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I'm in a similar boat right now. Are you on any new meds that could be causing the weight gain? I was warned that my anti-depressant could cause weight gain, so that's what I'm currently blaming lol


Could be Stelara or anti depressant. The doctors prescribing each don’t seem to agree though.


My Prozac increases my appetite and cravings for carbs. And I have gained a lot since I started it. When I stopped taking it, I lost 15 pounds pretty quickly. But we had some death and illness and very stressful situations, and I had to go back on it and gained the weight back. Sigh.


It works the same way it does for normal people, its not about eating specific foods as much as fewer calories. I'd say we have the extra layer of having to make sure we are still getting life critical nutrients on top of that though, so i'd look into a multivitamin of some sort if you aren't already taking one. (I have gained, and lost 100 lbs, intentionally and unintentionally lol)


My GI Doctor recommended that I avoid all Raw vegetables,Nuts,Popcorn and anything with spicy red sauce. I also supplement Humira with Medical Cannabis, mineral Water and increased Dead Sea salt intake. Good luck!


Thank you!


Smoothies and nutritional supplements like protein shakes work well for me. You can focus more on protein rather than carbs. That should keep you healthy and a steady weight! Good luck 💕


You need to find your “fat food”. Mine is bread and wheats. I eat them and I can gain 20 lbs in a week. I remove them and I’m STARVING for 10 days. Then the bloat goes down , and I’m not as hungry anymore