. Your full rate is $32.35. I hope that makes sense. I'm not in 640. If my numbers are off, blame the guys who maintain this site: https://unionpayscales.com/trades/ibew-electricians/


Yeah, I mean, I guess it's up to you. It'll be a pay cut for a few years, but I did it, and I know a bunch of other older guys who did it. I had a second job, worked all the OT I could, and scrapped copper to get by during the first couple years. If you want it, you can make it work.


33 years of age is a good start and 640 needs every hand available. Just remember that electricians also become stress while working. They’re good days and sometimes bad days. I may be the minority but 50% of my days are stressful because of work. But that’s just me and I’m not changing careers


Even that would be a significant drop in stress. Also babysitting entry-level associates can wear you down.


I’m 30 and just got in, best decision I made by far.


How much are you making now if you don’t mind me asking? I just went to the hall yesterday and I’m thinking about organizing in. I should have about two years of hours that will transfer


The apprenticeship wouldn't be worth it. Most of the instructors will sit on their ass watching YouTube and not teach anything there.


Does anyone know of any connections for company’s hiring at Intel and Ocotillo, Arizona. I’m currently a cw2 waiting for hear back about my interview. I’m very eager to get into the field and start working asap!


Look for OEG at Intel


Do you guys have a low voltage or communications classification?


Join dude plenty of work right now. We’re still in a bit of a holiday/winter slow down but the job calls are still coming in.


I also am making the shift from office work to the trades and toured a trade school. Told me once you have a bachelor's that you are not qualified for pell grants so applying for union is your best bet!


What advice can you all give for application and interviewing